At 6/4/09 04:54 PM, Corky52 wrote:
After thinking about it a little bit today I've decided that I'm going to try and make puddin's story into flash. They would have to be sprites because that's all I can do, but I was wondering if some people would want to help out?
An artist for backgrounds, buildings, etc.. Simple things like that.
So I'm going to start with a introduction flash. Just kind of giving a run down on all of the characters and what the newgrounds world is like. So whoever wants to be in the introduction flash you can message me or leave a post here with a bio about yourself. I'll probably play around with the bio a little bit.:
Whoever helps out will be coauthored if they wish. If too many people take part in it then they'll take turns getting coauthored on each submission. I'll try to make it fair as possible.
Big question.. Mortal Kombat sprites or Metal Slug sprites? If you have another idea for the sprites then go ahead and suggest it.
I could do some backgrounds on my computer. About the sprites, I suggest some of the following:
Super Smash Bros.
Famous rock star sprites if you can find 'em (Scorpions, Twisted Sister, Van Halen, Iron Maiden, and the like)
Yu-Gi-Oh! and Yu-Gi-Oh! GX(?)
About the intro, I might be able to do something. Check this:
Howdy, welcome to NewGrounds, the name's SlntCobra1. I'll be the tour guide, so just sit back and relax. We have an extensive amount of flashes coming through the Flash portal every day and numerous audio tracks coming in through the Audio portal every day as well. The purple flashes are currently under judgment, those that have no color just mean that they have passed. Those with the blue aura have an awesome score. The green aura is a great score. Here at NewGrounds(will now be hereafter referred to as NG), we have a scoring system out of a total of 5.00. I may have been around a while, but you can get more info from some of the "higher-ups" if you will about how the scoring works.
The color thing is not applied in the audio portal however, I don't know why though. Anyway, this entire city was built from the ground up by the mind of Tom Fulp during the early'90s. If you want, you check out the full history at the library and look for NG History. Anyway, this city has plenty of tings to keep you busy, we have forums(not sure how to turn that into the city format), we have clubs, we have the NG Sig Makers, the NGPD(NG Police Department), EGB(Elite Guard Barracks), NGDD(NG Department of Defense), we also have a NG Wal-Mart which sells shirts, keychains, sketch books, bobble heads, tons of stuff. The NG Theater has tons of great spoofs of video games, movies, TV shows, anything really.
That's all I feel like typing for now, but feel free to add if you like.
my hands are getting tired. lmao, that's about as much as I have ever typed in one sitting.