Yes, both of you have been validated. The EGB forums require manual admin validation for security, but I get e-mail notifications whenever someone signs up, so I usually handle them pretty quickly.
Yes, both of you have been validated. The EGB forums require manual admin validation for security, but I get e-mail notifications whenever someone signs up, so I usually handle them pretty quickly.
would that constitute as malicious? It's pure advertising.
At 4/22/09 07:39 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: 2629
would that constitute as malicious? It's pure advertising.
At the very least it constitutes stealing, which is what I whistled for.
Thanks, normally I would've whistled it, but mine is shit. Though I did blow it earlier and I got a notification saying I blew it successfully, if my whistle is shit, how did I blow it successfully?
At 4/22/09 07:54 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Thanks, normally I would've whistled it, but mine is shit. Though I did blow it earlier and I got a notification saying I blew it successfully, if my whistle is shit, how did I blow it successfully?
you still can earn and lose whistle points, so you get counted for blowing that, but it doesn't actually do anything to whistle the flash.
At 4/22/09 07:54 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Thanks, normally I would've whistled it, but mine is shit. Though I did blow it earlier and I got a notification saying I blew it successfully, if my whistle is shit, how did I blow it successfully?
You seem very confused On how to use the whistle system. So i will link you to the "Advanced Barracks FAQ 2: Whistling, All about whistles!" it has everything you need on how to flag reviews and flash submissions. I think this could really help you.
At 4/22/09 05:59 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: oSo if someone has links to abusive reviews that they KNOW are abusive,
You are cute you know that? Still angry over the fact you can't read correctly?
would that count as malicious or not? I have a feeling it wouldn't but the name kinda sticks out.
At 4/22/09 08:02 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: thanks.
also: 2634
would that count as malicious or not? I have a feeling it wouldn't but the name kinda sticks out.
Well not really because it is just a very shity flash in general. It is just a flashing screen with some sprites moving in a loop. A submission is only malicious if it links to other sites or causes your computer to crash. Not the case for this just vote what you think it deserves, i thought it should get a zero.
At 4/22/09 08:02 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: 2634
would that count as malicious or not? I have a feeling it wouldn't but the name kinda sticks out.
I don't think flashing lights should be flagged, and after all there IS a warning (in the title). It's just crap, vote and move one ;)
At 4/22/09 08:02 PM, KrevZabijak wrote:At 4/22/09 05:59 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: oSo if someone has links to abusive reviews that they KNOW are abusive,You are cute you know that? Still angry over the fact you can't read correctly?
Thanks. That makes me feel much better. I can be much cuter if'n you want me to. ^_^
Thank you SlashFirestorm for your post I very much like to take on the duty in the EGB forums, for keeping track of possible stolen flashes and the authors who submit them. I think its a good idea as often stolen flashes I link don't always get noticed. I do bookmark the page but its a cool idea. I do find I'm a little wary of sending them a PM but I would like to try anyway. Congrats to rohanthebarbarian on his new role I'm sure you will do a good job. I have not seen what been happening in NGPD but it would be terrible if it got locked. As for helping people with bad whistles I'm always looking for bad reviews and flagging maybe I could help out there.
Cobra! Come on! Got something for ya!
Trust me, it's really stolen. Really!
And now it's under admin review.
I'm going to start collecting admin review links and date them in bookmarks, I wonder how that works. 3 total so far.. If they get cleared, do other users get a notification?
At 4/22/09 10:32 PM, KrevZabijak wrote: And now it's under admin review.
I'm going to start collecting admin review links and date them in bookmarks, I wonder how that works. 3 total so far.. If they get cleared, do other users get a notification?
you don't get a notification...
it's just deleted, just the author is informed about it
the only notification you could see is if your whistle lvl up
well, i have being kinda absent
had being a long and hard week at the university
i just want you say, that i support you Slash, our new Leader(well, now OfficialLeader)
Newgrounds hasn't been on my to do list lately. Just signing on and depositing pretty much. I do have some real life news and newgrounds related news though.
I was hired for a tutor/counseling job for the summer down here at college. It makes me happy as I haven't had a job in awhile and money in college is always a good thing. I also had a presentation today in a class, in which I needed to get a 100 percent on to pass the class. I think I did very well *knock on wood*, but I'm not sure if I got the 100 percent. We'll see in a day or two. D:
For newgrounds related news, Tom was kind enough to upgrade my upload limit to 20 MB. That's great because I'm sure I'm going to end up submitting something over 10 MB here in the future.
Protecting the portal like usual. Nothing much else though. Real life > Newgrounds now and probably going to be more and more like that.
ripped from nickolodian (spelling?), the kid's cartoon t.v. station, the logo is badly edited. also re-submitted.
At 4/22/09 11:38 PM, TheSongSalad wrote: ripped from nickolodian (spelling?), the kid's cartoon t.v. station, the logo is badly edited. also re-submitted. 2666
Honestly, I just don't get these people, I mean, ripping something from Nickelodeon of all places? How idiotic. It's effectively the flash equivalent of stealing the Mona Lisa and submitting it as part of your art portfolio, with so many people being acquainted with it, it;s not going to work out.
Also, what the hell is up with all these Nick vids being uploaded all of a sudden? This must be the third or fourth one in the last week or two.
Well done KrevZabijak on your new Sergent badge I got that badge ages ago. Now Chris Beer aka Creeb has submitted a stolen game he usually only submits garbage spam so how this passed I will link it.
Stolen from here
I will Pm Tom Fulp this guy never quits more trash passing.
At 4/23/09 06:34 AM, phantomlassuk wrote: Well done KrevZabijak on your new Sergent badge I got that badge ages ago. Now Chris Beer aka Creeb has submitted a stolen game he usually only submits garbage spam so how this passed I will link it. 2560
Stolen from here
I will Pm Tom Fulp this guy never quits more trash passing.
Shit sorry it looks like this is legit here is the actual author and if you see his website is hornygamer. But what I found odd was why he was co authored with Chris Beer.
I think that, on rare occasions, someone honestly mistakes the purpose of Newgrounds and assumes we're one of the countless (thieving) websites that just look around the internet and take whatever they see. Most of the admitted thieves ("I didn't make this") probably are misguided and failed to read the rules of Newgrounds before uploading.
Still, they deserve no mercy and should have the shit whistled out of them.
My agenda for today is to set up the suspected rulebreaking flash list in the EGB forums and perhaps get the abusive review thread a little more wieldy. We've still got open slots for Review Violations Officer (waiting a bit on that one) and NGDD Liaison (yes, that's how you spell it), too.
I have created the Portal Violations List. phantomlassuk has mod access to the watchlist section of our forums and can edit the thread as she sees fit.
The first post should be the list, so just edit and add anything that we end up reporting (wait until it passes judgment and has been reported to Wade). If anyone has information about a flash, such as communicating with the suspected true author and confirming that it's been stolen, post those findings in the thread so we can use it when we sweep the list.
We need to develop a timetable for when to sweep the list, as well as for other Barracks business. I was thinking that we could just use the season changes to make it easy to remember, settling with March 23, June 23, September 23, and December 23 instead of dealing with all the 20/21 stuff. Roster rollcalls and officer checks will be done twice a year (March and September) and things like the list sweep will be done four times a year. Should make things relatively simple.
At 4/23/09 08:31 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Still, they deserve no mercy and should have the shit whistled out of them.
That's funny as hell Slash. Instant classic joke. No kiddin' that should be used in a flash somewhere. That would get awesome reviews.
Unpublished Submission
would that constitute stolen audio or making fun of an extremely important figurehead of Civil Rights during the 1960s?
At 4/23/09 04:25 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: 2726
would that constitute stolen audio or making fun of an extremely important figurehead of Civil Rights during the 1960s?
The audio isn't technically "owned" by anyone, it's MLK's "I have a dream" speech, so it's a no in that regard. Nor is it inherently racist or libelous against him (does libel apply to the dead?). At worst, it's a piss poor pseudo parody worthy of a low vote, but nothing else.
Also, there seems to be a mini-flood of about 7 or 8 SS flashes which have been submitted simultaneously, keep an eye out in case it picks up later tonight.
At 4/23/09 04:21 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
Honestly, I just don't get these people, I mean, ripping something from Nickelodeon of all places? How idiotic. It's effectively the flash equivalent of stealing the Mona Lisa and submitting it as part of your art portfolio, with so many people being acquainted with it, it;s not going to work out.
Also, what the hell is up with all these Nick vids being uploaded all of a sudden? This must be the third or fourth one in the last week or two.
i really don't get why they think they'll get away with it either, but you gave i better analogy than i could :P. i think it's mostly been the same nick vid you're seeing re-uploaded again and again, i think krev put the number at four, but there may be more that i'm unaware of.
At 4/23/09 08:31 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: I think that, on rare occasions, someone honestly mistakes the purpose of Newgrounds and assumes we're one of the countless (thieving) websites that just look around the internet and take whatever they see. Most of the admitted thieves ("I didn't make this") probably are misguided and failed to read the rules of Newgrounds before uploading.
yeah, i think that's most likely the case too. you look at a decent chunk of the locked topics on the BBS and it comes from new users not knowing what's going on. people always skip instructions for some reason. i remember in my freshmen year of high school, our history teacher gave a huge quiz on a bunch of shit, and then, thirty seconds later, said 'time's up', everyone was freaking out, saying, you didn't give us enough time and the like, but if they had read the instructions, it said, write your name, turn the paper over. just thought i'd share.
Still, they deserve no mercy and should have the shit whistled out of them.
agreed. not knowing the law's not an excuse for breaking it, here or in RL.
At 4/23/09 06:41 PM, TheSongSalad wrote: i remember in my freshmen year of high school, our history teacher gave a huge quiz on a bunch of shit, and then, thirty seconds later, said 'time's up', everyone was freaking out, saying, you didn't give us enough time and the like, but if they had read the instructions, it said, write your name, turn the paper over. just thought i'd share.
Haha, I've had things like that before.
1) Read all the instructions first.
2-20) Irrelevant things that have nothing to do with anything.
21) Write your name and you're finished.
But yeah, people never read instructions or rules, if they did it would be much easier for everyone :/
Yea, I agree,
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse." Yet, I'm pretty sure we're all guilty of it from time to time.
Yup, I had a similar worksheet like that about a week into my sophomore year of high school in biology. Boy did I feel like a complete moron.