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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-19 21:37:50

Both are from known spammers, the TOTW is from the FF (which has a history of stealing awards), use provocative titles, and the Underdog's review average has dropped markedly since winning the award (meaning that a number of high-scoring reviews, likely alts, were deleted). They're stolen awards.

I'm starting to think that stolen awards shouldn't be deleted unless otherwise rulebreaking. Maybe if the Newgrounds public is stuck with them (and they're the ones who let it happen), they'll wise up and change things.

Don't worry about offending people when telling them why abusive reviewing is wrong. If they're not mature enough to understand reason, they wouldn't have changed anyway. And if they do grasp that their actions are doing more harm than good and stop, you'll have made a difference. There's really no way to lose.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-19 21:40:09

Forgot to mention, SimonBirch is an active troll on blog pages. The account may be new, but I have a feeling he's been around here for a while under various incarnations. He trolls too well to be a completely newbie.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-19 21:47:53

At 4/19/09 09:40 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Forgot to mention, SimonBirch is an active troll on blog pages. The account may be new, but I have a feeling he's been around here for a while under various incarnations. He trolls too well to be a completely newbie.

He has not left any comments on my blog pages but he seems like a troll with his posts and FF they steal awards?. I guess I thought they did not as they have only won 2 so far and not very often. But I have wanted to Pm people who write bad reviews I will try if I can. I found a possible stolen game which has been changed the author even left made a thread which got locked

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1051 884

The locked thread

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-19 22:42:29

At 4/19/09 09:41 PM, elelitel1 wrote: my user name have elite

Your user name 'has' elite. A singular noun cannot 'have', a noun 'has.'
Which automatically disqualifies you from elite status.

Also, you're not of the rank to apply here or I believe even post here (unsure of those rules), Just to let you know.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-20 05:22:33

Alright, time for me to crash, good work on clearing those 30+ reviews guys.
I edited my post with a list of 46 more. Time to work those whistles.

Errr, morning.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-20 07:56:42

At 4/17/09 10:24 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: 4. Coop83, you can remain Emergency Command Officer, or be movin' awwwn up to Second Lieutenant CBO. Up to you. Whichever position you don't choose will be filled, not abandoned. The role of Second Lieutenant is the same as Lieutenant, except they take control if neither the CBO or the LCBO are around for thirty days.

Either way is good for me, so I'll move into the new office of 2nd Lieutenant CBO

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-20 15:24:16

At 4/19/09 09:40 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Forgot to mention, SimonBirch is an active troll on blog pages. The account may be new, but I have a feeling he's been around here for a while under various incarnations. He trolls too well to be a completely newbie.

It almost looks like betty is back on a lesser level then he was in early 2007. Since he is almost forgotten it looks like he would like to re-emerge and bulid up his popularity again until he gets Wades attention. There are a few other names that come to mind of well known trolls who have had there accounts deleted. I made a list of them along with there common posts. Thats if i can find it.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-20 17:04:41

A few minutes ago I got ten spam PMs from the account "faggotfaggot". Now I checked it and is deleted, ha. While lurking the general forum I came across this, where you can report the spam PMs you get.

I already reported all the PMs from here ;)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-20 17:07:49

At 4/20/09 05:04 PM, Ismael92 wrote: A few minutes ago I got ten spam PMs from the account "faggotfaggot". Now I checked it and is deleted, ha. While lurking the general forum I came across this, where you can report the spam PMs you get.

I already reported all the PMs from here ;)

I saw that thread. I guess people finally got upset enough over things they could have just blocked that they finally got a way of getting rid of them. Shouldn't have been taken that far in my opinion, but I guess you would get sick of hearing people bitch about PM's all of the time.

I also got a PM from that user awhile back and didn't do anything about it. I didn't even block the user and he only sent me one PM. He must just have liked you a little more than me. ;)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-20 17:26:30

At 4/20/09 05:07 PM, Corky52 wrote: I also got a PM from that user awhile back and didn't do anything about it. I didn't even block the user and he only sent me one PM. He must just have liked you a little more than me. ;)

I just got one of those PMs, the user faggotfaggot sent a "different kind" of spam. The word spam, repeated in lots of lines, probably until he reached the characters limit.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-20 21:27:32

I saw the thread thanks Ismael92 for warning us I did not get any Pm from anyone like that today. But I do recall maybe month or so back getting a spam like Pm from some person asking for something like that. Did not think anything of it at the time. So these spam accounts are sending people harmful links? So are you saying SimonBirch could be Betty new alt? He did vanish suddenly did he not?

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-21 14:30:26

Please tell me someone will whistle this idiot

Since he is obviously too stupid to steal from some place less obvious.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-21 20:52:56

Good work Phantom it passed but I will Pm Tom Fulp about it. Strangely he sent me a PM about a user who was stealing flash games there all in the obituaries now here. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/48 5552 He has many stolen games. Looks like CyberDevil had a massive clearing out. That game is against the rules anyway its show real nudity NSFW. Annoying it passed but good work.

Archer I'm a good shot!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-21 21:15:41

So...., to break whatever conversation you're having about stolen flash, I've finished a story I've been writing forever. A little long, but it's quick in some parts. Give it a try, and I hope you like it. Remember to comment, so I know you're at least attempting to read it.

Beauty and Frankenstein's Monster

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 15:59:23

Officer updates:

Coop83 has accepted the position of Second Lieutenant CBO, meaning that the role of Emergency Command Officer is vacant. While the ECO slot is very unlikely to be needed (even third-in-command only came into play rarely), it still needs to be held by an experienced member of the Barracks, with high stats, good posts, and the wisdom needed to run the thread. All command positions must be filled by those I could envision leading the Barracks should the higher-ups get hit by cars or something.

While I could have brought this to a vote, I decided that I need to be kind of monarch-ish about command positions, so I looked through the roster to try and find the perfect candidate. I succeeded. Since RohantheBarbarian has accepted the offer, he's now the Emergency Command Officer. Congratulations. :-D

As for the other positions:

1. Recruitment Officer
The position will not be dispelled, but rather folded in to the position of Chief Barracks Officer, since I've been the Recruitment Officer even longer than I've led the Barracks and I have no problem or difficulty in doing the job. Should I ever step down/disappear, the next commanding officer who takes my place can do it themselves as I did, or assign the position to someone else.

2. Advancement Officer
The original purpose of the position was to help on-the-cusp recruits become outstanding Barracks members, though the mechanics of the role were rather unclear. How we deal with this position depends on a few variables. First, some things to consider.
A. Lotus is inactive in the EGB, though he'd likely get active again if the position was clarified.
B. With the increased scrutiny in recruitment procedures, most people who would need a "boot camp" wouldn't be accepted in the first place.
C. With the increased whistle requirements, otherwise acceptable potential recruits may need help bringing their whistle to Bronze.

Possible solutions include ditching the position altogether and just being more strict, or heavily modifying it. However, I had an idea that might work out even better.

We get rid of the boot camp concept and instead have the role deal with improving the whistle levels of normal-whistled and otherwise acceptable recruits; however, since that role is rather small and specific, it might be better to go the whole nine yards and make the position deal with helping ALL Barracks members, new or old, improve their whistles. The role would change from Advancement Officer to, perhaps, Review Violations Officer; a counterpart for the Portal Violations Officer. While the Portal Violations Officer helps Barracks members find whistle-worthy flash, most of us know that when you're working on your whistle, you focus on reviews, as that's a much faster way to power up.

This officer would control the abusive review thread in the EGB forums: deleting spent links, explaining when a review is not truly abusive (or borderline enough that it should be left alone), and posting their own findings. They would also be in charge of reporting extreme cases of abuse (death threats, link spammers, etc) to a review mod, so that only one Barracks member is pestering them with it instead of half of us.

If this idea is acceptable to most Barracks members, we can move on to selecting a candidate for the position. There's an obvious choice for the role, but since he's got other duties and it might be a sort of conflict of interest, I'll wait and see if he volunteers (he damn well knows who he is, the shiny blam-surpassing bastard). If not, we can do application/nomination/voting.

3. Portal Violations Officer
This role is current held by phantomlassuk, who is active in the EGB and continues to report stolen/unsuitable flash on a regular basis, and thus there's no need to consider anyone else for it. However, we should consider an initial idea for the Violations Officer that never really took off; a list of those reported findings, which is periodically checked for deletions and survivors. Deleted flashes are removed from the list, keeping it accurate, and surviving flashes are re-examined. Examination would include PM'ing the submitter (and the suspected original source submitter, if found, whether on NG or through any other form of contact) and checking out the submitter's other activities. Cases of reasonable doubt are removed from the list, and those cases that we still highly believe to be stolen can be re-reported. The investigation process wouldn't be solely on the shoulders of the Portal Violations Officer; the entire Barracks can lend a hand, though only the officer follows up on the findings (to prevent multiple PM's to Wade).

Assuming phantomlassuk is willing to take on this duty, and other Barracks members approve, I'll set up the list in the EGB forums and give her mod access to that section of the forums.

4. NGPD Liaison
RohantheBarbarian wishes to continue in this position, so there's no need to change anything. I'd like to recommend that Barracks members make an effort to involve themselves in the NGPD, much as we encourage NGPD members to involve themselves here. Lurk, at the very least, and post if the fancy (or need) strikes you. Just remember that you're only visiting.

The idea of Guardsmen---NGPD members who intend to join the Barracks upon rank-up being quasi-members of the EGB---is something we should also encourage. It helps both to prepare the future recruit in EGB ways and helps us learn about them at the same time. Guardsman also have limited EGB forums access.

5. NGDD Liaison
While we have NGDD members in our ranks, we've never really had a lot of cross-contact between our two groups. Volunteers for this position would have to be active in both groups and encourage cross-membership and collaboration (such as sharing suspected whistle-worthy stuff in both threads). If you feel up for this, speak up and be heard.

6. Wartime Positions
Not needed at this time. If the award stealing continues, however, this may have to change.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 16:19:26

At 4/22/09 03:59 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Officer updates:

While I could have brought this to a vote, I decided that I need to be kind of monarch-ish about command positions, so I looked through the roster to try and find the perfect candidate. I succeeded. Since RohantheBarbarian has accepted the offer, he's now the Emergency Command Officer. Congratulations. :-D

"The perfect candidate" eh? That's a nice lil' ego boost right there.

In all seriousness though thanks Slash, I'll try not to disappoint (although to be honest the odds of the three highest commanders all being simultaneously incapacitated are minimal, but ya never know ;P).

As for the other positions:
2. Advancement Officer
...If this idea is acceptable to most Barracks members, we can move on to selecting a candidate for the position. There's an obvious choice for the role, but since he's got other duties and it might be a sort of conflict of interest, I'll wait and see if he volunteers (he damn well knows who he is, the shiny blam-surpassing bastard). If not, we can do application/nomination/voting.

If Coop can take on the job it'd be ideal, but as you said it's his call what with all his other duties to juggle as well.

4. NGPD Liaison
RohantheBarbarian wishes to continue in this position, so there's no need to change anything. I'd like to recommend that Barracks members make an effort to involve themselves in the NGPD, much as we encourage NGPD members to involve themselves here. Lurk, at the very least, and post if the fancy (or need) strikes you. Just remember that you're only visiting.

They could especially use our experience and good examples whenever possible, at the moment things are ok, although I think there was some sort of mini-spamfest or something of that ilk a few days ago which prompted Malachy to post a stern warning there. Due to time zones I'm not usually on when the thread is most active, so if any of you guys spot anything going amiss there feel free to step in and offer a word of advice to defuse matters, without stepping on anybody's toes.

The idea of Guardsmen---NGPD members who intend to join the Barracks upon rank-up being quasi-members of the EGB---is something we should also encourage. It helps both to prepare the future recruit in EGB ways and helps us learn about them at the same time. Guardsman also have limited EGB forums access.

I'll be making a post fairly soon in the NGPD thread (admittedly it will be partially about my promotion) but I will also reiterate the Guardsman concept to them, mainly for the benefit of the newer members there.

6. Wartime Positions
Not needed at this time. If the award stealing continues, however, this may have to change.

On that note, I think it may be of benefit to draw up a coordinated "plan of attack" of sorts with regard to the award-stealing before distributing emergency positions, of course that is merely my opinion.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 16:41:50

At 4/22/09 04:19 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: "The perfect candidate" eh? That's a nice lil' ego boost right there.
In all seriousness though thanks Slash, I'll try not to disappoint (although to be honest the odds of the three highest commanders all being simultaneously incapacitated are minimal, but ya never know ;P).

Even though you're right about the low odds of the ECO being called upon, it's still a command position, and thus gives you a good deal of influence. Coups will not be tolerated, though, lol.

They could especially use our experience and good examples whenever possible, at the moment things are ok, although I think there was some sort of mini-spamfest or something of that ilk a few days ago which prompted Malachy to post a stern warning there. Due to time zones I'm not usually on when the thread is most active, so if any of you guys spot anything going amiss there feel free to step in and offer a word of advice to defuse matters, without stepping on anybody's toes.

I'm very worried after reading Mal's post and seeing that hardly anyone listened. I'm very concerned about the NGPD's continued existence at this point, especially since it's very unlikely to be given a chance at re-creation if it gets locked (since the EGB serves most of the NGPD's purpose, but without the spam). I recommend highly impressing that point upon them, and I might make a post of my own if things continue as they have. To be blunt, it's currently what I've been very careful to keep the EGB from becoming.

I'll be making a post fairly soon in the NGPD thread (admittedly it will be partially about my promotion) but I will also reiterate the Guardsman concept to them, mainly for the benefit of the newer members there.

While I'm a little less enthusiastic about NGPD members coming to the EGB, after taking a look at the thread and Mal's warning, the Guardsman idea is still one I support. Hopefully it can drill some discipline into a few members and they'll take it home before the thread gets locked. And, in a worst-case scenario, well-behaved Guardsman could stay with the Barracks if the NGPD gets locked.

On that note, I think it may be of benefit to draw up a coordinated "plan of attack" of sorts with regard to the award-stealing before distributing emergency positions, of course that is merely my opinion.

The wartime positions won't be appointed lightly, I assure you. Their roles border on what the Barracks considers acceptable (such as spying on other forums and infiltrating groups) and are only assigned in dire situations. For awards stealing, we'd be making official watchlists and making reviewing suspected award-thievery flashes a basic EGB duty. We're not at that point yet, but if it gets much worse, I'll bring it up for discussion.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 16:45:31

Lt. SlntCobra1 of the NGPD, reporting for Guardsman duty, sir!


Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 17:17:07

At 4/22/09 04:45 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Lt. SlntCobra1 of the NGPD, reporting for Guardsman duty, sir!

Welcome. Before you begin posting here regularly, be sure to read the Barracks Code of Conduct (which can be found in the first post of my personal resource thread at the EGB forums, so you can see what the Barracks requires from those who post here. You can also register on the forums and have access to the non-secure sections if you wish.

Keep in mind that you'll need to bring your whistle up to Bronze before you officially apply to join us upon reaching Private rank.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 17:27:42

I had a sinking feeling you might mention my whistle status. >_> I don't want to get a certain member in trouble, but she PMed me some abusive reviewers and one of the people had like 30 pages of reviews. Most of them were annoyingly either useless or helpful, not a lot of them were abusive. That is where I think my whistle went from bronze to complete shit.

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 17:35:40

hmmm.... i've been lurking here, and i now want to ask, do you need a bronze whistle to join? i was told a non-garbage whistle, so now i'm a little confused, sorry for intruding.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 17:37:46

At 4/22/09 03:59 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: I decided that I need to be kind of monarch-ish about command positions

It's OK, after all you're the first in command, you know us all, and probably whatever decision you make will be right :)

Since RohantheBarbarian has accepted the offer, he's now the Emergency Command Officer. Congratulations. :-D

Congrats indeed :D
I'm sure you'll do a great job whenever you need to :D

1. Recruitment Officer
The position will not be dispelled, but rather folded in to the position of Chief Barracks Officer

Another good decision ;)

2. Advancement Officer
If this idea is acceptable to most Barracks members

Yes it is, this position will be useful especially for helping the guardsmen improve in their whistles.

There's an obvious choice for the role, but since he's got other duties and it might be a sort of conflict of interest, I'll wait and see if he volunteers (he damn well knows who he is, the shiny blam-surpassing bastard). If not, we can do application/nomination/voting.

Yeah, I guess we all know who he is.

It's good to see the EGB being re-estructured for the better like this :)

At 4/22/09 04:45 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: Lt. SlntCobra1 of the NGPD, reporting for Guardsman duty, sir!

Hi, someone reporting already? That was fast, welcome!

At 4/22/09 05:27 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: I had a sinking feeling you might mention my whistle status. >_> I don't want to get a certain member in trouble, but she PMed me some abusive reviewers and one of the people had like 30 pages of reviews. Most of them were annoyingly either useless or helpful, not a lot of them were abusive. That is where I think my whistle went from bronze to complete shit.

Don't worry. If you try hard, you'll eventually get to normal, and later to bronze. Remember we're here to help you if you have any doubts, and obviously the guys at the NGPD will be pleased to help you too.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 17:41:02

At 4/22/09 05:35 PM, TheSongSalad wrote: hmmm.... i've been lurking here, and i now want to ask, do you need a bronze whistle to join? i was told a non-garbage whistle, so now i'm a little confused, sorry for intruding.

There were some changes, and the requirements are now a little bit higher. You need a Bronze whistle to join. Anyway it shouldn't be too hard to get since you have a normal whistle.

And even if people met the requirements, it would be good if they kept working on their whistle status. The best would be to have all members here with a deity whistle, so abusive reviews and flashes (especially these) get to mods and Wade as fast as possible.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 17:44:00

At 4/22/09 05:27 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: I had a sinking feeling you might mention my whistle status. >_>

You'd be surprised at how thorough I investigate members during the actual EGB membership process, although I don't hold old offenses against someone unless it's really bad or repeated over and over. Level, B/P rank, and Whistle rank are just the most basic of the basics.

I don't want to get a certain member in trouble, but she PMed me some abusive reviewers and one of the people had like 30 pages of reviews. Most of them were annoyingly either useless or helpful, not a lot of them were abusive. That is where I think my whistle went from bronze to complete shit.

Won't do you any good to complain here, son. In the Barracks everyone is responsible for their own flagging, and when someone doesn't know if a review is abusive, they're expected to ask for help (it helps that our third-in-command is a review mod). Furthermore, one should only whistle something that they're SURE is abusive, beyond a reasonable doubt. Erring on the side of caution is both the right thing to do and essential for keeping your whistle level healthy.

We can help you rebuild it over time, so don't worry about that.

At 4/22/09 05:35 PM, TheSongSalad wrote: hmmm.... i've been lurking here, and i now want to ask, do you need a bronze whistle to join? i was told a non-garbage whistle, so now i'm a little confused, sorry for intruding.

To actually join the Barracks, yes, you need a Bronze Whistle or higher in addition to 2500+ B/P and passing the vote. To post here as a Guardsman, you only need to be a NGPD member who intends to join the EGB upon ranking out and doesn't act like a jackass while in our thread.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 17:52:03

At 4/22/09 05:41 PM, Ismael92 & SlashFirestorm wrote:

bronze whistle

ok, thanks for the help, i appreciate it. i also would be interested in the guardsmen deal. how would i go about that?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 17:57:14

At 4/22/09 05:52 PM, TheSongSalad wrote: ok, thanks for the help, i appreciate it. i also would be interested in the guardsmen deal. how would i go about that?

Just read the Code of Conduct (first post), make sure none of those principles are in conflict with your behavior, and post here regularly. You can register at the EGB forums if you wish, which will give you access to most of the forum. Upon becoming a Private and attaining a Bronze Whistle or higher, you can apply for actual EGB membership; being a Guardsman for a while will mean that the voting process shouldn't take very long, since we'll already have an idea of your attributes and abilities.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 17:59:57

one other question, you said you guys would be willing to help right? So if someone has links to abusive reviews that they KNOW are abusive, could I see them, please?

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 18:09:43

At 4/22/09 05:59 PM, SlntCobra1 wrote: one other question, you said you guys would be willing to help right? So if someone has links to abusive reviews that they KNOW are abusive, could I see them, please?

If you sign up at our forums, you can access a collection of abusive review links, although it's currently pretty messy and overflowing (I'm looking through the links and deleting cleared posts at the moment).

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 18:11:07

thanks slash. i'm all registered up and read your posts on the site. i really appreciate the help.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2009-04-22 18:20:10

I also registered, but I'm assuming you already knew that, right?

Sig by Byte | Steam ID -- SilentCobra | PS3 Gamer Tag -- SlntCobra1

Writers Lounge | EGB | PS3

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