At 1/2/18 07:36 AM, Cyberdevil wrote:
I really like the idea behind the Review Request Club though. I feel like I would have been/would be much more active there if only your stats didn't get purged after a certain period of inactivity. I'm always away a couple months each summer, and having to start over every time I get back... not all that motivating. Curious if that's something that keeps more people away, or if it really has just grown old and outdated. The main idea's good. People still want reviews more than ever. Maybe just too much rule work, and too little marketing these days...
Could be. Although Ectisity... I swear if that's the right name. Not gonna try to @ because #socialanxiety... Ectisity ran the RRC for ages and then it gradually got more and more sporadic, to the point the crew has basically just fallen apart, and no one has taken up the reins since because it just feels really impolite and none of us wants to be a butt. That, or we're lazy.
As for the review for review thread I didn't know about that one! :O In Audio huh, explains my lack of awareness (not that I don't like audio I'm just rarely ever in that forum)... seems to still be pretty active too...
Fairly. I'd pop in more often if it didn't require self-promoing every post. But I keep forgetting to go over there for that reason, haha.
Hmm book club, thoughts on how that'd work? Like the RRC with a certain selection of special review picks each week/month?
I don't see why not. Although how to go about them, I dunno. I like the way the Reading Challenge threads @Jackho has been managing usually go. We eyeball something or wrap our lugnuts around it and leave a short review. Maybe could do something like that, set goals to review content, vote on our favorites for the month through some kind of google form. Who knows. The possibilities are endless.