At 12/15/17 10:40 AM, NekoMika wrote:
I imagine it was sometime in 2013 or 2014 because when the Top 100 Art Reviews was active for the short time it was, I just barely popped up onto that list before it became inactive and was eventually absorbed into this thread. I recall when we had Top 100 Art, Audio, and Review Response threads, been so long. :(
Ah, good to know, really has been a long time then. Yeah those review responses in particular would be nice to have back... I'm thinking I might rank pretty high there. Maybe higher than on this one. :O
I forgot who inspired me to get into reviewing but being part of the Review Request Club for almost 6-7 years helped me learn vastly how to write very helpful reviews when I get down to it.
Yeah that too. I would've probably been a devout member there though if it wasn't for the requirement on continual activity, bit dismotivating falling off the rankings every summer as it is. Such a great group to have around though! As for me, I'm pretty sure it was this list that got me started, and most probably X, and the lure of that #1 spot. :) Pretty crazy that soon fifteen years later that hierarchy hasn't changed at all. The gap's just grown a whole lot smaller... and bigger, between the top of the list and the rest.