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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 04:02:04

Alkador congratulates:
- LUL for 1,000 pages.
Whoa, congratulations to Gfoxcook for failing to lock this topic. ;P I can see that your activity here shows that you are very very happy to have seen this place go as far as this. The fact that I have only been here two months with over 100 + pages shows that this place is growing at such a rapid rate. I'm sure we'll eventually cross those ASM people in no time soon.
Keep up the good work and keep those level ups up (Huh?). And also well done to -Mazza- for starting the page. Doing the story too much makes me remember all your names.
- Toolcool for 20,000 saves. First you don't blam, then you save and now you have saved over 20,000 movies! You are incredible and please give the excess to me.

Well, how is everyone? (ramagi, gotta send you an e-mail confessing my love [joking]). I knew that I woulnd't be here page 1,000, so therefore RedCircle is a liar. Anyway, off to do what I do now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 04:28:43

So we finally reached the big ONE-KAY, eh? I remember on numerous occasions (usually a x00 page mark) we'd all be like "DUDE THINK WE'LL MAKE IT TO 1000!!?". It took us a little more than two years, but we're finally here. I'm glad that spam was taken care of before I had to see it. Eh, I guess the vast amounts of this type of post popping up could constitute spam, especially with those select few who hate to see anyone being congratulated more than three times. It won't help any, but I'll stop the post here. Just for you guys.

Any bets on the page this thread will end on? : P

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 04:34:18

At 2/23/05 04:02 AM, Alkador wrote: Alkador congratulates:
- LUL for 1,000 pages.


Well, how is everyone?

im good dude, how is year 12 going?
im now enjoying year 10, because im in really good classes with all good teachers, so i will enjoy this year.
and i've been reviewing lots, too!
'tis awesome.
(everyone, download DJRunaway - Alive (Hypocritism)).
i've had it for a while now, and because it's been on my mum's computer due to my reformatting this machine, i couldnt get it back beacuse i cant access the network.
now i have cravings for its fucking awesome bass line...
must download now!

laters all!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 04:38:10

At 2/23/05 04:28 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: Any bets on the page this thread will end on? : P

It won't end, if I can help it. This topic serves so much more than people think, and I'm glad it's one of the few that have remained.

Total congrats to wismty for (almost) the sweet 10VP. I'll take the 9.99 screenie, cause that rocks. =)

Sucks to hear of spammers in here. I would have seen them if I hadn't worked yesterday, but glad ramagi took care of the situation.

Also, grats j00bie! 18,000 b/ps are awesome!

This test thing that Eldarion did was kinda silly, but oh well. Remember, it's not who congrats you, but the fact that you acheived the level/rank/milestone.

If ThreeStar is really j00bie, then I'm going to cut myself tonight, while listening to yellowcard, and writing song lyrics about my sucky life.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 04:45:13

At 2/23/05 03:56 AM, SeeD419 wrote: Wow congrats to the Wi/Ht level up! Lounge for reaching 1k pages!

I hit my 1337th post a little bit ago, but I missed the screenie :(

Sorry I've been so silent lately, just been silently depositing and working on my exp ranking :)

Seed Congrats on the 1337 i was going to call you the 1337 guy you seem to be the 1339 guy now rofl anyways congrats...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 05:31:38

At 2/23/05 12:21 AM, wismty wrote: Congrats to everyone on the 1000 pages!, next goal 2000, we can do it! =P

I've just deposited and noticet something really cool on my profile... 10.00 is just around the corner!

God, I want that kind of voting power... Congrats! : )

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 06:04:05

I knew we'd get busy near 1k, but hells, people.

Congrats to:

ALL THE USERS OF THE LUL. 1000pages, so give yourselves a pat on the back.
Special congrats to Mazza for the 1st post on page 1k and to ramagi, for making all those spammers STFU
Also, for 30k replies to the topic, keep it up.

'Regular' congrats out to the following:
- TooCool100: 20k Saves. OMG
- o__O: Police Captain. Nearly 1337 Guard.
- Miikro: EG Private 1st class. Moving up the ranks nicely.
- dawsdani: 4000 posts. Not spam, either. Good job.
- Barry Fannilow: Level 12. One day before me. How rude.
- Eldarion: EG Master Sergeant. I'll catch you yet.
- Pure Greatness: EG 1st Lieutenant. Small acheivement, but still better than me.
- j00bie: 18000 b/p. excellent. Only 12k to go before EGSC.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 06:34:44

Grats to Wismty, on 9.99 VP, someone call the fire brigade this ones on fire :D (Its a Brittish joke, sorta, so dont worry about it). And the j00bmeister on an amazingv 18k b/p, thats just unbeleivable, is that the same j00bie from yesteryear???

At 2/22/05 07:25 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Open war against the mods? Man, ask the OCP how THAT went. O_o

Gfox, that was un called for you fucking swine of a person ;P I visited that place regularly back in my "hayday" and it was a good place to talk to certain people, (not for the side effects of having OR getting large amounts of posts), and i will always remember that pace fondly, i even had an inkling it would be locked. And if you go to the last page there, you will see a nice little drawing of mine of the death of the OCP.

At 2/22/05 07:31 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
STARTING to bother you? It's been this way for over half a year, man.

Yes, starting to bother me. I didnt know you wel enough back then to know what your posting style was, so it apparently didnt bother me much back then. Now i know a little more about you, i understand you predicament, and bla blah, i just thought id say, we the peope of Wi/Ht? want to see YOU post more.

A) gfox doesn't come here at all. Ever. Again. Happy?

Hmmm, et me think about that for a minute ;)

B) annoyin' ol' gfox comes in and does his "big reply and then disappears" act, but at least he catches up a BIT on the topic now and then.

Nothing unusual then, considering thats the way it been going for 6 months now.

C) gfox is a regular reader and poster in here (this one will only happen if the topic's growth rate is cut to around 25% of its current level, though, which is why I almost didn't bother mentioning it).

Hmmm. Well considering the new influx of posters inthis topic thats never ever going to happen, so i suppose that suggestion is set on fire battered with a stick and thrown out the window.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 06:53:30

At 2/23/05 06:04 AM, Coop83 wrote: Pure Greatness: EG 1st Lieutenant. Small acheivement

Uh... thanks... I guess. Apparently 11k points just isn't what it used to be; I'll have to continue B/P'ing. Maybe one day I'll achieve something as great as this:

Miikro: EG Private 1st class. Moving up the ranks nicely.

Until then, no <3 for me. ='(

but still better than me.

Well there's something I can agree with. =P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 07:00:34

At 2/23/05 05:44 AM, -Undertaker- wrote: You didn't make that yourself.

I think you'll find he did, even though it is just a modified version of RC's.

OMG 1k pages! What an achievement... ¬_¬ I've seen various topics get to 1,000 pages, it's nothing really special, but wahey anyway.

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 08:39:00

Congrats to:

-Me for getting the first post on page one thousand ^_^
-Barry_Fanilow: Lv 12. Now for another period of level-up-lessness.
-Pure_Greatness: EG First Lieutenant. Awesome!
-gfoxcook: 30,000th post and reply here. Kk gfoxplzlockktnx.
-j00bie: 18,000 B/P. Awesomeness.
-wismty: 9.99 votes. Although not as cool as a perfect ten, still a nice number. And it dropped to 9.98.
-SeeD419: 1,337 Posts. Leetness.

At 2/22/05 04:05 PM, EKRegulus wrote: even the whereis/howto forum would be affected because all statswhore are there :)

True, but most people here know how to check the news board.

Congrats to -mazza- for getting the first post on page 1000th.

Lol, thanks.

At 2/22/05 06:13 PM, Denvish wrote: yadayadayada, congrats on the EG Master Sergeant. Seriously, though, I don't have time to check the profile of everyone who has ranked up, or the time to read every post.. which is the reason I was/am considering giving up making congrats lists. I'm interested in peoples' rank and level ups, and less so in the surrounding gossip.

Agreed. I congratted him, too. It's just that this thread keeps growing too fast for me to read all posts completely.

Nobody ever seems to notice me ;_:

At 2/22/05 06:23 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: You can photoshop it a bit you know, but it won't be authentic.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

Just look at the bright side, you're still here with all of us good people, so don't feel sad. I know tons of people who fail more than that. :)

Lol, that made me feel better. Thanks.

YOU! Congratulations Mazza! Not many people have the first post on a 1,000 page thread. So you cherish that milestone, and you cherish it well. :)

And cherish it I will.

At 2/22/05 06:36 PM, gfoxcook wrote: There are three stages in every Wi/Ht? level up! lounge regular's development:

Lol, I assume I'm at stage two right now. Planning to keep that for a few more months.



Never have, never will. Been neutral since 2000 or whenever. Certainly since before I started posting in January 2003. GREEN IZ ME, I DO NOT CHANGE, YA?

Odd.....I mean, something did seem different.....

Why on earth was that question to me in the middle of a congrats list, anyway? O_o

No idea.

I seem to have entered...
The Twilight Zone.


At 2/23/05 03:41 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: Mazza, i envy you on getting the first post on the 1,000th page. well done :)

Yesh, all the females want me, all the males want to be me.

D0GMA would be impartial, I guess.

And thanks.

At 2/23/05 04:02 AM, Alkador wrote: I'm sure we'll eventually cross those ASM people in no time soon.

Perhaps, but it's still a long ways to go.

And also well done to -Mazza- for starting the page.


At 2/23/05 05:39 AM, deck_head_tottie_alt wrote: Look at this amazing picture I made entirely by myself. Redcircle didn't influence me at all. Ever.

Of course not, it's quite obvious that they're completely different.

At 2/23/05 06:04 AM, Coop83 wrote: Special congrats to Mazza for the 1st post on page

Wahey, I'm special.

Lol, thanks.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 08:47:24

Yay, went up two places in the B/P users list; now im 205, but still not as good as when I was number 40 or so...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 09:57:54

WIth all the busyness of this thread yesterday, I lost track of who I had and hadn't said congratz to.

So I giving myself a reference point.
Congratz to all teh recent accomplishments.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 10:16:17

Boo, missed page 1000 :-(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 10:49:09

At 2/23/05 10:16 AM, jonthomson wrote: Boo, missed page 1000 :-(

I know exactly how you feel, not only that we have had 3 pages since last night, thats fucking alot!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 11:27:03

At 2/23/05 10:49 AM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: I know exactly how you feel, not only that we have had 3 pages since last night, thats fucking alot!

lots of people trying to get the first post... and I would just like to tell everyone that it was NOT me who was doing alt account spam, despite the fact that theyre all deleted now, i have some strange feeling that people might be pointing fingers at me.

eh, oh well. at least thats all cleared up.

I gained another spot on the bp chart (58), i didnt even realise it :o.

The top 50 is doable... i was always under the impression that i wasnt fast enough... but... I guess I might make it there within the month 8-)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 11:56:46

Although I wasn't there at the time, I'd like to say that I wasn't spamming my alts either. Hell, I haven't used my alts for a long long time!

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 12:03:45

At 2/22/05 05:12 PM, Eldarion wrote: Denvish and Bahamut7!!
Please read all of my post this time:

I definately make my own congrats list. I definately do not steal anyone else's congrat lists. I use Notepad and look through all the new replies to see if anyone has posted anything about their stats. I swear, I don't steal congrats lists, well, I did once, though.

At 2/22/05 06:25 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Phail. :D

Indeed, phail. :(

At 2/23/05 10:16 AM, jonthomson wrote: Boo, missed page 1000 :-(

Ha ha! Anyway, congrats to:

LUL - 1000 pages
Barry_Fanilow - Level 12. Nice level. Time to wait for a long time to level up again.
Pure_Greatness - Elite Guard First Lieutenant. Nice picture and a nice rank.
gfoxcook - 30000th replier. Lucky.
j00bie - 18000 b/p points. I'll wait for two or three weeks for you to get 20000 b/p points.
wismty - 9.99 VP (well, 10.00 soon)
Seed419 - 1337 posts. Yep, you must be 1227.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 12:03:51

At 2/23/05 11:56 AM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: Although I wasn't there at the time, I'd like to say that I wasn't spamming my alts either. Hell, I haven't used my alts for a long long time!

I thought you were the one with the account "Level-Up-Lounger".

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 12:14:07

At 2/23/05 12:03 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 2/23/05 11:56 AM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: Although I wasn't there at the time, I'd like to say that I wasn't spamming my alts either. Hell, I haven't used my alts for a long long time!
I thought you were the one with the account "Level-Up-Lounger".

Yeah, but I haven't posted with it for a long long time. Mostly it's other people who post with it. I just deposit for it now and again.

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 12:43:46

Man, I missed it. I didn't get a chance to post on page 1,000 :o(

Amazing that this thread has gone on for this long.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 12:49:25

At 2/23/05 12:15 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote: Why the fuck did you delete that post with the picture? Sure I used Redcircles design, but that was the point.

Fuck you ramagi.

My post is also gone, what the fuck? Why did you feel the need to delete a perfectly legitimate post when there's plenty of n00bs in General to ban?

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 12:56:27

At 2/23/05 12:49 PM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: My post is also gone

Oh, ffs. I'm having a really bad week this week. First I post a picture which Denvish kindly deletes for me, then I (almost) double post in a News topic, and now I don't even know where my own posts are.

ARGH >_<

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 13:00:24

At 2/22/05 06:13 PM, Denvish wrote: So, I guess page #1000 is as good a pace to start as any... congrats to all those who have achieved something memorable...

Well, your lists with their congratulations anagrams will be missed ;_;
I think I'll keep making them, scanning the thread for achievements allows me to read what happened here since I last posted, but maybe one day when I get too lazy, I'll give them up.

At 2/22/05 06:23 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: O_o Then why does your profile say 'Elite Guard Sergeant First Class'? Drugs much? lol

You obviously didn't read the rest of my post, I meant to post a false achievement to see if people read this thread at all. Glad you passed.

At 2/23/05 04:38 AM, RedCircle wrote: This test thing that Eldarion did was kinda silly, but oh well. Remember, it's not who congrats you, but the fact that you acheived the level/rank/milestone.

That's true, but if someone posts a false achievement, we should be more alert to errors. It doesn't look very good when people post incorrect congrats without checking them, and it kinda undermines the whole point of the thread.

At 2/23/05 06:04 AM, Coop83 wrote: - Eldarion: EG Master Sergeant. I'll catch you yet.

Oh dear. >_<

At 2/23/05 10:16 AM, jonthomson wrote: Boo, missed page 1000 :-(

You could always use your leet mod powers to delete every post after page 1000, claim the first post on that page, and then laugh like an evil megalomaniac whilst stroking your obligatory white cat...

At 2/23/05 12:03 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: I swear, I don't steal congrats lists, well, I did once, though.

Heh, you don't have to answer to me Bahamut, just be more alert when you're gathering those congrats ;)

At 2/23/05 12:15 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote: Why the fuck did you delete that post with the picture? Sure I used Redcircles design, but that was the point.

Fuck you ramagi.

I suggest you calm down and take a break before posting like that again.

Congrats to:
» Pure_Greatness for Elite Guard First Lieutenant
» j00bie for 18,000 b/p points
» wismty for 9.99 VP, looks like that bastard ht52 just put you down to 9.98 ;_;
» SeeD419 for 1,337 posts

Here ya go SeeD :)

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 13:32:17

At 2/22/05 05:54 PM, Pure_Greatness wrote: A little late, but oh well. Rank up.

A rank up all the same congrats Pure = )

At 2/22/05 06:23 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Indeed you are, but I've still got about a 80 + blam lead over you. >:)

Indeed, it's likely i will never catch you up M_I, as i've been super busy with other comitments recently and haven't had the time to b/p at all.

At 2/22/05 10:54 PM, j00bie wrote: 18000 b/p

Congrats j00bie, not too long till 20 k : p

2/23/05 04:28 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote:

Any bets on the page this thread will end on? : P

I reckon we can get another grand out of this topic easily.

At 2/23/05 11:27 AM, j00bie wrote: I gained another spot on the bp chart (58), i didnt even realise it :o.

Congrats j00b good luck on your quest for a top 50 position.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 13:51:03

Congrats to:
Pure for EG First Lieutant!
Mazza for first posts on page 1000!
Joobie for 18k b/p! and #! not long till 10 now!
Seed for 1,337 posts!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 14:24:06

At 2/23/05 12:15 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote: Why the fuck did you delete that post with the picture? Sure I used Redcircles design, but that was the point.

Fuck you ramagi.

She's gonna kill you for that ...

If she deletes good posts, imagine what she will do with aggressive posts?

She's like ... always on her week ...

*dig a hole and hide in*

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 14:35:35

At 2/23/05 12:15 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote: Why the fuck did you delete that post with the picture? Sure I used Redcircles design, but that was the point.

Fuck you ramagi.

You better be careful about posting like that. I don't think its any problem for Ramagi to ban you for that.

Sorry to change the subject so abrubtly but.........

BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 8,000 crappy entries

8,000 BLAMS!!!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 15:07:44


Rank: Police Captain
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 683 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 321 quality entries.

Onward and upward!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 15:13:04

At 2/23/05 03:08 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: OH NO... looks there was something fun going on in here heh, crazy kids...

the deleting is insane...
id say about 30 of my past 50 posts have been deleted.

be it in this thread, anywhere else in wi/ht..
the past 2 clubs in clubs and crews were deleted, the last topic i made in general was deleted. I lost 4 or 5 around page 1000...

When i originally hit 6000 posts, i was at 5991 about 3 minutes afterwards... surely enough, my post about hitting 6000 posts was also deleted.

It's getting friggen annoying, i dont care whos doing it, but its really starting to piss me off >=(