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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 17:51:37

At 2/22/05 05:48 PM, -Undertaker- wrote: 1000th page for Level Up Lounge! Gawd! No shit it's the topic with the most posts in it on Newgrounds.

No, the ASM has this thread beat.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 17:54:32

A little late, but oh well. Rank up.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 17:57:16

At 2/22/05 05:54 PM, Pure_Greatness wrote: A little late, but oh well. Rank up.

rofl, posted the wrong version of the picture. Oh well, you get the idea. Not gonna bother spamming this place up with pictures so I guess I'm stuck with that one. Forgot to say congrats to everyone who had any recent accomplishments, and w00t for 1000 pages as well. Excuse the double post =\

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 17:57:44

At 2/22/05 05:54 PM, Pure_Greatness wrote: A little late, but oh well. Rank up.

At least you put effort and care into spiffying up the picture... Congrats.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 18:10:02

ROFL at Denvish and ahamut.

Grats TooCool on a fucking amazing accomplishment, i remember the first time i ran into when Wade posted thousands upon thousands of Flashes, that had to be re-voted on because the perameters (sp?) were being raised, and i dont even think you got anything for that. Which is bullshit.

Grats also to my man Miikro, yeah, thats way fucking overdue, but grats none the less. Grats also to the j00bmeister for 6k posts.

Well done everybody on keeping this place as cool as it can be, and on reaching 1000 pages, well done.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 18:13:35

At 2/22/05 05:12 PM, Eldarion wrote:
Anyway, RANK UP!!!!! I just ranked up to Elite Guard Master Sergeant! I just hope no-one congratulates me on the false achievement even after this post...

yadayadayada, congrats on the EG Master Sergeant. Seriously, though, I don't have time to check the profile of everyone who has ranked up, or the time to read every post.. which is the reason I was/am considering giving up making congrats lists. I'm interested in peoples' rank and level ups, and less so in the surrounding gossip. So, I guess page #1000 is as good a pace to start as any... congrats to all those who have achieved something memorable...

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 18:23:28

HOLY CRAPOLA. I just happened to drop by the BBS to lurk a bit (finally checked out SK's new All Ranks List and wanted to see if anyone was talking about it in the NGTL topic... so then I went out to the main Wi/Ht? listing to see if my two list topics were active before I was gonna leave the BBS (just a quick lurk, see)... and BOOM, I notice the big 1000 next to ol' level up!.

So... I'm very fortunate to have dropped by just in time to snag a post on this page. I haven't cared that much about 700 (like certain spammorz!) or any of the other even 100s... but 1000 is a... well, impressive amount of pages, especially when on the NG BBS where there's 30 big ol' posts per page.

So.. congratulations, Wi/Ht?, and all its posters, on making one hell of a huge topic reach this landmark, though much of the posting it TOOK to actually do this... wasn't of the best quality, alas. The good ol' days in this topic, however, make it all worthwhile.

And... um, yeah. Happy Level Up! Day to everyone or whatever. #;-}>

And good job with the 20k saves, TooCool. I just noticed earlier today. You'll soon grab the saves crown from me, with the way our respective rates are going as of late. I'm just glad I've had it for so long (since July last year). I did NOT expect that to be the case.

At 2/22/05 03:52 PM, ramagi wrote: Sorry for deleting so much, I had to ban two account for spam.
I wanted this to be done right.

Hm. Maybe I'll go and find out which two accounts those were. :::opens up modlog:::

Thanks for modding this topic so much, BTW, ramagi. I don't read it very often, and I post in it maybe once or twice a month, so... I appreciate your efforts to keep the spam and unchecked/out of control posting growth in here... in check.

At 2/22/05 05:35 PM, Jamie_McGuire wrote: omfg ramagi stop deleting my posts >:(

Stop making posts that NEED deleting.

Or else I'll JOIN ramagi in deleting them. Hahahaha. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 18:23:49

Yar, readers beware. Ye are reading a long arsed post, yargh.

At 2/20/05 11:56 PM, -Lauren- wrote: OMG! I'm now Elite Guard Private! How awesomely cool.

Nice. It is better than those silly police badges isn't it? Wait till you get up a few more ranks, then you'll start getting the cool badges. ;)

Now I feel big enough to venture into the Wi/ht forum. YAY.

HA! You too? I kinda felt that way, like I had to be a certain number of sorts to post in here. lol But congratulations on that. :)

At 2/21/05 12:00 AM, TangoBuses wrote: oh i bet i would XDXDXDXDXD

Oh yeah well I'm..... damn, damn you and 16k blams.... well... I've got an older sign-up date than you, so there. >:P

oh but i do, there's nothing i want more on this bbs than to see the best thread ever, reach its 1000th page ;)

LOL! Well we'll get there. Things have slown down, but we going at a reasonable pace. :)

At 2/21/05 12:03 AM, AreYouReady wrote: Best rank up of them all. I deserve to be showed with love and affection in celebration of this. :D

Indeed, on your way to becoming a man. *sniff* It's so hard watching the little ones grow up. :')

Oh and I guess I'll congratulate Pink_beer and GAMECUBICAL as well considering they decided to share in with this event, even though it should be MY day. ):<

Ah yes, they both had brithday threads, and Pink_beer started his own birthday thread. I say if you start your own birthday thread, you should be banned. I don't know why, but screaming out 'OMFG GUYS!! IT'S MEH BIRF DAY!!!!1ONE!' is retarded. Bah....

At 2/21/05 01:01 AM, The_Redangleprince wrote: *kicks sand in your face* 5,300+ fool.

::MISS!:: Go mouthwash socks, GO!

And yes, I did come here just to bully Inny.

Bah. You forget that my middle name is pudding. Your downfall shall be my winter coat. >:)

At 2/21/05 05:04 AM, SeeD419 wrote: Well, that's certainly a good perspective on it.

I see it that way. If you look at most peoples blam to saves ratio, it's almost always that their saves are 1/3 of their overall b/p status, and in some cases, saves are 1/4 of thier overall b/p count. O_o

Ugh, why is it that it seems everybody is always leveling up except me? I never miss depositing and it still seems like I'm going slower than everybody else. Ever feel that way?

I feel the same way at times, but I did just hit lvl 10 half a month ago. Level 9 sucked cause I didn't deposite for a long period of time, not to mention only being able to depsite 6-9 times out of everymonth, but that is changing now. :)

At 2/21/05 06:05 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Congrats out to Kyle, Spancker, SeeD, Swive, Inny, on their respective rank ups and shit, well done guys, you're doing well.

You know it, and thanks. I'm gonna rank up tonight too, I've only got aprox 66 b/p points left. :D I'm gonna get there before 8pm I hope.

At 2/21/05 10:39 AM, Swive wrote: Not only did I get EG Brig. Gen. yesterday, I made it to the top 50.

Nice. Congrats on that. It seems that you have to be a leaf to be in the top 50 now a days. :/ But oh well. You're ranked 49 now.



At 2/21/05 11:16 AM, -Mazza- wrote: -Kiba: Similar numbers. When are you going to stop with the name changes?

I don't think Kiba is ever going to stop, well, not at the moment at least. And like his sig says, what is wrong with him? :S

Also, I reached 14,000 Blams yesterday, missed the screenshot.

You can photoshop it a bit you know, but it won't be authentic.

I apparently had my NG birthday a couple of days ago, missed that too. I phail :(

Just look at the bright side, you're still here with all of us good people, so don't feel sad. I know tons of people who fail more than that. :)

At 2/21/05 11:24 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: You had better keep at it because im right behind you !

Indeed you are, but I've still got about a 80 + blam lead over you. >:)

At 2/21/05 11:50 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Congradulations to good_guy_o for reaching EGSC!!! w00t
Now there are 16 of us.

Yes, many congrats to him and his superior l33tness over us lower levels. :D

At 2/21/05 11:52 AM, Zerok wrote: Happy times: Barbed wire for me!


At 2/21/05 03:29 PM, BareNakedMike wrote: Congrats to everyone, on their rank up, I just got Elite Guard Staff Sergeant :D

Nice. The last of the ugly silvers. Fine job on that good sir, many congrats too boot. :)

At 2/21/05 05:02 PM, Eldarion wrote: Anyway, RANK UP!!!!! I just ranked up to Elite Guard Master Sergeant!

O_o Then why does your profile say 'Elite Guard Sergeant First Class'? Drugs much? lol

At 2/21/05 05:18 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: I thought general was for general talk but I was wrong...this is mod abuse...MOD ABUSE

Yeah, that was pretty shitty of what FUNK did. He's more of a politics guy, and as well all know, people in politics are hard assend. :/

Since my original post is way over the limit, this is part one. Part two is next

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 18:25:21

Yar, part 2 of ye long arsed post, yargh.

At 2/21/05 10:14 PM, phileeguy wrote: No response is neceessary, I just felt like posting this.

HAHA! Nice. 9k blams and 3k saves, thats awsome. :D Congratulations on that. :)

At 2/22/05 09:30 AM, Denvish wrote: What's ironic is the fact that of all the current mods, ramagi probably has the least patience with borderline topics/users. She's a stern mistress ;)

You should see her in the C&C, she works wonders in there. She's like a freakn street sweeper for crying out loud. XD

At 2/22/05 11:20 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Anyways, not much an accomplishment, but today i finished watching all of Knox's clay movies O_o

What on earth drove you to punish yourself like that? O_o That is just inhumane and cruel torture that no one should have to sit through.

At 2/22/05 12:09 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Also, I don't think Wade will remove those mods just because you said so.

I don't think so either. Ron is an awsome mod on his good days. There are some mods that I question, but that is not my place and I will not stray from my path. But it is quite funny to see a topic get locked, and then watch the guy who made the locked topic make a topic about why did it get locked and watch his thread get locked and him put on a ban. It's very funny if I do say so myself.

At 2/22/05 12:15 PM, Toocool100 wrote: HAZZA! I finally reached 20 thousand protections :)

Awsome! You are quite the guy Toocool, maybe even too cool... :/ But that is quite the feat, I havn't seen another user at your mark or higher on only 90 or less blames. Congrats to you and your coolness. :)

At 2/22/05 12:31 PM, o__O wrote: I'm on top of th' werld.

Nope, I'm on top of the world and you just live in it junior. :)

At 2/22/05 12:56 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Theylive is his current username. He's still a mod but he's inactive.

Well he was on today. And Newgrundling was on a few days before him. Too bad they didn't post in here. :/

At 2/22/05 12:59 PM, ramagi wrote: I see I already got a reputation, I took on a job that a lot of the long term mods didn't want in modding the C&C forum.

I don't know why over 9/10ths of the mods don't go in there. If you ask me, it's the easiest place to navigate. General is just one massive shitfest waiting to explode with retardedness. C&C folk[like myself]are mainly civilized users. But I'm glad that you're modding it, and I know all the other regualers in there appreciate it too. :)

At 2/22/05 01:47 PM, NasFlash wrote: I just got teh 1337 b/p!

Nice. Congrats on that, now you have to get to 7331 b/p, the anti-l33t.

Rank: Police Captain
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 1,031 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 306 quality entries.

I'll doctor you a screen shot. :D

At 2/22/05 02:04 PM, Miikro wrote: WAYYYY overdue.
Rank: Elite Guard Private First Class

Cool. You're moving on up there. Congrats on that. But I never did like that badge too much. :/

At 2/22/05 02:27 PM, dawsdani wrote: I know this is my 4001 post but still i got to 4000 at last.

Yes, but you did hit 4k posts, thats a good number of them too. Congrats on that. :)

At 2/22/05 02:31 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote: Who'd be a mod, eah? Scum of the earth if you ask me...

Best watch your toung now, mods are always a foot, ready to hit that pwnIMEAN ban button. ::heh::

At 2/22/05 03:27 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Are we browsing the same BBS? :D :O


At 2/22/05 03:34 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: And hopefully this is the first post in the 1000th page. :D

Phail. :D

At 2/22/05 03:50 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats to:

YOU! Congratulations Mazza! Not many people have the first post on a 1,000 page thread. So you cherish that milestone, and you cherish it well. :)

At 2/22/05 03:52 PM, ramagi wrote: Sorry for deleting so much, I had to ban two account for spam.
I wanted this to be done right.

I feel the need to post this now......

ramagiReviewMod: f33r theironfist
MasterInuyashaNG: Indeed ph34r theironfist

A small warning to all your spammers.>:P

At 2/22/05 04:07 PM, j00bie wrote: Has this ever happened to you guys before>

Yes it does. I was going to make a topic about it, but since you posted this, meh.


I've noticed that if you look at the author area, there is no profile, e-mail, nothing to click on for contact or info on the author. Maybe thats it. :/

At 2/22/05 04:10 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: Firstly a big congrats to the wi/ht Level up lounge for making it to 1000 pages and still going strong !!!

IN-DEED! A big congratulations to the thread as well. :D

At 2/22/05 05:35 PM, Jamie_McGuire wrote: omfg ramagi stop deleting my posts >:(

BWHAHAHAHAHAHA! Even Jesus is laughing about this! XD I don't think she will. If she deems them spam, she shall delete them. I've noticed some spammy posts in here as well. I'm sure if this thread was gutted, it would only be on page 950. :/

At 2/22/05 05:54 PM, Pure_Greatness wrote: A little late, but oh well. Rank up.

Nice. How did you do those effects to your sceen shot? It looks really cool by the way. Congratulations on that. :)

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 18:36:20

At 2/22/05 06:13 PM, Denvish wrote: Seriously, though, I don't have time to check the profile of everyone who has ranked up, or the time to read every post.. which is the reason I was/am considering giving up making congrats lists. I'm interested in peoples' rank and level ups, and less so in the surrounding gossip. So, I guess page #1000 is as good a pace to start as any... congrats to all those who have achieved something memorable...

About freaking time, man.

There are three stages in every Wi/Ht? level up! lounge regular's development:

1) Congrat people on their accomplishments AS they happen and try to keep up with individual things and stay up to date in the topic as much as possible. I think I left stage #1 in... March 2004, maybe around page 350 of level up!...

2) Make up lists of achievements to congrat people all at once. I refer to this as teh "megacongrats," you seem to call 'em "congrats lists." Whichever. I turned to this method mostly in April and May of 2004, when I began to spend less and less days of the week in here and began to fall behind. As a result, the megacongrats format offered an easy way to compile ALL my catchup into a single post prior to the actual conversational parts of my posts.

3) Give up on doing even that. For me, this happened by June 2004, somewhere between pages 400-500 or so... I might drop in a "congrats to all on anything cool happening" or even a specific mention (like if someone I know turns level 16 or if Toocool hits a cool save amount, like I just congratted him for). But being concerned with trying to congratulate everyone on everything? Hell no. Thing of the past.

Welcome to stage 3, man. Glad to have you aboard. We call stage 3... the SANE stage. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 18:45:45

Wowza... I snagged the 30,000th post (29,999th REPLY) by accident. Thanks for the help there, Inuyasha. Two huge multi-quote replies by you are the reason for that. #;-}>


Now... the lounge has pretty much done all it could do... been through all it could be through... served its purpse, IOW....

Lock? #;-}>

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 18:52:04

At 2/22/05 06:45 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Now... the lounge has pretty much done all it could do... been through all it could be through... served its purpse, IOW....

Lock? #;-}>

I'd fight you for it, but I think you'd probably claim NG seniority. Go on, then... ;)

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 19:01:58

At 2/22/05 06:45 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Now... the lounge has pretty much done all it could do... been through all it could be through... served its purpse, IOW....
Lock? #;-}>

Even though I'm certain that you are kidding:

Sure but we would need to create another one because this topic is still a necessity. Locking this topic could temporarily eliminate the whereis/howto community which will mostly browse this section at each listing update.

Ever noticed how dead is the programming section? I don't want this one to be as active as the programming one...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 19:12:16

Locking this thread would be a huge kick in the face to all Wi/Ht?ers

Go for it #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}>

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 19:14:43

At 2/22/05 07:12 PM, j00bie wrote: Locking this thread would be a huge kick in the face to all Wi/Ht?ers

Go for it #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}>

If anyone do it, I'll go in an open war against the mods, and I'll be very very mean ...

I don't think I'd be the only one neither ...

(oh yeah, congrats for the 1000th page ... omg ... I just congrat'ed a topic ... aaarg)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 19:25:36

DAMNIT, people! I only made the lock joke to see if I could get a rise out of anyone or freak anyone out. And the only person it even SLIGHTLY worked on was Mystboy... and not the way I wanted it to. DAMN YOU ALL. #;-}>

At 2/22/05 06:52 PM, Denvish wrote: I'd fight you for it, but I think you'd probably claim NG seniority. Go on, then... ;)

In all honesty, I've never locked a topic over 7 days old. I know there's a way to do it (The "Tanner Method"), but I've never had a need to do so. I suppose I will if the actual "no lock timelimit" thing is imposed by liljim, but so far it doesn't seem he's changed teh coding yet.

So anyway. I was bullshitting, pure and simple. #;-}>

At 2/22/05 06:53 PM, BareNakedMike wrote:
At 2/22/05 06:45 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Wowza... I snagged the 30,000th post (29,999th REPLY) by accident. Thanks for the help there, Inuyasha. Two huge multi-quote replies by you are the reason for that. #;-}>
Damnit >:( i was gonna try to get it.

Hardly anyone was posting in here. Seems like everyone fell asleep at the switch. Sorry, man.

oh well i take 30,001

Uh... I dunno how you were gonna do that. The post of mine you were replying to was post # 30,001 (reply #30,000).

Last post on page 1000 = post #30,000 (1000 * 30 = 30,000), reply #29,999 (30k - 1 (the original post))
First post on page 1001 = post #30,001 (above + 1), reply #30,000 (above + 1)

And anyone, Denvish beat you to post #30,002. HOWEVER, your post = #30,003, so congrats on that. #;-}>

Lock? #;-}>
yes i dare you hahaha


At 2/22/05 07:01 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Even though I'm certain that you are kidding:

Sure but we would need to create another one because this topic is still a necessity. Locking this topic could temporarily eliminate the whereis/howto community which will mostly browse this section at each listing update.

Ever noticed how dead is the programming section? I don't want this one to be as active as the programming one...

:::ignores long commentary because, as you were certain, I was kidding::: #;-}>

At 2/22/05 07:12 PM, j00bie wrote: Locking this thread would be a huge kick in the face to all Wi/Ht?ers

Which is why I'd never go around the restrictions in the lockpage to do it, even if the spam was out of control (that'd be the time to break out the super-multi-banstick and deletion button).

Go for it #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}> #;-}>

YOU BASTARD! How evil are you?! I thought my joke about doing so was kinda bad. CRIMINY! #;-}>

At 2/22/05 07:14 PM, -Myst- wrote: If anyone do it, I'll go in an open war against the mods, and I'll be very very mean ...

I don't think I'd be the only one neither ...

(oh yeah, congrats for the 1000th page ... omg ... I just congrat'ed a topic ... aaarg)

Open war against the mods? Man, ask the OCP how THAT went. O_o


Anywho, time for a bit of catchup on the topic (I hadn't posted from page 986-999)... oh, and here's the 30,000 replies screenie to go with the 29,999 replies screenie I posted IN the 30,000th reply, if that makes any sense:

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 19:31:19

At 2/22/05 07:25 PM, gfoxcook wrote: And anyone, Denvish beat you to post #30,002.

ARGH! Anyone = anywho... CRIPES!


And now? A BIT O' CATCHUP from a week back, just to irritate SCD #;-}>

At 2/14/05 05:21 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: I see Gfox aswell, hes starting to bother me, he just pops in with a page full of text and then goes away for another few days, and we have to wait a week to get a reply. And by then you have competely forgot what your talking about ;)

STARTING to bother you? It's been this way for over half a year, man.

You've got two options when it comes to this topic. Well, three actually:

A) gfox doesn't come here at all. Ever. Again. Happy?

B) annoyin' ol' gfox comes in and does his "big reply and then disappears" act, but at least he catches up a BIT on the topic now and then.

C) gfox is a regular reader and poster in here (this one will only happen if the topic's growth rate is cut to around 25% of its current level, though, which is why I almost didn't bother mentioning it).

At 2/14/05 11:22 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats to:

-gfoxcook: Did you change aura or something?



Never have, never will. Been neutral since 2000 or whenever. Certainly since before I started posting in January 2003. GREEN IZ ME, I DO NOT CHANGE, YA?

Why on earth was that question to me in the middle of a congrats list, anyway? O_o

At 2/14/05 01:38 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
On another note, I got my first saviour movie in a very long time, even after voting 1 on the submission. Odd, no?
If your vote wasn't powerfull enough to bring it below the standards, then it will pass. And I've heard it doesn't have to be a 1.60. In some cases it's a 1.00 or a 2.00 depending on howmany votes/views it's gotten. But I'm probably wrong and heard wrong too. lol

No shit you were wrong and heard wrong. O_o

I've heard some people saying 2.00 lately, and it was even an answer in some stupidass flash quiz on the portal.

The amount is 1.61, actually. 1.60 and below gets blammed. 1.61 and above get saved. Those markers are at 200 votes.

Now, a movie CAN be blammed before 200 votes at different checkpoints, but that's nothing to do with whether a movie gets SAVED, just whether or not it gets blammed EARLY, see.

So, point is... people get a blam movie if they are the last vote on a movie that's getting blammed on that vote (150th vote, 200th vote, whatever)... and people get a save movie if they are the last vote (while UJ) on a movie that's getting SAVED on that vote (always the 200th vote).

And it DOESN'T MATTER WHETHER YOU HIT BLAM OR SAVE, the movie plays depending on what's happening to the MOVIE/GAME, not what button YOU pressed.

Just a few days ago I got a blam movie while voting 2 on something that died with a 1.50, unfortunately. That means I missed getting a point (either a blam OR a save) on the movie, and I just got to see the blam movie. Bleh. I don't count those, personally, in my running total.

And a few days before that, one of the admins cleared a shitload of Numa Numa flash (presumably because of the new Numa Numa collection) from the whistlelist, and they were all dumped into the UJ stack on the portal... they were all below 1.61, but unfortunately had been marked for "autosaving" or something. I hit 1 on one of them, and it was at 1.31 or so, but I got the save movie. Why? Because, like I said, an admin wanted it saved, so it was somehow programmed to be saved no matter what. Bleh.

I just wonder whether or not I would have gotten a save point had it been saved, seeing as how it was an ARTIFICIAL protection, not a real one. OUTRAGE!!!!!

At 2/14/05 05:10 PM, oMfG1337aZnbOi69 wrote:
At 2/13/05 11:52 PM, gfoxcook wrote: And now? I finish my 7800th post...
Nice job there you little spammer you. <3 :D

Do you REALLY think it's spamming to mention your current big-round-number postcount at the END of a post that had plenty of other content? I hope not. OR ELSE YOU ARE TEH BANNINATED!!!! HMPHALUMP!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 19:40:26

Just thought I'd pop in whilst I'm on my rare cruise 'round NG to lately congratulate the Lounge on it's 1,000th page! Way to go, guys!

Oh, and congrats to everyone else whom have accomplished something. Sorry for not individualizing it, maybe next time.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 19:49:41

At 2/22/05 05:35 PM, Jamie_McGuire wrote: omfg ramagi stop deleting my posts >:(

Well I had a request from the poster before you to delete thier post because of a typo, which made you rpost seem out of place, since it made fun of thier typo post.

geeze I go way to go gfoxcook, way to be post whore. :-p
I am sure any of the other mods would have done the same thing as me. I just happen to be here.
Hopefully now were past 1000pages and 30,00 replies thigns will return to normal.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 20:08:16

Heya, Pure. Good to see you here on NG. Ever gonna break 10k posts so I can put you on the pentalist? Eh? I noticed you've gone super-active on the reviews on RG, just 1 behind Xwayne on the last update of SK's RGTL. Wowza.

At 2/22/05 07:49 PM, ramagi wrote: geeze I go way to go gfoxcook, way to be post whore. :-p


Let's see here:

page 1000:
post #1 - replied to you and jamie, remarked about the topic being on page 1000, dropped in for the first time in a week+
post #2 - replied to a post by Denvish, I believe. This post happened to be right at the bottom of page 1000, which I hadn't expected, so:
page 1001:
post #3 - posted a SHORT (insanely short for gfox, perhaps) post with a screenie of teh 29999 replies and made a stupid joke about locking the topic)
post #4 - replied to the 4 people responding to my joke
post #5 - replied to a few old replies from page 985/986

Now... tell me... where in there did I post whore? The only SLIGHTLY pointless post was #3, but... eh. 1 out of 5 isn't a bad ratio compared to most posters. #;-}>

I am sure any of the other mods would have done the same thing as me. I just happen to be here.

I was thanking you for your dedication and for BEING here, since I (for example) am not. Very often. At least.

Hopefully now were past 1000pages and 30,00 replies thigns will return to normal.


Which is why I will probably be leaving for another week or two... right...

NOW! #;-}>


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 20:28:42

At 2/22/05 06:23 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/22/05 05:35 PM, Jamie_McGuire wrote: omfg ramagi stop deleting my posts >:(
Stop making posts that NEED deleting.

I made no posts that NEED deleting.

Or else I'll JOIN ramagi in deleting them. Hahahaha. #;-}>

Hahahaha, NO! :-D I am just angry that ramagi enjoys deleting my posts. She has already deleted id say 10 and they are all actually good posts! >:( spammers dont get deleted but I do... then again, its just newgrounds... its not life... oh wait it is... :-P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 21:09:57

At 2/22/05 07:01 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Ever noticed how dead is the programming section? I don't want this one to be as active as the programming one...

Hey. A lot of people actually get a lot of help there. We don't need to run discussions to solve a problem, so it's not as active as the other forums.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 21:24:38

At 2/22/05 06:23 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
And good job with the 20k saves, TooCool. I just noticed earlier today. You'll soon grab the saves crown from me, with the way our respective rates are going as of late. I'm just glad I've had it for so long (since July last year). I did NOT expect that to be the case.

you'll always be my save hero :)

Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 21:40:14

Eh, who am I kidding. FOR ONCE, I SHALL NOT RUN AWAY! For now.

At 2/22/05 08:28 PM, Jamie_McGuire wrote:
At 2/22/05 06:23 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Stop making posts that NEED deleting.
I made no posts that NEED deleting.

Mmm hmm. Your last ban was for discussing an Outwar-like game, it seems. Posts about such things NEED deleting, so your theory that NONE of your post ever need deleting.. is now proven incorrect. #;-}>

Or else I'll JOIN ramagi in deleting them. Hahahaha. #;-}>
Hahahaha, NO! :-D I am just angry that ramagi enjoys deleting my posts. She has already deleted id say 10 and they are all actually good posts! >:( spammers dont get deleted but I do... then again, its just newgrounds... its not life... oh wait it is... :-P

ramagi is just having fun stretching out her BBS mod muscles. She's been banning reviewers for so long without being able to moderate here on the BBS... that she's got a ton of pent-up BBS modding. I'm sure, however, that any posts of yours that were deleted were either pointless... or as she said, referenced other posts that were deleted and didn't make sense anymore.

That doesn't mean you necessarily broke the rules with those posts, it just means they're gone, man. Are you that much of a postcount freak that you can't handle your number dropping a bit?

And yes, spammers DO get deleted. Routinely.

At 2/22/05 09:24 PM, Toocool100 wrote:
At 2/22/05 06:23 PM, gfoxcook wrote: And good job with the 20k saves, TooCool. I just noticed earlier today. You'll soon grab the saves crown from me,
you'll always be my save hero :)

Awww shucks. #;-}>

I can never be your blam hero, though, because my blamcount is just a BIT higher than your 90. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-22 22:54:11

18000 b/p

This just in....

18011 b/p

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 00:21:09

Congrats to everyone on the 1000 pages!, next goal 2000, we can do it! =P

I've just deposited and noticet something really cool on my profile... 10.00 is just around the corner!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Need help on beating Alkie Kong 2, brutal mode? click here.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 00:29:25

wow! i completely forgot all about the 1,000th page of this incredibly valuable rank up type thread.

but anyway.. COngrats too.
j00bie for 18k BP
wismty for 9.99 VP (10.00 is getting closer) good luck

And yea... good_guy_o for passing me in BP. Denvish will pass me too. School is really my main focus right now... even though I want 10K saves.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 01:28:01

My goal of getting over4.000 posts per day has been accomplished only 13 more to 4,444.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 03:41:56

Mazza, i envy you on getting the first post on the 1,000th page. well done :)
i will get a bp rank up in a few days now. getting close to 12,500.

TooCool - you are awesome.
20k protection points... that's simply amazing.
eh, nice work.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 03:56:59

Wow congrats to the Wi/Ht level up! Lounge for reaching 1k pages!

I hit my 1337th post a little bit ago, but I missed the screenie :(

Sorry I've been so silent lately, just been silently depositing and working on my exp ranking :)

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