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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 15:25:14

At 2/23/05 08:47 AM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: Yay, went up two places in the B/P users list; now im 205, but still not as good as when I was number 40 or so...

Well... it's not exactly a mystery why you slid down the list is it :D

Slightly pissed i missed the 1000 page mark, but still, it's a great achievement.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 15:45:44

At 2/23/05 03:13 PM, j00bie wrote: the deleting is insane...
id say about 30 of my past 50 posts have been deleted.

It's getting friggen annoying, i dont care whos doing it, but its really starting to piss me off >=(

Heh well i noticed a few posts of my own getting delted, a few here and there dont really bother me, if its that bad i guess its for a reason, as for 30-50 that sounds abit over the top but also depends on the posts, but hey what can we do we are just the little guy heh...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 16:29:45

At 2/23/05 08:39 AM, -Mazza- wrote:
Just look at the bright side, you're still here with all of us good people, so don't feel sad. I know tons of people who fail more than that. :)
Lol, that made me feel better. Thanks.

Good. We have enough sad and mopey people on NG already, we don't need any more. lol

At 2/23/05 12:15 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote: Fuck you ramagi.

:: Looks over hill :: 'Is that ramagi? Why is she holding a large club?'

At 2/23/05 01:00 PM, Eldarion wrote: You obviously didn't read the rest of my post, I meant to post a false achievement to see if people read this thread at all. Glad you passed.

I was wondering about that, but wasing sure. :/ I'm glad I'm not a foolish thief though. lol

At 2/23/05 01:32 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: Indeed, it's likely i will never catch you up M_I, as i've been super busy with other comitments recently and haven't had the time to b/p at all.

Well that sucks you being busy and all. I myself hit another mile stone today. :D

At 2/23/05 02:24 PM, -Myst- wrote: She's like ... always on her week ...

BWAHAHAHA! XD Thats the best thing I've read in a long time. LOL! I bet even Jesus would be laughing about that. :D


Congrats to all those who have hit a mile stone recently. I've just hit another one this morning. Woot!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 17:53:32

At 2/22/05 08:08 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Heya, Pure. Good to see you here on NG. Ever gonna break 10k posts so I can put you on the pentalist? Eh? I noticed you've gone super-active on the reviews on RG, just 1 behind Xwayne on the last update of SK's RGTL. Wowza.

I may. I'm gonna try to make a few posts daily here, so I may one day. I noticed a lot of people beat me to it in my absence, though.

Not just on reviews, I'm super-active on RG period :). And now, I
have passed him up once again. I am once again Top Reviewer on RG! Yay! :)

Congrats To:
Me for finally making my own congrat list. :)

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 18:58:01

I finally did it 4,444 posts and 4,444 blams

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 19:55:00

elite guard private first class! i didnt stay at elite guard private very long, i can tell you that.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 20:44:02

Heh, seems my last post was near the top of page 1000. >_> Thanks for all the fun reading you guys. =/

No EK, you're probably the fifth person to request a parody name. I do things on my own time. Deal with it all. >:(

At 2/22/05 07:31 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Do you REALLY think it's spamming to mention your current big-round-number postcount at the END of a post that had plenty of other content?

But of course, especially if it is posted by a moderator and causes no harm to the topic whatsoever. :D

I hope not.

You hope too much. =/


Heh...*downloads hacking programs* *gets ahold of Wade's password* Why, I believe it is you the one who are going to be
"BANNINATED" or I can just go all out with an account deletion. <3

Sidenote: I'm joking, I couldn't hack my way out of a paper bag. :'(

At 2/22/05 10:54 PM, j00bie wrote: 18000 b/p

Holy crap, didn't you just get 15,000? How time flies. =/

Yeah, good job to Iscrulz (sp?) for all of his 4s. :D

Another Kibatulations to DRD1982 for the awesome 8,000 blams. ^_^

And a super-special BOLDED congratulations to Master_Inuyasha for his rank up. Why is he bolded? Because everyone else sucks and I love him more than the rest of you. :D

I may end up posting a rank-up here later tonight, but at the rate the portal is going I may not be able to get the b/ps I need to hit it so I'll probably have to wait until tomorrow. :'(

Wi/Ht? #28

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 20:51:20

At 2/23/05 08:47 AM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: Yay, went up two places in the B/P users list; now im 205, but still not as good as when I was number 40 or so...

Still, that's a lot better than being stuck at level 14 wouldn't you agree bud? Hey spancker, did you happen to notice my sign up date is the same day as your birthday? Coincidence?

At 2/23/05 10:49 AM, the_phantom_spancker wrote:
At 2/23/05 10:16 AM, jonthomson wrote: Boo, missed page 1000 :-(
I know exactly how you feel, not only that we have had 3 pages since last night, thats fucking alot!

Yeah, I missed it too since I was having a little celebration of my own. Maybe it's better I wasn't around after reading the last couple of pages. Congrats to all those diehards who stuck with this place through thick and thin.

At 2/23/05 03:45 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Heh well i noticed a few posts of my own getting delted, a few here and there dont really bother me...

So what constitutes an acceptable post on the BBS nowadays? Fifty words or less? I've been away for the last two days and it sounds like there's a few disgruntled individuals amidst the Newgrounds community. I'd ask for a link but it's probably deleted (lol).

At 2/23/05 07:55 PM, cheesebizkit wrote: elite guard private first class!

Congrats cheesebizkit. Don't let it go to your head.

i didnt stay at elite guard private very long, i can tell you that.

So what's your average point gain per day?

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 21:53:39

its actually not very high at all. im not usually in the green in ShittyKittys total listing updates. my average there is around 1.6, 1.7 maybe.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-23 23:56:04

At 2/23/05 08:44 PM, SooooooooooooooLegal wrote: No EK, you're probably the fifth person to request a parody name. I do things on my own time. Deal with it all. >:(

You are NOT cool :( Bonus is back on my cool list and you are off :D

At 2/23/05 06:58 PM, Iscrulz wrote: I finally did it 4,444 posts and 4,444 blams

Ah well, congrats. I bet that your blamming pace wasn't as fast as it could be when you tried to reach the same amount of posts :)

At 2/23/05 11:27 AM, j00bie wrote: The top 50 is doable... i was always under the impression that i wasnt fast enough... but... I guess I might make it there within the month 8-)

Ya right, mister.. I mean miss 2 accounts. If you only had one, you would already be in the top50 (assuming that you didn't lie).

BTW, congrats on 18000b/p pts and 6000 posts. (If I didn't congratulate you already)

At 2/23/05 12:14 PM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: Yeah, but I haven't posted with it for a long long time. Mostly it's other people who post with it. I just deposit for it now and again.

so he's inactive? *Ready to start a party* :P

At 2/23/05 12:15 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote: Why the fuck did you delete that post with the picture? Sure I used Redcircles design, but that was the point.

I agree, there is way too much deleting in the LUL lately. Even some posts that aren't spam disappear. I know it's against the rules to type a comment about the modding but I don't care. That's what I think about the deleting in the wi/ht? forum lately and I'm not going to hold my thoughts. BLEH!

At 2/23/05 02:35 PM, DRD1982 wrote: BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 8,000 crappy entries
8,000 BLAMS!!!!

Good job man! Don't give up. You are only 2000 away from the pentalist.

I'm done with a few objectives. Time to set new objectives which will be even more difficult to reach :D Anyway, what the hell happened today to my stats?

-I reached 5000 protects (OGM, I will receive a special mention in the top 50 protectors list)
-14000 blams
-19000 b/p pts
-A second star on Sk's update (6.00+ per hour)
-My pace is good enough to get a star on Dogma's EGRL (1000+ in a week)
-I'm slowly catching Bonus
-I'm still over j00b and Kiba
-I died from too much underjudgement voting.

woosh! I'm going back to my insane voting on the portal! :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 02:39:38

At 2/23/05 11:56 PM, EKRegulus wrote: -A second star on Sk's update (6.00+ per hour)

damn you.

-My pace is good enough to get a star on Dogma's EGRL (1000+ in a week)


-I died from too much underjudgement voting.


woosh! I'm going back to my insane voting on the portal! :P

shit dude, i fekcing hate you and your o so perfect time zone.
from 3:30pm - 9:30pm, how many b/p points would you expect to get in those 6 hours?
for me, its 20-30. im very happy with 30...

i think it's safe to say i would have nearly double the b/p i have if i lived in America....
atleast i will be one of the first Aussie's to reach EGSC, hopefully.
theres Qwox, i THINK Klacid has a lot and i THINK Enoll also has a decent amount, but im not sure....
can anyone think of aussies with high b/p???

bleh... i poon in reviews :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 03:30:18

At 2/23/05 12:15 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote: Why the fuck did you delete that post with the picture? Sure I used Redcircles design, but that was the point.

You're joking, right? I actually got a kick out of that picture. Maybe your post was deleted because you used your alt for it, and a mod was a little too quick on the delete button? If not though, this deleting business has now gone too far. I never thought I'd have to say this, but cut back a bit, eh mods? There are more than one senses of humour.

Fuck you ramagi.

Hear hear.


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 03:43:55

At 2/23/05 08:44 PM, SooooooooooooooLegal wrote: I love him more than the rest of you. :D

*sniff* So kind hearted. :') <3

At 2/24/05 03:30 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote:
Fuck you ramagi.
Hear hear.

Heh. I don't know why this all is oh so funny to me. Maybe it's all the gatoraide I've drank to day, I'm starting to turn puple from all the grape. lol


HAHAHA! Erased RedCircles name and put deck heads on there. ROFL! XD

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 05:06:10

At 2/24/05 03:30 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: cut back a bit, eh mods? There are more than one senses of humour.

i wasn't really all too aware that mods were pissing a few more people than normal off lately....


lolol, gotta love that pic.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 05:40:39

Hazzah. Best thing ever.

10,000 blams.
4,000 protects.
14,000 b/ps.
Rank up.

Tis' perfect. ^_^ (Too bad I had to miss some blams to do this.) =/

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 05:42:36

At 2/24/05 05:40 AM, SooooooooooooooLegal wrote: Hazzah. Best thing ever.

Indeed it is, quite awsome. :D

Tis' perfect. ^_^ (Too bad I had to miss some blams to do this.) =/

Yeah, about 20 or so. :/ Oh well, atleast you've got an awsome sreen shot. :)

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 06:01:35

At 2/24/05 03:30 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: this deleting business has now gone too far.

I quite agree. I lost quite few posts recently, most of which were answering questions. I also like the picture, which'll be very useful in answering questions posed by n00bs who haven't read the FAQ.

Yay for deck_head!

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 06:27:59

At 2/23/05 11:56 PM, EKRegulus wrote:



Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 06:40:19

At 2/24/05 06:27 AM, -Undertaker- wrote:
At 2/23/05 11:56 PM, EKRegulus wrote:


How useful and interesting. You should write more in your posts and put an actual quote in next time.

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 06:45:51

At 2/24/05 05:40 AM, h4xx0r-j00r-m3g4bi7s wrote: Hazzah. Best thing ever.

10,000 blams.
4,000 protects.
14,000 b/ps.
Rank up.

Grats, mate, im only replying to your name because i dont care anymore. All this name changing shit has done my head in. From now on, im just going to congratulate people that i know, or know of. So consider yourself lucky you got congratulated.

Grats Cheezebizkit, and DRD, and a big grats to EKRegulus. Well done guys.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 07:09:16

Ho hum. Catch up time.
Congratulations to everybody who has ranked up, levelled up, got a significant number etc.

Blimey, that was easy

Just finished a stint on Radiogrounds, now I'm a little more used to it I'll post in Wi/Ht next time I'm on

Re: deletings: yes, I have to agree that things have got a bit out of hand. I think ramagi's time in C&C has made her a little overenthusiastic when it comes to 'cleaning the place up' - but having said that, kudos is due for her taking on the mods' most disliked forum. Anyway, I think RC is having a word with her, and if I speak to her I'll ask her to let up a bit.. no guarantees she'll take any notice though

Just bear in mind that she is trying to do what she thinks is best for the BBS - clearing out the shit. The difficult part is knowing where to draw the line as to what is spam/useless/crap and what isn't

Anyway, just to let you know that your comments have been noted, so it might be best if everyone stops complaining now ;)

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 10:59:25

Hello Memebers - just stoppin in for a moment to say hello to you all...............congrades on 1,000th page (a page or two late, but not forgotten!)

Hope everyone is well and congrades to all who have leveled up or/and ranked up!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 11:24:49

Congrats to:

-DRD1982: 8,000 Blams. You'll get 10,000 in no time.
-shampawnya: Police captain and having one of the most complicated names ever :/
-Master_Inuyasha: EG Master Sergeant. That's the rank Eldarion tricked me with ^_^
-Iscrulz= 4,444 Posts and Blams. Did you plan it that way?
-cheesebizkit: EG Private First Class. Nice!
-EKRegulus: Tons of stuff, including 14k Blams, 19k B/P, 5k Saves, etc.
-h4xx0r-a lot of other stuff I don't feel like typing but I've typed more than I would originally be typing right now so I'll stop: 10k Blams, 4k Saves, 14k B/P, EG Major, Pentalisted. Quit it with the double accomplishments :(

Thanks to:


fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 11:53:34

At 2/23/05 02:35 PM, DRD1982 wrote: BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 8,000 crappy entries
8,000 BLAMS!!!!

Congrats DRD1982, thats a dam good ammount ! : 0

At 2/23/05 03:29 PM, Dave wrote: How is this a spam thread?

Man i liked that thread, funny as hell.

At 2/23/05 04:29 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Well that sucks you being busy and all. I myself hit another mile stone today. :D

If i can be botherd i will post a picture of the colmination of all my lost NG time : )
And congrats on your rank up bud.

At 2/23/05 07:55 PM, cheesebizkit wrote: elite guard private first class! i didnt stay at elite guard private very long, i can tell you that.

Congrats dude thats cool = ) im sure you wonn't be EGPFC for long either = )

At 2/24/05 05:40 AM, h4xx0r-j00r-m3g4bi7s wrote: Hazzah. Best thing ever.
Tis' perfect. ^_^ (Too bad I had to miss some blams to do this.) =/

Meh totaly worth missing the blams for the cool creenie though big congrats Kiba.

At 2/24/05 07:09 AM, Denvish wrote: Just finished a stint on Radiogrounds, now I'm a little more used to it I'll post in Wi/Ht next time I'm on

Yay anouther wi/ht regular DJ, its good to see som many people getting involved in radiogrounds. im sure you will do an exellent job as BJ Denvish : )

At 2/24/05 10:59 AM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: Hello Memebers - just stoppin in for a moment to say hello to you all...............congrades on 1,000th page (a page or two late, but not forgotten!)

Hey X good to see you poped in for the occasion, and now for no reason have a GIF.....

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 11:57:32

Congrats to:

Master_Inuyasha - Elite Guard Master Sergeant. Not too far from the gold badges now.
Iscrulz - 4444 blams and 4444 posts. Nice, especially it was one hte same day.
cheesebizkit - Elite Guard Private First Class. Nice, you also entered the top 1000 for B/P.
Kiba - Elite Guard Major, 10000 blams, 4000 saves, 14000 b/p points, most annoying alias changer. Yep, too many goals reached.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 12:17:52

At 2/24/05 11:53 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: BJ Denvish : )

lol @ BJ =D

If I can ever catch Captain_Bob when he's not away, I should be DJing very soon. Should be fun.

Sorry I missed you Denvish. :(

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 12:34:16

At 2/24/05 12:17 PM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: lol @ BJ =D

Sorry Denvish imature i know....

If I can ever catch Captain_Bob when he's not away, I should be DJing very soon. Should be fun.

Wat i thought you already had the go ahead you just needed a new mic?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 12:34:41

At 2/24/05 12:17 PM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: If I can ever catch Captain_Bob when he's not away, I should be DJing very soon. Should be fun.

It's scary at first. Got some good feedback, though.
Best time to catch him is VERY late at night, or before 9AM GMT

Sorry I missed you Denvish. :(

No worries. Biggest audience I had was 6, and I was quite happy with that ;)
Make sure you post in one of these threads when you're happy with your setup

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 12:52:54

At 2/23/05 12:15 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote: Fuck you ramagi.

Yea, thats a lovely thing to say to a mod :-p

Reveiw banned....
Yea, this joke anit funny no more, its been almost a week and I still cant vote, if this keeps up til sunday I swear im going to kill myself there is some good stuff coming in that I really wanna get my thoughts about heard nad I promise never to call piconjo a dick again (I know i wasn't banned cos of that but i just love to call him a dick :-)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-02-24 13:05:34

Snow is great fun.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge