Holy Shizer...
Myst's Biggest Congrats
Ramagi is a mod?!?!
Wow, congratz Ramagi. ^_^ I am impressed.
Holy Shizer...
Myst's Biggest Congrats
Ramagi is a mod?!?!
Wow, congratz Ramagi. ^_^ I am impressed.
I'm breaking the level 10 barrier in about 3 days!!!!
At 1/31/05 06:15 AM, HairydragonballZ wrote: I'm breaking the level 10 barrier in about 3 days!!!!
Please don't post about your level up unless you actually GET the level up.
At 1/31/05 06:18 AM, RedCircle wrote:At 1/31/05 06:15 AM, HairydragonballZ wrote: I'm breaking the level 10 barrier in about 3 days!!!!Please don't post about your level up unless you actually GET the level up.
yeah ok,
sorry just getting a little anxious
At 1/31/05 06:20 AM, HairydragonballZ wrote: sorry just getting a little anxious
We all get anxious, but it makes it ten times sweeter when we actually get the level up, so try to be patient. Don't ruin the big accomplishment!!!
At 1/30/05 03:38 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: I managed to get my PPD to 2 and I'll try and get it to 3. Oh, I was lucky to get this screenshot.
Congrats Bahamut.
At 1/30/05 05:56 PM, RageVI wrote: At this point, I'm exactly halfway to EGSC. At the rate I used to go at, I should have been there a long time ago. Things just got in the way!
Congrats RageVI and good luck on your target.
1/30/05 07:44 PM, Iscrulz wrote:
I wait almost my whole acct life to post here Omg 4,000 postes containing 60% spam.
LMAO grats Iscrulz.
At 1/30/05 08:37 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: I know i probably shouldn't be doing this, but it is my first entry and it is an accomplishment in my eyes. I tried really hard on it, so any RG members, please vote kindly and review if you will.
Not bad at all... 3.16 at the moment which is a very respectable score, i'll give it a review later on today.
At 1/30/05 09:13 PM, -stem- wrote: 3,000 exp point marker today, level 12 tomorrow :)
Congrats, perminant as well.
Qwox wrote :
Anyway, I am now reading the first few pages and it's fun to see the posts made by you so long ago, and unbelievable that Joe has had that link for such a long time.
i used to read oder pages alot just to see who was around first, what the more inactive members were like, My favourite story i read on one of the earlyer pages about ReconR practicing with his nunchukas then waking up staring at the roof !!? hahah.
At 1/30/05 09:19 PM, -NES- wrote: I just became an Elite Guard Private
Congrats, private NES.
At 1/31/05 01:59 AM, ramagi wrote: Thanks
Beware Spammers. I know how to ban all to well.
Huge congrats ramagi, thats really cool.........(im scared)
At 1/31/05 05:53 AM, RedCircle wrote: Jesus....someone hold me *shivers*
I feel the sudden need to worship..... dam you RC playing around with subliminals!!!
Instead of Alkador, I congratulate:
-NES for EGP. Yay.
-ramagi for 4,444 posts. I see I'm the only one to congratulate her for that, shame on the rest of you. SHAME.
-Slowbro for 7 VP, see you again in another 400 pages.
-RedCircle for #666. Since you have 270 exp points more than me, everytime you get a exp milestone, I get a month's warning before my milestone (or more, depending on other depositers).
At 1/30/05 09:29 PM, Myst_Williams wrote:At 1/30/05 09:18 PM, Qwoxyl wrote: The blue, the trees, the road, fits so well together, nice work.Thanks, i worked hard on it. ^_^
That's ok, and if you don't want to advertise on the forums, you can always put a link in your sig pic to your newest picture (the &page999 for the Writer's Club shouldn't take up much room in your sig).
At 1/31/05 12:15 AM, EKRegulus wrote: Holy surprise... that's interesting.
Yes, It is interesting. I'm in that picture. Right next to someone. With a coloured name. Named "Shadow_samurai".
At 1/31/05 03:16 AM, Alkador wrote:At 1/30/05 08:22 PM, Qwoxyl wrote: Look at the date, that was written in 2002. You now figure out why he's not level 11 anymore.Looks a bit like a vulgarian to me. More so to the person who posted before him. No harm intended.
No harm intended indeed. Although if I knew why Recon was asking if it was a coincidence (which I do now), I probably wouldn't have answered at all.
Did you finish uni by any chance and doing some course I'd like to hear the name of?
No, I have not finished yet (still two more years) and the course I'm doing is "Digital Media". I use a few programs, including Flash, but I'm not planning on submitting anything anytime soon.
At 1/30/05 08:22 PM, Qwoxyl wrote:At 1/30/05 08:19 PM, WayneRooney wrote:Look at the date, that was written in 2002. You now figure out why he's not level 11 anymore.At 10/6/02 02:56 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: IM A LEVEL 11 NOWOMG ure liek level 17 now wot gives???!??!?!?
Alt accounts are great fun :-)
Very neat ramagi!! Congrats!!
Long ago i was wondering why werent you a mod :P
Also, today i finally got another response, its 138 now!! $__$
Oh yes, and also passed yesterday the 8.ooo posts per day {tongue0}
At 1/31/05 07:22 AM, Qwoxyl wrote:
-ramagi for 4,444 posts. I see I'm the only one to congratulate her for that, shame on the rest of you. SHAME.
Thanks I never got around to posting a screenie of that. Wade distracted me.
Thanks to all.
Congratz to
Slowbro for 7 VP.
RedCircle for #666 Exp
I don't know when this happened,but I may be a few days late..
Congrats to Ramgi and Mary for their Moderator positions..
I guess that would be considered a step up??Enough to be posted in here...lol
A ruling at no cost to:
Iscrulz - 4000 posts
-stem- - 3000 exp, level 12
-NES- - EG Private, 1300 posts
FBIpolux - 6000 RL days
ramagi - 4444 posts, BBS modship... good luck...
-Mary- - BBS modship
SlowBro - 7.00 VP
RedCircle - #666 exp rank
carmelhadinosaur - 8.000 NGBBSPPD
Congrats on your modification ramagi, I always knew you would be modded one day, it was just a matter of time. :)
Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1
Congrats to:
-Chrome-: EG Sergeant
-dawsdani: 5,000 Blams
-Jamie_McGuire: EG SErgeant
-BonusStage: 7,000 posts
-ImmortalDarkness: Lv 10, 1,000 posts
-Bahamut7: 2PPD, 777 Saves
-RageVI: 15,000 B/P
-Iscrulz: 4,000 posts
-stem-: 3,000 Exp
-NES-: EG Private, 1,300 posts
-FBIpolux: 6,000 years I mean days
-ramagi: Becoming a mod, 4,444 posts
-Mary-: Also becoming a mod(Oh noez, two new mods *hides*)
-SlowBro: 7.00 VP
-SeeD419: #717 B/P
-LULer: LV 5 omg
-RedCircle: #666 Exp
-carmelhadinosaur: 9.00 PPD
-Anyone I might have missed
At 1/30/05 07:47 PM, Sepultura123 wrote: im here...
Thanks for sharing.
Now who are you again?
At 1/30/05 08:37 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: I know i probably shouldn't be doing this, but it is my first entry and it is an accomplishment in my eyes. I tried really hard on it, so any RG members, please vote kindly and review if you will.
I promise, i won't advertise my stuff anymore, but it is my first entry and i want all my NG friends to know it is there. It is an accomplishment to me anyways. ^_^
I hope you all like it.
Click here.
Nice. Are you going to use it for something(beside Retrogade)? It looks like it would look nice on a website layout.
At 1/31/05 10:40 AM, Toocool100 wrote: Congrats on your modification ramagi, I always knew you would be modded one day, it was just a matter of time. :)
Hasn't he been a mod for a long time now?
At 1/31/05 03:16 AM, Alkador wrote: Alkador congratulates with a sword:
- Bahamut7 for 777 saves. It matches your name as well. :)
Heh, too bad my saves can't be 777 forever. :( I could try and stick with 7777 saves when I get that much (that'll be a year or two time).
At 1/31/05 03:16 AM, Alkador wrote: Yeah yeah, that's fine with me. Nah, you're not bad, it was good to see you come into the lounge as I did once myself not too long ago.
Heh, I know I can't be a bad attention whore since people would be hating me by now and having hateful sigs of me. :| Meh, good thing I'm not Goldencat. :D
RageVI - 15000 b/p points
Iscrulz - 4000 posts
-stem- - 3000 EXP
-NES- - Elite Guard Private, 1300 posts
FBIpolux - 6000 days old
ramagi - BBS mod
-Mary- - BBS mod
SlowBro - 7.00 VP
RedCircle - 666th highest EXP
HairydragonballZ - Level 11 (in a few days time)
carmelhadinosaur - 8 PPD
At 1/31/05 11:26 AM, _lightning_ wrote:At 1/31/05 10:40 AM, Toocool100 wrote: Congrats on your modification ramagi, I always knew you would be modded one day, it was just a matter of time. :)Hasn't he been a mod for a long time now?
uh, did you misread what i wrote? Im talkin about ramagi, she was modded yesterday or something right?
stop hurting my brain. ahhh
Every once in very great while comes a ridiculously funny thread. So funny in fact i must put it into my sig http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /1049194/1
I never posted in here, but I leveled up, suck me beautiful.
At 1/31/05 11:26 AM, _lightning_ wrote: Hasn't he been a mod for a long time now?
Someone is confused. :)
1-ramagi is a female :O
2-She was a review mod but now, she's also a BBS mod.
There, no more confusion for you and toocool. :)
At 1/30/05 10:31 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Heh, this is cool. Since I've been reminiscing through the lounge I noticed _lightning_ and I aren't the only two people deadlocked in experience. spancker and leeboy105 seem to have their own race going on.
"The racetrack is a place where windows clean people."
I noticed a while back that i wasn't too far from catching him as he was missing deposits, or whoever was supposed to be depositing for him was missing them. Now that we're tied on points, i expect that he'll miss another deposit sooner or later, allowing me to overtake him.
At 1/31/05 12:23 PM, EKRegulus wrote:At 1/31/05 11:26 AM, _lightning_ wrote: Hasn't he been a mod for a long time now?Someone is confused. :)
1-ramagi is a female :O
2-She was a review mod but now, she's also a BBS mod.
There, no more confusion for you and toocool. :)
If hes a girl, i'm a killer rabit.
Congratulations to the following...
» Bahamut7 for 2000 blams and 777 saves
» ramagi for 38,000 blams and 4,444 posts
» Baron_Von_Bad_Guy for Elite Guard Colonel
» BonusStage for 7,000 posts <3
» ReconRebel for 42,000 b/ps, few congrats because you didn't whore it enough, most people just skim. See below for an example of how to announce an achievement ^_^
» Mojimbo for getting the leet gauntlet of LV 17
» FBIpolux for LV 11 and being 6000 days old!
» FIGMENTUM for 7,000 EXP
» M-A-R-C-U-S for 8,000 blams
» Ghetto_Penguin for LV 11 and 2000 posts
» IvanTuroc for EG Sergeant First Class and nice, even b/p numbers
» Chrome- for EG Sergeant
» dawsdani for 5,000 blams
» Jamie_McGuire for EG Sergeant
» ImmortalDarkness for LV 10 and 1,000 posts
» RageVI for 15,000 b/ps
» Iscrulz for 4,000 posts
» -stem- for 3,000 EXP
» -NES- for joining the Elites
» SlowBro for 7.00 VP
» Level-Up-Lounger for LV 5
» jonthomson for apparently fooling everyone. That was so obvious: a famous Man United Footballer + No stats except a few posts = an Englishman's alt account ^_^
» carmelhadinosaur for 8 PPD and 1000 reviews
I've always thought of ramagi as a moderator, it's probably because she was a review mod, but I can't believe I never noticed her name not being green on the BBS. Anyway, many congrats to you ramagi, and also to Mary ^_^
....sweet baby jesus, please work...
#This is my 1000th post!!#
Screenie please :D
At 1/31/05 01:01 PM, Eldarion wrote: Congratulations to the following...
» Bahamut7 for 2000 blams and 777 saves
#This is my 1000th post!!#
Screenie please :D
Cheers for the congrats. Congrats on your 1000 posts and here's your screenshot.
At 1/31/05 01:01 PM, Eldarion wrote:
At 1/31/05 01:07 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: Cheers for the congrats. Congrats on your 1000 posts and here's your screenshot.
Wewt. Thanks Bahamut ^_^
At 1/31/05 12:50 PM, _lightning_ wrote: If hes a girl, i'm a killer rabit.
Don't kill me, please.
Ramagi's a mod now? I don't know if I should be scared as hell ... or scared to death ...
Nah ... just kidding! I'm not of those who have to fear her, I don't post enough to be considered a spammer :P
Congratz Ramagi ;)
Im just gonna keep my level 2 logo and be a post whore, i like this logo the best.
Congrats to:
-o__O: Lv 11
-_lightning_: being a killer rabbit *runs*
-Eldarion: 1,000 posts
-B_L_U: pulling a near-Crimson_Edge
Meh, nothing special here. Just a number wich I thought was pretty cool.
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 9,000 crappy entries.