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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 21:39:19

At 1/1/05 08:13 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 12345 and 54321... such wonderful b/p numbers...
And guess what they add up to together.... 66,666... my ultimate b/p goal. :::dreams:::

How does that one ying-ying twin song start out? 3-6-9, rrything fine? Something like that. I thought you'd also like my hitting 36,000, thanks for the grats. (thanks to all actually)

Can anyone guess what I got myself for New Year's Eve/Day and my half-birthday?! Anyone? Anyone? :::whistles innocently:::

Hmmm, I'll take a stab at it later on down my post.

At 1/1/05 06:00 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: HAPPY NEW YEAR AND A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU!!!!
(See you all again in like 6 - 10 months!)

Hah! See you in the summer or fall or what not then numero uno.

I believe some grats are in order (I could've swore we just hit page 900 a few minutes ago)

Gregorio Fox: Congratulations on being number two. Nice half-birthday/New Year present.
ramagi: 54,000 b/p, that's crazy crazy stuff.
wismty: Nice job on your first general star, still waiting for the entire top 50 to consist of generals/commanders.
FIGMENT: I hated to give up Major, congrats on getting it yourself. Still rooting on you getting 10vp.
Shpouiten: Level 14, is it bitter-sweet for you too?
Nijsse: General star number 3, much better looking badge than major gen in my opinion.

Now I get to catch up on 3 other topics I've been neglecting over the new years weekend.

Also, I might as well throw it in with this post. 5,000 exp will be mine tonight.

Oh, and funny drunk story Recon.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 00:16:27

How do I keep depositing at 11:59:58? It says 2 seconds until the new day, then I deposit 2 seconds later and apparently there's still 2 seconds left to go and yet it lets me deposit...

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 01:53:46

I suppose it is a little overdue, but all the same, I extend a Happy New Year to all in WI/HT? With spancker's recent appearance, I thought I'd continue the trend.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 03:50:33

At 1/3/05 12:16 AM, TheJoe324 wrote: How do I keep depositing at 11:59:58? It says 2 seconds until the new day, then I deposit 2 seconds later and apparently there's still 2 seconds left to go and yet it lets me deposit...

happens to me on occasion. its really just a little glitch.
you can still deposit on the new day, it would just appear that you've deposited twice on the previous day and cannot deposit on the next... it all works out.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 06:30:17

Pure_Greatness rank up
DRD1982 rank up
I don't think I missed anyone. If I did congratz.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 06:35:48

At 1/2/05 01:50 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: Alkador - 2700 posts, 1400 b/p points when he gets that much

I told no one to congrats me! Time for me to hunt you down! (j/k)

At 1/2/05 02:59 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: Alkador - 2700 posts, 1400 b/p points when he gets that much

I'm going to hunt you down as well. Better the reason to kill you too.

At 1/2/05 05:03 PM, -Mazza- wrote: -Alkador: 2700 posts and -1400 B/P rank

You too...wait till your fast asleep and I'll kill you.

As usual, great update. I'll be looking forward to the next part.
By the way, what did the latin stuff YoinK and ramagi said mean?
I understood 'our' and 'exterminate', but that's all.

Um, all will be revealed in the next update.

Does this mean I won't be in your story anytime soon?

I'll see what I can do. When there's more lvl 14s, I can stick you in as I see you have a while to go till level up, unlike others.

Not only am I moaning like an old man but my IQ has suddenly dropped 50 points.

Heh. I have to e-mail you more importantly about my story. Me been reading the first few pages, inspired by your writing. I need tips. The story sounds worse if you keep using the same method of talking. If I expand the story too much, it will be too long.

YoinK_VineS and ramagi held hands as they both muttered at the same time.
Now this could be an interesting development. I hope this turns into something real juicy!

I haven't thought of it. Is it technically possible?

Awesome story Alkador!


Um, good to see _redruM_ posting. I think some people are more happy to see early members like him posting. Seeing lots of good stuff here.

Everyone, have fun for school! Heh, mine starts in about...4 weeks.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 06:56:31

At 1/2/05 12:19 PM, -Noir wrote:
At 1/2/05 08:51 AM, PayneM wrote: Man its just way too hard to level up...
You can do it! Just vote everyday, don't give up. We are here for you any time you feel like your not going to make it.


Thanks for the sentiment. I just got depressed 'cause I remembered when I first joined (2001) and kept leveling up very fast.
IIRC back then the curve was speedier.
...then RL bad stuff happened and I was web-less (& NG-less) for 2 years...*sigh*

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 07:40:22

At 1/2/05 08:13 AM, Alkador wrote: Minor feats: 2700 + posts and under 1,400 b/ps rank.

Keep it up Alkador :)

At 1/2/05 02:59 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Just finished drawing all of the animals that ever lived on earth.
(from monday at 5 PM till 12 minutes ago)

I hope thats an accomplishment.. :P

OMFG pics plz :D

At 1/2/05 07:25 PM, Pure_Greatness wrote: Well, I finally ranked up to Elite Guard Second Lieutenant!

Good work Pure_Greatness!

At 1/2/05 08:44 PM, Nijsse wrote: I totally forgot I almost had 25k points! A couple of minutes ago I opened my profile and thought 'hmm this seems like a round number. Holy crap, it's 25k!'

Congrats on 25k Nijsse and opening your profile just in time :)

At 1/2/05 08:57 PM, jonthomson wrote: Please take a few minutes to have a look at this thread:

It'll take a while. I'll send my form in a few days.

At 1/2/05 09:08 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: ...That's when his boss told him the word "loser" was written across his forehead..... with indelible ink.

LMAO!! Nice work Recon :D

Yeah I can hold my own. My friends can't believe how much I can put away. I'm starting to ease up a bit though mainly because I'm concerned about my liver. It seems okay for now but I bet I've taxed the poor thing for the last twenty years.

Meh, you're genes'll take care of you. You've got a vodka and whiskey ancestry :D Russians are unbelievable. They drink raw vodka like water!

Cool, I haven't tried that one either but I'm sure I'll have a few more shots at it (lol). Two of my favorites are Mott's Clamato (without the beer) and club soda.

Interesting. I've never heard of Mott's Clamato, musn't be marketed here in Ireland. Is it American? Canadian? I must try club soda though.

Almost like you swallowed your pillow 'eh?

Yeah. Tongue stuck to the roof of the mouth. Awful feeling :(
I've heard that most of the symptoms of a hangover are caused by dehydration, not the alcohol itself, so maybe water is the best cure, if not the easiest to down :)

At 1/2/05 09:35 PM, DRD1982 wrote: Rank: Elite Guard Second Lieutenant
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 6,637 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 2,863 quality entries.

I Just got this like 2 minutes ago!! YAY Rank-Up!!


Sorry if I missed anyone.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 08:13:34

Thank you for your deposit, GoatPOWER! You now have 5,000 experience points.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 09:36:40

Grats Nijsse MPA and Goatpower, on their xp, and b/p accomplishments.

Nothing new for me, except that my saves and blams seem to be chasing each other 1000 points apart, its been like this for about a week now, and i thought blams were easier to get, meh.

Im still also finding that Sinjid:SotW game extremely addicting, i cant seem to stop playing it.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 09:39:23

At 1/3/05 07:40 AM, Eldarion wrote: OMFG pics plz :D

Will post soon ^_-

Also, just got another review response (now its 137!!!)
And im pretty close to 16,500 b/p :P

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 09:57:34

Congrats to the followin people:

Inuzuka-Kiba - Stealing my previous congrats list :P
Pure_Greatness - Elite Guard Second Lieutenant
Nijsse - Elite Guard Lietenant General
DRD1982 - Elite Guard Second Lietenant
MPA - 5000 EXP
GoatPOWER - 5000 EXP

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 11:28:35

At 1/3/05 08:13 AM, GoatPOWER wrote: Thank you for your deposit, GoatPOWER! You now have 5,000 experience points.

Good JOB!!!

Also, same thing with MPA! Congrats guys!

Sig made by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 13:17:00

I think I missed a coupel of these earlier.
Nijsser rank up
MPA - 5000 EXP
GoatPOWER - 5000 EXP

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 13:39:01

Sorry I haven't posted a lot recently, but I really couldn't be arsed after last night. I came back from visiting relatives and I was tired. So no posting from me.

Anyhoo, congratulations to GoatPOWER and MPA (this may not be correct) for 5k experience, and also to anyone else who has ranked / leveled up recently.


Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 14:18:28

At 1/2/05 09:35 PM, DRD1982 wrote: Rank: Elite Guard Second Lieutenant
I Just got this like 2 minutes ago!! YAY Rank-Up!!

Congrats on that DRD1982 : )

At 1/3/05 12:16 AM, TheJoe324 wrote: How do I keep depositing at 11:59:58? It says 2 seconds until the new day, then I deposit 2 seconds later and apparently there's still 2 seconds left to go and yet it lets me deposit...

ermmm..... maby try depositing 4 seconds later.....

At 1/3/05 08:13 AM, GoatPOWER wrote: Thank you for your deposit, GoatPOWER! You now have 5,000 experience points.

Thats a pretty big milestone Grats GoatPOWER = )

At 1/3/05 01:39 PM, -TRA- wrote: HOW IS EVERYONE OMG OMG OMG?

Pretty dam good, yourself OMG OMG ?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 15:04:14

Thank you for your deposit, IM_KOOL_R_U! You now have 4,780 experience points. You need 748 more to get to level 15.

I almost thought it said until Level 25

check out this pic

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 15:33:17

Congrats to:
-Pure_Greatness for becoming an elite guard sexond lieutenant.
-Nijsse for 25000 b/p pts.
-DRD1982 for becoming an elite guard second lieutenant.
-MPA for his 5000 experience pts and 36963 would be a nice amount :)
Goatpower for his 5000 experience pts.

At 1/2/05 02:59 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: Pfft, it's not being lazy, it's being time conservative. The harsh realities of procrastination are rearing their ugly heads as I try and get my homework done the Sunday before school. >_>

Excuses aren't good enough to change my mind. :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 15:48:01

SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 3,333 quality entries.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 16:09:03

At 1/3/05 03:48 PM, j00bie wrote: SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 3,333 quality entries.

Sweet, j00b. Congrats!

1,700 posts. Sweet.

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 16:20:23

Congrats to:

-Pure_Greatness: EG Second Lieutenant
-Nijsse: 25k B/P points/rank up
-DRD1982: EG Second Lieutenant
-MPA: 5,000 exp
-GoatPOWER: 5,000 exp(lots of twins, today)
-j00bie: 3,333 Saves
--TRA-: 1,700 posts
-Anyone I might have missed

At 1/3/05 06:35 AM, Alkador wrote: You too...wait till your fast asleep and I'll kill you.

Bleh, I never sleep, anyways.

I'll see what I can do. When there's more lvl 14s, I can stick you in as I see you have a while to go till level up, unlike others.

I see. Well, I'll be looking forward to being in your story.

Everyone, have fun for school! Heh, mine starts in about...4 weeks.

Mine starts next week.....What kind of school do you go to to get that much vacation?

At 1/3/05 01:39 PM, -TRA- wrote: HOW IS EVERYONE OMG OMG OMG?


As for my accomplishments, I'm in the top 60 again(hopefully for longer as last time). And I seem to have missed my 12,000 blams a while ago.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 16:25:49

Kibatulations to:

--Mazza-: Top 60, 12,000 blams, and a great list for me to steal
-Pure_Greatness: EG Second Lieutenant
-MPA: 5,000 exp
--TRA-: 1,700 posts
-GoatPOWER: 5,000 exp
-Nijsse: 25k B/P points/rank up
-j00bie: 3,333 Saves
-DRD1982: EG Second Lieutenant
-Anyone I might have overlooked.

Well that's a good catch-up for now. Sorry, I try to stay active but school makes it hard. >_> I wish it were still christmas break. ;_;

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 16:29:15

Congrats to:
-j00bie and his 3333 protects which is still behind my amount :D
-TRA and his 1700 posts

At 1/3/05 04:20 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats to:

It didn't happen today. He would still have over 800 pts to gain if it happened today. He simply meant that he thought he was going for level 25 because the font stinks.

As for my accomplishments, I'm in the top 60 again(hopefully for longer as last time).

Congrats. Watch out for Ya_Ya. He's close from you and he will probably pass you.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 16:48:44

At 1/3/05 04:29 PM, EKRegulus wrote: It didn't happen today. He would still have over 800 pts to gain if it happened today. He simply meant that he thought he was going for level 25 because the font stinks.

Ah, I see. Meh, I just rushed through most posts, so I missed that.



Watch out for Ya_Ya. He's close from you and he will probably pass you.

*Arms self with various kitchen supplies*

At 1/3/05 04:25 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: --Mazza-: and a great list for me to steal

The joke's on you, there was a mistake in that list!
Nyah HAH!

At 1/3/05 04:31 PM, ebboy04 wrote: damn alot of pages

The Amature Sig Makers club is bigger.
And, as -TRA- said, lounges and clubs tend to grow very large if there's enough active members.

At 1/3/05 04:35 PM, BonusStage wrote: HELL YES I WOULD, AND IT WAS EASY, FOR THE LONGEST TIME, and then Mr. MichaelHopesToGodYouAreOneOfTheLastBosses aka Riku (at full power) comes around, and i can't lay a damned finger on this son of a bitch, with the fucking huge numbered combonations and such ):<, i've trained over 10 levels more so far and STILL he could kick my ass with no worries ):<):<):<):<):<):<

Maybe he's one of those opponents you have to lose to, and you'll only be able to beat him at the end of the game?

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 16:53:52

At 1/3/05 04:35 PM, BonusStage wrote: pfft neverwinter nights > you :)

I guess that's better than a "reply" from dogma which means that he ignores me 24-7.

HA huge requriements graphics wise and such make any game disappointing :)

It makes it more frustrating than disappointing. If I could play it without getting any problem, I would probably love it but I still prefer to stay away from that game because of its addictiveness.

Because it's a lot easier to modify something to is so much smaller, and it must be big or else they would've dropped the whole handheld sysem a LONG time ago

I didn't type that it wasn't popular. I typed that it wasn't as popular as other consoles. Easier to modify? Oh really? Prove it.

Check and mate.

Not yet.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 20:57:56

Rank up yay <3

31337 lvl 3!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 21:19:55

well, its not really a rank up, but yesterday i was looking through www.newgrounds.com/portal/stats and realised that i was 2 reviews behind YoinK at the time.
and, noticing there was 10 minutes to the next update of that list, i thought i'd sneak ahead, and wala.
ive got j00bie pissing his pants :P
(j00boe, well done on 10k blam and 3.333k save.)

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 21:24:09

Christ, the asshat level on the BBS has been off the scale today. Argh. Close to a rank-up though for the first time in months.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 22:35:38

Congrats to Marcus for passing j00b on the reviewing ranking.

At 1/3/05 08:29 PM, BonusStage wrote: s/he you mean :o

WHO THE HELL CARES? We will never find out the answer so I'm just going to use the pronoun I want. You can't stop me anyway :D

LOLK, j00 gets teh lag, ph3wl D:D:D

Everyone is getting lag in that game. Even the people that play on lan on very good computers. Okay, I admit that their lag wouldn't as bad as mine but it's very difficult to get constant 100 fps on cs source unlike counter-strike. It was easy to get constant 100 fps on cs, it's a different situation for cs source. Although, the computers will improve and the lag will be reduced in the future unless the updates raise the minimum requirements for that game. Yeah, that game is the heaven of lag. :O

OLD TIMER PHONES, button phones, cordless phones, cell phones, cell phones with picture taking abilities, and what has it been doing this whole time, GETTTTTINNNGGG SSSMMMMAALALLLLEERRR ::::OOOO

yes and our TVs and monitors keep getting bigger :D hehehe

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-03 22:45:43

At 1/3/05 10:35 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Congrats to Marcus for passing j00b on the reviewing ranking.

dude, he passed Yoink..
I still have 500 on him, and am not caring by any means neccesary.

He's just saying "You're next", which is Australian for... "im a faeg lololol"