At 1/1/05 08:13 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 12345 and 54321... such wonderful b/p numbers...
And guess what they add up to together.... 66,666... my ultimate b/p goal. :::dreams:::
How does that one ying-ying twin song start out? 3-6-9, rrything fine? Something like that. I thought you'd also like my hitting 36,000, thanks for the grats. (thanks to all actually)
Can anyone guess what I got myself for New Year's Eve/Day and my half-birthday?! Anyone? Anyone? :::whistles innocently:::
Hmmm, I'll take a stab at it later on down my post.
At 1/1/05 06:00 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: HAPPY NEW YEAR AND A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU!!!!
(See you all again in like 6 - 10 months!)
Hah! See you in the summer or fall or what not then numero uno.
I believe some grats are in order (I could've swore we just hit page 900 a few minutes ago)
Gregorio Fox: Congratulations on being number two. Nice half-birthday/New Year present.
ramagi: 54,000 b/p, that's crazy crazy stuff.
wismty: Nice job on your first general star, still waiting for the entire top 50 to consist of generals/commanders.
FIGMENT: I hated to give up Major, congrats on getting it yourself. Still rooting on you getting 10vp.
Shpouiten: Level 14, is it bitter-sweet for you too?
Nijsse: General star number 3, much better looking badge than major gen in my opinion.
Now I get to catch up on 3 other topics I've been neglecting over the new years weekend.
Also, I might as well throw it in with this post. 5,000 exp will be mine tonight.
Oh, and funny drunk story Recon.