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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 07:33:28

At 1/2/05 07:01 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote:
At 1/2/05 06:31 AM, fredrik_forsberg wrote: how do i level up anyway?
Click stuff. Read.

man that pic is awesome. RC is a gawd!
</ass kissing>
well, im off to bed. no level ups today!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 08:09:25

At 1/1/05 10:31 AM, Bahamut7 wrote::

The only new thing that I have acheived is getting 500 protect points. Quite a small number, but meh.

Congrats Bahamut :)

At 1/1/05 10:33 AM, Denvish wrote:
At 1/1/05 10:18 AM, Eldarion wrote: Happy new year Denvish :)
I was going to post here whilst drunk last night as well, but thought better of it. You did well though, no spelling mistakes in sight :D
Believe me, that took some major concentration and about half an hour to type

Lol, I can imagine. I've tried reading a newspaper whilst drunk and it's such a strain. The words start moving around! It's not advisable :)

At 1/1/05 10:52 AM, -TRA- wrote: R-R-R-R-R-RANK UP!

Finally, I'm rid of that shitty, shitty Security Guard rank. I always hated it. >:(

Congrats TRA on 200 b/p points and the first rankup of the year!

At 1/1/05 11:13 AM, Shpouiten wrote: Happy new year to everyone.

And here's to the first level-up of the year !

Congrats on Lv14 Shpouiten :)

At 1/1/05 11:55 AM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote: Kibatulations

Haha! That shouldn't be funny but it is!

At 1/1/05 01:50 PM, BonusStage wrote: i just wanted to bless you all with my presence *radiates awesome*

Oh yeah. That's the stuff. Ahhh :D

At 1/1/05 09:37 PM, Jonus010 wrote: well i didn't level up but i made it to "police officer" in the blam/save category. thats it

Congrats :)

At 1/1/05 10:57 PM, Captain-T wrote: I've leveled up account and B/S. Yay, me...
I think that I have a lot to work on. I'll stay online for the next eight days.

Congrats, and OMG taht's 192 hours!!!! Maybe you should take a break once in a while...

At 1/1/05 11:03 PM, ramagi wrote: I'm in a hurry so congratz to all the recent rank/level ups.

I found this interesting screenie on a japaness site of all things. Fits right in with me. Since I missed getting the exact screenie of my BP.

Congrats ramagi on your 450 b/p points :D

At 1/1/05 11:23 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: i got a rank up a few days ago.
no mo praporshchick for me!

Good work M-A-R-C-U-S!

At 1/2/05 12:11 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: They shaved all my bloody hair off while I was passed out! Why do you think they locked me up with the dogs? My skull was pounding and those freakin' mutts wouldn't stop barking!

ROFL, you didn't say there were dogs with you! I hope you got revenge bigtime :D

At 1/1/05 03:05 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: ~Old Irish Prayer~
Are you Irish Recon? I've never heard that prayer. I like it!
Nope, I'm 50% Scottish, 50% Romanian. Interesting mix 'eh? I was born in Canada though.

Indeed! You should be a good drinker with that background :)

At 12/31/04 08:48 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I'm hungover big time. I'm on my 6th glass of water already (lol).
I can usually only only manage a pint of water as a hangover cure :(
I don't get it. Is it a bladder thing? Your stomach won't let you keep anything down?

I don't know, I just feel nauseous when I drink too much water if I'm drunk :( Apparently, grapes are an excellent hangover cure, I haven't tried them though.

I've been so hungover I couldn't eat anything for almost 24 hours.

Lol, I was never that bad, but I usually can't eat anything for a good few hours when I wake up hungover. I hate that feeling of dryness in the mouth when you wake up, ugh.

It was really bright that day too (lol).

Yeah, I know what you mean! Sunlight stings the hungover eyes like nothing else.

At 1/2/05 12:59 AM, wismty wrote: Well I just made it into the first general badge (Elite Guard Brigadier General)... I'm so proud of myself *salutes himself*

Congrats on 19,500 b/p points wismty, and nice screenie :)

At 1/2/05 06:07 AM, burningtire wrote: Thank you for your deposit, burningtire! You now have 1,000 experience points.

Grats :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 08:13:35

At 1/2/05 07:33 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 1/2/05 07:01 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote:
At 1/2/05 06:31 AM, fredrik_forsberg wrote: how do i level up anyway?
Click stuff. Read.

Heh, thanks for using my pic James. Good to see it still in use :) By the way, how have you been bud?

man that pic is awesome. RC is a gawd!

Maybe I should make a few more. Like one for, "How do I get blam/save points?"

Any other generic questions people ask that could be put into pic form?

</ass kissing>

Why are you kissing my ass? Is there something that you want from me? Like a million dollars, or your name in my will?

well, im off to bed. no level ups today!

Take care Marcus. Good to see you back on the boards ^_^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 08:13:48

At 1/2/05 04:55 AM, RedCircle wrote: Excellent update Alk ^_^ So, there is a nasty virus in the portal, eh? Ooooo, sounds interesting! I wonder who put it there.

These mysteries are ever so strange...aren't they? I mean, poor Inuzuka-Kiba's death is going to be...*sob*.

At 1/2/05 05:13 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: lol, i gotta tell you SOMETHING to shut you up for a while!

You're the first person to say that I'm too chatty. Thanks. Seriously, I know I am, but no one tells me to shut up.

anyways Alk, when will i be in your story?! lol.

You'll be the last with a wooden bat. Too many lvl 13s now.

man that pic is awesome. RC is a gawd!
</ass kissing>

Err...you're starting to scare me now. *backs away*

Minor feats: 2700 + posts and under 1,400 b/ps rank. If there's any congrats, I'm gonna hunt you down. Just need to at least show some relevance to the topic.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 08:51:19

Man its just way too hard to level up...

Everything here is great, everything is good.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 08:59:09

At 1/2/05 04:21 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats! How long do you think it'll take you to reach 10.00 VP, anyways?

Thank you. I've got no idea mate, too fucking long as far as I'm concerned. I estimated a while ago I'd hit it at a base VP of 7 and a rank of Colonel, which at 20 bp/d (my lifetime average and just a little lower than my usual current day average) would take me 173 days. In reality though, that number could go either way.

At 1/2/05 08:13 AM, RedCircle wrote: Heh, thanks for using my pic James.

No worries. It kicks ass visually and informatively. You're not answering the question without it. ; )

I had to go digging to find it though. I don't know why I haven't saved it into my NG folder already, but I searched for topics containing 'level' and 'levelup' and although I stumbled upon some interesting threads, I didn't find what I wanted. Then I realised "Hey, I'm on Wi/Ht, there's always a 'HOW DO I EXP GET HERE?' thread on the front page!" And surely enough, there was. Then I came back and refreshed the thread, in case the question had already been answered. It hadn't so I typed up my long and informative post and clicked Post It!


Linking to the FAQ would be helpful too. So I hurredly clicked Stop and refreshed the thread again, to see if my post had gone through. Loading was taking ages, so I refreshed my profile instead to see if my post count had gone up (I don't post much and had refreshed since last post). Luckily, it hadn't, so I once again packed as much info into my post as I could to link the clueless n00b to the Portal FAQ. Convinced that my post had everything needed, I went ahead and finally posted it. Well, after I checked the question hadn't been answered again. You vultures are always out there, snatching my answer points.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Good to see it still in use :)

But of course. It's an answerers dream. ; D

By the way, how have you been bud?

Not as bad as you, Mr I-have-a-terrible-cold. Bit tired at the moment, but nothing some sleep can't fix. ; )

I saw Blade Trinity with a friend yesterday (well, clock ticked over midnight, so two days ago) and despite numerous people saying how bad it looked I actually got a bit of enjoyment out of it. I was bored in some parts (same old action sequences (although, that's not to say all the action was boring. A few moves were totally new and original and were great fun to watch)) but overall it was a good movie. I was a bit skeptic about Ryan Renolds' presence in it (a funny guy in an action movie? How absurd!) but he seemed to pull it off pretty well. Jessica Biel was no bother to watch either. ; ) Having not seen the previous two Blade movies I was a bit disoriented during some parts. I've made a note to go see them now. ; )

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 09:40:40

At 1/1/05 07:13 PM, TheJoe324 wrote:
Fight enemies and train. I'm not very big on making guides.

Do that already yes, but its fucking tough.

There's only a few things that you should do though...

1. Save up your gold as much as you can. Don't bother buying a weapon as soon as you have enough money, (like as soon as you get 120 gold, you could buy the thing that's 120 gold, don't.) save up for the best items. I've played through it twice having most of the default items. (Plus items you can get from enemy drops.) You can pretty much get all of the best items after beating the human portal from the final portal room.

Yeah, i do that, i have the best armour already and i use the dropped weapons from the human portal anyway, think its a double edged sword im using at the moment.

2. No matter what class you are, get Charge (MP restore spell.) and Heal (HP restore spell.) as soon as possible. They will save you alot of gold that you would spend on HP/MP potions or healing yourself after battles. (If you're close to the end of a battle, heal your HP and MP as much as you can before killing the enemy, you won't have to spend the goal on healing them after.)

Yeah, i realised this when i was collecting those fucking pain in the arse white leaves just so i could get money for one regeneration. I guess this is as good a plan as any. I think im level 10 at the moment so i have a long way to go, im at the final stage of the human portal i think, maybe level 18, i cant remember though.

Krinn has gone all out for this game and it deserves its place near the top of the top 50, its addictive as fuck. Thanks for the tips, i'll make sure i keep them in mind when i play it in a bit.

So is 40 your highest level ?

At 1/2/05 12:11 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
Nope, I'm 50% Scottish, 50% Romanian. Interesting mix 'eh? I was born in Canada though.

Much <3 to the Scottishness in you, perhaps thats why you drink so much :D

At 1/2/05 03:37 AM, Alkador wrote:
*Looks at Marcus strangely, very strangely. Remembers something.*
SCD, you told me that you voted out Marcus, but his name wasn't there. We were both confused.

Hahaha, yes, i did tell you that, but it was just to put the wind in MARCUS' sails, i guess weve always had a little rivalry, this was just to re-ignite the flames :D

Congrats ramagi, FIGMENT, MARCUS and anyone else ive missed.

Jeez Figgy, he just said thanks, he didnt need a life story about the history of your posting habits :P <3

Nice story Alkador, oh, and i cant wait till Kiba dies :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 11:09:04

At 1/2/05 09:40 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: So is 40 your highest level ?

I got to 48 with my shadow ninja, the other ones I just stopped at something in the 30's. Using the techniques I mentioned, I had at least 2000 more gold (with my spell caster) than I did when I was that level with my shadow ninja one though, so I probably could have gotten much farther if I wanted to. The only problem I faced with my shadow ninja was the lack of gold.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 11:38:34

At 1/2/05 11:09 AM, TheJoe324 wrote: The only problem I faced with my shadow ninja was the lack of gold.

Yeah im facing that problem just now, and it is a major pain in the tits. I havent even contemplated starting a new game yet with a spell caster, i may do it after my first game however.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 11:45:48

Hey Alkador nice story and glad to see i had a mention in your stories hehe, anyways nice one, cant wait for the next one...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 11:51:47

At 1/1/05 03:50 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats! Even though it's a level a lot of people seem to dislike....
I don't, though.

Maby theirs just alot of racists out there? i quite like it personally.

At 1/1/05 06:00 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: HAPPY NEW YEAR AND A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU!!!!
(See you all again in like 6 - 10 months!)

He's.....he's he's.... he's here !!!!

Same to you spanker......

At 1/1/05 06:39 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Now, that he is considered a regular, he can take a break from this section until some regulars start thinking about kicking him out :O
Do what Baron, Pure, etc. keep doing. Take a break and come back when it's necessary. Isn't it an awesome plan?

I was suprised when he won i was expecting you to get in, as you have been around the wi/hi longer but hey what you gonna do.....

At 1/1/05 09:37 PM, Jonus010 wrote: well i didn't level up but i made it to "police officer" in the blam/save category. thats it

Well congrats on that then : )

At 1/1/05 11:03 PM, ramagi wrote: I found this interesting screenie on a japaness site of all things. Fits right in with me. Since I missed getting the exact screenie of my BP.

Gratz ramagi = )

At 1/2/05 12:59 AM, wismty wrote: Well I just made it into the first general badge (Elite Guard Brigadier General)... I'm so proud of myself *salutes himself*

*salutes*....... congrats wismty on the rankie upie........

At 1/2/05 08:51 AM, PayneM wrote: Man its just way too hard to level up...

How is it hard to vote on 5 movies and click one link ? everyday, i think you mean i takes too long, the acctual preciedure itself if very simple.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 12:19:33

At 1/2/05 08:51 AM, PayneM wrote: Man its just way too hard to level up...

You can do it! Just vote everyday, don't give up. We are here for you any time you feel like your not going to make it.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 12:20:01

At 1/2/05 08:33 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 1/1/05 11:03 PM, ramagi wrote: I'm in a hurry so congratz to all the recent rank/level ups.

I found this interesting screenie on a japaness site of all things. Fits right in with me. Since I missed getting the exact screenie of my BP.
Heh, i bet you were that 54,000th visitor, and its a hentai site :O:O:Oo;o;O

Nope it was from an Anime site. Thanks everyone

Congratz go out to.
M-A-R-C-U-S rank up
wismty rank up
Bahamut7 500 saves

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 12:21:06


I go away for a few days and you still dont get your milestone heh, oh well ill be glad when you do get it but its taking forever heh...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 12:23:24

So much talk about games here lately. o_O

Nice update with your story Alkador, nice to see everyone awaits my doom. ;p

Kibatulations to:
*Insert list I would have stolen here if someone would have bothered to make one by now.*

Well basically, if you've hit a new rank or whatever: KIBATULATIONS! =D
</homework rush> =/

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 13:25:51

At 1/2/05 04:26 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal
6 - “A Power”

Great story, i like how things are going! I just hope that no one dies..or should i be worrying about myself? :(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 13:30:31

At 1/2/05 12:21 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Slightly_Crazy_Dude

I go away for a few days and you still dont get your milestone heh, oh well ill be glad when you do get it but its taking forever heh...

Mate, i came to realise that getting 10k posts isnt exactly that important to me, when i get it i get it, whether ittakes a day or a month, it doesnt really bother me. All i know is, when i get it, i get it, meh.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 13:41:27

At 1/2/05 01:30 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Mate, i came to realise that getting 10k posts isnt exactly that important to me, when i get it i get it, whether ittakes a day or a month, it doesnt really bother me. All i know is, when i get it, i get it, meh.

So what you are saying is when you get it you will get it, but when you do get it you just get it?



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 13:46:58

Congrats to:
-ManateeGod for becoming an elite guard private first class and levels 4-5-6-7-8-9.
-Kiba for being lazy and stealing my list

At 1/2/05 08:33 AM, BonusStage wrote: HAHA no, it is the second one, but i didn't want to go through the CoM again, GOD WHAT A HASTLE THAT WOULD'VE BEEN ^.^

Ok, so it's the second game of the series.


I know nothing about that game and it doesn't interest me. I skipped all the dogma-bonus-other people posts about it.

Hmm i never played that game, i was too scarred of the adictiveness :\

haha, it's probably the most addictive game ever created. Only cs:source could become more addictive. If the requirements (hardware requirements) for the game weren't as high as they are currently, cs:source would obviously be the most popular game right now like cs was in the past.

Everyone should stop calling the DS a godlike console or crap like that. It's never going to be as popular as the consoles connected to your TV. Gameboy never was a huge sucess, the same fate will happen to the DS. Why do you think that Nintendo modified the Gameboy so many times?

Oh maybe I hate the DS and that's why I keep threating it like trash :P

At 1/2/05 11:51 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: I was suprised when he won i was expecting you to get in, as you have been around the wi/hi longer but hey what you gonna do.....

Wait and lose again? :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 13:50:57

Congrats to:

ShittyKitty - 2222 protect points
Jonus010 - Police Officer (keep blamming and saving to get a lot more points)
FIGMENTUM - Elite Guard Major
Captan-T - Level 9 and Security Guard
ramagi - 54000 b/p points
wismty - Elite Guard Brigadier General
ManateeGod - Elite Guard Private First Class
bueningtire - 1000 EXP
Alkador - 2700 posts, 1400 b/p points when he gets that much

And thanks for everyone who congradulated me on my 500 protect points, although it isn't really much compared to some big saviours.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 14:59:02

Just finished drawing all of the animals that ever lived on earth.
(from monday at 5 PM till 12 minutes ago)

I hope thats an accomplishment.. :P

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 14:59:57

At 1/2/05 01:25 PM, randyrandy wrote: Great story, i like how things are going! I just hope that no one dies..or should i be worrying about myself? :(

Pfft, it's not you. He's already said countless times that it will end up being me. ;)

At 1/2/05 01:46 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Congrats to:
-Kiba for being lazy and stealing my list

Pfft, it's not being lazy, it's being time conservative. The harsh realities of procrastination are rearing their ugly heads as I try and get my homework done the Sunday before school. >_>

Aww what a nice list to steal and use for my kibatulations. =D

ShittyKitty - 2222 protect points
Jonus010 - Police Officer (keep blamming and saving to get a lot more points)
FIGMENTUM - Elite Guard Major
Captan-T - Level 9 and Security Guard
ramagi - 54000 b/p points
wismty - Elite Guard Brigadier General
ManateeGod - Elite Guard Private First Class
bueningtire - 1000 EXP
Alkador - 2700 posts, 1400 b/p points when he gets that much
Bahamut7 - 500 protects

*Runs away again*

At 1/2/05 01:41 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
At 1/2/05 01:30 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: bleh 10k posts bleh
confusing stuff

O_o Um...just get those 10k posts now so there can be less confusion. X_X

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 15:22:33

Hey ~X~, howcome you never updated your profile to say first to reach 10k reviews, it still says first to reach 3,4,5,6,7,8,9k .

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 17:03:43

Congrats to:

-BurningTire: 1,000 exp
-fredrik_forsberg: not knowing how to read the FAQ
-Alkador: 2700 posts and -1400 B/P rank
-Anyone I might have missed

At 1/2/05 04:26 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal
6 - “A Power”

As usual, great update. I'll be looking forward to the next part.
By the way, what did the latin stuff YoinK and ramagi said mean?
I understood 'our' and 'exterminate', but that's all.

At 1/2/05 08:13 AM, Alkador wrote: You'll be the last with a wooden bat. Too many lvl 13s now.

Does this mean I won't be in your story anytime soon?

At 1/2/05 08:33 AM, BonusStage wrote: HAHAH i had a hard time with the stupidest of enemies, like Captain Hook for god sakes ):<, i mean come on the guy that got killed by the Aligator like a damned panzy, was kicking my ass for the longest time. In other words i agree with you whole heartedly about its random difficulty setting that seems to jump from ... why is this on such a high level (100 acre wood) to HOLY SHIT WHY THE HELL IS THIS SO HARD (Oylumpus Colesseum)

You'd think that a game wich involves swinging giant keys would be easier, wouldn't you?

At 1/2/05 08:51 AM, PayneM wrote: Man its just way too hard to level up...

It's not hard, it just takes a while.

At 1/2/05 08:59 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote: Thank you. I've got no idea mate, too fucking long as far as I'm concerned. I estimated a while ago I'd hit it at a base VP of 7 and a rank of Colonel, which at 20 bp/d (my lifetime average and just a little lower than my usual current day average) would take me 173 days. In reality though, that number could go either way.

I see. Well, you'd get it a lot sooner than me anyways :P

At 1/2/05 11:51 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: Maby theirs just alot of racists out there? i quite like it personally.

Yeah, me too. I definitely prefer it over the level ten glove.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 17:24:42

At 1/2/05 01:41 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
So what you are saying is when you get it you will get it, but when you do get it you just get it?

Hehehehe, all i was trying to say was, im not bothered about getting it, when i get it, i get it.

You no speaka the engrish ?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 19:25:36

Well, I finally ranked up to Elite Guard Second Lieutenant! Missed the screenie because I was posting though, I hate when that happens. Damn I was Prap for way too long... but I guess I'll just blame that on the holiday's. I'm liking the VP boost, at 7.24 it shouldn't be too much longer until I'm on Gfox's VP List.

Well I guess my next goal would be to get into the top 100 for B/P's, but I'm guessing that's going to take awhile. Congrats to everyone who has reached any new milestones recently.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 20:44:13

At 1/2/05 07:25 PM, Pure_Greatness wrote: Well, I finally ranked up to Elite Guard Second Lieutenant!
Well I guess my next goal would be to get into the top 100 for B/P's, but I'm guessing that's going to take awhile.

Congratz! I think your next goal should be getting 10k B/P points. Make sure you won't miss that screenie!

At 1/2/05 08:13 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 1/2/05 07:47 PM, Nijsse wrote:
So is Syme, I've got almost 100 points today, and I passed Syme yesterday. She didn't get much point before I closed in, but I just checked and she already passed me back! I remember here race with Yoink, hopefully I can stay ahead of hear more easily.
Most folks who wander off, reappear on their own schedule, then disappear again just as quickly. Syme's one of the ones who seem to key in to what's happening around them. She wanders off for a month or three, then gets passed by one or two people and suddenly jumps back into it ... then crawls back into the woodwork without so much as boo.

Heh, she's still using the name from when she was going after IKRU ~shrug~ it may not even be you that got her started again ... Denvish is definitely coming up over the horizon. Wait for a name change, that seems to be her way of telling people who she's worried about lol

Yes look at me, I'm quoting from the 51+ B/P topic!1!1!! I hope she will reveil soon who she is after. It's driving me crazy, I've never been passed in my whole B/P career lol. I totally forgot I almost had 25k points! A couple of minutes ago I opened my profile and thought 'hmm this seems like a round number. Holy crap, it's 25k!'

Anyway, here's a screenie, and yes, I know that a fork in your moms behind makes more sense than this post.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 20:57:17

Please take a few minutes to have a look at this thread:


and fill out the particulars. Cheers.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 21:08:18

At 1/2/05 08:09 AM, Eldarion wrote:
At 1/2/05 12:11 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: My skull was pounding and those freakin' mutts wouldn't stop barking!
ROFL, you didn't say there were dogs with you! I hope you got revenge bigtime :D

Two out of three isn't bad Eldarion. After one night of drinking with two of the culprits my buddy Kent woke up late the next morning and rushed out the door to work. Hungover big time, he apparently stopped for gas and hit the McDonalds drivethrough before getting to the mill. That's when his boss told him the word "loser" was written across his forehead..... with indelible ink.

At 1/1/05 03:05 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
Nope, I'm 50% Scottish, 50% Romanian. Interesting mix 'eh? I was born in Canada though.
Indeed! You should be a good drinker with that background :)

Yeah I can hold my own. My friends can't believe how much I can put away. I'm starting to ease up a bit though mainly because I'm concerned about my liver. It seems okay for now but I bet I've taxed the poor thing for the last twenty years.

At 12/31/04 08:48 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
I don't get it. Is it a bladder thing? Your stomach won't let you keep anything down?
I don't know, I just feel nauseous when I drink too much water if I'm drunk :( Apparently, grapes are an excellent hangover cure, I haven't tried them though.

Cool, I haven't tried that one either but I'm sure I'll have a few more shots at it (lol). Two of my favorites are Mott's Clamato (without the beer) and club soda.

I hate that feeling of dryness in the mouth when you wake up, ugh.

Almost like you swallowed your pillow 'eh?

At 1/2/05 02:59 PM, Inuzuka-Kiba wrote:
At 1/2/05 01:25 PM, randyrandy wrote: Great story, i like how things are going! I just hope that no one dies..or should i be worrying about myself? :(
Pfft, it's not you. He's already said countless times that it will end up being me. ;)

Big wow. I'd take a glorious death over this.

“Think of something guys!” Moaned Recon_Rebel. “They’re closing in!”

Not only am I moaning like an old man but my IQ has suddenly dropped 50 points.

YoinK_VineS and ramagi held hands as they both muttered at the same time.

Now this could be an interesting development. I hope this turns into something real juicy!

Awesome story Alkador!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-01-02 21:35:06

Rank: Elite Guard Second Lieutenant
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 6,637 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 2,863 quality entries.

I Just got this like 2 minutes ago!! YAY Rank-Up!!