...Continuation of previous post...
I wasn't planning on making a big deal about it, I wasn't even planning on making a post. But, I remembered it was my 1 year anniversary and rather let it slip away like nothing happened, I'll go ahead and right about it. Plus, it's been fun tallying up my stats and everything. :D
Anyways, the last year has been crazy, I never knew I would fall this deeply into the depths of Newgrounds. I figured it would be a little hobby I'd enjoy from time to time. But no, it's changed my life, as corny as it sounds, it's true. I had visited NG a few times, staying up late so my parents would go to bed so I could play the Sim Date games...yea, we all did it, and I am not going to lie about it. I only went to newgrounds for those, didn't even know there was the BBS or a portal. I figured everything was professionally made and that everything submitted was made by the creators of NG and that all of it was made by companies. I knew NOTHING of the real story.
I join NG after about a few years of visiting occasionally. After the first month, I got flash, found the portal, and started posting like mad. This was the first forums online that I have ever been a part of it. Now, I am a registered user on tons of forums, but I don't post quite as nearly as much as I did on this one.
I remember it must have been less than 3 weeks after I got an account on NG that I got flash. I was immediately sucked in and there was no escaping. I had no idea ordinary people like you or me all over the world were submitting stuff that they made in flash and submitting it to this site. I had NO idea. I thought, if they can do it, I sure as hell can. Well it's been one year since then, I've gotten flash, I've become a NG Flash Regular, and I moderate my own website of tutorials for Flash. I have written many Flash Tutorials, and I use flash just about everyday. It makes me so sad knowing that I have no flash to show for my work, but I know, someday I will make something and submit it to NG and it will be a success. With all I have learned, I'd kill myself before I promised I wouldn't submit a flash to NG, because it will be done, hopefully sometime soon too.
During my stay at Newgrounds many many exciting things have happened. In no particular order, I was introduced to flash, and am now a flash enthusiast. A very prominent Flash author named Livecorpse is caught in a shoot out with the police and kills himself. Newgrounds has mixed feelings, and it truly was a sad time. Flash Author CerealBoxClock of his own website and good friend of my friend Dan Fleming is killed in a car crash. Very sad, especially knowing that I knew someone who was very good friends with him. The Flash Regulars Lounge is shut down after all. We spammed that place like crazy, but it was the only reason I stayed with NG for so long. If it hadn't been for Star_Cleaver, ioi8, LOTI, NB, qwertypod, Ludy, Cappy, Burst, Mercurius, Deathcon7, Iamthom, Kama, Amish, -007-, AngryAxl, CrookedAsterisk, NegativeOne, Ozcar, Pika, Joe, and Tom of the Super_Flash_Bros, I wouldn't not be where I am today on NG. Since the The Flash Regulars Lounge's demise, we have started up our new site which can be found at www.flashregs.x3fusion.com . We host tutorials of Photoshop and Flash, and would love for you all to join up. It was sad seeing the The Flash Regulars Lounge go, but I think it was all for the better, it was going downhill fast, and plus FlashRegs would not have been started and FR has been a success so far I think, it's still in it's growing stages though. Last but certainly not least, Tom Fulp releases the consol version of Alien Hominid. This is huge freaking news, seeing as this started off as a flash game, this proves to anyone doing flash, even the simplest projects you are working on now can turn into something huge like a consol game. Never give up and this can be you someday. Definitely a major thing that happened to Newgrounds, huge.
That about sums up the major/important things that have happened to me on NG, it's been a great run so far, and it's not over yet, although my daily posting count has been dropping forever. My B/Ping is slower than ever also, but I am hanging in there, and I don't expect to leave any time soon, so hang around to see what's up with the new flash.
It's sad, but I am no where near the fan I used to be of NG. I still love it, or else I wouldn't come, but it's going downhill for me...I seem to be slowing down soo much. I realized there is so much more to life, I got a girlfriend, I have been more active with school, NG is great, but it's going to get my anywhere, if I wasn't still a huge fan I wouldn't have taken the time to write this up, but it doesn't mean I am as obsessed with it as I used to be.
Oh well, Much <3 Newgrounds.
[I hope I didn't screw up on any of the link formatting or anything *Fingers crossed*]
Note: I spent enough time on this as is, so I did not proof read it fully, if there are illegible remarks that don't make any sense, I apologize, and hopefully you will be able to make sense out of most of it, although it is kind of pointless.
Thanks to the few of you that read and all of the members of the Ex-Regulars Lounge of the Flash Forum of Newgrounds.com.