At 10/21/04 12:12 AM, OsAmARaMa wrote:
Here is how I think the levels should be...
Levels 1-7 stay the same
what symbol, the lollipop?
Level 8 - Brass Knuckles (current lvl 11)
i agree with the fact that all hand symbols should stay low levels
Level 9 - Black Glove w/o spikes (current lvl 8)
i think level 8 and 9 should be switched on this one, the glove THEN the brass nuckles
Level 10 - Spiked black glove (current lvl 9)
i guess i'll go with that...tho there would be so many, as many users are level 9 and 10. if those 2 symbols were good, many people would be happy.
Level 11 - Red boxing glove (current lvl 10)
lovin that idea
Level 12 - Barbwire red boxing glove. (lvl 12) lleave as is.
Level 13+ leave as same.
good idea.
This way, all the fists are grouped together, the black gloves are together, and the red boxing gloves are together. Makes perfect sense to me.
i wonder if it will change. i'd love to see synj-style symbols