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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 15:46:13

At 9/12/04 03:31 PM, BonusStage wrote: NOW off to my u10 soccer kiddies first game, i hope they win :D. Though i expect no "hope they win" from you meanie heads :_<

Hope they win.

Honest, I do...

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 15:46:52

At 9/12/04 03:44 PM, -trix- wrote: hey guys... i got a virus and my dad installed a non-popup blocker
but it also blacoks off the FLASH PORTAL so i cant vote! : (
i was wondering if any of you could do my voting..i dont need blams/saves and if you can please add me on msn @ rest_in_peace_351@hotmail.com
thank you

happy to do it!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 15:51:37

At 9/12/04 03:43 PM, mercy-is-merciless wrote:
At 9/12/04 03:31 PM, TheRotArm wrote: Yeah, I think that's it. I don't like level 11 for that reason. I like 10 and 12, but if there was a totally different icon for 11 I would be so much happier.
Same here, or they could at least flip-flop level 10 and level 11. _-_ <---OMFG UPSIDE DOWN! O_o

Hey, not a bad idea! So you'd have the lvl 11 icon in place of the present 10 icon, and vice versa?

Good thinking.

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 15:54:35

At 9/12/04 03:51 PM, TheRotArm wrote: Hey, not a bad idea! So you'd have the lvl 11 icon in place of the present 10 icon, and vice versa?

Good thinking.

Well it would only make sense doing so. Doesn't a boxing glove look more powerful than the knuckles? Nearly everyone complains about that level. So why not? =)

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 15:54:43

Best be off, too. School tomorrow :(

Auf der byes.

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 16:06:22

At 9/12/04 03:31 PM, TheRotArm wrote: Yeah, I think that's it. I don't like level 11 for that reason. I like 10 and 12, but if there was a totally different icon for 11 I would be so much happier.

I prefer level 11 over level 10, actually....Don't know why, though.
And you're just saying that because the level 11 hand is black. OMG RACIST!!!111

At 9/12/04 03:54 PM, TheRotArm wrote: Best be off, too. School tomorrow :(

Same here :(

Auf der byes.

Sie heil...?

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 16:08:21

At 9/12/04 04:06 PM, -Mazza- wrote: And you're just saying that because the level 11 hand is black. OMG RACIST!!!111

OH NOEZ! You found me out! *Runs off to secret KKK clubhouse* *_*

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 16:10:56

At 9/12/04 04:08 PM, mercy-is-merciless wrote: OH NOEZ! You found me out! *Runs off to secret KKK clubhouse* *_*

*Burns down secret clubhouse*

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 16:11:53

At 9/12/04 04:10 PM, -Mazza- wrote: *Burns down secret clubhouse*

HAHAHA It's fire-proof! We are excellent arsenics and plan these types of things beforehand.



Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 16:11:57

Congrats to all who have achieved in my absence (Bila for top 50 EXP, Bonus for 2500 blams, tottie for rank up, shpouiten for 1000th post). I've been easing off NG for a bit recently, because I was getting too unhealthily obsessed. I've also decided that not quoting everyone who achieves and simply remembering to congratulate people saves space and makes posts easier to read. Otherwise we end up reading the same stuff loads of times... So you won't see many more multi-quotes from me.

I haven't achieved much recently :( 800 exp today which is nothing particularly special, other than a round number and 650 saves (ditto). Oh well, my time will come, no doubt.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 16:44:44

At 9/12/04 03:44 PM, -trix- wrote:
but it also blacoks off the FLASH PORTAL so i cant vote! : (
i was wondering if any of you could do my voting..i dont need blams/saves

You can vote on movies that has passed judgement without even clicking on the ''Play movie'' link ! You can get your experience points that way.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 16:48:00

At 9/12/04 10:56 AM, Shpouiten wrote: And that conclude my 1000th post.

Congrats good sir!
1K does indeed look much better then a three digit number in your profile!
Keep on posting!


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 17:07:17

At 9/12/04 04:59 PM, BonusStage wrote: I barely have any posts as it is, i don't wont to be labeled a spammer :(

Too late. =)

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 17:46:16

At 9/12/04 05:38 PM, BonusStage wrote:
Well i tried :(

You call this trying? :p

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 18:00:08

At 9/12/04 05:46 PM, --delteated-- wrote: You call this trying? :p

Aww, I think we're being to hard on bonus. He's trying his hardest. =( We should stop picking on him and throw him a party, with lemons. :o

Also: I just broke 4,000 blams! =)

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 18:10:55

At 9/12/04 01:50 PM, mercy-is-merciless wrote: Then we had a drinking party....without you! =O

NoOoOoOoOoOo........How dare you guys. Did Recon do his broomstick up the arse routine ?

At 9/12/04 12:52 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote:
So, how did you fix the error? Cool_penguin's idea seemed the best.

Well as i coudnt get online, Inspiron sent me the Firefox start-up thing and bingo, all is good.

Also congrats Bila Tottie and this fellow Mercy, dunno who you are probably an alt but well done anyway. Congrats on your team winning Bonus, congrast buddy.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 18:23:38

Starting college tomorrow, so i expect my blam and protection points will decrease pretty rapidly. It's goona slow down my pursuit of EGSC, but hopefully, i can get there in around 7 weeks.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 19:40:51

A huge congratulations to Bila for getting into the Top 50 exp, and a smaller, but still large congrats for Shpouiten for 1000 posts, Mercy for 4000 blams and d_h_tottie for Elite Guard Sergeant First Class.

At 9/12/04 03:44 PM, -trix- wrote:
but it also blacoks off the FLASH PORTAL so i cant vote! : (
i was wondering if any of you could do my voting..i dont need blams/saves

Well like Shpouiten said, movies that aren't UJ don't need you to click on anything. However, when you say it blocks off the flash portal, do you mean just the portal or all portal view pages as well or just the "Watch this movie" button?
If it's just the portal, you can easily bypass it by selecting one of your favourite movies or using search. If it's all the pages, you might need to allow those pages and if it's just the button, you can also allow the pages or there might be an override command (it stops the pop-up blocker blocking that pop-up) such as CTRL click.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 20:37:02

At 9/12/04 03:43 PM, mercy-is-merciless wrote:
At 9/12/04 03:03 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
Errr....... stop setting yourself up........ :-P
Wait...am I missing something here? ?_?

The running joke in here is that I joined NG 2 1/2 years ago, but I'm still a level 11 Elite Guard Sergeant, because I didn't deposit experience or get b/p points until recently. These imps keep smearing it in my face ;-P

At 9/12/04 05:07 PM, mercy-is-merciless wrote: Too late. =)
At 9/12/04 05:38 PM, BonusStage wrote: Well i tried :(
At 9/12/04 05:46 PM, --delteated-- wrote: You call this trying? :p

OMG 73H 5P4|\/||\/|4R5!!1!11!!one!1!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 20:41:41

At 9/12/04 08:37 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
OMG 73H 5P4|\/||\/|4R5!!1!11!!one!1!!

Lol and what do you call you following that (admittedly very irritating) n00b around the Wi/Ht forum telling him to stop reviving dead threads? Anyway, I never miss a chance to tease Bonus, and that was definitely a chance... In other news I'm nearly at 666 saves, which is a confusing place to be. I'll be like a bad good person, or something...? o_0

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 20:49:41

At 9/12/04 08:41 PM, --delteated-- wrote: Lol and what do you call you following that (admittedly very irritating) n00b around the Wi/Ht forum telling him to stop reviving dead threads?

I like to think of it as a public service. Put your own spin on it, if you will ;-)

At 9/12/04 08:42 PM, BonusStage wrote: /\/\3 5|*4/\/\ |\|3\/4|2 ):<

6U1|_7*/ 45 (|-|4|263|) ;-)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 21:10:42

At 9/12/04 12:03 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 9/12/04 12:01 AM, j00bie wrote: tsk, tsk, tsk... off to bed I go.
Oh, but I tried. I tried so hard. One of these days, I'm gonna make that timing program. Then I can be a winner too ;-P

But that's cheating... and stuff...
It's not like youd be able to not go on NG for a long time and expect to come back exp rich either... youd still need to Vote on 5 flashes the day BEFORE your next deposit to get it right away the next day....
Otherwise, it'll say 'You need to vote on 4 more flashes before depositing your experience", or whatever it says.... I havent seen that message in a loooooooooooong time...

At 9/12/04 12:06 AM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote: That will be cool to see someone to deposit at 12:00 on December31-January1.

That would be cool, but everybody would be out partying on New Years eve, so that nobody would be on Newgrounds in the first place to try!
On top of the users with lack of 'skill'.

At 9/12/04 12:32 AM, RONLICKER wrote: I did that. January 1, 2003.

Well, maybe not EVERYBODY is partying on New Years Eve =D.
But I hear you were quite the deposit freak 'back in the day'.

At 9/12/04 12:30 AM, BonusStage wrote: I tried... i tried :_<

And you failed, as usual, as you always do... what'd you expect? =D

At 9/12/04 12:32 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Let us pray for j00bie to have unexpected computer problems that night ;-)

Yes, 'unexpected' computer problems....
You'd probably be able to get away with it too, damn Police/Secutity Fewels, nobody ever suspects them.... except for me... =O

At 9/12/04 02:05 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I'm just pissed that j00bie gets his experience deposit in before the rest of us most of the time.

Yea, well lucky for you, that's only going to happen on MOST Saturdays for now on.. (maybe fridays too). The other days, youll have Crono- to deal with....

Hell X, when I deposited tonight my name didn't even show up on the list. What's that all about??

That sometimes happens to me as well... and supposedly with Crono- as well.
Everytime I hit the refresh button, it only shows the amount of people who have deposited since the refresh, not the last 50 who deposited...
I refresh because the list wasnt very long... and wanted to see if I could find more names to include in a screenie. Server is just retarded at times.

Plus my right wrist and elbow have healed quite nicely thank you.

That's always good to know, still wondering how that happened? or did you manage to find out whos ass you beat the day before? Either way, you kicked someones ass, and am getting away with it! COOL!!!!!!!!!

At 9/12/04 02:17 AM, mercy-is-merciless wrote: what's with this "Who can post first for the day" contest thing I'm seeing?

Just something that Crono- started way back when... then I stole his thunder... and I just like to gloat everytime I do this... MWAHAHAHAHA!


I could teach you a lesson or two on that one if you want, read my above response =D

At 9/12/04 02:48 AM, CHEESEGOD wrote: Unless you can deposit within the first 5 seconds of the new GG day, you don't stand much of a chance.

Try less then a second. Because surely enough, everyday.. either BonusStage, Me, Crono-, ShittyKitty, Joe, will likely be going for it... The chances of winning are slim to none, unless you are highly 'skilled' in this area of Newgroundsing.
There should be a statlist of this =D
gfox, D0GMA, brew me up a statlist of First to depositers right now! *Chop Chop* =D

At 9/12/04 04:13 AM, Bila wrote: 49. Nostrant 07/15/01 M 10,970 Yahoooooooo!!!
50. Bila 07/24/01 M 10,868 none

At first I was confused as to why Yahoooooooo!!! was written beside the number 49... but I eventually realised that it was the website name of the dudes profile, heh... It was strange...

I've made it to the TOP 50 USERS list

Only 50 people can say that as of right now... and you are 1 of them. Congrats!

At 9/12/04 08:39 AM, Sentinel_specter wrote: Yep, I am an unoriginal bastard. :D

But a funny, unoriginal bastard at that... Though i heard that 'joke' back in grades 4-5-6.... It sure was good to get a laugh out of some really, really, lame pre-teen humour.

At 9/12/04 12:26 PM, -noir- wrote: Saves feel better than when you blam stuff. It feels like you helped achieve something.

I always like Save accomplishments opposed to Blam accomplishments. It just feels so... good.
Mind you, blamming is fun too =D

At 9/12/04 12:31 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: ive been getting drunk and raped by beautiful women

Beautiful women 'raped' you...
If rape means having sex with the unwilling... then you're crazy!
Oh well, congrats on a wonderful sex life... heh...

Buckets of Spam


At 9/12/04 03:30 PM, deck_head_tottie wrote: Elite Guard Sergeant First Class IS ME.

More competition...
Well, another fellow EGSFCer to come and join the fun.
We have meetings every saturday night.
Were saving up for a field trip to Russia... apparently they have Praporshizznits down there policing.

At 9/12/04 03:44 PM, -trix- wrote: but it also blacoks off the FLASH PORTAL so i cant vote! : (

Well, that sucks the big one... too bad for you.
If you need people to deposit for you, dont ask BonusStage... he misses deposits alot!
Me on the other hand, has never missed one =D



I just dont feel like adding any more posts to this multi-post.
Im cranky and tired...
I've been to busy sitting on my ass the past 2 days, watching a PGA Tour event... JUST SO I COULD WATCH THE CANADIAN LOSE ON THE LAST HOLE IN A PLAYOFF TO A BLACK GUY!

Yea... anyways.... Less posting, More sleep.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 21:18:08

At 9/12/04 09:10 PM, j00bie wrote: But that's cheating... and stuff...

Yeah. So? :-D

It's not like youd be able to not go on NG for a long time and expect to come back exp rich either... youd still need to Vote on 5 flashes the day BEFORE your next deposit to get it right away the next day....
Otherwise, it'll say 'You need to vote on 4 more flashes before depositing your experience", or whatever it says.... I havent seen that message in a loooooooooooong time...

I know that! *If* I made the program, I would run it a few minutes before 12AM EST, after I had been gathering b/p points.

At 9/12/04 02:48 AM, CHEESEGOD wrote: Unless you can deposit within the first 5 seconds of the new GG day, you don't stand much of a chance.
Try less then a second. Because surely enough, everyday.. either BonusStage, Me, Crono-, ShittyKitty, Joe, will likely be going for it... The chances of winning are slim to none, unless you are highly 'skilled' in this area of Newgroundsing.

Yeah, I just got started trying to do it. Never really had any interest in it before, but I believe I've got my technique down pat.

There should be a statlist of this =D
gfox, D0GMA, brew me up a statlist of First to depositers right now! *Chop Chop* =D

You know.........if I ever got around to it, I could make something like that. That's not a bad idea, actually. I'm usually on every night in that time period, anyway. Maybe I could make something to pull the top 25 first deposits, then make a list for each night and a cumulative totals list. Yeah, that would work. Maybe I could get it done in time for tonight's deposits. That would be cool. I'll see what I can do...


Poor old j00bie scapegoat...

If you need people to deposit for you, dont ask BonusStage... he misses deposits alot!
Me on the other hand, has never missed one =D

Oooh. Ouch. Below the belt...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 21:31:25

At 9/12/04 08:49 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 9/12/04 08:41 PM, --delteated-- wrote: Lol and what do you call you following that (admittedly very irritating) n00b around the Wi/Ht forum telling him to stop reviving dead threads?
I like to think of it as a public service. Put your own spin on it, if you will ;-)

As I just told you in one of those threads, it's not a service. He's not going to read your posts at all, and even if he did, do you really think it will change his behaviour? All you're doing is making the mod's job of sinking such threads more difficult. As it is, I'm not going to bother to delete his posts because then I'd have to delete yours as well to ensure that the threads didn't keep getting replied to.

But this is Wi/Ht?, not General, and thus there isn't an insane flood of new threads all the time, anyway, so it's not that pressing an issue. If, however, he continues to bump old threads, please refrain from bumping them as well, okay?

Instead, alert me or another mod and we will delete his posts so the threads return to the depths of the forum... and ban him if he continues to bump with stupid/repetitive/alreadysaid posts, as well. Don't add to the problem. Every reply to a bump is a bump itself, and if the bump was pointless, the reply to the bump is ALWAYS pointless as well.


anyway, I've spent much of my time on NG today and yesterday reading through this damned topic, and I have a shitload of text to post now, but I'm trying to catch up on all the other topics first so I'm not super burned out by the time I post in here. So... expect a huge flood (maybe 6 huge posts) within an hour or so. CARRY ON!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 21:35:57

At 9/12/04 09:31 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Bad, bad ShittyKitty......

I have stooped to the level of my enemy. I can not live with this shame. I shall preserve my pride in the only way possible *hang head in shame*......where's that samurai sword at?......

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 21:38:36

At 9/12/04 09:35 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 9/12/04 09:31 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Bad, bad ShittyKitty......
I have stooped to the level of my enemy. I can not live with this shame. I shall preserve my pride in the only way possible *hang head in shame*......where's that samurai sword at?......

hey now, it's not THAT bad... O_o

Anyway, screw catching up on everything else, I might not even have time tonight (I wanted to get up from 462 to 468 reviews tonight, for one thing, for my 43,000 b/p profile screenshots). So... on with the huge gfox postfest. HIDE FOR A FEW MINUTES, PEOPLE, this ain't gonna be pretty.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 21:39:57


You know, if it weren't for joobie/Bonus/Redcircle/SCD/et al chatting it up in here day in and day out, I probably wouldn't have had to read through 38 pages of this topic to catch up fully both yesterday AND today. Christ, guys... can you please slow it down a bit, step away from the topic for a bit now and then, and try to reply to more than one person at a time (yes yes, I know some of you do that already, but not enough).

:::grumbles like an old man some more, then proceeds to contribute to the madness in here, albeit with hugeassed posts, squeezing the maximum density into each and every post to bring you the maximum amount of gfoxy goodness (36.9k to be precise):::

At 8/31/04 07:26 AM, BonusStage wrote:
I said they were APPROXIMATELY even. I haven't actually hit a perfect xx00 xx00 mark since 6000 blams and 6000 saves gave me 12000 total b/p. Since then, I don't bother to hold off on blams (or protects) just to get a legit screenie. Ever since the popularity rank was taken out and stickercount was added, I've always edited the html and put in a VP rank instead, so... I just fudge the blams and saves to be nifty, too. :::shrugs:::
How do you fudge them, and collect them at the same time o.0

If I happened to have 10005 blams and 9995 saves at a certain moment in time, I would edit the html in my profile to show 10000 blams and 10000 saves. I didn't change my total (20,000 b/p in both cases), but I fudged one stat up and one stat down the same amount so the screenie would look better.

But hell, that's just a html edit. ramagi, when she retired at 36,000 b/p, actually had Wade bump her saves and reduce her blams so that she'd have nifty numbers that still added up to 36,000. Now that's fudging dedication. #;-}>

It's like... if you can't take a photo out the window of your speeding car very well, but you can easily fudge a similar pic to the one you wanted to get on your computer... what diff does it make if it looks perfect? The ends justify the means.
So by fudge you mean, fake :o, YOU PHONY :D

By fudge OR fake, I mean edit the html of my profile. Something I've talked about doing a dozen times in this very thread. You sure haven't been paying attention. O_o Did you not even read the post you were replying to?!

"Ever since the popularity rank was taken out and stickercount was added, I've always edited the html and put in a VP rank instead, so... I just fudge the blams and saves to be nifty, too."

That said, I never fudge &quot;ahead&quot; of where I am in total b/p. I might add 30 to my protects, but I'll take 30 from my blams in return. Etc. etc.
Now that part makes no sense, it sounds like you are saying you that you can just transfer blams to saves and vice versa

Like I just said, ramagi did just that when she stopped at 36,000. But I'm talking about doing it only in the edited HTML file, not for real. For my fake screenies. As I've said... A DOZEN TIMES BEFORE. Yet again. #;-}>

again... ha ha. #;-}&gt;
Well hey its true :D

Did you run your post/my quoted post through a HTML editor or something? WTF? #;-}>

Wow, so wait how many votes did submissions used to need before that, and what was the "size" of the portal at the time.

Ehhh... I dunno, 25,000-30,000 movies, I think. Compared to a bit under 50,000 now.

heh hell of a lot of points for those that want to go up in ranks though, but...

No one will ever get b/p for helping out with a templist to raise NG's UJ mark. If we didn't get them while helping from 100 to 200 votes, why would that change between 200 and 300 votes?

At 9/1/04 10:25 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: So who was it? The guy was level 2 with around 20 posts to his credit at the time. It had to be the alternate account of someone familiar with the site. It doesn't make any sense for a newbie to attack a high level user without any past history.

Does it really matter? It was an idiot who had nothing better to do than slam you. Try your best to forget/ignore.

By the way, how come you can't use certain words in a post but the same word is acceptable when used as a name?

That's a good question. But an even better one is why certain words are okay in reviews but not on the BBS (I only know this because I post all of my review bans on the review mod forum, and every now and then my post is rejected due to having a word you can't say on the BBS but the idiot reviewer I banned was able to say in reviews on the portal).


totally unrelated to anything else, but just now as I'm posting this, I noticed MPA got banned until the 16th for his post in this thread:


Egad, what was he thinking. O_o

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 21:41:55

At 9/12/04 09:38 PM, gfoxcook wrote: hey now, it's not THAT bad... O_o

Eh, don't have any swords handy. Can't commit hari kiri without a sword...

Anyway, screw catching up on everything else, I might not even have time tonight (I wanted to get up from 462 to 468 reviews tonight, for one thing, for my 43,000 b/p profile screenshots). So... on with the huge gfox postfest. HIDE FOR A FEW MINUTES, PEOPLE, this ain't gonna be pretty.

Is it ever pretty, though?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 21:44:20

At 8/31/04 07:41 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 8/31/04 03:56 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Hit a cool postcount (1234, 1337, 2345, 3456, 4321, 5000, 6543, 6666, etc. etc. etc.), stay there for 3 days, yadda yadda. I have probably 150 postcount screenshots of my own nifty postmarks. Every single 100th post + other cool ones like some of the above.
Ah, ok ... and here I thought I was gdoing you a favor ;)

I always appreciate it (and save the screenie) when someone posts one of a nifty postcount of mine. I just don't necessarily need anyone to do so as I've doubtless already snagged it myself. #;-}>

Same here. Think of webmail like a PO Box, while pop is your own mailbox. I had a PO Box once a long long time ago ... it was nice as I knew my physical address was going to be changing (within the same general area) every few months for the next year, but once that stopped so did my use of the box. Webmail is nice for certain things like that, but I don't use it generally.

Good analogy. And yeah, during HS when I was living in Pennsylvania, we had to use a PO Box and it was a pain in the butt to always have to drive over a hill to get to the PO and pick up mail. Tiny little parking lot with tons of cars in it, too. Huge pain.

Webmail isn't all THAT bad, I guess, in comparison... but it doesn't feel the same, and you know your mail isn't as secure.

At 8/31/04 04:00 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Now to bribe Crono/Joe/whoever else to miss some deposits for Miikro so I can stop being tied with him EVERY SINGLE FREAKING DAY.
LOL ... I haven't stalled yet, but there's a few people who I'm following ... or (shades of Memento) are they following me. If you understood that reference, that's my favorite line in the entire movie.

Around the time I posted that, Miikro had already fallen behind me again. Wheee. O_o And since then, asdfsdfg was tied with me for awhile because he'd stopped depositing at level 17 and dropped back to level 16, but wanted to get back up to 17, so we were tied every day for awhile... but then he stopped again, presumably because he felt he was far enough into 17.

So, for now, I'm no longer tied with ANYONE. And boy, let me tell you, it feels nice to not have to worry about depositing before the profile rank update time. Though I almost always do so anyway.

Oh, and yes, Memento's a great movie. Unfortunately, I don't remember that exact line. I understand what it refers to, though, yes. heh.

I'll have that soon and I should downgrade to 9k BPs when I do ... then I can change my name to Paperclippershchtiker


Heh, didn't even notice that. It's a scary world when even she has 3 digits in her post count. We'll know the world's going to hell in a handbasket when she gets 4 lol

And how!

The first part of that goal of yours is impossible. I've never worried, and never will, about people passing me in blams.

Only in overall b/p and saves alone.
~piffle~ Well, my target for the end of the year is now 42k total, so maybe that pace will worry you ;) Although the goal is not unreachable, it may be unreasonable to expect that I'll have enough spare time to hit 90/day for the rest of the year with that specific split. At pace, 30/13 is more likely. We'll see how it goes.

By the time you get to 42k, I'll likely be around 50k, so... no, I doubt it'll worry me.

90/day for 120 days is quite the insane goal, but good luck with that.

At 9/1/04 03:15 AM, D0GMA wrote: The under 200 list was installed as a "secret" as it was taking us (those who knew about the project) "too long" to finish it off. Straight up ... At only 500 (or whatever it was) per day, I earned some kind of bonus (like at least bothering to give me the fucking points I earned on those mass flag deletions Wade has done) and that's nothing compared to what people like Joe and Greg (they are just the ones over 1k/day of whom I'm actually aware) deserved. Odds on they got jack shit for 5 months of work done for the benefit OF NG ... at the end of it everyone, including the wastes of air that voted 1 time, got a generic "thanks" ... better than nothing but FAR, far less than what was deserved.

No one was promised anything by James, Tom, or Wade when we started helping out a bit over a year ago. And through the 4 months of templist work... again, no promises of anything were made. I was never even hopeful for anything besides gratitude from the admins. A whole lot of people sure seemed to EXPECT that we'd get rewarded with something more than that, or at least they desired it, but most of those people didn't really do much work, anyway. I didn't expect that one of the reasons you were bitter re: NG admin was that you felt you/me/Joe/whoever else deserved a reward for all of that... again, no reward was expected by me, and I suspect by Joe, either.

These were only motivations from September to January:
1) I wanted to help NG in general.
2) I wanted to get the new 200 vote system started ASAP.
3) I thought it would help flash authors and promote more saves in the portal.
4) I had spare time.

But in any event, when we started, Joe and I were regular users, and when we finished, both he and me had been modded. I doubt there's a connection, but perhaps you can consider our moddings reward for our templist work if it makes you feel any better about that bit of NG history. o_o

We're only now FINALLY getting the occasional point for flagged shit ... and not nearly as much as what we should be getting for them, but there's several people (not including me) that are owed 1k BPs off that crap. I'm only owed ~500.

That's another matter. I wish we'd get the blams we're owed as well, with regard to whistled stuff. Hell, I wish the whistle system would just be disabled at times. So many damned movies getting whistled for "free blam point" reasons even 3 months after Wade said to stop doing it... and for even worse reasons (they don't like the author, they're idiots, whatever).

But I'm not THAT upset about it... because, after all, no one's getting shafted while other people are getting points. We're ALL being denied the same points or GETTING the same points. Yes, you can say that the people who didn't vote on any or as many of the flashes that got whistled and later on got mass-deleted obviously didn't have as much to gain (and thus lose as much when the points didn't come right away), but... eh... the same can be said for just general b/ping.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 21:45:18

At 9/2/04 08:32 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 9/2/04 07:53 PM, Sentinel_specter wrote: I finally made 7.00 VP. Unfortunatly I couldn't get a screen shot of just plain 7.00 becuase when I jumped up in B/P ranking, it shot up. Oh well, I am happy.
And you should be happy :( you earned it, and why not go for gfox's VP list, with just a few more rank ups you'd get on it easy, by the looks of it you've become sad towards NG :(

Sept 4:
480.) 07.08 +0.14 Sentinel_specter +38

Sept 11:
478.) 07.10 +0.02 Sentinel_specter +2

Few more rankups, you say? #;-}>

At 9/2/04 08:18 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Yup, I don't bother with reviews. I'm focusing on my b/p points right now (I'm #22 in b/p's per hour). Experience doesn't really take much focus; just deposit your 10 every day, and you're fine. And of course, I've got my pretty silver whistle; every now and then I dig through the reviews for the front page movies looking for Outwar-type reviews, but not very often.
And how high am i in hour o.0, also well you do have to come here to deposit at least :(, but it is to bad you've basically given up on reviews :(

Well, with slightly less than 1 bpph I was #120 or so on his last update, but he updates way too often. I was out of town for 3 days, so I was lucky I was even that high. My bppd rank on Dogma's weekly update is a much more accurate representation of how fast I'm moving at any time, methinks.

At 9/3/04 02:11 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 9/3/04 02:00 AM, RedCircle wrote: Also, my question still remains, how can you set your PC clock to the NG clock?
Try setting it right when you post your experience points. The page should tell you how much time is left in the NG day; for us Central Time Zone people, just take that time remaining and subtract from 11:00 pm. It might be hard to do this quickly, though. Another thought is looking at the latest deposits page, especially right after 11pm.

Nothing that timing-dependent is necessary. NG's clock tends to be fairly accurate.

So just go to www.time.gov and click yer time zone and then leave the page open (it'll display the accurate time, second by second) while you synch your computer's clock to it.

At 9/3/04 08:53 AM, Qwoxyl wrote:
At 9/3/04 05:40 AM, FlGMENT wrote: Same here Qwox (a la pox :P).
Hey! Qw+axyl, exyl, ixyl and uxyl just didn't work.

Oh, I dunno. Qwixyl has a certain ring to it.

If you'd chosen that one... I'd call you Qwixy Pixy Stix.

At 9/3/04 04:15 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 9/3/04 04:10 PM, j00bie wrote: Oh well, NHL 2K5 Is hella fun!
I GOTTA get me Xbox Live, I only have 8 games with Online Enabled now =O
You haven't started school yet?!? Errr.... When I went to high school, our school year started mid-August and ended early June. Even college for me started August 30. I envy you......

Silly Kitty, school only starts in mid-August in Texas and the South and other hot places, due to schools being (mostly) well air-conditioned. Joobie's up in Canada, and they don't start till later as Augusts are sometimes hot in the North, and A/C is nowhere near as widespread or reliable up there. When I lived in Pennsylvania, for example, we didn't start school till around Labor Day. But as you point out, down here in Texas and Lousiana and so forth, public K-12 tends to start in mid August due to teh A/C. That's what it's all about.

At 9/3/04 06:35 PM, _lightning_ wrote:
At 9/3/04 06:29 PM, --delteated-- wrote: I have to say, j00bsta, that I was confused as well - but I am very very tired. It's reading all of the long ass posts that keep turning up >:(
Tip for big posts. Don't read them there mostly useless any way. =P

Ouch. ;_;

So that's what we few multi-quoters get for trying to answer to all replies to us + anything else of interest or note, eh? Some thanks. ;_;

At 9/3/04 07:32 PM, MPA wrote: Bonus: I'm not sure you could continue living in this cruel world if your "smiley face after sentences" privileges were revoked.

Heh. Finally someone who smilies more than ol' gfox does.

Also, could you post the number of responded reviews you have?

Hey now, that's the top reviewers list topic's domain.

At 9/4/04 03:06 AM, RedCircle wrote:
At 9/4/04 02:37 AM, D0GMA wrote: Yep ^^ For reasons that escape me I was feeling tired, so I went to bed right after I last posted and only just woke up.

/me is fired up for red
Red? ... RedCircle? ... Red Bull and Vodka? ... Red Rum?

Please let it be me *crosses fingers* :-P

hahahahahah... erm.

At 9/4/04 11:04 AM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: 16. IM_KOOL_R_U 09/15/03 M 23,428 23 Elite Guard Major General
17. XkwiziTOnE 09/16/02 M 23,382 23 Elite Guard Major General

Yep It looks like I was right. I did pass someone. It has been so long. Ha something funny happened but ya'll don't know what it is. Just glad I finally have a 3 day weekend.

How could you not have been sure you'd passed someone to begin with? O_o Sorry, the concept of being in the top 20 b/p and not knowing immediately when you've passed someone is quite foreign to me. The top 50 list and the profile links in it exist for a reason, you know. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature