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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 21:46:29

At 9/4/04 11:32 AM, j00bie wrote:
At 9/4/04 05:27 AM, FlGMENT wrote: Maybe just deleting his whole account? Portal spam, BBS spam, probable review spam. I'm sure that'll get the message across.
Portal spam??? Are you nuts! My 2 'movies' passed judgment! I assure you I am not spamming the portal with crap.

Then why on earth did you rename them for Wade to delete and remove them, eh?

I hereby demand you put them back and rename them back so Wade won't delete them (and my two reviews and my two responses to those two reviews from you ;_;).

At 9/4/04 05:28 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: And, having to read a page of posts isn't that bad, but it's the fewels in here that write essays instead of posts that make it so hard ;-P

Wouldn't you rather read a single page of 30 multi-quote longass but interesting posts...

... than have to click through 10 pages of 30x10 = 300 tiny-assed pointless posts?

At 9/4/04 07:12 PM, RageVI wrote: Alright! I just made level 16!

Being my favorite level/graphic, and clearly the coolest, I decided that it'd be worthy of a post. I made a new sig and profile pic too. Ahh, I just love the nunchucks.

Now THERE's something worthy of a huge congrats. Level 16 FOREVER, man.


(you lucky bastard #;-}>)

At 9/4/04 07:25 PM, Shpouiten wrote: Congrats ! You'll make gfoxcook jealous with that level icon !

You really went out on a limb with THAT prediction. #;-}>

At 9/5/04 12:32 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 9/5/04 12:02 AM, j00bie wrote: Too bad for you Recon, the cookie is mine! RAWR!
How did you get the most recent deposits list to come up j00bie? Right after voting I tried to see if I deposited before you but the list was blank and didn't start to record people until 30 seconds after midnight. Is it a glitch or something?

This is why I don't deposit until 1 to 2 AM NG time. I like to see all three of my accounts on the 50 most recent deposits list at once each night, and if I deposit earlier... not only do I have to be fast to get all three on at once... but the list is prone to reset more often due to the huge amounts of people depositing all at once (I think it overloads and glitches or something). That can happen even at 1 or 2 AM, but it's not as common.

It's quite elementary: joobie loaded it up before you did, and it hadn't glitched yet.

At 9/6/04 12:13 AM, Crono- wrote:
At 9/6/04 12:01 AM, j00bie wrote: My final day as last deposit streak!
pfft, you would have tied with me. but my name didn't show up on the list >:(

it hates me.. but my deposit time would have been 12:00.03

Ah yes, another reason I don't deposit right away, I shoulda mentioned that. That sometimes last fall, I'd manage to deposit for both of my (at that time 2) accounts within a good timespan, but one of my deposits wouldn't show up on the list, despite the list being intact all the way down to #50. That probably happens for the exact same reason that the list sometimes resets during deposit-rush-hour, as I like to call midnight-1AM NGtime.

My advice to all of you: try for 01:00:00 AM instead. :::nods:::

At 9/5/04 12:38 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 9/4/04 11:51 PM, Shpouiten wrote: I have noticed too that you and Bonustage have been posting a lot here. Good initiative on your part to start using this method.
The method of multi post gives me orgasms :o

Does multi-quote posting give you... MULTI-orgasms? #;-}>

At 9/6/04 12:04 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 9/5/04 11:46 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 9/5/04 09:09 AM, D0GMA wrote: Couldn't resist ^^ Recon does a great straight man.
Me and Recon together *drools*
I'm not sure what you meant by that comment BonusStage but your drooling scares me.

Ha ha ha! Vague come-ons are funny. Especially when they're not directed at me. :::nods:::

At 9/6/04 12:52 AM, D0GMA wrote: Ah, it's so satisfying to zing someone who needs it. Sorry, I feel the need to share ^^

Speaking of that page of that thread... saw something you posted there and I wanted to clarify it:

At 9/6/04 12:31 AM, D0GMA wrote: Same time zone. NG does daily recalcs at 4:35-4:40am. That time is grandfathered in from when the entire system shut down every even day for an hour between 4am and 5am for maintenance, and 4am-7am every odd day ... or odd and even, same result. It being (yet another) lull, it seemed an appropriate time to catch an hours nap.

That time isn't exactly grandfathered in. Back when the maintenance was going on in June of 2003 and earlier, the profile update time was actually around 3:30 AM, not 4:35 AM. Plus, there were two other update times when the top 50 lists updated. Hell, I'm finding it hard to remember when they were, but basically at 3:30 AM, 12:30 PM, and 10:30 PM, I think.

liljim changed it to 4:35 AM many months after the maintenance shifted to just Sundays (and then not at all) only because pushing it an hour further into night/morning put it in an even smaller-traffic time period. In effect, once maintenance was gone, as it HAD been taking up that best hour for server stuff to take place in... the update time shifted into its spot to take advantage of that very fact.

At 9/6/04 02:29 AM, mercy-is-merciless wrote:
At 9/6/04 01:19 AM, Hycran wrote: W00t level up
Congrats, it's going to bed hard seeing you without your pipe. :/

What's this about you going to bed hard with Hycran here? Sounds kinky!

At 9/7/04 07:29 AM, RedCircle wrote: I have to say this...


There have only been 13 UJ's in the last 7 hours. What the fuck! There is like nobody here!! What a boring night!!! Be glad that when you read this, you are probably not here right now!

Also, anyone going for "red" in the EGRL should thank their lucky stars for not being on NG from 12:30am - 7:30am EST...


heh. When I got back in town from my trip (early 9/6 to late 9/8) I was glad to see I'd only missed 106 protects, and not that many blams, either.

I had teh good timing with my trip, it seemed. Still, it hurt me in teh b/page. I'm probably 100 back of where I'd be otherwise. Oh well, just hit 43,000 anyway. Almost exactly at 25600/17400, too.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 21:47:36

At 9/7/04 05:01 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 9/7/04 05:00 PM, j00bie wrote: Even after your post after this one (after jons). There's still about 6 more to fit on this page.
Don't you mean 5 ;P

Way to waste good space on page 666, guys. Seriously... talking about how much room is left on page 666... only hastens its demise as an active page. (sigh) #;-}>

At 9/7/04 06:38 PM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote:
At 9/7/04 05:51 PM, j00bie wrote: The dark auras can now disappear!
Mine will never disappear unless I start to get thousands of save points. Don't think I will make it to 50 b/p points today. Should start to get points soon and stop being so lazy.

So you said... but now, less than a week later, you're sitting there with a light aura next to your post. O_o

At 9/8/04 01:55 AM, CHEESEGOD wrote:
At 9/8/04 12:47 AM, RedCircle wrote: Well, check this post out. It pretty much has all the information you would want to know about the spamming of general that day.
Ah, thanks for the link RC. I almost wish I was there to see it, heh. It was hilarious seeing the real DLA stressing out about being banned. Similar names won't confuse the mods; bans are handed out from individual posts and as such, if DLA had done nothing wrong, there was nothing to worry about. I'm tempted to imitate DLA's name, just to piss him off. Heh. I think he's had enough though.

Yeah, it was great. :::rolls eyes:::

You might have also noticed, in DLA's topic, him freaking out about "Dobio" e-mailing him and demanding he apologise to the entire BBS. He also e-mailed me twice and freaked out about an e-mail from "gfoxcook" saying much the same, or to "contact me on the BBS" or something.

Of course, all the mail from both "mods" were faked by the same people who faked being him on the BBS. It was a very tiresome morning, exactly a week ago come to think of it now... and I had less than 24 hours till I was leaving town, and didn't need to be wasting my time that way.

Glad it made for enjoyable reading material for some third parties, both during and after the fact, though. #;-}>

At 9/8/04 02:20 AM, RedCircle wrote:
At 9/8/04 01:55 AM, FlGMENT wrote: Ah, thanks for the link RC. I almost wish I was there to see it, heh. It was hilarious seeing the real DLA stressing out about being banned.
It was a total mess. Pussy topics everywhere.

Most were old topics, though, not new ones. Which made it harder for me to clean it up, of course... especially with about 12 regs replying to some of the topics. I deleted dozens of posts that morning. Aye.

I wouldn't call it a total mess, though. About 30 bumped topics, a few more topics made by the spammers, and about 5 topics made by 3rd parties going "WTF IS WITH ALL THE PUSSY TOPICS?!?!" like idiots.

I've seen worse. Others have cleaned up worse. Just ask Joe about the time he was the only mod on during the portal hijacking in January 2004... when everyone who viewed a certain flash autoposted to General. Those were new topics, though, so they were easy to delete, so... maybe this was more of a mess than that, eh... :::shrugs:::

Everything had "Newgroundsisfun" or "Darklilangell23" as the last post. I really felt bad for gfox as he was the only Mod on at the time and I just sat there imagining what he was doing. Probably made him feel good that he could do something about it, but I know the guy was dead tired.

Well, thanks for the pity. #;-}>

Didn't make me feel good, really. I was glad I'd seen the topic here in Wi/Ht? before I logged off, though. And I was quite surprised to be doing some modding in General, as I seldom do so anymore with all the new mods who hang out mostly in General.

However, just the day before yesterday I happened upon a spam topic in General and handed out 14 bans (most ever in one day for me) right before Ron noticed the topic and locked it just as I was finishing the bans and he was about to start (I'd left it open as I was going to post about the bans AFTER handing them out, plus I wanted to see how many more fools replied while I was banning everyone else... turned out only 2 did).

They then started to spam Wi/Ht, but only got three posts and one topic here before Greg deleted them all.

I didn't delete them all. I deleted many many posts, but left some as evidence. And then an admin came on within an hour and just deleted both their accounts. My work sinking the pussy topics was still worthwhile, though, because... as I said, a lot of regulars had replied to many of them, and those topics still would have been on the 1st page of General garnering replies had I not sunk 'em back down into the 2000/2001 depths.

It was quite a sight to see.


At 9/8/04 03:27 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Yeah, that's the flaw with the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). It's too easy to "spoof" the headers. You can make your email seem like it's coming from any address you want, with any timestamp you want. It's horrible, I tell ya. Makes it impossible to find out who's spamming you.

You can make the "from" say anything you want. gfoxcook@newgrounds.com and dobio@newgrounds.com in this case... but you can't fake message-ID... well, at least you can't as easily. Too few people know to look at the message-ID line in the headers, though.

At 9/8/04 06:21 PM, Crono- wrote:
At 9/8/04 06:15 PM, j00bie wrote: The only one of those from NG I recognize is Hice.
Perhaps it's him?
no way, hice rocks.

The mod i'm talking about is "comorat" aka Nazi McHitler.

He doesn't mod the NG section of the forum, though. Is that why you still post there? Well, at least you posted your level 17 thread there... Anywho. Christ, a lotta ADGBC talk on page 670. O_o

At 9/8/04 07:05 PM, jonthomson wrote:
At 9/8/04 06:51 PM, BonusStage wrote: I'd like to take this time to thank gfox for making it a penta list
Yes. We'd all like to thank gfox for making it a penta list. Although when I do make blam number 10,000, that list will be pwned from here to eternity.

hahahahahaha. Well, you're all welcome, certainly!

Pwned from here to eternity, eh? That's what someone else said in response to Dogma talking about Xwayne coming for his #12 spot. IMO, the only people who own the pentalist are myself and ramagi (fixit would if he wasn't so busy being retired). BRING ON ALL CHALLENGERS!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 21:50:11

At 9/8/04 07:49 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 9/8/04 07:40 PM, terqui wrote: usually its around 2:1 on a daily scale
You can't do that. Days are all different. Some days are more active than others, and some days have more crap than others. Your "daily scale" is like interviewing one person about a subject, and then assuming everyone else in the world thinks that way. It doesn't work, man.

Says the man with the 3 day bpph-ordered b/p rate list that made gfox look like a noncontender due to him being out of town for more than half of the time. #;-}>

At 9/8/04 09:45 PM, BonusStage wrote: Chris: Dad, what's the blow-hole for?
Peter: I'll tell you what it's not for, son. And when I do, you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World

HAhahahaha. That's rich. Never seen that ep myself... wish I had. #;-}> how does it start out? (so that I might keep an eye out for it when my gf has adultswim on teh tube)

At 9/9/04 06:42 AM, CHEESEGOD wrote: So I finally got around to watching the whole Beebo series (gfox delight).

Hooooooray! You did remember to watch 9 along with 1-8, right? That was a mistake joobie made while reviewing. #;-}>

Glad you enjoyed it, albeit in a different way than you expected. I can't really relate to that, as I first watched BEEBO 6 when.

At 9/9/04 07:52 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Shit man, another 4 pages of replies, im beginning to get tired of this BS. Congrats to everyone for their rank ups level ups VP gain, posting acheivements and increased BS acheivements, well done guys.

Now you know how gfox often feels after a week away from here. O_o

At 9/9/04 06:43 PM, Crono- wrote:
At 9/9/04 06:39 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote: What is G-mail? I have never heard of it.
it's an email account with 1000 mb of storage.

And privacy issues out both ears. The reason they give you 1 gig of storage free is that they're charging money to advertisers to scan your e-mails with a program that inserts ads based on the words in the e-mails you receive from other people/companies. Which is all fine and good, but what if said advertisers start to want to receive more and more info on gmail users/users who send e-mail to gmail accounts... etc. etc. etc.

Huge privacy advocate uproar over the whole thing.

I use mine for mailing lists only so I don't imperil any friends or colleagues with their private, personal mails to me being stuck on google's harddrives forever (even if you DO ask for something to be deleted, there's no guarantee that it can't be undeleted by google... in fact, they may be already for all we know).

Not to sound paranoid about Google, I think they're a good company. But things can always change in the future, and many smart people think the way gmail is being run is a bad first step towards total e-mail privacy violation in the future.

At 9/10/04 01:28 AM, RedCircle wrote: Have you noticed more people complaining about it recently then ever before? I won't suggest anything to people, but just keep in mind that this is a thread about level ups and achievements, not sig making, not gmail. So if you really want to have lengthy conversations on those topics, there are threads out there :)

I HAVE noticed more people complaining about it.

usually it's just me when I get back from a long gap of time away from the thread, or poxpower and Dobio talking (half-jokingly, but only half) about how much they want this topic shut down in the mod lounge.

But now.... it seems half of you are as upset with how fast this grows as I am.

Perhaps we could actually start doing something about it NOW, rather than be the next OCP or NGA, eh?

At 9/10/04 07:33 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 9/10/04 04:16 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: That reminds me of Pure Lionheart, what the hell ever happened to him? Did he die or something? I haven't seen him post in a while.
He didn't die, he went to Retrogade :D,

He went to Retrogade in July/August, but RG was down for 10 or so days from August 21st onward, and Pure never came back after that. I don't know if he doesn't realise the site's back online or what, but no posts from him since then (at least up till a day ago or so, last time I checked).

Soooo, with that combined with his lack of posts around here, I'd say something IRL is keeping him plenty busy.

At 9/10/04 04:11 PM, j00bie wrote: One of the many reasons why I have switched to this 'gfox' style of posting. I'd call it multi-posting... but gfox style sounds so elite.

Thanks. But the problem with your particular brand of gfox style posting is that you leave no spaces between your replies and the quoted text, or even between your reply and the NEXT batch of quoted text. Which works fine for us reading it on the BBS, but it looks like shit when we're replying to it, and it's hard to tell what's from you and what's from the guy you're replying to.

Notice how everyone else uses lines with NOTHING in them to separate things? Please give it a try. O_o

At 9/10/04 04:13 PM, j00bie wrote: OH WOW!!! I didnt know there was a 6500 character or word limit or something on this...
I just hit that... I guess that means... well, something at least.

Um, yes, that would be why I have to break apart my posts into several posts when I'm trying to catch up on a week away from the topic, like I'm doing right now.

Or why I don't post my entire top 500 VP list at once.

Jesus. You never realised there was a limit? Crack smoker. #;-}>

At 9/10/04 10:15 PM, CHEESEGOD wrote:
At 9/10/04 07:33 AM, BonusStage wrote: i do find it strange that all of a sudden all this whining about it has arose, i've seen it go this fast before :(
People can tolerate something for a while before they speak up. When someone finally snaps, others who share the opinion will gladly join in and some people who disagree will put forward their views as well. Just because no-one's complained before doesn't mean everything's fine and dandy.

Hey now, gfox does not equal no one. I complain all the time about how much posting takes place in here. ;_;

You're all just doing it now because it's fashionable. Pfft.

At 9/12/04 04:13 AM, Bila wrote: 50. Bila 07/24/01 M 10,868 none

I've made it to the TOP 50 USERS list

So I'd noticed days ago. You know, you first made #50 on 9/9. Did you not notice it till the 11th or something? O_o

Anyway, mega-congrats!

(whew)... DONE!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 21:57:03

That was a massive catch-up job you just did, gfox. Exercising those moderator powers with that post limit override, huh? :-P

At 9/12/04 09:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Says the man with the 3 day bpph-ordered b/p rate list that made gfox look like a noncontender due to him being out of town for more than half of the time. #;-}>

Pssh. Whiner. Besides, at least I made my "estimated days until next rank-up" column a weekly thing. ;-)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 22:02:14

At 9/12/04 02:17 AM, mercy-is-merciless wrote: And what's with this "Who can post first for the day" contest thing I'm seeing? Oh well, *Prepares to be first tomorrow

You mean "Who can deposit first for the day" don't you M&M?

* MWAHAHAHA--*cough*choke*cough*....I need to practice my evil laughter a bit more...

Naw it's fine. Just make sure you have a mouthful of food next time ;-)

At 9/12/04 04:09 AM, Bila wrote:
At 9/11/04 04:52 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I failed to notice I made my 7000th post and nailed my 23,000th blam point.
Congrats! I had noticed you were now over 7000 posts.

Thanks Bila. You need to hang out here more often old man. You're obviously on the portal a lot so take some time to visit us when there's a lull in the action (points aren't that important).

23000 blams? woot!

Not bad 'eh? Congrats on making the Top 50 Users List Bila. I'd be happy just to make the top 100. By the way, nice point total last night. What was it? Oh yeah... 133 points!!! What are your intentions Bila? Don't make me hit the nitro again.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 22:23:21

At 9/12/04 10:02 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 9/12/04 02:17 AM, mercy-is-merciless wrote: And what's with this "Who can post first for the day" contest thing I'm seeing? Oh well, *Prepares to be first tomorrow
You mean "Who can deposit first for the day" don't you M&M?

AHH! I can't type at all in the morning/night. =( I feel so stupid. STOP PICKING ON ME! =( Nice abb. for my name, RR.

* MWAHAHAHA--*cough*choke*cough*....I need to practice my evil laughter a bit more...
Naw it's fine. Just make sure you have a mouthful of food next time ;-)

=( Everyone picks on me... </unloved>

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 22:25:37

I was going to copy that and add it to the end of this post! My bad, my bad! =( Please forgive me, I feel as if I'm spamming now! =(

A few minutes ago Gfoxcook put this thread back into order.
At 9/6/04 02:29 AM, mercy-is-merciless wrote:
At 9/6/04 01:19 AM, Hycran wrote: W00t level up
Congrats, it's going to bed hard seeing you without your pipe. :/
What's this about you going to bed hard with Hycran here? Sounds kinky!

I'm sorry, I guess I just can't think very weel at 2:29am....I should have been sleeping rather than posting.

At 9/12/04 10:23 PM, mercy-is-merciless wrote:
At 9/12/04 10:02 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 9/12/04 02:17 AM, mercy-is-merciless wrote: And what's with this "Who can post first for the day" contest thing I'm seeing? Oh well, *Prepares to be first tomorrow
You mean "Who can deposit first for the day" don't you M&M?
AHH! I can't type at all in the morning/night. =( I feel so stupid. STOP PICKING ON ME! =( Nice abb. for my name, RR.

* MWAHAHAHA--*cough*choke*cough*....I need to practice my evil laughter a bit more...
Naw it's fine. Just make sure you have a mouthful of food next time ;-)
=( Everyone picks on me... </unloved>

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 22:26:33

At 9/12/04 09:45 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 9/3/04 08:53 AM, Qwoxyl wrote:
At 9/3/04 05:40 AM, FlGMENT wrote: Same here Qwox (a la pox :P).
Hey! Qw+axyl, exyl, ixyl and uxyl just didn't work.
Oh, I dunno. Qwixyl has a certain ring to it.

Hmm, I think yu're right. Maybe I'll name my alt that.

If you'd chosen that one... I'd call you Qwixy Pixy Stix.

On second thought, I'll keep my alt's name the way it is.

At some time later, gfoxcook wrote: (whew)... DONE!

Yes, you can rest now. So can I from reading all that. ;)

And I can post my 4444 save screenie (which had to be slightly changed due to the fact I copied something after I pressed PrintScreen). And now something else happened, I had to save my picture again for some reason. Well the only thing that could make it worse is either an error message or the picture comes up with an X.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 23:11:46

At 9/12/04 10:54 PM, BonusStage wrote: Not all that sure what 36.9k means but OK :D

I think he means 36.9 kilobytes of STUFF. So that's about 37,000 characters (or 37,800 if he's using kilobytes in the proper way)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 23:13:08

Hooray! I have reached my 3,000th blam! Right now theres about 106 b/p's until I reach EGSS.

(Yay! 200th post)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 23:16:19

At 9/12/04 11:13 PM, Continuum wrote: Hooray! I have reached my 3,000th blam! Right now theres about 106 b/p's until I reach EGSS.

(Yay! 200th post)

O.....M......G.....you're only 11 b/p's behind me...my only saving grace is my higher save count...slow down, you're making me look bad! (congrats anyways) ;-P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 23:17:19

At 9/12/04 11:13 PM, Continuum wrote: Hooray! I have reached my 3,000th blam! Right now theres about 106 b/p's until I reach EGSS.

(Yay! 200th post)

Yay congrats. Hope to see you level up soon. =)

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-12 23:21:46

At 9/12/04 11:17 PM, mercy-is-merciless wrote: Yay congrats. Hope to see you level up soon. =)

We all know you meant to say "rank up", right?.......:-P

At 9/12/04 11:19 PM, BonusStage wrote: alright then makes enough sense, thanks SK ;)

Hey, that's what I'm here for.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 00:00:59

hey im lvl nine now!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 00:03:56

Could somebody please explain this to me? Because the logic behind it is lost on me...???

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 00:06:18

At 9/13/04 12:00 AM, thepostalman wrote: hey im lvl nine now!

Congrats thepostalman. So the experience increment is over 800 points now 'eh? I pity the people who sign up when it breaks 1,000. I really wish admin would add some new levels.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 00:07:18

At 9/13/04 12:03 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Could somebody please explain this to me? Because the logic behind it is lost on me...???

Dammit, Shit. I was going to post the exact same thing.

Well, at least mine looked better...or did it?

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 00:14:09

Well I have to wait all day to see if someone deposit or not..so much fun.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 00:19:12

At 9/13/04 12:08 AM, OsAmARaMa wrote:
At 9/13/04 12:03 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Could somebody please explain this to me? Because the logic behind it is lost on me...???
w00t! perfect 12:00:00 deposit!!eleven!1

Bah, I was 1 second late...

Need help on beating Alkie Kong 2, brutal mode? click here.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 00:24:12

BonusStage-congrats on that Qwoxyl, but that just goes to show how many blams there are out there :(
True, but a point's a point, and I'm not missing any just to get a good save average.

At 9/12/04 11:13 PM, Continuum wrote: Hooray! I have reached my 3,000th blam! Right now theres about 106 b/p's until I reach EGSS.

Congrats, that's pretty sweet.

(Yay! 200th post)

And that's good too.

At 9/13/04 12:00 AM, thepostalman wrote: hey im lvl nine now!

Fun, now you have only 80+ days for the next level up.

At 9/12/04 09:46 PM, gfoxcook wrote: My advice to all of you: try for 01:00:00 AM instead. :::nods:::

But then it's not as exciting. And then we can leave the page with "Click here to deposit" open until 1, so cheating would happen. Anyway, here's today status.
12. Qwoxyl 11/27/2003 M 2,950 12:00:14 AM
That's what you get for clicking one second early.

13. Bigfoot3290 8/18/2004 M 230 12:00:13 AM
14. kirbyiscute 7/18/2004 F 600 12:00:10 AM
15. Relay449 8/28/2004 M 200 12:00:10 AM
16. RONLICKER 6/20/2001 M 9,098 12:00:10 AM
Three 10s, probably would be more triples if everyone was listed.
17. sapphirewind 7/8/2004 F 160 12:00:09 AM
18. ShittyKitty 2/6/2002 M 2,055 12:00:06 AM
19. RedCircle 10/6/2003 M 3,230 12:00:07 AM
20. Illegal-Product 3/11/2004 M 960 12:00:06 AM

At 9/13/04 12:07 AM, RedCircle wrote:
At 9/13/04 12:03 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Could somebody please explain this to me? Because the logic behind it is lost on me...???
Dammit, Shit. I was going to post the exact same thing.

I'm also confused, but someone will eventually tell us and we would have learnt our new thing for today.

21. BonusStage 4/20/2004 M 1,480 12:00:04 AM
22. Crono- 7/27/2002 M 7,100 12:00:01 AM
23. -c- 12/6/2002 ? 5,935 12:00:01 AM
24. OsAmARaMa 10/18/2002 M 1,675 12:00:00 AM
And here are today's first depositers, or at least the ones who showed up. Yay!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 00:29:28

Oh well, I guess Newgrounds just hates me. Probably has a right to, considering I'm pulling close to 100,000 profiles off of their servers right now. :-D Speaking of stat pulls, I'm working on a program to make a top 25 nightly first deposits list. I'm trying to work out how it will work. Here's the plan right now:

* The list will be run nightly, and archives will be kept (it'll be a small list)
* One list will contain the first 25 deposits for each night
* First place is a gold medal, second is a silver, third is a bronze
* Another list will have a list of everybody who has gotten a medal, along with their medal counts

Okay, here's the thing: to compare total medal counts on that second list, how should I assign points to the medals? I'm thinking 10 for gold, 5 for silver, and 2 for bronze. Any ideas?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 00:44:58

but... would it mess up NG if everyone tried to deposit all at the very same time?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 00:54:16

At 9/13/04 12:29 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Speaking of stat pulls, I'm working on a program to make a top 25 nightly first deposits list. I'm trying to work out how it will work. Here's the plan right now:

Do we need to take this so seriously? I just want to be first once and then I can move on with my... online life. I'm not even sure where the posts will be held for it, this topic would have to be called "Wi/Ht? level up and first depositers! lounge" or a new topic, which wouldn't be too popular since only a few people would even care and other then stopping the depositers from posting it here, it's not really a need.

* The list will be run nightly, and archives will be kept (it'll be a small list)
* One list will contain the first 25 deposits for each night
* First place is a gold medal, second is a silver, third is a bronze

Yes, about the medals, can they be cookies? And obviously not gold, sliver and bronze cookies, but maybe baked choc-chip, home-made, and plain? Since I just see this as a 'fun' little list, they could really be anything, but medals just seems too much for depositing first.

* Another list will have a list of everybody who has gotten a medal, along with their medal counts

Cookie counts, that could work.

Okay, here's the thing: to compare total medal counts on that second list, how should I assign points to the medals? I'm thinking 10 for gold, 5 for silver, and 2 for bronze. Any ideas?

Unfortuantly, if someone misses out by less than a second (and with a system like this, if they don't deposit on 12, they've already lost) they're not going to be happy and some might start having five windows open at the same time just to deposit first, which would screw around with NG.

At 9/13/04 12:44 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: but... would it mess up NG if everyone tried to deposit all at the very same time?

I was just thinking that, a very valid point, but damn you for beating me to it (and damn me for not being able to type more than twenty words a minute).

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 01:00:20

At 9/13/04 12:54 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: Do we need to take this so seriously? I just want to be first once and then I can move on with my... online life. I'm not even sure where the posts will be held for it, this topic would have to be called "Wi/Ht? level up and first depositers! lounge" or a new topic, which wouldn't be too popular since only a few people would even care and other then stopping the depositers from posting it here, it's not really a need.

It would probably be a new thread. And yes, the thread might die out after a while. But I'll put links in my sig, and hopefully I'll be able to keep people visiting it. At least the medal (or cookie) counts will help draw people in.

Yes, about the medals, can they be cookies? And obviously not gold, sliver and bronze cookies, but maybe baked choc-chip, home-made, and plain? Since I just see this as a 'fun' little list, they could really be anything, but medals just seems too much for depositing first.

Yeah, I suppose I could modify it a little bit...

Unfortuantly, if someone misses out by less than a second (and with a system like this, if they don't deposit on 12, they've already lost) they're not going to be happy and some might start having five windows open at the same time just to deposit first, which would screw around with NG.

Um....I usually have at least ten windows open.....o.O

At 9/13/04 12:44 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: but... would it mess up NG if everyone tried to deposit all at the very same time?
I was just thinking that, a very valid point, but damn you for beating me to it (and damn me for not being able to type more than twenty words a minute).

Yeah, it messes up. Just take a look at my messed-up deposit time ranking posted a few posts up. Err.....

Actually, this post has made me stop and think. Perhaps this will just be a hand-maintained list of the top three "first depositers" cookie counts. Only people that have gotten in the top three on any night will be in the list, and it will be sorted by the number of "cookie points". It'll be a nice, simple list, one that I could probably maintain by myself, rather than making a program. I might make a program that will pull the top three for me each night, though, because that page tends to fly by.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 01:23:38

At 9/13/04 01:00 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 9/13/04 12:54 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: other then stopping the depositers from posting it here, it's not really a need.
It would probably be a new thread. And yes, the thread might die out after a while. But I'll put links in my sig, and hopefully I'll be able to keep people visiting it. At least the medal (or cookie) counts will help draw people in.

That's ok, as long as it's some and not 41903654 people.

Yes, about the medals, can they be cookies? And obviously not gold, sliver and bronze cookies, but maybe baked choc-chip, home-made, and plain? Since I just see this as a 'fun' little list, they could really be anything, but medals just seems too much for depositing first.
Yeah, I suppose I could modify it a little bit...

Excellent, it must have cookies, I mean, it must have co... ol modify... stuff.

Unfortuantly, if someone misses out by less than a second (and with a system like this, if they don't deposit on 12, they've already lost) they're not going to be happy and some might start having five windows open at the same time just to deposit first, which would screw around with NG.
Um....I usually have at least ten windows open.....o.O

10?!?!! It's just to see who can deposit first, not a life and death situation. And you still didn't win today, or other days for that matter?

At 9/13/04 12:44 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: but... would it mess up NG if everyone tried to deposit all at the very same time?
I was just thinking that, a very valid point, but damn you for beating me to it (and damn me for not being able to type more than twenty words a minute).
Yeah, it messes up. Just take a look at my messed-up deposit time ranking posted a few posts up. Err.....

Actually, this post has made me stop and think. Perhaps this will just be a hand-maintained list of the top three "first depositers" cookie counts.

Sounds better, I mean if no one remembers second, who's going to remember being 25th? And they can check anything higher than third if they want on the normal list if it doesn't screw up.

I might make a program that will pull the top three for me each night, though, because that page tends to fly by.

That's good, I hated it when I was close to 12, yet didn't have any idea of who was first because the list messed up. And no one else could find out either.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 01:27:14

At 9/12/04 09:39 PM, gfoxcook wrote: (sigh)

You know, if it weren't for joobie/Bonus/Redcircle/SCD/et al chatting it up in here day in and day out

Oh gee-fox, you bring a tear to my eye. Since I have begun posting (2004-05-27), there have been 6633 posts (including this one) in this thread. I have contributed 156 of those. That's only 2.3%, you know. You are calling me a spammer? Heh, j/k. ...sorry :(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 01:40:05

At 9/13/04 01:23 AM, Qwoxyl wrote: 10?!?!! It's just to see who can deposit first, not a life and death situation. And you still didn't win today, or other days for that matter?

Excuse me, I got second the other day =P

That's good, I hated it when I was close to 12, yet didn't have any idea of who was first because the list messed up. And no one else could find out either.

Yup, this program waits until there's 5 people with 12:XX:XX deposit times (just in case), then it saves a copy of the deposit list to my hard drive with a date stamp. I also scheduled the thing, so that way if I'm not at my computer a certain day, the program will automatically pull the info for me. Cool stuff.

I went ahead and used today's data and yesterday's data to make a prototype list: NG Quick Draw! It's at http://www.jfsoftware.com/ng/ngqd.html. I haven't added the cookies yet (I'm going to look for good cookie pics right now), but it's got the basic structure of the list.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 01:41:42

At 9/12/04 12:26 PM, -noir- wrote: Saves feel better than when you blam stuff. It feels like you helped achieve something.

You get a feeling of achievement from save points noir? That's interesting. I might feel achievement if I actually made the flash, but just sitting there clicking for a solitary point doesn't make me feel proud of anything.

At 9/12/04 06:10 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Mercy, dunno who you are probably an alt

No kidding. His constant smileys lead me to believe it's Bonus or chis, but I don't know if he ever pops out of chat.

At 9/12/04 09:10 PM, j00bie wrote: Try less then a second.

I've seen it won 3 seconds into the day, so I figured 5 seconds would be an alright suggestion. You still have a chance after the first second, albeit a small one. Throw the guy a bone, eh?

At 9/12/04 09:39 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Did you run your post/my quoted post through a HTML editor or something? WTF? #;-}>

Haha, that's exactly what I've been wondering. Something wacky's going on there... o_O

MPA got banned

I almost can't believe my eyes. MPA did a tldr? Roffles, what. The. Hell.

At 9/12/04 09:46 PM, gfoxcook wrote: My advice to all of you: try for 01:00:00 AM instead. :::nods:::

1am is nothing. The thing so special about depositing on 12:00 is it makes you THE FIRST DEPOSITER OF THE DAY! w00t!

At 9/12/04 09:50 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Hooooooray! You did remember to watch 9 along with 1-8, right?

Of course. I wouldn't have watched the whole series if I hadn't. I also saved all 9 episodes to my newly-created folder for NG Flash and showed them to my brother, who also enjoyed them. So far the folder has Beebo, two Brackenwood Flash's and Decline 2.

That was a mistake joobie made while reviewing. #;-}>

Yeah, but j00bie's an idiot.

Glad you enjoyed it, albeit in a different way than you expected. I can't really relate to that, as I first watched BEEBO 6 when.

Uh... is that sentence finished? I don't understand it.

poxpower and Dobio talking (half-jokingly, but only half) about how much they want this topic shut down in the mod lounge.

Ban them gfox. I don't care how you do it, just ban them.

Soooo, with that combined with his lack of posts around here, I'd say something IRL is keeping him plenty busy.

You always know what to say gfox. >:D

Hey now, gfox does not equal no one. I complain all the time about how much posting takes place in here. ;_;

Yeah, but you do it so often it's normal. No-one pays attention anymore, haha.

You're all just doing it now because it's fashionable. Pfft.


(whew)... DONE!

Your mega posts make my eyes hurt. I nearly didn't even read all of them this time. : (

At 9/12/04 10:54 PM, BonusStage wrote: did wade agree as well, wow that is weird, and of course that whole admins can change your points at any time thought is still weird, but a needed thing sometimes it seems :)

It's not like they make a habit out of it. Apart from ramagi, I've only seen it done once or twice to excessive/abusive blammers. If the thought of admins having complete control over an account at their site is new to you then... uh... roffles.

At 9/13/04 12:14 AM, ramagi wrote: Well I have to wait all day to see if someone deposit or not..so much fun.

What are you talking about ramagi? Why do you have to wait and see if someone deposits today? Sounds extremely boring.

</biggest damn post I've made in a long time. I blame gfox. Influential big post maker. >:(>

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 01:59:33

At 9/13/04 12:29 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: top 25 nightly first deposits list.

Doesn't sound too bad SK. Now that my computer clock is correctly synched (THANKS GFOX) I might have an alright chance at top 25. Pity dial-up takes a few seconds to load up the 'Thanks for voting!' screen, hence restricting my access to medals. :( As for the points, the classic 3-2-1 scheme always works for me. If you make the points awarded too high, totals could get outrageously high in no time.

At 9/13/04 01:00 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: top three

Come on. Top 10. It sounds so much cooler and gives a few more people a chance.

At 9/13/04 01:40 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: list

Not bad SK. You could definitely put the daily runner-up's under that list.

/me wants to get a medal.

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-13 02:11:14

At 9/13/04 01:59 AM, CHEESEGOD wrote: /me wants to get a medal.

/me wants to get a cookie.

Is that you James? Trying to confuse me, huh?

I guess the "L" got to ya...