At 9/4/04 11:32 AM, j00bie wrote:At 9/4/04 05:27 AM, FlGMENT wrote: Maybe just deleting his whole account? Portal spam, BBS spam, probable review spam. I'm sure that'll get the message across.Portal spam??? Are you nuts! My 2 'movies' passed judgment! I assure you I am not spamming the portal with crap.
Then why on earth did you rename them for Wade to delete and remove them, eh?
I hereby demand you put them back and rename them back so Wade won't delete them (and my two reviews and my two responses to those two reviews from you ;_;).
At 9/4/04 05:28 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: And, having to read a page of posts isn't that bad, but it's the fewels in here that write essays instead of posts that make it so hard ;-P
Wouldn't you rather read a single page of 30 multi-quote longass but interesting posts...
... than have to click through 10 pages of 30x10 = 300 tiny-assed pointless posts?
At 9/4/04 07:12 PM, RageVI wrote: Alright! I just made level 16!
Being my favorite level/graphic, and clearly the coolest, I decided that it'd be worthy of a post. I made a new sig and profile pic too. Ahh, I just love the nunchucks.
Now THERE's something worthy of a huge congrats. Level 16 FOREVER, man.
(you lucky bastard #;-}>)
At 9/4/04 07:25 PM, Shpouiten wrote: Congrats ! You'll make gfoxcook jealous with that level icon !
You really went out on a limb with THAT prediction. #;-}>
At 9/5/04 12:32 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:At 9/5/04 12:02 AM, j00bie wrote: Too bad for you Recon, the cookie is mine! RAWR!How did you get the most recent deposits list to come up j00bie? Right after voting I tried to see if I deposited before you but the list was blank and didn't start to record people until 30 seconds after midnight. Is it a glitch or something?
This is why I don't deposit until 1 to 2 AM NG time. I like to see all three of my accounts on the 50 most recent deposits list at once each night, and if I deposit earlier... not only do I have to be fast to get all three on at once... but the list is prone to reset more often due to the huge amounts of people depositing all at once (I think it overloads and glitches or something). That can happen even at 1 or 2 AM, but it's not as common.
It's quite elementary: joobie loaded it up before you did, and it hadn't glitched yet.
At 9/6/04 12:13 AM, Crono- wrote:At 9/6/04 12:01 AM, j00bie wrote: My final day as last deposit streak!pfft, you would have tied with me. but my name didn't show up on the list >:(
it hates me.. but my deposit time would have been 12:00.03
Ah yes, another reason I don't deposit right away, I shoulda mentioned that. That sometimes last fall, I'd manage to deposit for both of my (at that time 2) accounts within a good timespan, but one of my deposits wouldn't show up on the list, despite the list being intact all the way down to #50. That probably happens for the exact same reason that the list sometimes resets during deposit-rush-hour, as I like to call midnight-1AM NGtime.
My advice to all of you: try for 01:00:00 AM instead. :::nods:::
At 9/5/04 12:38 AM, BonusStage wrote:At 9/4/04 11:51 PM, Shpouiten wrote: I have noticed too that you and Bonustage have been posting a lot here. Good initiative on your part to start using this method.The method of multi post gives me orgasms :o
Does multi-quote posting give you... MULTI-orgasms? #;-}>
At 9/6/04 12:04 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:At 9/5/04 11:46 AM, BonusStage wrote:At 9/5/04 09:09 AM, D0GMA wrote: Couldn't resist ^^ Recon does a great straight man.Me and Recon together *drools*I'm not sure what you meant by that comment BonusStage but your drooling scares me.
Ha ha ha! Vague come-ons are funny. Especially when they're not directed at me. :::nods:::
At 9/6/04 12:52 AM, D0GMA wrote: Ah, it's so satisfying to zing someone who needs it. Sorry, I feel the need to share ^^
Speaking of that page of that thread... saw something you posted there and I wanted to clarify it:
At 9/6/04 12:31 AM, D0GMA wrote: Same time zone. NG does daily recalcs at 4:35-4:40am. That time is grandfathered in from when the entire system shut down every even day for an hour between 4am and 5am for maintenance, and 4am-7am every odd day ... or odd and even, same result. It being (yet another) lull, it seemed an appropriate time to catch an hours nap.
That time isn't exactly grandfathered in. Back when the maintenance was going on in June of 2003 and earlier, the profile update time was actually around 3:30 AM, not 4:35 AM. Plus, there were two other update times when the top 50 lists updated. Hell, I'm finding it hard to remember when they were, but basically at 3:30 AM, 12:30 PM, and 10:30 PM, I think.
liljim changed it to 4:35 AM many months after the maintenance shifted to just Sundays (and then not at all) only because pushing it an hour further into night/morning put it in an even smaller-traffic time period. In effect, once maintenance was gone, as it HAD been taking up that best hour for server stuff to take place in... the update time shifted into its spot to take advantage of that very fact.
At 9/6/04 02:29 AM, mercy-is-merciless wrote:At 9/6/04 01:19 AM, Hycran wrote: W00t level upCongrats, it's going to bed hard seeing you without your pipe. :/
What's this about you going to bed hard with Hycran here? Sounds kinky!
At 9/7/04 07:29 AM, RedCircle wrote: I have to say this...
There have only been 13 UJ's in the last 7 hours. What the fuck! There is like nobody here!! What a boring night!!! Be glad that when you read this, you are probably not here right now!
Also, anyone going for "red" in the EGRL should thank their lucky stars for not being on NG from 12:30am - 7:30am EST...
heh. When I got back in town from my trip (early 9/6 to late 9/8) I was glad to see I'd only missed 106 protects, and not that many blams, either.
I had teh good timing with my trip, it seemed. Still, it hurt me in teh b/page. I'm probably 100 back of where I'd be otherwise. Oh well, just hit 43,000 anyway. Almost exactly at 25600/17400, too.
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)