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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-09 22:57:13

At 9/9/04 10:49 PM, BonusStage wrote:
Do you mean NG anniversary, or is it your birthday, also good job on the rank up ^_^

Birthday = 9/9
Anniversary = 9/10
Rank = Elite guard captain (2nd favorite icon)

My art gallery, because I'm better than you at things.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-09 23:11:13

At 9/9/04 10:57 PM, Rabid-Echidna wrote: Birthday = 9/9
Anniversary = 9/10
Rank = Elite guard captain (2nd favorite icon)

Congrats on all of that! So many cool things happening at once!
You better have a happy birfday also. When everyone is singing the birthday song around you cake, imagine me standing there, but not singing, because if I were there, that is what I would be doing. I never sing that song!


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-09 23:56:01

At 9/9/04 11:26 PM, BonusStage wrote: Person that'll sooner or later be behind me says what? ;P

The speed you are going for Blams/Saves is ungodly.
You will either burn through all the ranks, or burn out.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 00:03:23

Errr....second again!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 00:08:51

Yey lvl up!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 00:15:24

At 9/10/04 12:08 AM, Mojimbo wrote: Yey lvl up!

Hooray! You got the chucks which is like... one of my favorite icons.

Just hope that the HT effect won't... effect you.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 00:23:57

Man this topic climbs pages faster then i can get a soda, god slow down people enjoy the moment haha...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 00:24:11

At 9/10/04 12:15 AM, Continuum wrote: Hooray! You got the chucks which is like... one of my favorite icons.

Just hope that the HT effect won't... effect you.

Doubt it, at lvl15 I had only 1 exp till level up.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 00:34:58

At 9/10/04 12:23 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Man this topic climbs pages faster then i can get a soda, god slow down people enjoy the moment haha...

Whenever spancker decides to hold the next election I don't know who I'll be voting for. I know who I won't be voting for.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 01:28:00

At 9/9/04 10:07 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 9/9/04 02:45 AM, RedCircle wrote: Good, then I will have a sporting chance of getting a cookie from her :P
Don't you get those for free?

Nope...no cookies for me, just secks.

At 9/10/04 12:34 AM, Afterburner wrote:
At 9/10/04 12:23 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Man this topic climbs pages faster then i can get a soda, god slow down people enjoy the moment haha...
Whenever spancker decides to hold the next election I don't know who I'll be voting for. I know who I won't be voting for.

Haha...I hope it's not me you won't vote for...

Btw, This thread has increased by 3 pages since I signed off early morning yesterday...

I really don't mind some quick conversations, but there are people here that come on at around 6pm-11pm and start posting about everything. It really gets annoying and the even the level up's are starting to go unnoticed.

Have you noticed more people complaining about it recently then ever before? I won't suggest anything to people, but just keep in mind that this is a thread about level ups and achievements, not sig making, not gmail. So if you really want to have lengthy conversations on those topics, there are threads out there :)

Don't mean to be harsh, I just can't keep up with you all, and the quality of the posts seem to be degrading too.

But, I am just as guilty, so I guess I will just try harder to make each post count in this thread, as in all of them.

Thanks for listening.

Oh, and 700 posts :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 01:46:33

At 9/10/04 01:28 AM, RedCircle wrote: Don't mean to be harsh, I just can't keep up with you all, and the quality of the posts seem to be degrading too.

The quantity of posts has definitely replaced the quality in here. I highly doubt I'll be voting in the next election but I do have some guidelines I'll be e-mailing spancker about. Actually he's the one who gave me the ideas when I read his last e-mail.

But, I am just as guilty, so I guess I will just try harder to make each post count in this thread, as in all of them.

That would most likely make a lot of the regulars in here more cheerful RedCircle. They may not have said it themselves yet, but I think I have a pretty good idea what's going on.

Oh, and 700 posts :)

Congrats on that one mate! Three hundred to go!!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 01:57:23

At 9/10/04 01:46 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I highly doubt I'll be voting in the next election

Why would you not?

That would most likely make a lot of the regulars in here more cheerful RedCircle.

Oh god, I hope I haven't upset people :(

They may not have said it themselves yet, but I think I have a pretty good idea what's going on.

Well, whatever it is, I hope something good comes of it.

Congrats on that one mate! Three hundred to go!!

I am in no rush :) Thanks for replying Recon :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 01:59:14

Thank you for your deposit, SlowBro! You now have 2,400 experience points. You need 400 more to get to level 12.

this has too be the first time i've seen 2 factors of 100.
40 days worth of exp short
but 2400 feels like a big deal to me

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 02:05:09

At 9/10/04 01:57 AM, RedCircle wrote: Oh god, I hope I haven't upset people :(

Upset people? Man, you spoke the truth in your original post. If the spammars in here can't accept that truth, then shame shame on them *cough*bonusandjoobie*cough*

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 04:16:35

At 9/10/04 02:05 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: *cough*bonusandjoobie*cough*

So they are the two behind all these new pages.

That reminds me of Pure Lionheart, what the hell ever happened to him? Did he die or something? I haven't seen him post in a while.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 04:45:03

At 9/10/04 02:05 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Upset people? Man, you spoke the truth in your original post.

Thank you for reassuring me :)

If the spammars in here can't accept that truth, then shame shame on them *cough*bonusandjoobie*cough*

Well, I can see everyone's faults, but I can only correct my own.

At 9/10/04 04:16 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote:
At 9/10/04 02:05 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: *cough*bonusandjoobie*cough*
So they are the two behind all these new pages.

Give or take a few people.

That reminds me of Pure Lionheart, what the hell ever happened to him? Did he die or something? I haven't seen him post in a while.

He recently changed his alias to -LiquidSnake-. But he hasn't posted in about 9 days and 2 hours, so maybe he is busy, or taking some time off? Dunno, good question....


Stop saying my name! :) Heh heh...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 05:33:50

At 9/10/04 01:28 AM, RedCircle wrote: but just keep in mind that this is a thread about level ups and achievements, not sig making, not gmail.

This is also a lounge, where people can participate in casual conversations (well, I have to cover for my post about Gmail, heh). However, I agree with your point. Even before reading this post I was planning on posting an unpleasant post expressing my disappointment at what my once favourite thread has turned into. I don't mind if the thread is growing at an insane rate, as long as I can keep up with it. Back in the old days I used to have to catch up on 2 pages a day, and now it's between 3 and 5. I'm used to it, but when you're reading absolute bullshit it just turns you right off. I used to be able to proudly say I've read every post in this thread, but alas, no more. Even if I could say it, the pride would be gone.

This was once a great thread. Now it's just a spam fest. It's things like these that bring the ancient, once-glorified threads down to the realm of lockage. 20,000 posts isn't an achievement anymore. It's just what happens when a spammy thread isn't locked.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just a grizzled veteran who can't let go of how things once were (or maybe I just want to think that). Just take it easy guys. Post count isn't anything to brag about if it's a representation of your spam.

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 05:41:18

j00bie, have read the message in your sig, you can remove it now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 06:09:40

At 9/10/04 01:59 AM, SlowBro wrote: this has too be the first time i've seen 2 factors of 100.

Also, it happened to me too, SlowBro.

Right now, the difference between each level is roughly 800 points. Thats why the requirements for level 10 = 1200, 11 = 2000, 12 = 2800, 13 = 3600, and so on. Kinda cool actually...

At 9/10/04 05:41 AM, jonthomson wrote: j00bie, have read the message in your sig, you can remove it now.

Wow, being a Mod sure can be a pain in the ass sometimes, Jon. Sorry you have to put up with that shit, but it would have been ten times funnier if you had locked it instead of Steve.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 06:58:46

Congrats Mojimbo, the nunchaku are very cool.

As for this topic that grows ever faster, I agree with RedCircle and Figment, there's too much to read and not enough worth reading. I'm partly guilty, complaining about it justs adds more text, although it's forgiveable in this case. We'll probably have to use CTRL+F from now on just to find out if someone leveled/ranked up.

At 9/10/04 06:09 AM, RedCircle wrote:
At 9/10/04 01:59 AM, SlowBro wrote: this has too be the first time i've seen 2 factors of 100.
Also, it happened to me too, SlowBro.

Right now, the difference between each level is roughly 800 points. Thats why the requirements for level 10 = 1200, 11 = 2000, 12 = 2800, 13 = 3600, and so on. Kinda cool actually...

Level 28-16,003 / 16,397. Not much difference near the top.
Every level would end in double zero if HT had 4 more points (17200).

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 07:21:24

At 9/9/04 11:36 AM, D0GMA wrote:
Occasionally something will occur that throws the port out of alignment and only by using the outside of the jack as a lever can you connect the circuit.

D0GMA saves the day yet again. Thank you very much. Your a saviour in my eyes always.

Always try the easy stuff first ^^

Indeed, youve taught me this before, but it seems i just cant seem to pick up on this, lol. This time it will be remembered. Now i can listen to Simply the Best again :)

4 pages again, damn, i hate work, congrats everyone who deserved it.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 08:00:17

At 9/10/04 05:33 AM, FlGMENT wrote:
An awful lot of stuff.

Well Figgy, i would have to agree, but i wouldnt say the place has gone to shit by any means, its just the place is luring more and more n00bs who want to be regulars thats all. This place makes them feel accepted because they have a high blam save ratio, high level, posts, et cetera, its not the lounges fault or anyone elses, its just people come here to discuss absolutely anything now, which i think is pretty shameful.

I to remember the days were the most you would have to catch up is 2 pages, but now, and no offence to the people named (Bonus, j00bie, Carmel, Lionheart and maybe even myself) have increased all the banter from mere congratulations to discussing peoples girlfriends giving out cookies WTF!!!

I too yearn from the old days, but the whole of NG is going through a transition just now, and its up to us to keep up. I for one arent managing to do this, as my life is changing in so many ways just now, but it does seem im not coming to NG for fun anymore, which is really sad.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 08:20:27

At 9/9/04 07:35 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 9/9/04 07:29 PM, leeboy105 wrote: "Don't throw anything away.
1000 megabytes of free storage so you'll never need to delete another message."

I think that's 4 times the Hotmail account size.
try 500 the NORMAL account size.

What i meant is that it will be 4 times the size. I received an e-mail recently regarding an upgrade in account size, probably because they know they're falling behind other rivals:

"From this autumn, all free Hotmail accounts will have a 250MB inbox, as well as the ability to send and receive attachments of up to 10MB. With MSN Calendar, you'll also be able to manage your time more efficiently by sharing your calendar with others. You'll also get twice the amount of spam protection with the ability to block up to 500 specific e-mail addresses or entire domains."

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 09:18:08

At 9/10/04 08:20 AM, leeboy105 wrote:
I received an email recently regarding an upgrade in account size,

Yeah, I got that email too. I don't like the fact that they said ''sometime this autumn'' ! Can't they give a more precise date, or at least the month when it will be done ?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 10:04:16

At 9/9/04 10:57 PM, Rabid-Echidna wrote:
At 9/9/04 10:49 PM, BonusStage wrote:
Do you mean NG anniversary, or is it your birthday, also good job on the rank up ^_^
Birthday = 9/9
Anniversary = 9/10
Rank = Elite guard captain (2nd favorite icon)

Heh ... you'd have saved some confusion by adding an extra / to the original comment. Rank/Age/Level we probably could have worked out.

Triple grats =)

At 9/10/04 12:03 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Errr....second again!

slacker :-P~~~

At 9/10/04 12:08 AM, Mojimbo wrote: Yey lvl up!

Grats ^^

At 9/10/04 01:57 AM, RedCircle wrote:
At 9/10/04 01:46 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I highly doubt I'll be voting in the next election
Why would you not?

If there's no one for whom you feel inclined to vote, there's no reason to vote. Last time out I cast "anti-votes." It's part of how someone ended up with a negative total.

At 9/10/04 01:59 AM, SlowBro wrote: Thank you for your deposit, SlowBro! You now have 2,400 experience points. You need 400 more to get to level 12.

this has too be the first time i've seen 2 factors of 100.
40 days worth of exp short
but 2400 feels like a big deal to me

Call it 50 days, due to the HT-factor. Still keeps you in 0s lol

At 9/10/04 07:21 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:
At 9/9/04 11:36 AM, D0GMA wrote:
Occasionally something will occur that throws the port out of alignment and only by using the outside of the jack as a lever can you connect the circuit.
D0GMA saves the day yet again. Thank you very much. Your a saviour in my eyes always.

LOL tell that to all the morons whose crap I've helped kill =)

Always try the easy stuff first ^^
Indeed, youve taught me this before, but it seems i just cant seem to pick up on this, lol. This time it will be remembered. Now i can listen to Simply the Best again :)

The hard stuff is usually screwing around with the settings and software, so always eliminate the basics first. Glad it turned out to be something "easy." The next hard part is going to be trying to realign the port (bend it a lot in the other direction to get it back where it's supposed to be) without snapping the internal circuits in the process.

Rather than quoting all the above posts with respect to this, I'll simply make a general reply. As to the increase in posts of late, I really don't have much of an opinion. I space down a page, scanning posts for anything to which I might have a contribution. When I find something I stop and reply, same as always. It doesn't matter to me if there's more to skim through.

This general, "the thread's gone to shit," don't do anything to improve the situation. There's no specifics provided on what's wrong, let alone how to improve it. Individuals who've gotten post-happy I'll back-hand at need, a process which identifies an issue and tries to correct it. j00bie certainly wasn't the first target of that and it's unlikely he'll be the last.

If you want to blame anything, blame the fact that the school year just started for most of the submitters. With so little coming through the portal, Wi/Ht? frequenters (who are typically more interested in voting than other users) have more time on their hands. That's led to a direct increase in the post volume here. Now is the decrease in submission volume anything we can "fix"? Not unless we all suddenly learn flash and start padding the daily volume, so give it a rest.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 11:07:12

Not posting this weekiend, I'm going camping.

Byee! Have a nice time here.

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 11:39:51

YEAH i'm on level 10 today !

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 11:53:44

At 9/10/04 11:39 AM, LockLock wrote: YEAH i'm on level 10 today !

congrats on making it to level 10!!! :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 12:08:48

At 9/10/04 11:39 AM, LockLock wrote: YEAH i'm on level 10 today !

Congrats LockLock. I'll be there, just give me another month and a half ish...

Like it or not, I'm back after a two day bender which left me happy but poor. I noticed that a "discussion" has arisen about the way the LUL is progressing, with a lot of members complaining about the recent quality vs quantity of posts, and getting nostalgic about the good old days. As I assume that I am one of the n00bs people are getting annoyed with, I'd like to put in my 2 cents worth. (N.B. this is not a justification, merely an observation). I didn't come to the lounge for the last two days because I wasn't at home, then I had mates over etc etc, and when I came back it was 8 pages since my last post. That's 240 posts, which as its coming mainly from 5 or 6 people seems like quite a lot in 2 days. BUT, I think it's inevitable that the posting speed will increase as time goes on because more people are coming to NG and finding the LUL as a place where they want to post. The reason that about 2 months ago I started to post in the lounge was that it seemed like a friendly community I wanted to be part of, and I'm sure that the lounge will continue to attract people like me. Naturally, as people start joining in, the quantity of posts will increase. I can easily see, however, how long and irrelevant conversations could get annoying to an occasional visitor looking for news of level ups etc. I guess the only thing that we can do is for us n00bs to try to make sure we stay on topic and post properly.

If you could follow that, I'm impressed. It was a kind of stream of consciousness thing where I typed as I thought, but I think it all makes sense :s

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 12:29:15

Congrats LockLock. Lev 10 is an accomplishment. I'm sure many people get discouraged once they hit Lev 9 cause it's sooooooooooooooooooolong til 10 but you made it, Good for you!!!!