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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 13:17:37

At 9/10/04 12:08 PM, --delteated-- wrote:

BUT, I think it's inevitable that the posting speed will increase as time goes on because more people are coming to NG and finding the LUL as a place where they want to post.

True, people find LUL, post for a bit get bord, iv noticed that as time goes by newer people in here get bored fast, post till their fingers bleed then return to the general section never to return. : )

I guess the only thing that we can do is for us n00bs to try to make sure we stay on topic and post properly.

I'm sure we/they all will after that grilling.. im mean great insight to your opinion. ^_^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 13:54:30

At 9/10/04 10:04 AM, D0GMA wrote:
At 9/10/04 12:03 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Errr....second again!
slacker :-P~~~

Eh, I tried. I even had 8 of my favorite movies opened up, so I could vote 5 every few seconds until the deposit link came up. But, I still lost. Sigh....

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 16:11:13

At 9/9/04 10:57 PM, Rabid-Echidna wrote: Birthday = 9/9
Anniversary = 9/10
Rank = Elite guard captain (2nd favorite icon)

Congrats on all of your... stuff, and stuff...
I dont exactly understand the numbering and order you put them into, but at least it get's the idea across.
Oh, and just out of curiosity... what's your favourite badge icon?

At 9/9/04 11:26 PM, BonusStage wrote: Not even my 4/20 (accidental i might add)

I was always suspiscious of that...
at least we all know you are not a stoner =O.
That's always a good thing to know... I never have/never will... smoke/do drugs a single day in my life. EVER.

At 9/10/04 12:08 AM, Mojimbo wrote: Yey lvl up! Level 16 is the greatest Icon... though i think it looks better as a Light Aura.

Congrats anyways! Yet another person to be envious of.

At 9/10/04 12:23 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Man this topic climbs pages faster then i can get a soda, god slow down people enjoy the moment haha...

So i've noticed a lot of people complaining about this...
One of the many reasons why I have switched to this 'gfox' style of posting. I'd call it multi-posting... but gfox style sounds so elite.

At 9/10/04 12:34 AM, Afterburner wrote: Whenever spancker decides to hold the next election I don't know who I'll be voting for. I know who I won't be voting for.

and judging by your last post in this topic... i'm pretty sure I know who it is!
Though I'm not entirely sure why I felt the need to add an '!' at the end of the above sentence... it's not neccesarily something to be happy about =(
There's still plenty of time before next election... maybe there's enough time to change your mind... :?

At 9/10/04 01:59 AM, SlowBro wrote: this has too be the first time i've seen 2 factors of 100.

It seems that way today...
From what I see in the topic today... (didn't look real hard...)
Level Requirements for:
Level 11-2000
Level 12-2800
Level 13-3600
Level 16-5999(close enough!)
Level 17-6799(close enough!)
Level 18-8399(close enough!)

At 9/10/04 02:05 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: *cough*bonusandjoobie*cough*

and joobie? what about you? and a few others?
I havent posted in here nearly as much as I used to was... (bad grammer=FUN!). My PPD has been decreasing opposed to increasing as of late... Which I think is a good thing...!
I also find this post of yours funny, seeing as you are taking no credit for the buckets of spam you've been opening as of lately.

At 9/10/04 04:16 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote:
At 9/10/04 02:05 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: *cough*bonusandjoobie*cough*
So they are the two behind all these new pages.

In a way... there's tons of new people who have been visiting here lately... and Bonusstage and others always have the need to reply to every single one right away.
Ill name a few I can think of off the top of my head..
Osamarama, terqui, continuum, tom_s00, delteated... (just to name a few).

That reminds me of Pure Lionheart, what the hell ever happened to him? Did he die or something? I haven't seen him post in a while.

I think delteated is depositing for him... Not at home, vacationing or something fun.

At 9/10/04 05:41 AM, jonthomson wrote: j00bie, have read the message in your sig, you can remove it now.

I didnt really put it there to inform you of anything... I just couldnt stop laughing when i read it myself.
You gotta admit (even though it's directed at you) that it's pretty damn funny! Maybe the fact it's directed at you adds to the humour... I don't know! I just got a good laugh out of it.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 16:13:19

OH WOW!!! I didnt know there was a 6500 character or word limit or something on this...
I just hit that... I guess that means... well, something at least.

At 9/10/04 08:20 AM, leeboy105 wrote: What i meant is that it will be 4 times the size. I received an e-mail recently regarding an upgrade in account size, probably because they know they're falling behind other rivals:

So i've noticed as well... I knew immediately that gmail was their main problem/'competition'. heh.
Apparently, Google will be entering into the markets soon enough... people investing money into it and such... I think that google is going to bulk up their account size even more to help em out there. I think they are probably one of the (if not, THE) most successful website(s) ever!

"From this autumn, all free Hotmail accounts will have a 250MB inbox..."

Yet they still are going to charge money for an even higher upsize, which is still smaller then gmails free account size.
/me laughs at hotmails desperateness.
I also find it stupid that they didnt bother putting a specific date... and it's not even relatively close to autumn yet... heh... oh well.

At 9/10/04 10:04 AM, D0GMA wrote: If there's no one for whom you feel inclined to vote, there's no reason to vote. Last time out I cast "anti-votes." It's part of how someone ended up with a negative total.

Somebody ended up with a negative total last time?
And you can anti-vote?
Damn the secrecy of the voting system!
Us underlings are so uninformed... =(

j00bie certainly wasn't the first target of that and it's unlikely he'll be the last.

My 'way' of solving the problem is simply by visiting here less, it seems people are happier this way.
I'm slowly moving back to the General forums... simply because there you can add some input to a thread without people bitching about how many posts the thread is getting.
But then again, the posts in General are repetitve and boring as anything!
I simply can't win, and am not sure what to do... I don't want to leave the forums (I most likely wont), but it sure is a bitch when people are always on your back about different things.
It's like what liljim said about Illwillpress, he's damned if he does, and he's damned if he doesnt.
People say he isnt contributing to the Newgrounds community (even though he only has 50+ submissions), but when he tries to give anything back to the community, people start bitching at him and flaming him for unnecesary reasons!
Im just rambling on here... Oh well... I really am starting to care less and less about peoples opinons now a days... It just is becoming an annoyance to me.

At 9/10/04 11:07 AM, TheRotArm wrote: Not posting this weekiend, I'm going camping.
Byee! Have a nice time here.

Did you get anybody to deposit for you?
Meh... maybe it's too late to offer... maybe you're already gone...
Anyways, if you do need a hand... i'll be glad to do it.

At 9/10/04 11:39 AM, LockLock wrote: YEAH i'm on level 10 today !

Another glove to add to the confusion!
I mean, congrats! You are officially... somewhat non-noobish now.
Level 11 is a long ways away!!!

Personal stuff:
Recently hit 5.8K blams....
Dropped a spot on the reviewers list to someone i've never seen before.
Hit my first 'Your post is too damned long' post ever... That was fun.
5 away from 3000 experience.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 17:43:23

At 9/10/04 01:54 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 9/10/04 10:04 AM, D0GMA wrote: slacker :-P~~~
Eh, I tried. I even had 8 of my favorite movies opened up, so I could vote 5 every few seconds until the deposit link came up. But, I still lost. Sigh....

That's a neat trick I never tried SK (I only opened 2 movies). I've come in second and third before (behind j00bie) and that stinks. I thought Joe said something earlier about hitting the refresh key. Does that actually work or would the multiple screen thingy be faster? I just want to win one of these "who deposited first" competitions. I know it means absolutely nothing but I don't give a shit. I'm gonna win.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 17:48:24

Sorry, but I forgot to cut and paste these other replies to my last post. Honest mistake. Hey that's why there's a 4 post limit on the BBS riiiiight people? Anyway, here's the rest and with that I have to get ready for work. Later.

At 9/10/04 05:33 AM, FlGMENT wrote: I don't know. Maybe I'm just a grizzled veteran who can't let go of how things once were.

Pffft. Why would you have to James? Grey hair at seventeen bud?

Just take it easy guys.

I'll take it wherever I can get it.At 9/10/04 10:04 AM, D0GMA wrote:

At 9/10/04 01:46 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I highly doubt I'll be voting in the next election
If there's no one for whom you feel inclined to vote, there's no reason to vote. Last time out I cast "anti-votes."

Ha! That statement reminds me of a destroyer dropping depth charges on a sub.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 17:48:38

At 9/10/04 05:43 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I thought Joe said something earlier about hitting the refresh key. Does that actually work or would the multiple screen thingy be faster?

I'm not sure if the refresh works... i've never tried...
I'd think it would give an error message... but im not sure.
I do the 'old fashioned' method of vote and deposit as quickly as possible.
Well, I plan on trying to reclaim my throne of first depositer tonight... maybe you should try the refresh method...
Though, if it does end up working.. that would just make the 'contest' less fun... seeing as it's all just a matter of luck to who can hit the refresh button the fastest (ie: constantly hit the button until the day is over).
Oh well...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 18:20:08

At 9/10/04 04:51 PM, Crossofdevil wrote: Why is it that when i became level 10 i only got 1 congrats. :(
No one likes me anymore? :(


Well im sure in time people will lern to love you...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 18:26:50

At 9/10/04 05:48 PM, j00bie wrote:
I'm not sure if the refresh works... i've never tried...

Well, I don't know if refresh works for depositing, but I know that back when newgrounds was having a lot of errors, when you voted on a movie and got that page of error, if you hit refresh you would get to the ''thanks for voting'' page instead of ''you already voted today !'' So I think it could work.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 19:49:44

At 9/10/04 06:33 PM, BonusStage wrote:
but no you can't

Well, looks like I was in the wrong. Thanks for clearing it up though.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 20:32:48

At 9/10/04 06:33 PM, BonusStage wrote: terqui aka TURKEY :D made the sig

id like to thank BS, for actually understanding what my name means

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 20:50:00

At 9/10/04 08:32 PM, terqui wrote:
At 9/10/04 06:33 PM, BonusStage wrote: terqui aka TURKEY :D made the sig
id like to thank BS, for actually understanding what my name means

You mean turkey?
P.S. Thanks for the sig!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 20:52:28

Hey BonusStage, why did you stop depositing for me?? Im in internet cafe but i just deposited and saw you missed two days :(

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 20:53:02

At 9/10/04 08:50 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote::

id like to thank BS, for actually understanding what my name means
You mean turkey?
P.S. Thanks for the sig!

Could you fix it, it is hard to read the text, could you make it clearer, so you could see everthing better, please?!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 21:02:24

At 9/10/04 08:53 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote: At 9/10/04 08:50 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote::
id like to thank BS, for actually understanding what my name means
You mean turkey?
P.S. Thanks for the sig!
Could you fix it, it is hard to read the text, could you make it clearer, so you could see everthing better, please?!

yeah, im doing that now

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 21:18:23

heres your new sig

anybody else want one??

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 22:15:08

At 9/10/04 07:33 AM, BonusStage wrote: i do find it strange that all of a sudden all this whining about it has arose, i've seen it go this fast before :(

People can tolerate something for a while before they speak up. When someone finally snaps, others who share the opinion will gladly join in and some people who disagree will put forward their views as well. Just because no-one's complained before doesn't mean everything's fine and dandy.

At 9/10/04 08:00 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: peoples girlfriends giving out cookies WTF!!!

Hahaha. We've had our fair share of erratic (or do I mean erotic?!) subject matter even before the new generation of Wi/Ht'ers. The thing that gets me is replying just for the sake of replying. Not every post needs someone's 2c, especially when it's a cent a word.

At 9/10/04 08:20 AM, leeboy105 wrote: I received an e-mail recently regarding an upgrade in account size

I don't remember reading anything about that leeboy. Then again, I haven't thoroughly read anything from the Hotmail people in a long time. Boredom and advertising is all I find in them.

At 9/10/04 09:18 AM, Shpouiten wrote: I don't like the fact that they said ''sometime this autumn'' ! Can't they give a more precise date, or at least the month when it will be done ?

Maybe they're planning to delete the whole Hotmail site/domain/whatever it is by autumn, and they're saying that to keep us users using Hotmail until then? By the time Gmail becomes public Hotmail will be a thing of the past.

At 9/10/04 08:52 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Hey BonusStage, why did you stop depositing for me?? Im in internet cafe but i just deposited and saw you missed two days :(

Hahaha. That's the end of BS's depositing career. THANK YOU, DON'T COME AGAIN.

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 22:18:33

At 9/10/04 05:43 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: That's a neat trick I never tried SK (I only opened 2 movies). I've come in second and third before (behind j00bie) and that stinks. I thought Joe said something earlier about hitting the refresh key. Does that actually work or would the multiple screen thingy be faster? I just want to win one of these "who deposited first" competitions. I know it means absolutely nothing but I don't give a shit. I'm gonna win.

That's the first time that I've actually tried to get first. I've got Mozilla Firefox, with tab-based browsing, so I just open my faves in a bunch of tabs, which is easier than opening new windows.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 22:24:10

At 9/10/04 04:13 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 9/10/04 10:04 AM, D0GMA wrote: If there's no one for whom you feel inclined to vote, there's no reason to vote. Last time out I cast "anti-votes." It's part of how someone ended up with a negative total.
Somebody ended up with a negative total last time?


And you can anti-vote?

Technically no, but I voted against having to vote for someone in the first place :-P~~

j00bie certainly wasn't the first target of that and it's unlikely he'll be the last.
My 'way' of solving the problem is simply by visiting here less, it seems people are happier this way.

That wasn't intended as a slap at you. I just knew people would read it and think of my conversations with you ... wanted to point out that this situation has arisen before and I've dealt with it the same way. IIRC Morph was the last one before you ^^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 22:40:33

At 9/10/04 09:18 PM, terqui wrote: heres your new sig

anybody else want one??

Hey terqui, sorry again, but the file size is 5kb too large could you fix it?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 22:42:12

At 9/10/04 10:40 PM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote:
At 9/10/04 09:18 PM, terqui wrote: heres your new sig

anybody else want one??
Hey terqui, sorry again, but the file size is 5kb too large could you fix it?

if you have photosop, fix it yourself, otherwise im tired, ill do it tomorrow

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 23:06:59

At 9/10/04 04:44 PM, BonusStage wrote: I figured that out after doing one of these posts as well :D

OOooh! gfox style postings!
We sure have gotten a hang of this thingy....
Gfox would be proud, and he had sex with your mother.
Giggity Giggity Goo!

Only 44 away from 2,500 saves myself

Congrats, Congrats, Congrats, Congrats, Congrats, Congrats, Congrats, Congrats, Congrats, Congrats.

That was something that made we go "what the hell" to see another YOU out there, at least when it comes to review

Shaddup, Shaddup, Shaddup, Shaddup, Shaddup, Shaddup, Shaddup, Shaddup, Shaddup, Shaddup.

At 9/10/04 06:20 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Well im sure in time people will lern to love you...

Just like we've all come to love you wayne. Come on big fella' Gimme a hug <3 <3 <3.

At 9/10/04 06:26 PM, Shpouiten wrote: stuff about refreshing to deposit maybe working.

Well, I still think the 'classic way' is the more fun, 'authentic' way to go. Even if it does work (which Im still not sure if it does or not).
Somebody should try it tonight... but not me... I think im hittin' the ol' dusty trail after this post.

At 9/10/04 08:52 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Hey BonusStage, why did you stop depositing for me?? Im in internet cafe but i just deposited and saw you missed two days :(

UNRELIABLE!!!!!!!!1 Told you you should have trusted me!!!!1
Bad, Bad, BonusStage.

At 9/10/04 10:18 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: That's the first time that I've actually tried to get first. I've got Mozilla Firefox, with tab-based browsing, so I just open my faves in a bunch of tabs, which is easier than opening new windows.

Indeed it is, I have mozilla as well.
I didnt know about the tabs though when I got it... that was just a 'Bonus'... I just got it for the anti-pop-ups and other such incentives.
Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

At 9/10/04 10:24 PM, D0GMA wrote:
Somebody ended up with a negative total last time?

I'd ask who (even if you could answer it without getting in 'trouble'), but i'd be too afraid as to what the answer could be...
Seeing as the election was during the era of everyone being pissed about my 'flash' submission.
I think that also got AfterBurner pretty ticked, but im not completely sure about that...

That wasn't intended as a slap at you. I just knew people would read it and think of my conversations with you...

Well, this is all relative about my above response...
Let's see... recent conversations... Ah, Yes! My 'flash' submission!
Oh well... ever since the removal of it, I think things are starting to 'clear up' a bit better between myself and everybody... That's always a good thing...

Not too long Ago, Dire, BonusStage, and Terqui all said:
Blah blah blah!
Sigs! Sigs for all! What do you want?
I dont know! File size too large!
Fix it yourself! Maybe I will! Sounds like a plan!
Make me another! Make one yourself!

What the heck is all of this now?
As i've said... this is now becoming the Wi/Ht?SM. With the elitest of the whole... what... 25-30 people who visit these forums?
heh... anyways... i guess their fun to look at.

Personal Stuff and the whatnot:
Im going to the third round of th Bell Canadian Open (PGA TOUR EVENT) tomorrow. My dad and sister have been volounteering there, so they get to give some free passes.
So im going to go, and see the Best Canadian Golfer (Mike Weir), and the Best Black Golfer/#1 in the world (Vijay Singh) paired up tomorrow.
Approximately 3.87 Billion people will be there tomorrow, and I'll be 1 of them!

Therefore, I wont be on much tomorrow, and Im going to bed now (I think). I'll be able to deposit for sure, but Im not sure about the midnight tonight dealy.
Unless I manage to get ready for bed and come back in time without my parents bitching and complaining that im on this to much and such (OMG RHYME)... so yeah, im kind of going on a rant now, so Im just going to hit the Post It! Button now!

I wonder what this 'Clear' button does....

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 23:14:33

At 9/10/04 07:33 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 9/10/04 04:16 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote:
Well thank you, but tommorow i won't be able to do barely any :(, i'll be at King's Island on September 11th :D

Don't ya'll be gettin' hit by any planes now, ya hear!?


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 23:17:52

Is the feeling you get when you hit level 10 any good.
Will I gasm from it if so?

Because I'm almost there, yet its still far away.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-10 23:38:43

At 9/10/04 11:24 PM, BonusStage wrote:

What would make you think something like that would happen o.0

Where, or what is King's island anyway ?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-11 00:37:25

At 9/11/04 12:22 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 9/10/04 11:38 PM, Shpouiten wrote: Where, or what is King's island anyway ?


What was the excuse for you guys getting slapped by Finland in the World Cup of Hockey? Now I remember. Most of the players on your NHL teams come from Canada or Europe. It's an entirely different story when you have to use your own guys 'eh??


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-11 01:11:52

At 9/10/04 11:24 PM, BonusStage wrote: I never never repeat

Never say never Bonus, never say never!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-11 01:13:18

At 9/11/04 12:37 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 9/11/04 12:22 AM, BonusStage wrote:
At 9/10/04 11:38 PM, Shpouiten wrote: Where, or what is King's island anyway ?

What was the excuse for you guys getting slapped by Finland in the World Cup of Hockey? Now I remember. Most of the players on your NHL teams come from Canada or Europe. It's an entirely different story when you have to use your own guys 'eh??

Hey what is wrong with European hockey players? Russians are like the best in hockey!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-11 01:28:45

I got ABOUT 800 b/p points, just 202 more to go!
Good night, and have a great day tomorrow!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2004-09-11 01:34:51

At 9/11/04 01:28 AM, Dire_Wolf9 wrote: I got ABOUT 800 b/p points, just 202 more to go!
Good night, and have a great day tomorrow!

cool beans dude! i just passed 20,000 b/p points today. just less than 10,000 more to go. w00t.