At 6/12/04 01:15 PM, Sentinel_specter wrote: Oooh, ouch. Well hopfully you will get it back sometime or something. Be sure to tell us before you leave, so we can all say good bye.
Yeah i will don't worry i'm not leaving NG unoticed i hope. But i'm not going in an Ozcar way because I'm nowhere near as well known or anything and no-one will post in there to say goodbye. Except probably you spectar :-)
Hah, Europe isn't horrible. I have been to England once before and found it quite nice. I am not going there this time though, I am visiting France, Switzerland, and Germany. (I feel like i've said this before). But yea, Hope....sure....I have been catching up to you in B/P points for a while now and later this week I can promise you that I will be ahead of you! :) But then oh course, you will just catch up to me when I am gone...:(
I wasn't refering to the whole of europe, only the little bit of trash that is the city of manchester. The rest of europe is indeed very nice and a million times better than anywhere near manchester. And you can try to catch me all you want, but i assure you that you won't pass me for at least another couple weeks. Maybe less though...
Oh, and it's Specter, not spectar. :)
Yeah sorry about that once i do it once it kinda sticks so i do it all the time. Sorry again.
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