At 6/12/04 01:07 PM, thegreatmorph wrote:
Yeah that's a good idea spectar, but i don't think i will be on NG much longer to be honest because my connection to the internet is being taken away from me, so i just wanted to see when i leave NG i would be higher then you two :-P
Oooh, ouch. Well hopfully you will get it back sometime or something. Be sure to tell us before you leave, so we can all say good bye.
I have my summer holiday for about 6 weeks, so you guys are really lucky. Visiting europe eh spectar? Hope you enjoy it and hope you don't visit here because it's so horrible...hope you can catch me by the time you get back. Remember those words only. HOPE. Because that is all you'll have :-P
Hah, Europe isn't horrible. I have been to England once before and found it quite nice. I am not going there this time though, I am visiting France, Switzerland, and Germany. (I feel like i've said this before). But yea, Hope....sure....I have been catching up to you in B/P points for a while now and later this week I can promise you that I will be ahead of you! :) But then oh course, you will just catch up to me when I am gone...:(
Oh, and it's Specter, not spectar. :)