At 8/16/19 06:42 PM, Cyberdevil wrote:At 8/16/19 10:26 AM, gfoxcook wrote:ahaha... just meant the portal seemed a bit quiet during primetime USTZ yesterday. But I checked back a few hours later and there were a fair bit of new entries. In the end, looking at midnight to midnight on Clock Day, there were.... 89 total flashes submitted on CD19. That compared to 87, 84, 89, 85 the previous 4 years. Pretty steady as she goes there the past half-decade, eh?
Way steadier than I thought it was! Did you track numbers over the years before that as well? Curious if the activity decline I seem to remember was all in my mind. Maybe I just wasn't as active.
Nah, I wasn't tracking this back in the 00s, if that's what you mean. I started tracking it mostly because the main time of year I drop by NG as of... 2008? 2010? 2012? not sure when it happened exactly... anyway, obviously at some point I kinda fell off the site but I always at LEAST came back for Clock Day.
August 15th was already a memorable date to me because it was the date my first longterm srs bsns gf and I got together back in the 1990s. So once I was on Newgrounds in 2000 and once I really got into it in late 2002 and was around for my own first Clock Day (the 2003 one)... the August 15th thing was like... oh, ANOTHER reason for August 15th to be special/stick in my mind, sure sure. :D
August 14th was good this year for me. Just got a replacement car yesterday for the one that was totalled in a car accident last month. I mentioned this already in reply to a post and in reply to a comment on my profile newspost (as I comb through these notifications... 120 or so?)... haven't gone into detail on it yet and I'm trying to get to the poooorrrrtaaaal right now, but mebbe later. I'm okay, though. Car wasn't. rip old car. ;_; But hey, new car is good... I GUESS. ;)
As for me, I went from 44 to 44 to 47 to 86 to 85 to 100+ saves and counting over the past 6 Clock Days... yes, counting a bit of saving a bit before midnight and a bit after midnight at the start/end of each CD, so more than just the literal day of.
How do you actually properly count that?
EZ! Since I save so rarely during the year nowadays, I just look at my profile before I start voting on clock day flash... like say... right now... and it shows I have 36000 blams (good, good, that's normal)... and I have 35360 saves (ahahah, that wasn't on purpose, I promise! what an awesome happenstance! #;-}>
So I just open up my CD19 text file, I save it as a new CD20 text file, and I start putting in new data over last year's data. So now the "next time on" becomes the "previously on" and such. The "final saves" from last year's CD is now the "current saves" from this year. Unless I actually VOTE DURING THE YEAR SOME, then it's higher. Eh. Very rarely these days.
Anyway, I usually wait till I'm done voting on CD flashes... and if there's CD flashes past midnight, aka really on the 16th, I do probably count those, too. It's Clock Day WEEKEND this year, bitches! YEAH! ^_^ Look at the saves count on the 17th, 18th... guess you can even go to the portal and make sure none of the under judgement stuff is still greyed out (as in you visited it/voted upon it)... wait till that's all gone and you've got your final number for that CD.
I've already made the statual comparison so you don't have to! ;D But yeah, you were right, it's not really down at all, in fact... the # of flashes was the highest since 2016 when it was also 89, as per the above.
Thanks for that! I'm bewildered, but pretty cool.
NG keeps on keepin' on.
Go to bed.... earlier?! O_O I don't... I mean that's not even...
Yeah, I know... I'm one to talk, too! I'm the ultimate night owl. ;D
My sleep's been weird the past year or two, though. Sure, most of the time I stay up past midnight, maybe fall asleep at 2 or 3 AM usually. Sometimes, though, I get really tired and pass out at like 8 or 9 PM, wake UP at 2 or 3 AM, go back to sleep at 4 AM, etc.
Eh. I'm a big fan of napping, too. Napping helps the nighttime sleep being fucked up not impact me as much.
At 8/16/19 02:27 PM, Haggard wrote:Simple, just go to bed one hour earlier. :D
Like an echo of wisdom to which I listen. :) But it's hard. Winter. So dark and dystopian. You don't really want to get up at all over here. The daylight saving shift arrives like a warm embrace, one more hour of blissful dream time each new all the more darkening dawn of day! Till you can no longer differentiate between day and night, and life is a haze between two points by which the worlds bridge and reality is obscured in a crescent crescendo.
Not that beneficial sleeping habits are currently a forte of mine either... right now.
Mmm. Winter's dark embrace.
It's August in Texas here, man. Really bad hurricane season 2. Just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
MOAR LATER. But enough for now. o7
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)