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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-28 15:33:18 (edited 2018-10-28 15:34:47)

210,000 Total again...
5,000 Art Reviews again...
22,000 Reviews again...
211,000 Total! Oh wait that was again too...
114,000 B/P!
28,000 Posts!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-28 15:49:53 (edited 2018-10-28 15:55:47)

At 10/13/18 05:32 PM, Haggard wrote: I think norwegian and danish share the same vocabulary, but the pronounciation is different. Finnish is a completly different family of languages, I think it's related to hungarian (however that should be possible, heh), and so far the only language I know that makes use of "ää" in it's words.

Icelandic should be the most "pure" language, after all it's still very close to old norse. So, both our native languages derived from that. :D

That's good to know. :) I translate between Swedish/Norwegian/Danish/Finnish in our company webshop, and Finnish is definitely something totally different. Just can't understand a word. Seems almost harder to understand in writing than in speech...

Btw maybe I should elaborate here: I use translation tools, since nobody on the company speaks Finnish, but we still don't want to exclude them from lingo selection. Plus we don't have a huge Finnish customer base so hopefully they don't mind the probable translation errs there.

Yes, I got confused again. Of course "Das Boot" means "båten" and "Der Zug" means "toget". But I still have to use the male preposition "en" for one and the neuter preposition "et" for the other word. In german, I would have to use either "ein" for male and neuter, "eine" for female words. That's why I always tend to use "en" when learning a new word, because it's so imprinted in my brain to use the same preposition for male and neuter words, heh.

Aha. Good to know how that works with German. On that note I am bad at grammar, terminology-wise, though once you know the language it all works alright.

The worst part of learning any language are those little inconsistencies. For example, an "and" is a duck, but "ducks" is "ender". "Tre" is "Tree" (very straight forward), but "trees" is "trær". What the...?

Ah that's a bit different from Swedish after all. :) It's a bit like tooth/teeth, die/dice, Half/halves innit? Well, not really the same but... anomilies you just need to learn to learn.

Yeah once I'm done with Duolingo (which still will take a while) I'm planning on picking up some childrens books, or maybe some kids movies. Gotta start with simple language first. ;)

XD Sounds like fun though! Almost like a therapeutic form of learning. For sure.

Hm, since I do plan to visit sweden one day... ;)

Once you've learned Norwegian I guess it won't be such a big step. :) How many languages do you know so far btw?

I really don't know where that came from...

Auto-correctional mysteries!

Yes, I think I will switch the keyboard app sooner or later, because I feel it's getting worse.

I hate word suggestions when typing on a regular keyboard. I always turn it off in Word for example. It's too irritating. The only time it comes in handy is when programming.

Mmm yeah, Word does have those too huh... always useful with a little spell-checking retrospectively, but otherwise: agree.

Who would have thought the simple feature of word suggestions would lead to a deeply philosophical debate? :D

Alas, all things do. :) And the simplest things too, like: what's after the universe?

Or you could combine it with a stop over in Singapore... ;)

Hey that's another place I really want to visit some day! :D I think my toplist right now is: Dubai (UAE), Bhutan, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Russia. All (somewhat) difficult and/or expensive places to get to.

Never been to Finland. ;)
The only time I didn't have any reception at all was when we where on a long hike and where some kilometers away from civilization. The hiking trail was nothing more than a few cm wide dirt track, sometimes hardly noticeable. It took us 5 hours, but we where also busy with geocaching while hiking. ;)

Well maybe they have the same problems as us, then. :) Part of me hopes so... ah, connection problems with the geocaching then? Maybe they do have places without reception there too then, just not along the trails most people wander.

At 10/15/18 08:27 AM, Soapbubble wrote: Written Danish and Norwegian is definitely very similar, but it's not the exact same. Definitely far more similar to eachother than Swedish written language, but I know that a lot of Norwegians have an easier time understanding Swedish spoken language compared to Danish due to how it's pronounced.

That is true! Very easy to translate between the two when written. A lot of words are identical.

If you go to the south of Norway you'll find dialects that have a lot more in common with Danish than you'll find in the rest of the country.

Interesting to know. Speaking of, there are dialects in the North of Sweden very close to Finnish as well. Guess we were all just one big region of scattered origins at one point in time huh.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-28 15:51:24

At 10/20/18 02:52 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: 14 year anniversary on NewGrounds.

Happy NG Birthday man! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-28 15:52:37

At 10/15/18 11:51 AM, Fro wrote: I'm now in the top 1,000 in experience, which I don't know if that's an achievement or not because I believe I've been ranked better than that before....

The more you fall the more you can rise again; achieve each time. :) Well, if it wasn't all too recently: Congrats! It's cool to be in the top three digits.

I also crossed 90,000 medal points. My main goal is 100,000 medal points so I still have many hours of work to push back before I get there.

Congrats on that too!

At 10/17/18 10:51 AM, NekoMika wrote: Exp. Rank: #300


At 10/25/18 01:26 AM, Viper wrote: Finally level 49
Bout damn time I got my spooky Halloween scythe. I'd wanted the scythe level icon since before the last redesign but was obviously nowhere close to getting it by the time it happened. Im content with this but still want to trudge forward to level 60.

Congrats on that! Pretty cool indeed. The Halloween Level 60 really doesn't compare to the original one... what's this hunched over hooded dude to a beast like that demonic creature the ultimate level seems to normally portray!

At 10/21/18 09:17 AM, siddikinz wrote: just leveled up to town watch with 102 blams and protects!


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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-28 22:56:50

At 10/28/18 03:51 PM, Cyberdevil wrote:
At 10/20/18 02:52 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: 14 year anniversary on NewGrounds.
Happy NG Birthday man! :D

Thanks. I look forward to it every year.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-29 02:58:47

At 10/28/18 03:49 PM, Cyberdevil wrote: I translate between Swedish/Norwegian/Danish/Finnish in our company webshop, and Finnish is definitely something totally different. Just can't understand a word. Seems almost harder to understand in writing than in speech...

Yes, I tried reading some lyrics in finnish, but found no words that I would recognize. And then you listen to the song while looking at the lyrics and you are like "Wait, are those lyrics even correct? Seems like they say something completly different?"

Btw maybe I should elaborate here: I use translation tools, since nobody on the company speaks Finnish, but we still don't want to exclude them from lingo selection. Plus we don't have a huge Finnish customer base so hopefully they don't mind the probable translation errs there.

Hm, reminds me of german sections in manuals. Sometimes the text doesn't make any sense at all. :P

Aha. Good to know how that works with German. On that note I am bad at grammar, terminology-wise, though once you know the language it all works alright.

Same. That's why I would be a very bad partner for tandem learning. "Why do I have to use this specific word and not that one?" - "Umm... Because otherwise it would be wrong because... Umm...." ;)

Ah that's a bit different from Swedish after all. :) It's a bit like tooth/teeth, die/dice, Half/halves innit? Well, not really the same but... anomilies you just need to learn to learn.

And then there's the words that already are plural (scissors) or words that don't have a plural (information) or words where singular and plural are the same (cattle). There's no way of knowing, you have to memorize that and then, hopefully, you can slowly develop a feeling for the language. At some point you simply know something sounds off.

Yeah once I'm done with Duolingo (which still will take a while) I'm planning on picking up some childrens books, or maybe some kids movies. Gotta start with simple language first. ;)
XD Sounds like fun though! Almost like a therapeutic form of learning. For sure.
Hm, since I do plan to visit sweden one day... ;)
Once you've learned Norwegian I guess it won't be such a big step. :) How many languages do you know so far btw?

Only two, really. I had french for a few years in school, but never got the hang of it. At least I still can pronounce it properly, but I have no idea what I am saying. XD

Auto-correctional mysteries!

*cue X-Files theme*

Alas, all things do. :) And the simplest things too, like: what's after the universe?

That's something not even Star Treck dared to explore.

Or you could combine it with a stop over in Singapore... ;)
Hey that's another place I really want to visit some day! :D I think my toplist right now is: Dubai (UAE), Bhutan, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Russia. All (somewhat) difficult and/or expensive places to get to.

I thought of going to russia for a day trip, but it's almost impossible to get into the country. Like, you need to have someone inviting you, you need to prove you have a place to stay, you need to prove you inted to leave the country again, and so on.
My top list is: the rest of Scandinavia (already have been to Denmark, Norway, Faroe Islands, Iceland) and Canada. Also quite expensive to get to or to stay at. Maybe next time I visit a scandinavian country I should sell some booze to the locals to finance my trip, lol.

Well maybe they have the same problems as us, then. :) Part of me hopes so... ah, connection problems with the geocaching then? Maybe they do have places without reception there too then, just not along the trails most people wander.

Actually, as long as you are not in a very dense forest, or a city with many tall buildings, you don't have any problems getting a GPS signal. They are sattelite based, after all.

Interesting to know. Speaking of, there are dialects in the North of Sweden very close to Finnish as well. Guess we were all just one big region of scattered origins at one point in time huh.

Don't forget the Sami. Their language is completly unrelated to norwegian, swedish or finnish.
About dialects, I am always amazed how differently we pronouce words in different regions, even though they are written the same. :D

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-29 06:47:37 (edited 2018-10-29 06:53:00)

At 10/29/18 02:58 AM, Haggard wrote: Yes, I tried reading some lyrics in finnish, but found no words that I would recognize. And then you listen to the song while looking at the lyrics and you are like "Wait, are those lyrics even correct? Seems like they say something completly different?"

It does. XD You wonder why they decided to make the written version so complex... though you could relate that to Asian languages I suppose, with their symbols and syllabries. From an outside perspective the written and spoken language just doesn't seem to match. I assume it's just so different to relate to that's how it seems.

Hm, reminds me of german sections in manuals. Sometimes the text doesn't make any sense at all. :P

Haha, so it happens for you too. You'd think manuals were a bit more professional though! I guess everyone does this to some extent... must happen more with larger languages though. I can't remember ever seeing a Swedish manual written the wrong way. Probably not many other countries making those.

Same. That's why I would be a very bad partner for tandem learning. "Why do I have to use this specific word and not that one?" - "Umm... Because otherwise it would be wrong because... Umm...." ;)

Exactly. XD

And then there's the words that already are plural (scissors) or words that don't have a plural (information) or words where singular and plural are the same (cattle). There's no way of knowing, you have to memorize that and then, hopefully, you can slowly develop a feeling for the language. At some point you simply know something sounds off.

Yeah, pants and sheep and everything. Once you know it it's just there.

Only two, really. I had french for a few years in school, but never got the hang of it. At least I still can pronounce it properly, but I have no idea what I am saying. XD

You can speak but not understand? XD That's new. I speak a bit of Spanish myself, so French is understandable too. Pretty useful how certain languages bridge into others, so if you just learn a select few you'll understand a lot of them (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish/Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, etc/English and eh... hmm, seems that one stands on its own)

*cue X-Files theme*


That's something not even Star Treck dared to explore.

Maybe they've already been outside the universe though. They just didn't see the border.

I thought of going to russia for a day trip, but it's almost impossible to get into the country. Like, you need to have someone inviting you, you need to prove you have a place to stay, you need to prove you inted to leave the country again, and so on.

Ah, didn't know it was that difficult. A buddy took a trip there recently, but come to think of it he probably did have a friend living there already. I do know a guy in Siberia via NG though so...

Btw it seems like a service like Airbnb might help with that. If your host can vouch for you.

My top list is: the rest of Scandinavia (already have been to Denmark, Norway, Faroe Islands, Iceland) and Canada. Also quite expensive to get to or to stay at. Maybe next time I visit a scandinavian country I should sell some booze to the locals to finance my trip, lol.

Ah not many Scandinavian countries remain, then! Canada because... similar ecosystem? Nice people? I'd like to go there too. Could combine with a US visit. Could maybe combine that with an NG meetup! it's a long distance after all.

Actually, as long as you are not in a very dense forest, or a city with many tall buildings, you don't have any problems getting a GPS signal. They are sattelite based, after all.

Ah, good point. On that note it'd be pretty cool to own a real satellite phone. Coverage virtually everywhere.

Don't forget the Sami. Their language is completly unrelated to norwegian, swedish or finnish.
About dialects, I am always amazed how differently we pronouce words in different regions, even though they are written the same. :D

True, them too, their language almost reminds me of indigenous South America. There's a somewhat famous Swedish Sami singer adopted from Peru, and he looks just like them; seems to fit right in. They have a darker skin tone than we do too. Interesting distant bridges in culture.

How about dialects in Germany, same thing there? Do you have any minority languages within the country exclusive to the country?

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-29 22:38:58

4k forum posts! Took me long enough. Also my B/P bonus went up from 12% to 14%, so that's helpful

Judge my music taste! || Add me on Steam || Letterboxd

Who walks away from a spider attack?

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-30 00:22:52

At 10/29/18 10:38 PM, YellowisCOOL wrote: 4k forum posts! Took me long enough. Also my B/P bonus went up from 12% to 14%, so that's helpful

Congrats on getting to 4K posts. Also, your B/P bonus going up.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-30 00:29:24

At 10/29/18 10:38 PM, YellowisCOOL wrote: 4k forum posts! Took me long enough. Also my B/P bonus went up from 12% to 14%, so that's helpful


Formerly Known As J-Rex

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-31 10:16:37

This should be my 11,000 post. I feel like I've done this one before too or I've been awfully close to it before.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-31 13:11:59

At 10/31/18 10:16 AM, Fro wrote: This should be my 11,000 post. I feel like I've done this one before too or I've been awfully close to it before.

Congrats. You got it right on the money. Don't post for a long time and enjoy that nice round number.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-31 16:17:35

2800 saves and 3332 B/P and @doctorstrongbad happy belated anniversary

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-31 17:28:34

At 10/29/18 06:47 AM, Cyberdevil wrote: From an outside perspective the written and spoken language just doesn't seem to match. I assume it's just so different to relate to that's how it seems.

Yeah, that's what I like about german, actually. There are very specific rules as to how words are pronounced and similar words are pronounced in a similar way. Exceptions from those rules are almost always loan words.

Only two, really. I had french for a few years in school, but never got the hang of it. At least I still can pronounce it properly, but I have no idea what I am saying. XD
You can speak but not understand? XD That's new.

No, I can READ it in the correct way, without understanding it. ;)

Maybe they've already been outside the universe though. They just didn't see the border.

They have been to the border of the universe in TNG and in one episode Dr. Crusher was trapped in some sort of parallel universe that became smaller and smaller until it was too small to even hold the Enterprise.

In another episode, some entity from outside our universe kept the Enterprise hostage and even killed a crew member (do I have to mention that it was a black guy who got killed...?)

Oh, and in one DS9 episode they discovered a smaller universe that kept expanding, so they "put it back where they found it". I didn't really understand it, to be honest. Of course that universe is never mentioned again.

Ah, didn't know it was that difficult. A buddy took a trip there recently, but come to think of it he probably did have a friend living there already. I do know a guy in Siberia via NG though so...

Btw it seems like a service like Airbnb might help with that. If your host can vouch for you.

A travel agency can take care of that invitation, too.

Ah not many Scandinavian countries remain, then! Canada because... similar ecosystem? Nice people? I'd like to go there too. Could combine with a US visit. Could maybe combine that with an NG meetup! it's a long distance after all.

My wife has been there as an exchange student for 6 months and she would like to get back there some day. We even made up some very early plans where we want to go and stuff like that. But it's very expensive to even get there, heh.

Ah, good point. On that note it'd be pretty cool to own a real satellite phone. Coverage virtually everywhere.

But very expensive to make a call, I think.

How about dialects in Germany, same thing there? Do you have any minority languages within the country exclusive to the country?

No. We have a danish minority in the north, though. The party representing them isn't subject of the "5% rule" other parties need in elections to get seats in the parliament. They always get seats in the Landtag.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-01 02:29:16 (edited 2018-11-01 02:29:30)

At 10/31/18 04:17 PM, Kieran wrote: 2800 saves and 3332 B/P

Congrats on on your 2800 saves and 3332 B/P. You have been on a roll lately.

and @doctorstrongbad happy belated anniversary

Thanks. I do so much everyday on NewGrounds, and I always look forward to my anniversary.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-01 07:39:07

3,333 B/P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-01 17:03:34

200 Artworks
22,222 Reviews

At 10/29/18 10:38 PM, YellowisCOOL wrote: 4k forum posts! Took me long enough. Also my B/P bonus went up from 12% to 14%, so that's helpful

Congrats! :D

At 10/31/18 10:16 AM, Fro wrote: This should be my 11,000 post. I feel like I've done this one before too or I've been awfully close to it before.

You got it! Congrats on that too!

At 10/31/18 04:17 PM, Kieran wrote: 2800 saves and 3332 B/P

So close to 3333 now. :P Congrats!

3,333 B/P

...aaand you got it!

At 11/1/18 01:07 PM, NekoMika wrote: Seems my Exp Rank is increasing a little since then, I am at #298 as of today. I imagine I might be at #290 before the month is over unless there is more inactive users who no longer deposit I end up passing before then. If there is a Double XP weekend this month, I might come close to being near @Mich and @Martin's Exp ranks.

...unless everyone joins in on those weekends. :) Most definitely fun events, but if anyone happens to not be able to deposit on weekends in particular they're really out of luck there...

Hope everyone had a fun Halloween yesterday for those who celebrate it.

Well there's always some celebration via NG. :) Good to be here when there's not much going on locally. Carved and shared, at least. Happy Halloween!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-01 17:23:09 (edited 2018-11-01 17:24:52)

At 10/31/18 05:28 PM, Haggard wrote: Yeah, that's what I like about german, actually. There are very specific rules as to how words are pronounced and similar words are pronounced in a similar way. Exceptions from those rules are almost always loan words.

Ah well that's not exactly what I meant... but yeah, good to know! You do expect anything related to a German to be well-structured; all in order. :) I suppose there's an abundance of loan words in your language too though, these days?

No, I can READ it in the correct way, without understanding it. ;)

That makes more sense! :D

They have been to the border of the universe in TNG and in one episode Dr. Crusher was trapped in some sort of parallel universe that became smaller and smaller until it was too small to even hold the Enterprise.

In another episode, some entity from outside our universe kept the Enterprise hostage and even killed a crew member (do I have to mention that it was a black guy who got killed...?)

Oh, and in one DS9 episode they discovered a smaller universe that kept expanding, so they "put it back where they found it". I didn't really understand it, to be honest. Of course that universe is never mentioned again.

Those old stereotypes. XD Maybe that small universe grew to encompass our own with time. hmm... you know your episodes! I've only seen the movies myself (both old and new though).

A travel agency can take care of that invitation, too.

Good to know!

My wife has been there as an exchange student for 6 months and she would like to get back there some day. We even made up some very early plans where we want to go and stuff like that. But it's very expensive to even get there, heh.

Ah that's nice. :) Speaking of, I ran into an American student on route to Luleå last time I was up North. Long way from home. Wish I'd tried something like that when I had the chance... so much cheaper when it's in the name of education.

But very expensive to make a call, I think.

That it is! It seems regular cellphones can connect too, or connect to masts that go via satellite... well, not sure how it all works but indeed, price range probably takes it out of my range entirely.

No. We have a danish minority in the north, though. The party representing them isn't subject of the "5% rule" other parties need in elections to get seats in the parliament. They always get seats in the Landtag.

Aha, interesting!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-03 05:25:24

94,000 Saves

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-03 10:08:21

At 11/3/18 09:43 AM, NekoMika wrote: Congrats on both!

Two thank you's too!

Seems there are a few inactives I am passing since I am at #296 today. Here's hoping I can maybe hit level 54 before the year is over? If not, then I should be able to at the start of January.

Yes, that seems like the main benefit with these weekends - the possibility to catch up to veterans who aren't really around any longer. Good luck with that! Seems possible; especially if they keep going with these.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-04 06:02:56

Just dinged level 30!

Took me long enough.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-04 20:04:19

At 11/4/18 06:02 AM, Soapbubble wrote: Just dinged level 30!

Took me long enough.


Formerly Known As J-Rex

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-05 14:38:19

my account is now 13 years old. neat.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-05 16:25:16

EXP Rank #132

At 11/4/18 06:02 AM, Soapbubble wrote: Just dinged level 30!

Halfway there! :D Congrats!

At 11/5/18 02:38 PM, Powerage wrote: my account is now 13 years old. neat.

Happy NG Birthday!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-06 10:27:19

Level 40 today. Feels good to have a new set of weapons.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-07 15:35:12

At 11/3/18 05:25 AM, Cyberdevil wrote: 94,000 Saves

Congrats on all of those Saves.

At 11/4/18 06:02 AM, Soapbubble wrote: Just dinged level 30!

Took me long enough.

Great job getting to level 30. It does not matter how long it took, you should be proud of your achievement.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-07 16:16:13

At 11/6/18 10:27 AM, Fro wrote: Level 40 today. Feels good to have a new set of weapons.

A real level up on those level images. :) Congrats!

At 11/7/18 03:35 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: Congrats on all of those Saves.

Thank you!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-08 00:19:17

At 11/6/18 10:27 AM, Fro wrote: Level 40 today. Feels good to have a new set of weapons.

Congrats are reaching level 40. You are 2/3rds of the way to Level 60.

They are good looking swords.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-09 12:40:07 (edited 2018-11-09 12:41:13)

Been a while since I made one of these.

Congrats to:
@RightTime - Level 20
@Soapbubble - 9k EXP Points, 40k Medal Points, 13k B/P and Level 30
@YellowisCOOL - 6.66 Voting Power and 4k Forum Posts
@Atlas - Level 25
@Jackho - Level 40, 14k B/P, Captain Rank, 9k Forum Posts and 40k Total Stats
@Cyberdevil - EXP Rank 132, 39k EXP Points, 94k Saves, 114k B/P, 211k Total Stats, 5k Art Reviews, 22k Total Reviews and 28k Forum Posts
@TheReviewTrickster - Police Sergeant Rank
@Fro - 1k EXP Rank, 90k Medal Points, 11k Forum Posts and Level 40
@NekoMika - EXP Rank 300
@DoctorStrongbad - 14 Years on NG
@siddikinz - Town Watch Rank
@Viper - Level 49
@Powerage - 13 Years on NG

What a cute lil bat.
(Strange that it only looks like that on my profile)

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

- P R O F E S S I O N A L - G R A P H I C - D E S I G N E R -


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-11-09 16:07:05

At 11/9/18 12:40 PM, Decky wrote:

Many thanks for the many Congrats and...

What a cute lil bat.
(Strange that it only looks like that on my profile)

Congrats on that! :D Wonder if the Halloween icons were forgotten on some places hmm, interesting how long that might stay there.

BBS Signature