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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-09 03:27:35

At 10/8/18 12:06 AM, Nimhster2 wrote: I have finally reached Level 43 and acquired the goblin(?) sidekick.

Congrats on reaching level 43. Enjoy your nifty goblin sidekick.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-09 08:15:14

At 10/8/18 12:06 AM, Nimhster2 wrote: I have finally reached Level 43 and acquired the goblin(?) sidekick.

For the record, I'm pretty sure that's Belial from the movie Basket Case ;)

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-10 02:58:25

At 10/9/18 08:15 AM, Soapbubble wrote:
At 10/8/18 12:06 AM, Nimhster2 wrote: I have finally reached Level 43 and acquired the goblin(?) sidekick.
For the record, I'm pretty sure that's Belial from the movie Basket Case ;)

It is probably changed just slightly to avoid any legal issues. It would not be the first time.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-10 08:09:50

it shows my signup date as 23.12.2007 i think its a glitch @byteslinger

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-11 09:27:51

At 9/7/18 04:44 PM, Haggard wrote: Just be warned that the hurtigruten page can be a bit confusing. It IS possible to book a cruise from port to port (for example Bergen to Trondheim), but it seems it's only accessible on the norwegian site, not on the international one.

Swedish and Norwegian are pretty similar so that should be OK. :) Good to know though.

Books I don't know, jokes of course. And there are jokes about the germans from the dutch sude, of course.

Good to know that too! Guess we're on another level here though, we've got books. ;) I wonder if they have them about us too...

Yeah, one of the guides put it this way: "We love the swedes, as long as we beat them", heh. "We want to beat them in the Olymlics - which we do - and the ESC - who we don't."

Haha. XD Well said.

Oh yes, the in-laws have been to New Zealand as well and it seems it's just as amazing. And of course the in-laws are retired, so they have enough time to travel. :D

That pension age... hope to do a lot of traveling before I reach it. :) You never know how it'll go after that... sounds nice though! Stumbled upon some New Zealand videos lately and woah. Amazing views. Seems similar to Australia but so much more mountainous; watery, with winding rivers cutting through thick coats of verdant greenery... gotta go there some day too.

Yeah, smog can be really nasty. Luckily it's not a problem in Norway. There just aren't too many people in a single place. For example, the population density in to county Finnmark is like 1 person per km².

Oh wow, didn't know it was that little! Indeed, clean air's one of the major benefits living in Scandinavia. As long as you're outside the biggest cities there's still plenty of space.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-11 09:28:46

At 9/9/18 03:38 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: 5,000 ART Reviews
30,000 Total Reviews

Massive amounts! :D Congrats!

At 9/8/18 12:16 AM, Denton wrote: Well i did it. I finally got the rank of Supreme Commander a few days ago, i didn't even noticed it right away lol


At 9/7/18 11:21 PM, YellowisCOOL wrote: I've reached EXP rank 4,420 . I just wanted to put that out there

It's a four too much but Congrats!

At 9/7/18 02:48 PM, Kieran wrote: Thanks boi, why dont you come to NG chat sometime?

Time. :P

But maybe some time!

8000 exp
500 blams
Level 28

Also Congrats on those!

At 9/26/18 04:53 PM, Soapbubble wrote: 500 Audio Reviews! I'd like to thank the Random Audio button for existing.

Nice. XD Congrats!

At 9/30/18 07:04 AM, Decky wrote: It's been a very slow couple of years for me as far as these milestones go.

But anyway...

5,000 BLAMS

That is a BIG THING! Congrats!

At 9/28/18 01:56 PM, siddikinz wrote: gonna hit level 6 tomorrow!

Congrats in adva... ehh it was a while ago huh. Belated Congrats on that!

At 9/26/18 06:45 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: I just reached 19,000 posts.


At 10/2/18 05:27 PM, RightTime wrote: Level 20! I'm moving on up.

Congrats! Always @ the RightTime!

At 10/5/18 02:06 AM, Soapbubble wrote: 40 000 Medal points and 13 000 total B/P!


Oh, and I hit 9000 Experience, that's worth celebrating right?

And hell yeah! :D Congrats!

At 10/8/18 12:06 AM, Nimhster2 wrote: I have finally reached Level 43 and acquired the goblin(?) sidekick.


At 10/7/18 03:05 PM, Jackho wrote: Level 40
14k B/P
Captain rank
9k posts

Passed 40k total stats as well

Congrats on all that!

At 10/6/18 12:35 PM, Atlas wrote: Just reached level 25!


At 10/5/18 02:55 AM, YellowisCOOL wrote: 6.66 voting power. In time for Halloween

Good timing. :) Congrats!

At 9/9/18 09:24 AM, sumidiotdude wrote: Level 56. It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there.

Congrats man!

At 9/12/18 07:27 PM, Murray wrote: 14 year old NG account.

Happy NG Anniversary!

At 9/13/18 01:07 PM, Haggard wrote: 9,000 posts!

Those amounts that be the hardest to increase these days! Congrats!

I just realized that yesterday I reached 47,000 Experience points!

And Congrats on that!

At 9/15/18 01:01 PM, Bstuk2 wrote: Level 60. About 12 years of depositing(I missed a lot) and were finally here!

Awesome work! :D Congrats!

At 9/14/18 04:54 AM, Soapbubble wrote: 12,500 B/P, so I guess I'm a Lieutenant now!

Aw yeah! Congrats!

At 9/12/18 05:35 AM, Soapbubble wrote: 10 000 saves

Not too happy about my saves to blam ratio though :(

Well that ratio will just keep getting worse and worse - better get used to it. ;) Each accomplishment in regard to B/P's both a joy and a little bit depressing with them lacking blams. Congrats on the 10K anyway!

At 9/17/18 01:03 PM, byteslinger wrote: After many years of service, I have finally reached level 60, and 150,000+ total BP points.

Massive. Congrats!

At 9/15/18 09:16 AM, Hacsev wrote: Level 59! One more!

Almost there! :D Congrats!

At 9/21/18 02:53 AM, Haggard wrote: The voting system got revamped. Maybe a chance for all those users whose XP doesn't end with a 0 to get back to a nice and even XP score? Also, it doesn't show "With that vote, you now have 10,000XP" anymore. How on earth am I supposed to know I've reached an XP milestone? And how are users supposed to know they gained a level?

I hope those messages make a return...

Ah yeah, I'm missing those too. Was fun to just get a reminder of where you're at and how heavy your vote weighs even in between levels too, but...

At 9/21/18 07:00 AM, Peregrinus wrote: It pops up in the middle of the viewing area (which is why I dropped in, Lv30 and 10k saves get):

...good to know those show, at least! And man, won't ever get to see one of those messages in the redesign I guess. :/

For myself, hit EG Major (15k b/p) today... 1/10th of byteslinger.


At 9/9/18 10:05 AM, NekoMika wrote: I did take note and read that some words really do not have an opposite as it is almost impossible to come up with an opposite for some words and terms.

That's true!

I imagine it may have gone down if some users requested account removal which I have no issue with; some people just want to have less of an online presence overall for various reasons.

That too, yeah. Always a shame when someone does, but of course, it's their right (just hope their topics/submissions don't drag along some of my posts and reviews into the abyss, but with a small system update that wouldn't be a thing...).

Sounds great, I look forward to slowly reaching the top 50 on that list!

Seems the update will be mid-October. :) Finally caught up. Y'all be in for a (hopefully) pretty big update this time!


EXP Rank 134!
39,000 EXP!
93,000 Saves!
113,000 B/P!
212,000 Total!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-12 02:58:45

At 10/11/18 09:27 AM, Cyberdevil wrote:
At 9/7/18 04:44 PM, Haggard wrote: Just be warned that the hurtigruten page can be a bit confusing. It IS possible to book a cruise from port to port (for example Bergen to Trondheim), but it seems it's only accessible on the norwegian site, not on the international one.
Swedish and Norwegian are pretty similar so that should be OK. :) Good to know though.

Just the other day I read that norwegian is kind of "the middle language" in scandinavia, as in that most scandinavians can understand at least parts of written norwegian (I think swedes can understand up to 80% of what is written in norwegian, or so the site claimed).

I am trying to learn norwegian right now. So far I only use the app Duolingo, no courses with a teacher or anything like that. But it's funny how very similar norwegian grammar is to german grammar, most of the time the word order is 1:1 how it would be in german. For example "Her er jeg" -> "Hier (Her) bin (er) ich (jeg)". In english this is different: "Here (Her) I (jeg) am (er)".
Or some words are used exactly as they are in german. "Står" for example can be used to say "Det står i avisen", it's just like that in german: "Das (Det) steht (står) in (i) der Zeitung (avisen)".

What's killing me right now is the genders. Of course I am used to the concept of grammatical genders, as german has three genders as well (and it's not possible to use the male gender for female words either, as it is in norwegian). But it's quite difficult to learn DIFFERENT genders for things. In norwegian: en båt, et tog. In German: Das Boot, der Zug. It's just the other way round...

But at least I slowly get the hang of the definites and plurals. Avis - Newspaper. Avisen/Avisa - The Newspaper. Aviser - Newspapers. Avisene - The newspapers. Even though sometimes you get the feeling they are trying to make fun of you: Tallerkenen. Really?? :P

Yeah, one of the guides put it this way: "We love the swedes, as long as we beat them", heh. "We want to beat them in the Olymlics - which we do - and the ESC - who we don't."
Haha. XD Well said.

Damn, reading what I've written back then... I really should stop typing out posts on my phone. It has this annoying bug with the word suggestion list. I think I'll try to explain it this way:

suggestion 1 | suggestion 2 | suggestion 3

So, I get three word suggestions. I want suggestion 1, so I tap it. But sometimes the phone registers the tap at suggestion 2, or maybe it's a bug in the keyboard app I use, I don't know. So, instead of writing "suggestion 1" it writes "suggestion 2". And sometimes I don't catch the error and I end up writing stupid shit. Sometimes even the exact opposite of what I really wanted to say ("do" instead of "don't", for example).

Oh yes, the in-laws have been to New Zealand as well and it seems it's just as amazing. And of course the in-laws are retired, so they have enough time to travel. :D
That pension age... hope to do a lot of traveling before I reach it. :) You never know how it'll go after that...

They did travel before pension as well. But with three kids it's not always that easy. Plus, you rarely get like 3 months off to travel through Australia, lol.

gotta go there some day too.

If only it wasn't so far away. :O

Yeah, smog can be really nasty. Luckily it's not a problem in Norway. There just aren't too many people in a single place. For example, the population density in to county Finnmark is like 1 person per km².
Oh wow, didn't know it was that little! Indeed, clean air's one of the major benefits living in Scandinavia. As long as you're outside the biggest cities there's still plenty of space.

And even in very remote areas you still have amazing phone reception and 4G+ mobile internet connection! :D

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-12 09:18:24

The first level 60 from 2008 has arrived congrats @scipioafricanus

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-13 08:19:33

Woot woot! Police sergeant! I thought that, when I looked at my average, it was gonna be real bad since it took me so long, but when I did the math, it was about 4.2 B/P a day, which isn't that bad. Yay!

"We must fight against the machines"-The Ninja Society of Newgrounds | Join me in worship!

Name sig by Decky, Gods sig by Jackho

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-13 08:42:02 (edited 2018-10-13 08:48:59)

At 10/12/18 02:58 AM, Haggard wrote: Just the other day I read that norwegian is kind of "the middle language" in scandinavia, as in that most scandinavians can understand at least parts of written norwegian (I think swedes can understand up to 80% of what is written in norwegian, or so the site claimed).

Most definitely! I believe Norwegians understand Swedish the same, most of the ones I've spoken to understand me better than I understand them, but Danish is a bit more different, and Finnish is something else entirely, almost more like Japanese. Iceland I'm not sure about.

I am trying to learn norwegian right now. So far I only use the app Duolingo, no courses with a teacher or anything like that. But it's funny how very similar norwegian grammar is to german grammar, most of the time the word order is 1:1 how it would be in german. For example "Her er jeg" -> "Hier (Her) bin (er) ich (jeg)". In english this is different: "Here (Her) I (jeg) am (er)".
Or some words are used exactly as they are in german. "Står" for example can be used to say "Det står i avisen", it's just like that in german: "Das (Det) steht (står) in (i) der Zeitung (avisen)".

Interesting to know! Haven't thought about the structure, though I do understand certain phrases in German otherwise. Bits and pieces. Many words seem similar, and knowing two somewhat different other Germanic languages it's almost like words can either be understood via one or the other, even if the meaning's not exact, for example 'Ich bin' - 'I've been', or Angst, or with Swedish Morgen/Morgon, Spiel/Spel, etc. Similar words With Swedish, and understandable phrases with English, maybe... though considering the word order it shouldn't be that way after all...

What's killing me right now is the genders. Of course I am used to the concept of grammatical genders, as german has three genders as well (and it's not possible to use the male gender for female words either, as it is in norwegian). But it's quite difficult to learn DIFFERENT genders for things. In norwegian: en båt, et tog. In German: Das Boot, der Zug. It's just the other way round...

Is that... gender-based? Not: one boat, one train? Or turned around: båten or tåget (Swedish, but I suppose it's very smiliar), which would be the boat, and the train. In German das is the, and ein one, right? Seems very similar in this particular example... oh, yeah, it's either -et or -en, and when after the word it's sometimes singular and sometimes plural, without any explainable pattern there-to... hmm... yeah that's bound to be difficult to learn if you didn't grow up with it. Never thought about this before. English has some similar anomalies though. Seems you just learn by listening/speaking.

But at least I slowly get the hang of the definites and plurals. Avis - Newspaper. Avisen/Avisa - The Newspaper. Aviser - Newspapers. Avisene - The newspapers. Even though sometimes you get the feeling they are trying to make fun of you: Tallerkenen. Really?? :P

Maybe you should've gone for Swedish instead. XD

Damn, reading what I've written back then... I really should stop typing out posts on my phone. It has this annoying bug with the word suggestion list. I think I'll try to explain it this way:

Olymlics? Is that even a word?

suggestion 1 | suggestion 2 | suggestion 3

So, I get three word suggestions. I want suggestion 1, so I tap it. But sometimes the phone registers the tap at suggestion 2, or maybe it's a bug in the keyboard app I use, I don't know. So, instead of writing "suggestion 1" it writes "suggestion 2". And sometimes I don't catch the error and I end up writing stupid shit. Sometimes even the exact opposite of what I really wanted to say ("do" instead of "don't", for example).

Understandably frustrating! One of the reasons I have suggestions turned off is, though not this reason in particular, just their general unpredictability. Probably does make me a slower typer though; prone to prefer stationary devices over mobile. So much easier with a regular keyboard. Though Gmail have apparently started with a similar thing even for stationary. Still getting used to it, wondering if it's easier or not that way... they register common words and phrases, and add them in advance as you type (in light gray text, overtyping them as you go), and you can hit the TAB key to enter that predefined phrase and keep going, or just ignore it and continue writing. Problem is I usually finish typing the word faster than it'd take me to hit TAB and keep going, and it feels like an interruption in the thought process as you write. For longer phrases it might be useful, but then there's a new dilemma: you're presented with a phrase you commonly use. Do you want to use that phrase again, since it's so common? Were you about to write that phrase, or do you feel like you were simply because it's so common for you? Do you plan your writing further than a few words in advance, and prepare for such phrases or are these suggestions now playing on your subconscious, and what you're used to writing rather than what you could've written without a predetermined choice? Complications. XD

They did travel before pension as well. But with three kids it's not always that easy. Plus, you rarely get like 3 months off to travel through Australia, lol.

Ah, family, understandable then. Yeah three months is beyond even my summer vacationing capabilities now. :) Remembering them good old times with university studies and longer hiatuses between each course.. should've done way more traveling then.

If only it wasn't so far away. :O

But with a plane: doesn't take more than a day! :D

And even in very remote areas you still have amazing phone reception and 4G+ mobile internet connection! :D

That being Finland or Norway? In Sweden unfortunately not true. :) Up North we sometimes can't call anywhere at all. Coverage fluctuates. But I don't mind, less coverage: more freedom! No arrays of wireless rays reaching you all times of the day!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-13 08:44:19

EXP Rank 133

At 10/12/18 09:18 AM, Kieran wrote: The first level 60 from 2008 has arrived congrats @scipioafricanus

So it goes on! :D Congrats @scipioafricanus !

At 10/13/18 08:19 AM, Thereviewtrickster wrote: Woot woot! Police sergeant! I thought that, when I looked at my average, it was gonna be real bad since it took me so long, but when I did the math, it was about 4.2 B/P a day, which isn't that bad. Yay!

4.2 B/P per day hmm... wonder what the average is there. Seems I'm up at around 20. :) Congrats though! Lesser average probably means you really care about each submission; vote carefully!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-13 08:55:07

At 10/13/18 08:44 AM, Cyberdevil wrote: Lesser average probably means you really care about each submission; vote carefully!

Haha, it probably just means I'm lazy and/or don't have the time. I do always try to ve as fair as possible though, and not vote based on whether I think the submission will be blammed or protected. If I'm really not sure, I usually end up skipping out on a submission. Oftentimes I don't watch longer things because, well, they're long. Oh well, I hope I can end up doing something worthwhile on here.

"We must fight against the machines"-The Ninja Society of Newgrounds | Join me in worship!

Name sig by Decky, Gods sig by Jackho

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-13 09:05:23

At 10/13/18 08:55 AM, Thereviewtrickster wrote: If I'm really not sure, I usually end up skipping out on a submission. Oftentimes I don't watch longer things because, well, they're long. Oh well, I hope I can end up doing something worthwhile on here.

Ah, interesting to know! I usually don't skip anything intentionally, just the ones that happen to go through when I'm asleep/away/unable to get to a computer. If I don't have time enough I skim, and guess, but try to give a neutral vote on submissions I don't have time enough to fully appreciate, so I don't impact their score unfairly. Good thing with the new system is it's easy to change that later on if it turns out it was something amazing. :) You're definitely doing an impressive job on that! Absolute fairness is a virtue I think most don't have the patience for here.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-13 09:08:12 (edited 2018-10-13 09:08:48)

At 10/13/18 09:05 AM, Cyberdevil wrote:
At 10/13/18 08:55 AM, Thereviewtrickster wrote: If I'm really not sure, I usually end up skipping out on a submission. Oftentimes I don't watch longer things because, well, they're long. Oh well, I hope I can end up doing something worthwhile on here.
Ah, interesting to know! I usually don't skip anything intentionally, just the ones that happen to go through when I'm asleep/away/unable to get to a computer. If I don't have time enough I skim, and guess, but try to give a neutral vote on submissions I don't have time enough to fully appreciate, so I don't impact their score unfairly. Good thing with the new system is it's easy to change that later on if it turns out it was something amazing. :) You're definitely doing an impressive job on that! Absolute fairness is a virtue I think most don't have the patience for here.

Yes, I'll also sometimes give a passing score if I think it should pass, and in the general area of where I think it should be, and then when I have more time, and I know i've guaranteed myself a save, I'll come back and give it a more detailed analysis.

"We must fight against the machines"-The Ninja Society of Newgrounds | Join me in worship!

Name sig by Decky, Gods sig by Jackho

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-13 10:31:43

At 10/13/18 09:08 AM, Thereviewtrickster wrote: Yes, I'll also sometimes give a passing score if I think it should pass, and in the general area of where I think it should be, and then when I have more time, and I know i've guaranteed myself a save, I'll come back and give it a more detailed analysis.

Ah good to know. It's the human thing. :) Alas, us mortals only have so much time!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-13 10:36:33

At 10/12/18 09:18 AM, Kieran wrote: The first level 60 from 2008 has arrived congrats @scipioafricanus


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-13 10:39:52

So it goes on! :D Congrats @scipioafricanus !

Thanks as well!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-13 16:52:05

At 10/13/18 10:36 AM, scipioafricanus wrote:
At 10/12/18 09:18 AM, Kieran wrote: The first level 60 from 2008 has arrived congrats @scipioafricanus

Nice, that's quite an accomplishment. I guess I was the last user of 2001 to reach level 60, lol.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-13 17:09:58

At 10/13/18 04:52 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 10/13/18 10:36 AM, scipioafricanus wrote:
At 10/12/18 09:18 AM, Kieran wrote: The first level 60 from 2008 has arrived congrats @scipioafricanus
Nice, that's quite an accomplishment. I guess I was the last user of 2001 to reach level 60, lol.

One day someone who signed up in 2018 will be level 60 just imagine that

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-13 17:32:27

At 10/13/18 08:42 AM, Cyberdevil wrote: Most definitely! I believe Norwegians understand Swedish the same, most of the ones I've spoken to understand me better than I understand them, but Danish is a bit more different, and Finnish is something else entirely, almost more like Japanese. Iceland I'm not sure about.

I think norwegian and danish share the same vocabulary, but the pronounciation is different. Finnish is a completly different family of languages, I think it's related to hungarian (however that should be possible, heh), and so far the only language I know that makes use of "ää" in it's words.

Icelandic should be the most "pure" language, after all it's still very close to old norse. So, both our native languages derived from that. :D

What's killing me right now is the genders. Of course I am used to the concept of grammatical genders, as german has three genders as well (and it's not possible to use the male gender for female words either, as it is in norwegian). But it's quite difficult to learn DIFFERENT genders for things. In norwegian: en båt, et tog. In German: Das Boot, der Zug. It's just the other way round...
Is that... gender-based? Not: one boat, one train?
Or turned around: båten or tåget (Swedish, but I suppose it's very smiliar), which would be the boat, and the train. In German das is the, and ein one, right?

Yes, I got confused again. Of course "Das Boot" means "båten" and "Der Zug" means "toget". But I still have to use the male preposition "en" for one and the neuter preposition "et" for the other word. In german, I would have to use either "ein" for male and neuter, "eine" for female words. That's why I always tend to use "en" when learning a new word, because it's so imprinted in my brain to use the same preposition for male and neuter words, heh.

Seems very similar in this particular example... oh, yeah, it's either -et or -en, and when after the word it's sometimes singular and sometimes plural, without any explainable pattern there-to... hmm... yeah that's bound to be difficult to learn if you didn't grow up with it. Never thought about this before.

The worst part of learning any language are those little inconsistencies. For example, an "and" is a duck, but "ducks" is "ender". "Tre" is "Tree" (very straight forward), but "trees" is "trær". What the...?

English has some similar anomalies though. Seems you just learn by listening/speaking.

Yeah once I'm done with Duolingo (which still will take a while) I'm planning on picking up some childrens books, or maybe some kids movies. Gotta start with simple language first. ;)

But at least I slowly get the hang of the definites and plurals. Avis - Newspaper. Avisen/Avisa - The Newspaper. Aviser - Newspapers. Avisene - The newspapers. Even though sometimes you get the feeling they are trying to make fun of you: Tallerkenen. Really?? :P
Maybe you should've gone for Swedish instead. XD

Hm, since I do plan to visit sweden one day... ;)

Damn, reading what I've written back then... I really should stop typing out posts on my phone. It has this annoying bug with the word suggestion list. I think I'll try to explain it this way:
Olymlics? Is that even a word?

I really don't know where that came from...

Understandably frustrating! One of the reasons I have suggestions turned off is, though not this reason in particular, just their general unpredictability. Probably does make me a slower typer though; prone to prefer stationary devices over mobile. So much easier with a regular keyboard.

Yes, I think I will switch the keyboard app sooner or later, because I feel it's getting worse.

Though Gmail have apparently started with a similar thing even for stationary. Still getting used to it, wondering if it's easier or not that way...

I hate word suggestions when typing on a regular keyboard. I always turn it off in Word for example. It's too irritating. The only time it comes in handy is when programming.

Do you plan your writing further than a few words in advance, and prepare for such phrases or are these suggestions now playing on your subconscious, and what you're used to writing rather than what you could've written without a predetermined choice? Complications. XD

Who would have thought the simple feature of word suggestions would lead to a deeply philosophical debate? :D

If only it wasn't so far away. :O
But with a plane: doesn't take more than a day! :D

Or you could combine it with a stop over in Singapore... ;)

That being Finland or Norway? In Sweden unfortunately not true. :) Up North we sometimes can't call anywhere at all. Coverage fluctuates. But I don't mind, less coverage: more freedom! No arrays of wireless rays reaching you all times of the day!

Never been to Finland. ;)
The only time I didn't have any reception at all was when we where on a long hike and where some kilometers away from civilization. The hiking trail was nothing more than a few cm wide dirt track, sometimes hardly noticeable. It took us 5 hours, but we where also busy with geocaching while hiking. ;)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-15 08:27:59

At 10/13/18 05:32 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 10/13/18 08:42 AM, Cyberdevil wrote: Most definitely! I believe Norwegians understand Swedish the same, most of the ones I've spoken to understand me better than I understand them, but Danish is a bit more different, and Finnish is something else entirely, almost more like Japanese. Iceland I'm not sure about.
I think norwegian and danish share the same vocabulary, but the pronounciation is different. Finnish is a completly different family of languages, I think it's related to hungarian (however that should be possible, heh), and so far the only language I know that makes use of "ää" in it's words.

Written Danish and Norwegian is definitely very similar, but it's not the exact same. Definitely far more similar to eachother than Swedish written language, but I know that a lot of Norwegians have an easier time understanding Swedish spoken language compared to Danish due to how it's pronounced.
If you go to the south of Norway you'll find dialects that have a lot more in common with Danish than you'll find in the rest of the country.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-15 11:51:40

I'm now in the top 1,000 in experience, which I don't know if that's an achievement or not because I believe I've been ranked better than that before....

I also crossed 90,000 medal points. My main goal is 100,000 medal points so I still have many hours of work to push back before I get there.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-15 18:42:04

At 10/15/18 11:51 AM, Fro wrote: I'm now in the top 1,000 in experience, which I don't know if that's an achievement or not because I believe I've been ranked better than that before....

I also crossed 90,000 medal points. My main goal is 100,000 medal points so I still have many hours of work to push back before I get there.

Congrats on the under 1000 rank

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-17 13:13:48

At 10/17/18 10:51 AM, NekoMika wrote: Exp. Rank: #300

Congrats on 3Hunna!

Formerly Known As J-Rex

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-18 03:33:53

At 10/13/18 09:08 AM, Thereviewtrickster wrote: Yes, I'll also sometimes give a passing score if I think it should pass, and in the general area of where I think it should be, and then when I have more time, and I know i've guaranteed myself a save, I'll come back and give it a more detailed analysis.

That is not a bad way to do it. It certainly takes advantage of the new update's ability to alter your score. Plus, watching a submission more than once can help determine its score.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-20 02:52:31

14 year anniversary on NewGrounds.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-21 00:20:53

At 10/20/18 02:52 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: 14 year anniversary on NewGrounds.

Congrats Doc!

Formerly Known As J-Rex

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-21 09:17:30

just leveled up to town watch with 102 blams and protects!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-25 01:26:17

Finally level 49
Bout damn time I got my spooky Halloween scythe. I'd wanted the scythe level icon since before the last redesign but was obviously nowhere close to getting it by the time it happened. Im content with this but still want to trudge forward to level 60.

Formally known as Viper50

When you get into one of these groups theres only a couple of ways you can get out. One is death. The other is mental institution.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2018-10-25 17:55:25

At 10/21/18 12:20 AM, Atlas wrote:
At 10/20/18 02:52 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: 14 year anniversary on NewGrounds.
Congrats Doc!

Thanks. It took a lot of patience to stick around that long. My account is old enough to have an account.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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