Sorry for the late reply, I was at a wedding over the weekend.
At 8/17/17 06:00 PM, Murray wrote:
I've given him a call so let's see what's up!
He still hasn't appeared. Maybe if we call him by his old name Coop83? Will that help?
That's very handy for family then. With me, most family members are in the Wirral but then you get someone like my sister who's down in London and my aunt who's up in Dundee.
Yeah, now that we moved, the other part of my family is closer by. My other sister-in-law and her two kids (no husband, because the father of the kids is just a giant douchebag. I'm glad my sil realized that, albeit a little bit too late), my parents-in-law are also a lot closer now, too.
Sorry to hear about your obnoxious neighbours at one point. That sounds like how mine used to be or at least the one guy that was always the problem.
Ah yes, I remember you wrote a bit about him. I mean, I like to play some songs at full volume from time to time, too. But I don't get why some people have to be loud at all times.
Well, I do have a fake facebook account for all those sites where you cannot create accounts anymore, but they force you to log in via twitter, facebook, etc. but I don't really use it (plus, I really don't know how FB works, so... ;) ).
Ah, so you kinda have one but not enough to be actually using it. :P Ah well, it's a start.
Yeah, but I propably only see messages a few years after they have been sent, so don't get your hopes up too high. :P
I guess that would be the best option. But I still have AIM, ICQ and so on. Even Threema. But no WhatsApp.
Dear me, you really haven't changed your internet habits. AIM, ICQ, IN 2017?!?!
Well, I'm not online in AIM very often, but I still remember the account + password. ICQ I use daily. Mostly because it's an easy way to communicate with my wife, lol. But seriously, it's much faster to write an ICQ message than to shout something and then only get a "whaaaaat did you saaaay?" back. :P
Also, a few (online) friends hang out in ICQ from time to time, so it's not entirely useless. Even in 2017. ;)
I also use XAMPP daily, which is a really simple protocol, so it runs nearly everywhere.
The main means of communication is Threema, however.
Awwww shit, so sorry to hear about all of what you and your wife have gone through. You wanted to have a family but fate has gone horribly against you in that aspect. I feel it's a bit of a personal subject but if your wife cannot give birth to a child, have you two had any thoughts on adoption? Stupid question, I know since surely that would have been considered at least once but I'm just finding out what the answer is.
It's not like she definetly can't have children, it's that sometimes a pregnancy just goes wrong, and it's really nobody's fault. Sometimes there's just an error when the chromosomes divide (it's the most common reason for a miscarriage). As I've said, it happens more often than one might think.
That 40+ years old couple with a little kid? They didn't just wait so long to have kids, it just didn't happen sooner. The couple with two kids where one is significantly younger than the other? Same thing, they propably had a few miscarriages to suffer through as well.
My ex-colleague told me that her daughter nearly died during birth, and that it's for the best IF the pregnancy goes wrong, that it happens as early as possible, and I have to say she's right. A friend of ours became a mother just last year and a colleague of her's lost her baby in the 8th month. I can't imagine what my friend's colleague and her partner had to go through... :(
So yeah, IF a pregnancy goes wrong, please let it happen early. It's still not easy, but a lot easier to cope with than losing the baby at birth or shortly before birth.
We haven't really talked about adoption, but I think my wife is against it. I'm not too sure myself either.