At 4/30/14 11:53 PM, SmashLuigiFan1 wrote:
so many great games were released for it, like Metroid Prime, Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom, Animal Crossing, Eternal Darkness, F-Zero GX, Viewiful Joe, Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, the list goes on!
oh man! paper mario the thousand year door! i'm just gonna be gushing here, but i absolutely love TTYD! that and the first Paper Mario on the N64! Super Paper Mario was alright, currently playing through Sticker Star on my 3DS and i'm enjoying the new take so far, but the first and second i simply cannot get enough of!
the storyline, the characters, the music, everything in between: i fell in love with it all!
Yeah, I've never played a Neo Geo or Turbo-Grafx-16 myself, though I'd like to one day. And what games have you played on the Genesis other than Sonic 2? I could give you some great recommendations if you'd like, as I'm pretty familiar with a lot of the Genesis' library.
i did also play Battletoads and Streets of Rage far as i can recall, and those were fun. prolly some other games as well but i'm blanking out there. thanks for the offer, but i'll have no recommendations. throw some out if you will, though i will more than likely not act on it. i'm content with what i have as far as my sega genesis library goes lol
I've actually never played Killer Instinct or looked into that much. That's probably something I should fix, as all I know about the franchise is the whole "ultra/combo breaker" phrase.
if you can find the first KI for the SNES, it's worth a look. or even the second, Killer Instinct Gold, on the Nintendo 64 which i also liked. there is the reboot out there, though it bums me that it is solely on the Xbox One. had it been released on the PS4 as well, i would have been better with that. i digress; if you have an Xbox One or plan on getting it, you could check it out there.
At 5/1/14 12:21 AM, ZJ wrote:
I'm going to miss having Belial accompany all of my posts, though.
omg i have always wondered what that thing was! lol
also, dudley kicks ass
At 5/1/14 02:50 PM, Murray wrote:
Got a bit of time before going out for some karaoke (which is my usual for Thursdays starting from the start of this year) so replies time!
oooo karaoke! sounds like a blast!
Tonight's karaoke will be songs from The Beatles, Queen, David Bowie, Talking Heads and The Doors.
good selections, excellent selections even!
At 4/30/14 02:17 PM, Haggard wrote:
As much as I love the PlayStation (1 to 4), I have to say that the SNES STILL is one of the best consoles ever made. Game makers just had it down back then and the console is blessed with a lot of good stuff.
I can't argue with it being one of the most popular consoles of all time. All you need to do is look at the list of games they had and then realise how fucking impressive it was.
and yes
SNES had it going on, and even today it still does.
I always like a bit of chiptune/8-bit music but could do with more of it on my laptop. Best I can do for now is grab NES soundtracks. Over the last month or two I have been on a downloading spree for video game soundtracks but now I feel I'm just at the bottom of the barrel for downloading soundtracks of games that I'm familiar with.
i do the same as well; i can never go wrong with a Megaman soundtrack from the NES.
At 4/30/14 06:30 AM, Murray wrote:
I wasn't sure what you two enjoy from music generally but it's good to introduce people to stuff I'm familiar with and even vice-versa. I'm understanding that metal isn't for everyone but if one who isn't so big on it wants to try out something once in a while, I can always lend them in on a few records here and there.
good deal, good deal. i can respect that very much. i'm always open to new music tastes and all that jazz.
They still do tank awards but bringing them out hasn't been all that reliable for the last few years. I'm not even sure if we were meant to have tank awards at Pico Day last weekend. 2012's tank awards were postponed so long that it went over into mid 2013. The last tank awards that were hosted on Pico Day or early on in the year was in 2011 when I won it.
maybe they have their hands busy with other stuff. would be neat to see tank awards resurface.
I've still got that tank trophy and it's not going anywhere.
Incase you wonder what was the cause for me to win user of the year, it was due to my extreme contributions to icon and genre modding at the time.
16,000 icons is quite the number! props to ya
I do have a Street Fighter II game but only on the Mega Drive and I gotta say, Mega Drive controls for fighting games isn't all that great. Well, unless you had the six button controller as opposed to the normal one but I was never sure how that worked out.
i could never get used to it lol
My sister borrowed REmake off a friend of hers at the time and we both played it. I can't remember how far she got but I enjoyed it enough to pick up the game for myself. This is where my interest in Resident Evil began. It wasn't too long after that I got RE4 and that's become one of my favourite games of all time. Then it was a matter of playing 0, 2 and 3 all on the Gamecube (I know, ports for 2 and 3). I missed out on Code Veronica sadly and while I have it on the PS3, I haven't even gotten in that far.
i was let down that they did not remake the second and third as they had the first. it would have been amazing!
Admittedly, I felt I was put off from Super Smash Bros. but I think I can have enough fun with the 3DS variant. I still need a Wii U but I'm all for having more games on the 3DS. Plus, I know somewhere to go for StreetPass events.
i'm lacking in a WiiU as well, though i'm aiming to pick it up soon. alongside the new Smash Bros. there is Mario Kart 8 that i am looking forward to!
where do you go for streetpass events? i streetpass some people occasionally, but are there certain spots to go to for that?
At 5/2/14 04:28 PM, Xiivi wrote:
In a couple days I say goodbye to the greatest level icon this site has to offer. How do I cope? :weeps:
keep the icon, keep the icon! but then you don't level up aughh
truly a conflict; keep the greatest icon or level up; either way you weep :u
At 5/1/14 04:01 PM, wolfe wrote:
I'm going to be level 14 on my 18th birthday :)
an upcoming NG achievement and an IRL achievement. definitely check back when you reach both!