At 4/7/14 02:43 AM, Coop wrote: 31st Birthday today.
Happy Birthday.
At 4/7/14 02:43 AM, Coop wrote: 31st Birthday today.
Happy Birthday.
At 4/7/14 02:43 AM, Coop wrote: 31st Birthday today.
Happy belated birthday.
3 weeks time, I'll have been here for 10 years. Wow, doesn't time fly?
Yes, it's amazing.
With that vote, you now have 21,490 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 45.
I just reached 30,000 Experience Points.
At 4/7/14 02:43 AM, Coop wrote: 31st Birthday today.
Happy belated birthday Coop!
200 fans + #91 in EXP.
Let's see if I can reach the top 90 just before Easter!
Someone ban that guy that's submitted that crappy Flappy Freeman game three times in the last 24 hours
280,000 medal points reached.
At 4/15/14 09:08 AM, jonthomson wrote: Someone ban that guy that's submitted that crappy Flappy Freeman game three times in the last 24 hours
Although I'm sure this is the wrong thread to put this statement in, I totally agree with it.
"You're a bit of a ghoul - aren't you?"---ZeroAsALimit.
Just got to level 51! Bow down before my Angry Faic scepter.
At 4/16/14 08:49 PM, gamejunkie wrote: 47th Birthday.
A significant level up, to be sure! Congrats on not dying :) Birthday thread in General forthcoming!
Vault 101 I have (LOST) many old and deleted Flash submissions, (you can't) PM me (dammit Tom) the filename, maybe I (godhelpmeonedayIwill) got it.
Over 20,000 Combined Saves and Blams!!!
Two thirds of the way to that winged tank.
You passed 21,000 Experience Points. Good job!
At 4/15/14 09:19 AM, SCTE3 wrote: Congratulations to:
Murray - Level 57, 200+ Fans, #91 in Exp. Rankings
Cheers man! Now I'm in the top 90 for EXP. Just before Easter that I got this!
After all this time I finally reached the new level 49. While I wish it was still the cupid's bow the grim reaper scythe is still cool.
But even with all this it is not really a big deal though >_<
At 4/19/14 08:07 AM, Murray wrote: Cheers man! Now I'm in the top 90 for EXP. Just before Easter that I got this!
hummmmm; I remember when you were 90 points behind me, now you are in front of me :P
I still haven't broken top 100 but I am hanging in there. No more hospital stays would help