Hey whats new, i am having some computer problems, i just had to stick my head into warez lol, anyways ill prob reboot today or the next just wanted to stop in and congrats a few, arrg i have not reviewed in awhile, anyways wish me luck...
Congrats to "erpherman" on your way to lvl 11...
And congrats to "Crono-" for lvl 15 aaak 666 exp needed run its the devil haha, and BTW nice sig really nice...
And awsome work with the 7000 posts "KoRnFreakeR" i know the feeling with 7k heh...
Ahh "YoinKio" lvl 22 that is a cool level wish i was there...
"BlGMANBRAINY" 4000+ Saves nice protections keep saving them hehe...
And "daredevilguy" congrats pn level 8 keep on moving...
At 12/17/03 09:40 PM, James0 wrote: Well this is extremely odd...
Well i dont know maybe there is - this is what i see now:
Jimong5 - Exp. Points: 1,760 / 2,420
Experience: Ranked # 1,751 out of 413,146 users!
Blam/Protect: Ranked # 97 out of 413,146 users!
Voting Power: 6.69 votes
JamesO - Exp. Points: 2,915 / 3,093
Experience: Ranked # 646 out of 413,146 users!
Blam/Protect: Ranked # 96 out of 413,146 users!
Voting Power: 7.19 votes
You seem to make some major moves since then........Update!
At 12/18/03 02:51 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Okay, cool. I obviously vote yes on WIHT Level Up! Lounge since I was the one who made the suggestion in the first place. #;-}> Anyway, so far it looks like...
in favor of WIHT Level Up! Lounge (6)
Hey you forgot about me - i voted yes as well....
Congrats, X!
Thanks GFoX!
At 12/18/03 02:36 AM, BlGMANBRAINY wrote: k here we go. this is my one year aniversary. i just broke 4000 saves, and tomarow will have the next blam/save level (7000). i am swelling with joy. :)
Congrats on many counts, 4000 saves is really quite a lot, considering I'm only approaching 1K myself...
Cracked the top 600 for experience today, after yesterday's no change in both exp and b/p, it comes as a relief... only about 8 days until a level up then I can post on topic again :-)
Fun day at work today - enter about 250 warranty cards into the computer today in the morning, then in the afternoon wrap, tape and label 25 LCD TV's to be UPS'ed in about 40 minutes. That was tiring :-)
haha 1337 Review amount. Congrats jonthomson, thats a great accomplishment.
At 12/18/03 02:51 AM, gfoxcook wrote: in favor of WIHT Level Up! Lounge (6)
You forgot XkwiziTOnE and Sturmpanzerwagen.
in favor of no name change (1)
You forgot Impetus
The reason the final vote should stand 8 to 2 in favor of the name change is because some of these non-members come here a lot more than most official members. Someone in this forum once mentioned that we had a lot more than 16 members. I see what they meant. Checking back posts I count at least 6 WiHt? members virtually non-active at this point in time (again, if you want names start searching). Frankly gfox I think we should add another member to start off the new year.
Anyway, it sounds like perhaps it's time to ask liljim if the namechange can be done. That's not a sure thing, after all, there's not much of a precedent for this. Anywho, shall I ask him?
Couldn't hurt to try gfox. That was what we voted on wasn't it?
Horray! For me, I have just leveled up to level 12! Oh, i'm so happy. But looking at my level 12 icon, I like'd the knuckles better. But oh well I'll get the bad ass bat next in 68 days, if I keep on depositing my points, give a few if the add more needed points.But,yea I'm so proud.
But currently, I'm wprking on my newest blam/save rank. I'm currently on 648 all together. I plan to get a hundred per week. Maybe a lot more when I'm on break.But, yea until then. Congrats on level 22,and all the other level up's until I come back and inform you on my latest level or rank.
At 12/18/03 04:43 PM, Goldendragon07 wrote: Horray! For me, I have just leveled up to level 12! Oh, i'm so happy. But looking at my level 12 icon, I like'd the knuckles better. But oh well I'll get the bad ass bat next in 68 days, if I keep on depositing my points, give a few if the add more needed points.But,yea I'm so proud.
Congrats on the level up, but on your day calculation, you're forgetting that the target moves every day, and so it'll take you 85 days to level up. But hey, if you can wait that long, an extra 2-3 weeks isn't too long :-)
But currently, I'm wprking on my newest blam/save rank. I'm currently on 648 all together. I plan to get a hundred per week. Maybe a lot more when I'm on break.
Yeah - you're still at the stage where it's 500 a rank up. If you're on break you can just take a couple of days and go ballistic with the blams and saves. But yeah, 100/week is sustainable quite comfortably even if you have very little time to spend on NG,
At 12/18/03 04:15 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: The reason the final vote should stand 8 to 2 in favor of the name change is because some of these non-members come here a lot more than most official members.
it's winning becouse we have a lot of inactive members?
At 12/18/03 06:17 PM, _lightning_ wrote:At 12/18/03 04:15 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: The reason the final vote should stand 8 to 2 in favor of the name change is because some of these non-members come here a lot more than most official members.it's winning becouse we have a lot of inactive members?
Yeah that might be a possiblity.......
At 12/18/03 06:17 PM, _lightning_ wrote:At 12/18/03 04:15 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: The reason the final vote should stand 8 to 2 in favor of the name change is because some of these non-members come here a lot more than most official members.it's winning becouse we have a lot of inactive members?
I don't think it would change the vote too much _lightning_ but I could be wrong. Most of the other people (members or not) would have to vote against the name change to sway the current consensus.
At 12/18/03 08:05 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote: I don't think it would change the vote too much _lightning_ but I could be wrong. Most of the other people (members or not) would have to vote against the name change to sway the current consensus.
Well im not a member but i would vote to leave it as is, ohwell...
At 12/18/03 05:02 AM, _lightning_ wrote: congrats i guess btw is it really true that you get a edit button when you get to 6000 posts?? don't think so but do hope so =]
Thanks :) Nah, there is no edit button, you don't get any reward for posting a lot :)
At 12/19/03 11:26 AM, KoRnFreakeR wrote: Thanks :) Nah, there is no edit button, you don't get any reward for posting a lot :)
Oh, BTW, I just turned lvl. 13. LEVEL UP! ;)
Sorry for the double post
At 12/19/03 11:27 AM, KoRnFreakeR wrote:
Oh, BTW, I just turned lvl. 13. LEVEL UP! ;)
Cool, only 65 points away myself now, will level up a day or two later than I expected by the looks of things - there's a load of us that will be making that level soon, and a fair few that are already there. The place will be overcrowded with bats...
At 12/19/03 11:26 AM, KoRnFreakeR wrote: Thanks :) Nah, there is no edit button, you don't get any reward for posting a lot :)
didn't think so would have been nice. congrats on becomminga level 13 btw =]
At 12/19/03 11:27 AM, KoRnFreakeR wrote: Oh, BTW, I just turned lvl. 13. LEVEL UP! ;)
Hehe ! Congrats man !
One day you'll be as high ranked as Shrapnel :-P
At 12/19/03 12:17 PM, alexsmolik wrote:At 12/19/03 11:27 AM, KoRnFreakeR wrote: Oh, BTW, I just turned lvl. 13. LEVEL UP! ;)Hehe ! Congrats man !
One day you'll be as high ranked as Shrapnel :-P
Congrades to you KornFreakeR - keep on going and going......
Alexsmolik - I see a new sig - nicely done - kinda got very very use to your other one but this one is good too...
At 12/15/03 03:06 PM, _lightning_ wrote:
talking about spancke,r in how many day's will he go down a level?? 100? 150?
A simple lack of posting here doesn't mean he's not getting the deposits in (hope this formats ok)
27. trigger_happy07 9/8/2003 M 80 12:48:37 PM, Dec 19, 2003
28. the_phantom_spancker 12/22/2001 M 4,580 12:48:33 PM, Dec 19, 2003
29. Opiate7001 12/10/2003 M 130 12:48:29 PM, Dec 19, 2003
At 12/18/03 11:04 AM, daredevilguy wrote: yay! i leveled up to 8! woohoo!
Congratulations daredevilguy, I do believe you were forgotten in The Sea of Posts.
Thanks all you guys! :)
{{{level up "crew"}}}
At 12/19/03 01:01 PM, jonthomson wrote: A simple lack of posting here doesn't mean he's not getting the deposits in (hope this formats ok)
28. the_phantom_spancker 12/22/2001 M 4,580 12:48:33 PM, Dec 19, 2003
I haven't been keeping track of spancker's experience total since he changed his password on me. Is he still depositing? It would be a shame to see him start backsliding from level 15.
in favor of WIHT Level Up! Lounge (6)
Hmm Im in Favor of a Name change so add me there.
Oh, BTW, I just turned lvl. 13. LEVEL UP! ;)
hehe Congrats
Where's gfox gone to? For that matter where are all the other mods? I think the only mod I saw on-line tonight was Joe. Meh, things are quiet around here.
At 12/20/03 01:51 AM, Recon_Rebel wrote: Where's gfox gone to? For that matter where are all the other mods? I think the only mod I saw on-line tonight was Joe. Meh, things are quiet around here.
Eh... I saw Tanner, Shrapnel and DanMalo on earlier... haven't seen gfox.. and Newgrundling posts in one topic. (But maybe if everyone says his name we can lure him out, he's like some magical leprechaun, YAY!)
At 12/19/03 09:30 PM, Crono- wrote: Hmm Im in Favor of a Name change so add me there.
Would you like to trade blam/protect ranks Crono-? I'm game if you are.
Hey guys, i'm back from my week without the Internet >:(
How much did that suck! three times the cable guy didn't show up to fix the bastard :(
Anyway back now, keep it real.
At 12/20/03 07:48 AM, MacBeth- wrote: Hey guys, i'm back from my week without the Internet >:(
How much did that suck! three times the cable guy didn't show up to fix the bastard :(
At least it's back for Christmas. The worst one was when I was in Leamington and our NTL telly was fucked, and the repair guy originally went to Rugby, about 20 miles away :-(