At 12/18/03 04:15 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
At 12/18/03 02:51 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
in favor of WIHT Level Up! Lounge (6)
You forgot XkwiziTOnE and Sturmpanzerwagen.
in favor of no name change (1)
You forgot Impetus
whoops. I was only scanning a certain range of level up!, so I must have missed them by just a bit.
The reason the final vote should stand 8 to 2 in favor of the name change is because some of these non-members come here a lot more than most official members. Someone in this forum once mentioned that we had a lot more than 16 members. I see what they meant. Checking back posts I count at least 6 WiHt? members virtually non-active at this point in time (again, if you want names start searching). Frankly gfox I think we should add another member to start off the new year.
Not too hard to think of who you mean. spancker and Drimarki and redrum and jessica for starters... and then in our most recent membership, Mystboy and Dobio don't come around too often. I'm guessing that's who you mean.
Anyway, I wouldn't be opposed to a new member. Or members, for that matter.
jonthomson, -PZY-, XwaynecoltX, KornFreaker, Impetus, LockClock, etc. etc. tons of possibilities. Any of you guys (or others) likes the idea of joining our little group officially here (not that you need to), please say so over in the memberlist thread so we don't clutter up level up! too much, please:
Anyway, it sounds like perhaps it's time to ask liljim if the namechange can be done. That's not a sure thing, after all, there's not much of a precedent for this. Anywho, shall I ask him?
Couldn't hurt to try gfox. That was what we voted on wasn't it?
I just e-mailed him. I guess we'll find out soon enough whether it can be done/will be done.
At 12/18/03 06:17 PM, _lightning_ wrote:
At 12/18/03 04:15 PM, Recon_Rebel wrote:
The reason the final vote should stand 8 to 2 in favor of the name change is because some of these non-members come here a lot more than most official members.
it's winning becouse we have a lot of inactive members?
I wouldn't go that far. If 10 regular posters in this thread are 80% in favor of changing the name a bit to make it more informative/accurate/less spammed by noobs... then I doubt that if 10 more people were to vote, it would suddenly become 20% in favor. Might lower it a bit if some oldies who haven't been around for awhile came back and said "no, leave it!"
but consider this:
spancker, Recon, and leeboy are 3 of the 4 oldest members of this group (we weren't able to get Drimarki's opinion, unfortunately), and all three of them are cool with the namechange.
So if the very core of the group votes yes... I don't think you can assume other inactive members would vote no. Lightning is the only single digit member who'd rather the name didn't change, for example.
Anyyywho, it's all rather a moot point. Just see how you feel about it if liljim can change it, does change it, and then we can try it out. And if liljim can't or won't change it, then it's even MORE a moot point. #;-}>