At 4/6/13 05:41 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 3/26/13 08:20 PM, Bahamut wrote:
For now, best maintaining our friendship since we both still speak to each other a lot and we're aren't blanking each other out.
Maybe you guys will get back together at some point down the road if you stay in touch, who knows?
I'd be lying if I said it hasn't once crossed my mind. It's really up to her if she would like to go out with me again. She was the one that needed to take a break from things and in the end told me she couldn't be with me anymore as a result of the events that occurred. It's also a matter of her deciding when she's up for dating anyone again and that could be a while.
That said, she does want to see me again soon so when we find the best time, we'll meet again and I do look forward to it. Keep in mind that this will be the first time I'll see her in person since the break up so it will feel weird. I may end up taking the shot to see if she would take me back but I won't do it hastily so that won't happen during our next encounter. Perhaps after seeing her in person a few times I might just ask and see what happens but I'll only even dare to attempt that when I've not heard from her negative side for a while. Hearing that side of her ensures me that she is not to the self that she needs to be in.
Happy 3,000 pages to the Level Up Lounge! I only wish happier topics could be talked about around here but that's how things go.
At least something's still being talked about here... :\
And we do have different things to talk about now. Me and Haggard were wondering about the universe. :D
I'll be going to the rock bar with my sister on Friday,
Any more karaoke? I want video evidence of you doing Gangnam Style. (Preferably while intoxicated.) 0:D
At that bar, not a chance. The music will be all loud to the extreme so no chance to be singing there on mic. Also, Harlem Shake is the new thing now, not Gangnam Style. Get with the times. :P Although, I much prefer Gangnam Style as a song over Harlem Shake.
Last week I was trying to see if I could buy one of the latest games. I suppose with the saved money now I could potentially get one of them, particularly Tomb Raider. However, if my parents do go ahead with the trip to Spain then I'll need to save up a bit.
New video games are cool, though a trip to Spain sounds better. Hell, I haven't traveled anywhere long-distance in years... I think the last time was the trip to the Bahamas I took with my mom, back in the late 90's. I always wanted to see New Zealand, ever since seeing the Lord of the Rings movies. Damn, now THAT would be a hike! :P
I went ahead and picked up Tomb Raider. It's a step up from the Legend trilogy but it doesn't feel groundbreaking as the game should have tried to aim for. It can be fun for being action packed but like Resident Evil 5 and occasionally RE4, the amount of ambushes can get a bit tedious after a while. However, I like that they save the more puzzling parts for the optional tomb locations to attempt to get to the treasure. What I really didn't like the game was the horrible lack of diversity with enemies. You have wolves, you have scavengers and... nothing else until samurais later on in the game. Seriously, three different kind of enmies in the whole smegging game. What the hell is this? There were more different enemies from the first four levels of the first game alone than this. At least they did have a boss fight unlike the previous game. So yeah, not a masterpiece but it's decent for a one-time experience.
As for holidays, I'd like to do something again but again, I NEED A FUCKING JOB! I'm gonna have to pass down the trip to Spain with my parents due to money limitations. I should be going to Birmingham next month but plans haven't been confirmed yet so I may end up missing out on that. Still, for Spain I just have to see how much it will cost me. Maybe I'll get away with just a hundred or two to spend for the whole thing and it might pass that way. Otherwise, I'll have to give it a miss.
I'm sure I've said my opinion on having kids already but I'll go ahead and explain my views in better detail. I generally don't have a definite yes or a definite no for having kids. While I can see that my cousin can be obnoxious, I was certainly no better when I was his age and raising a kid is certainly one of the biggest challenges in life. Somewhere down the road I could have a kid of my own and I'd have to raise him/her if me and my love partner made the commitment to reproduce.
I almost feel like at some point I'll want to have a kid. (Do guys have an biological clock? lol) But it just feels like a long, long way off, and doesn't feel as if it's getting any closer. (Makes no sense, I know.) While I don't enjoy the company of children, the bottom line is I'm sure I'd feel differently, if it was my own child I was looking at, not just some random person's screaming little whelp. ^^ The future holds what it holds, though -just gotta wait and see.
That's just it. If you live in that more manageable part of your life, having a child is something you could consider more. Although, if my partner is dead set on not raising a kid at all, even with a house to ourselves and after marriage, that's really the final answer.
Oh, and there may be that debate about whether it's fine to have sex before marriage or not but after the relationship I had, there's absolutely no way I can be a preachy kind of person on the whole matter.
Never really understood the whole issue with premarital sex, but then again, I'm not a religious person, so... In my experience, we waited for at least 6 months into the relationship before beginning to explore that "area". lol Honestly, I'm glad we did wait until we knew each other well, as it made it so much more meaningful.
Six months sounds like a reasonable amount of time. Unfortunately with my partner, although she wanted a clean start with me, she later tried to push the idea of sex more and more and I think it got to her mind in the end. My idea from the start of the relationship wasn't even to try and get in her pants until a much later time. All I wanted to do was to enjoy ourselves and doing things together. That was my idea for the early days of the relationship. Some women think men are only after one thing, I am wanting to do much more than that with my partner in terms of activities and interest.
Hell, I could tell myself that I wasn't such a great kisser at first but I did get the hang of it all just before the turning point. Just shows what I was like before 2013. :P
Ha! See, it was a learning experience in more than one way! ;)
Yep, that's one thing that I can provide better for my next partner now that I've got hang of it. Even if I may not be able to kiss a girl for a good while, at least now I am able to do the french kiss after having my experience. As for other things I can learn from this relationship, if a girl says she needs some space, just let her give her own time. I was probably a little too hard on her when I was trying to do what I can just to see each other because I thought it might have helped her out if she did have my company. Next time I know just to give them time, although I won't want it to last for weeks on end.
Anything else, that's really about it. There were times where what I did would have resulted in a slap from the woman but considering her sexual characteristics, she was more tolerant of it as well as leading me on it. So as you can expect, when I just get her to get a feel of my ass, it did take me by surprise. :P