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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-31 12:44:25

84th Most experienced

This ladder is getting shorter. It seems that I'm making leaps and bounds up places all of a sudden...

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-31 12:55:03

At 3/30/13 07:53 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/30/13 02:51 AM, Haggard wrote: Trust me. Noone will complain if you hear you shagging in your tent. ;) But you might have to deal with people either cheering you on outside the tent... or trying to get into the tent, joining the party. ;)
Now more than ever, I understand the meaning of the phrase "fuck off" :P

Or the phrase "don't fuck with me". XD

Also, what are those "shower"-thingies you talk about? :P
Like standing in the rain, but warmer, with the application of herbal blends, which help to keep hippies smelling nice :P

I see. I think I've heard of them before...

I beg to differ. Since I don't find anything attractive about the male body, I just can't imagine having any erotic encounters with a male person.
I don't find things attractive about the male form, but I can see why certain females are attracted to certain male looks (though why they are attracted to Robbie Williams is beyond me). It's one of the reasons that I work out - to make my own for more attractive.

"Why carry a six pack if you can have a whole keg?" is a common phrase here... and in my experience, women don't like overly muscular men that much anyway.

Prince Harry is a legend! The Prince Philip of the new generation. Casually racist, sense of humour, war hero, everything the modern Royal Family needs.

Since I was talking about spanking before... all the royal family needs, is a good spanking. :P

At 3/31/13 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/28/13 03:41 PM, LadyX wrote:

Yeah, I was pretty sure I was logged in to my main account already. :/

At 3/28/13 12:03 PM, Bahamut wrote: Funny what you can explore out there just by going outside for whatever reason.
Yes. It's also amazing how small a "big city" can be.
They say it's a small world. I suppose it's true. Hell, all we've done is explored this planet and only a small fraction of the universe has been discovered by us. Scary to think how massive the whole universe really is but I do wonder what is actually out there. I know it sounds cliche but we can't be alone here. I can have a few thoughts in my mind about outer space that some may find a tad startling. I mean, what we refer this planet as Earth can be a completely different name to whatever species out there have seen our planet. I sometimes wonder how advanced technology is out there in another world.

I'm pretty sure there is more intelligent life out there. If they can travel through the universe I don't know. But since there is an infinite number of planets out there, there just has to be another one where there is life...

Yeah, I really need to shut up at times. We're not gonna find out these things in our lifetimes unless we froze ourselves. Also not happening. :P

I heard a radio play not too long ago (from the 60's. I really am into old radio plays like that), it was about a guy who had an illness that couldn't be cured in the time he lived. So he decided to freeze himself. Then, when his illness could be cured, he was unfrozen. But it turned out that he couldn't cope with society anymore, since almost everything he knew had changed.

I don't know much about the traffic in London. But Barcelona is pretty bad... once I've seen an ambulance with sirens on, but almost everyone just ignored it's priority.
London gets hectic at times, particularly in the central area where everything is located. One city I dread to go to due to traffic and being an extremely busy place is New York. It's never made to look quiet at all.

I heard that it's pretty easy to orient yourself there. Well, that's one advantage of the "chess board" like streets.

Nice one. ;)
One of my colleagues had his last working day today. He's now going on a "work & travel" trip for 6 to 12 months.
I'd also like to go to a Comic Con or a PAX event. You know, where Tom himself shows up to but I wouldn't be there just for him. I would of course go there for various other things.

Yeah, I would like to go to Comic Con as well. But I wouldn't travel all the way just for that event.

Exactly. What's the point if everyone just gets saves and saves and even more saves just to be high in some (not so important) list?
It's sad because I tried to keep my faith in the blammers but less and less it actually works. The staff really need to think over the judgment system, otherwise the portal is gonna keep digging its grave. It's no wonder so many have abandoned ship from here...

There are also other things I'm not too happy about. For example how long it takes to get the special characters on the BBS working again. I mean, it's broken since the redesign and since then we hear that it's being looked into. But come on... it can't be that hard to change the character coding. It is already working for our newsposts!

Not trying to put your work down. I enjoy stat lists. But if people do everything just to be on it... it becomes questionable if the list should be continued. It's a nice addition to us stat whores, nothing more (and nothing less!), but if you just feel it's a chore to do it... it's best to stop doing it.
Well, I'm still thinking things over but the EXP update is still on schedule. I will need to catch up on my user extractions and hopefully I find a bit of time to do that. As for the B/P update, I'll see how I am by next Sunday.

Exp is a different thing. We all just get 10 Exp per day, so there's no questionable voting habits or anything like that involved. It's just a matter of if you can motivate yourself every day to deposit your Exp. ^^

I feel the same about B/Ping in general and the feeling gets stronger every time I see that I only got as much as TWO blams for the whole day. So, I stop B/Ping for the rest of the week and we see how it goes from there... maybe I even have some more time to do some reviews? ^^
I only stopped because I wanted my retirement goal and had nothing to do with savewhoring problems whatsoever.

Well, what can I say. I don't miss B/Ping that much. But I didn't have much time to be here anyway. And since I'm working full time since a few months, there's even less time for B/Ping. And in my new company, I don't know if I can surf privatly as much as I did at my old place. So, even less time...

Maybe I will become active again, but maybe I'll just up my numbers to a nice, round total and that's it. I really would like to reach 20k blams, but with only 1 to 4 blams a day, it's just not worth the effort.

That said, I've not tried to blam with my Toohot100 alt for a long time now.

I tried blamming with one alt as well. But out of 30 votes cast, I barley did recieve any blam points. So... fuck that.

It didn't bother me so much beforehand but now I do see how dull life is when I'm stuck sitting in front of my laptop for most of the time.

Well, maybe that's just the motivation you need to change something. I know the feeling all too well. In fact, sometimes I didn't feel like working in my student job at all. But I just couldn't tell my wife: "Oh I stopped working there because I just couldn't motivate myself". That would have been very silly.

I only ask for a few things in life and I try to not be more demanding than that. All I want is to have a good job and to enjoy my life with a love partner together and forever. Is that really much to ask for, life?

IMO: No.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-01 12:22:12

Listening to:

Queen - A Night at the Opera. The best!
Queen - A Day at the Races. Also good!

At 3/31/13 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/31/13 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/28/13 03:41 PM, LadyX wrote:
Yeah, I was pretty sure I was logged in to my main account already. :/

I don't think I've ever made this mistake once. Although, if I am giving up depositing my alts then it's less likely it will even happen. Now I'm only going to deposit for the one guy who has asked me to take care of his account for as long as possible. I'm still keeping that favour for him even four years on. While I have missed a lot of deposits for him, I'm still doing at least 90% so hopefully it's still good. Then again, if it weren't for me, he'd only be around level 40 and he's at least ten higher than that now.

They say it's a small world. I suppose it's true. Hell, all we've done is explored this planet and only a small fraction of the universe has been discovered by us. Scary to think how massive the whole universe really is but I do wonder what is actually out there. I know it sounds cliche but we can't be alone here. I can have a few thoughts in my mind about outer space that some may find a tad startling. I mean, what we refer this planet as Earth can be a completely different name to whatever species out there have seen our planet. I sometimes wonder how advanced technology is out there in another world.
I'm pretty sure there is more intelligent life out there. If they can travel through the universe I don't know. But since there is an infinite number of planets out there, there just has to be another one where there is life...

We can't say how many planets are actually out there but there's gotta be some lifeform somewhere. However, if nothing has arrived here all this time then chances are we probably won't ever see them now. Heck, maybe Earth will never see extraterrestrial life at all. I know scientists are doing a lot to find whatever is out there but if they ever do find anything and is currently living, we're still a long way off. Kinda funny how some like myself want to know what's out there when for all we know, they could possibly destroy the whole world if they ever approached us. :P There's a 99.99% chance anyone outside of this planet approaches us will be hostile.

Yeah, I really need to shut up at times. We're not gonna find out these things in our lifetimes unless we froze ourselves. Also not happening. :P
I heard a radio play not too long ago (from the 60's. I really am into old radio plays like that), it was about a guy who had an illness that couldn't be cured in the time he lived. So he decided to freeze himself. Then, when his illness could be cured, he was unfrozen. But it turned out that he couldn't cope with society anymore, since almost everything he knew had changed.

If I did get frozen for 50 years or so, I kinda dread how technology will be then. What would the internet even be like then? We complain about what Facebook and YouTube changes enough over one thing so imagine them in 2050s when the time arrives. A far distance future like that is a long way to go and I don't want to look far ahead, especially when I'd like to make sure I can have a good life. Seriously, even trying to look at five years in the future is something I'd rather avoid. For now I want to try and fix myself a bit. I don't want to be single and unemployed for all eternity.

London gets hectic at times, particularly in the central area where everything is located. One city I dread to go to due to traffic and being an extremely busy place is New York. It's never made to look quiet at all.
I heard that it's pretty easy to orient yourself there. Well, that's one advantage of the "chess board" like streets.

Maybe if you've been living there all your life.

I'd also like to go to a Comic Con or a PAX event. You know, where Tom himself shows up to but I wouldn't be there just for him. I would of course go there for various other things.
Yeah, I would like to go to Comic Con as well. But I wouldn't travel all the way just for that event.

I'd travel all the way to Philadelphia for the NG office if I could. :P

It's sad because I tried to keep my faith in the blammers but less and less it actually works. The staff really need to think over the judgment system, otherwise the portal is gonna keep digging its grave. It's no wonder so many have abandoned ship from here...
There are also other things I'm not too happy about. For example how long it takes to get the special characters on the BBS working again. I mean, it's broken since the redesign and since then we hear that it's being looked into. But come on... it can't be that hard to change the character coding. It is already working for our newsposts!

Yeah, I'm starting to lose my patience with them over this. I'm sorry but it's been over a year and something that seems so minor as well as something I've not once seen on any other website on the world wide web is starting to take the piss. Another thing I want them to fix which has lasted far longer than it should have is the error with artists having their posts listed in riff-raff. I am sick of having my posts shown in the community section when clearly it should be in artists. I'm to the point where I hardly want to make that many news posts now. The effort I put into all those posts and hardly got any responses for it. Infact, I wouldn't even get anything now unless it was a short and simple post. I don't think I'll be renewing my supporter badge in September if this is still going on even then.

Well, I'm still thinking things over but the EXP update is still on schedule. I will need to catch up on my user extractions and hopefully I find a bit of time to do that. As for the B/P update, I'll see how I am by next Sunday.
Exp is a different thing. We all just get 10 Exp per day, so there's no questionable voting habits or anything like that involved. It's just a matter of if you can motivate yourself every day to deposit your Exp. ^^

I said to Metal-Therapy that the worst you can do is having a ridiculous amount of alts or taking over accounts that clearly do not belong to you in the first place. Everything else, the system is spot on, although there's been a few moments where users have gained more EXP than realistically possible whether it be a request to one of the admins or they found an exploitation somewhere.

I only stopped because I wanted my retirement goal and had nothing to do with savewhoring problems whatsoever.
Well, what can I say. I don't miss B/Ping that much. But I didn't have much time to be here anyway. And since I'm working full time since a few months, there's even less time for B/Ping. And in my new company, I don't know if I can surf privatly as much as I did at my old place. So, even less time...

If you are giving yourself some time to review submissions, that I feel is far more productive than continuing to gain points. I only wish there were more dedicated reviewers on the site. Now all you see is crappy one liners that look like they belong in YouTube comment boxes. This is not the direction we should be heading but clearly the internet is having much lower standards than it did before.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-01 12:22:17

Maybe I will become active again, but maybe I'll just up my numbers to a nice, round total and that's it. I really would like to reach 20k blams, but with only 1 to 4 blams a day, it's just not worth the effort.

Yeah, that's only eternal so it's not really all that worth it. Funny to think gfox still needs to get 36,000 saves yet now is the best time to get what you need. It shouldn't be encouraged but he's taken long enough to even try and get there. Just about 1,600 more saves needed for him. It can't be that hard if he focused enough but I suppose his life is too busy to even have time for B/P anymore. It's always a good idea to try and get points from the portal when you're depositing.

That said, I've not tried to blam with my Toohot100 alt for a long time now.
I tried blamming with one alt as well. But out of 30 votes cast, I barley did recieve any blam points. So... fuck that.

It's painful to even hear that.

It didn't bother me so much beforehand but now I do see how dull life is when I'm stuck sitting in front of my laptop for most of the time.
Well, maybe that's just the motivation you need to change something. I know the feeling all too well. In fact, sometimes I didn't feel like working in my student job at all. But I just couldn't tell my wife: "Oh I stopped working there because I just couldn't motivate myself". That would have been very silly.

At least now I feel staying at home all day is never a good thing. I've enjoyed my free time listening to music for at least 12 hours a day and playing video games whenever I feel like it (with the odd TV and movie to watch) but I think I've let myself have all this free time for a good long time. I know I have friends to see at least twice a week but I think a bit more can be done outside the house. Maybe now that I'm saving money on travel expenses I can possibly do something for another day of the week but I gotta see that I can do it within budget. I can't get myself hammered every Friday when that will only demolish my money so fast. Perhaps I can see that once a month I can go out for a Friday drink.

I only ask for a few things in life and I try to not be more demanding than that. All I want is to have a good job and to enjoy my life with a love partner together and forever. Is that really much to ask for, life?
IMO: No.

Thanks man! I know other things may be desired at a later point but it's not like I'm asking to be a millionaire or anything. Just the money to get me by in life will do for me. Sure, the vast amount of money would be nice but I'm not going to make it a lifelong goal or anything. As for a love partner, this one is never a piece of cake to obtain but I only want to share my time with a special someone. To be able to do a lot of things together wherever we go would make myself really happy and I want to make sure I can make my loved one happy and special as well. I don't want to feel like I'm treating her like a possession and I much prefer an equal relationship so neither of us is more dominant than the other.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-01 13:33:27

Queensryche are the headliners for saturday on the Rock Hard Festival 2013. Are they fucking kidding me? First of all, there's King Diamond who I'd much rather see on a Saturday (now he plays on Sunday, so chances are very slim that I will see him) plus the rest of the billing is very "meh", to say the least. Really, the only band I like to see is Fleshcrawl... but oh well, the festival where I don't have fun hasn't been invented yet, haha.

But really... Queensryche... that's just a fucking joke...

At 4/1/13 12:22 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/31/13 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/31/13 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/28/13 03:41 PM, LadyX wrote:
Yeah, I was pretty sure I was logged in to my main account already. :/
I don't think I've ever made this mistake once.

I think I was about to post something with my alt account once, but realized my mistake just before I hit the post button.

I'm pretty sure there is more intelligent life out there. If they can travel through the universe I don't know. But since there is an infinite number of planets out there, there just has to be another one where there is life...
We can't say how many planets are actually out there

Since space is infinite (or at least, the universe is still expanding) there also are an infinite number of planets out there.

but there's gotta be some lifeform somewhere.

I think it's pretty weak from scientists that most of them say that life can only exist on a carbon basis, so they look for lifeforms similar to ours. But who's to say that on other planets in other galaxies a whole different form of life exists?

However, if nothing has arrived here all this time then chances are we probably won't ever see them now.

I see it this way: If they are intelligent enough so that they can travel the distances in space, they are also intelligent enough to stay the hell away from us.
OR: They are so intelligent that they don't even recognize us. Really, when was the last time you tried to communicate with a worm? If for "aliens" we are just worms, they won't bother communicating with us.

London gets hectic at times, particularly in the central area where everything is located. One city I dread to go to due to traffic and being an extremely busy place is New York. It's never made to look quiet at all.
I heard that it's pretty easy to orient yourself there. Well, that's one advantage of the "chess board" like streets.
Maybe if you've been living there all your life.

Nope, even for outsiders. Since all roads lead somewhere (as in, no dead end streets) and you can very easily get from one parallel road to the next, it's very hard to get lost there.

I'd also like to go to a Comic Con or a PAX event. You know, where Tom himself shows up to but I wouldn't be there just for him. I would of course go there for various other things.
Yeah, I would like to go to Comic Con as well. But I wouldn't travel all the way just for that event.
I'd travel all the way to Philadelphia for the NG office if I could. :P

Well, James Rolfe lives in Philadelphia as well, so that's two good reasons. ^^

I don't think I'll be renewing my supporter badge in September if this is still going on even then.

Yeah, I was thinking about supporting the site, but for what? We hardly see any changes. And they can't tell me that they work so hard on the backend of the site... sure there have to be SOME resources left to work on the front end? Also, the front end is what people SEE. So, if there's something broken, you'd fix it ASAP, so people know that this site is still maintained... but when I see how long broken flashes stay on the portal (where you only get the "A submission with the ID blabla never existed"-error) I don't have much hope left.

although there's been a few moments where users have gained more EXP than realistically possible whether it be a request to one of the admins or they found an exploitation somewhere.

That "giving back missed Exp" thing is another thing that pisses me off. If you missed the deposit, you missed it. Tough luck. If I see another account gaining missed Exp back, I'm going to ask Tom if he can recover all my Exp I already missed...

I only stopped because I wanted my retirement goal and had nothing to do with savewhoring problems whatsoever.
Well, what can I say. I don't miss B/Ping that much. But I didn't have much time to be here anyway. And since I'm working full time since a few months, there's even less time for B/Ping. And in my new company, I don't know if I can surf privatly as much as I did at my old place. So, even less time...
If you are giving yourself some time to review submissions, that I feel is far more productive than continuing to gain points.

Eh, I still had no time to do some reviews. :(

It's always a good idea to try and get points from the portal when you're depositing.

Yeah, maybe I will just vote 0 on five UJ entries, to at least gain some blams from time to time...

I don't want to feel like I'm treating her like a possession and I much prefer an equal relationship so neither of us is more dominant than the other.

Yeah, that's one of the challenges of a relationship. You have to treat your partner with respect and have to listen to her wishes, but at the same time, you cannot let her take control over the whole relationship. Of course, this also holds true for your significant other. She can't let YOU take control over the whole relationship.

Another thing to avoid is to become "one person", when you are really two persons. I know, me and my wife, we always arrive together at parties, and we leave together. But at the party itself, we don't hang out too much together. There's one other couple I see from time to time, and they ALWAYS hang out together, constantly holding hands or having the arms around each other... and they really get on my nerves, heh. I mean, it's nice that they love each other. But this "being together 24/7" is just annoying.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-01 13:43:26

At 3/31/13 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/29/13 12:46 PM, Coop wrote:
At 3/24/13 10:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yeah, I like to be sure of that. It will be quite a puzzle to figure out who and where, though but I can't just sit there and do nothing.
Correct - procrastination will not help in these circumstances.
I have been giving a search this week but with the Easter weekend in the way, I'm gonna wait it out until after the holiday is over. Perhaps then I'll have a clearer mind on finding someone out there. Gotta try a few different methods and see what works out better than others. I personally don't think searching around Easter or Christmas is a good time since everyone will be too occupied with celebrating the holidays. That was why I didn't have relationships in my mind last November and December, although I did have someone in mind that I probably would have tried asking out but she was already taken.

The problem that you get with that is that what works with one girl doesn't necessarily work with another. Trial and error helps a lot, but I'm sure you'll sort something out some way.

I'm sure a relationship can happen at any time of the year but there are times when I feel I gotta look for someone until afterwards but hey, if things worked out better than expected then I really can't complain. Let's see what having bigger determination will do for me. I guess if I didn't fall in love with her at the end of January, I would have been at the same stage now doing the exact same things.

Post-Valentines day was a great opportunity, as people seem to be more open to it, especially if they have friends who are in a relationship, thus having a decent idea of the romantic gestures that they want.

At 3/26/13 08:20 PM, Bahamut wrote: While it's a shame I'm not with her anymore, I think it's set in stone that she'll no longer be in a relationship with me.
Well, you know what they say - you can't make an omelette, without breaking a few eggs.

I like sayings like that.

At 3/31/13 12:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/30/13 07:53 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/30/13 02:51 AM, Haggard wrote: Trust me. Noone will complain if you hear you shagging in your tent. ;) But you might have to deal with people either cheering you on outside the tent... or trying to get into the tent, joining the party. ;)
Now more than ever, I understand the meaning of the phrase "fuck off" :P
Or the phrase "don't fuck with me". XD


Also, what are those "shower"-thingies you talk about? :P
Like standing in the rain, but warmer, with the application of herbal blends, which help to keep hippies smelling nice :P
I see. I think I've heard of them before...

I'm a fan of stuff like that, what can I say?

I beg to differ. Since I don't find anything attractive about the male body, I just can't imagine having any erotic encounters with a male person.
I don't find things attractive about the male form, but I can see why certain females are attracted to certain male looks (though why they are attracted to Robbie Williams is beyond me). It's one of the reasons that I work out - to make my own for more attractive.
"Why carry a six pack if you can have a whole keg?" is a common phrase here... and in my experience, women don't like overly muscular men that much anyway.

I don't have a six-pack, just a quest for one.

Prince Harry is a legend! The Prince Philip of the new generation. Casually racist, sense of humour, war hero, everything the modern Royal Family needs.
Since I was talking about spanking before... all the royal family needs, is a good spanking. :P

Nah, we need them to have something more than that - more pomp and ceremony. Plenty more things like trooping the colour, the Queen's official birthday celebrations, state opening of parliament, everything that involves fancy dress, horse and carriage processions, the lot.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-02 16:26:16

Listening to:

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Greatest Hits. One of the few compilations albums that I can tolerate. I'm not so big on these guys so this does good for me. Although, I keep meaning to put By the Way back on in my music library.

At 4/1/13 01:33 PM, Haggard wrote: But really... Queensryche... that's just a fucking joke...

Depends which Queensryche we're talking about. There's the one with Geoff Tate and one without. If it was the one with Geoff Tate, I certainly agree. If the other... I still agree. Tateless Queensryche needs to provide a few good albums on their own since the new direction.

At 4/1/13 12:22 PM, Bahamut wrote: I don't think I've ever made this mistake once.
I think I was about to post something with my alt account once, but realized my mistake just before I hit the post button.

I could have deleted your post if you had requested it via IM/PM. :P

We can't say how many planets are actually out there
Since space is infinite (or at least, the universe is still expanding) there also are an infinite number of planets out there.

I have a hard time thinking space is infinite. Surely there's gotta be a point where it can no longer expand. However, the number of planets the universe holds must be an insane amount. We can see plenty of stars at night so just imagine how many planets orbit around them. I only wish I could discover a planet on my behalf and be allowed to name it after something. :P

but there's gotta be some lifeform somewhere.
I think it's pretty weak from scientists that most of them say that life can only exist on a carbon basis, so they look for lifeforms similar to ours. But who's to say that on other planets in other galaxies a whole different form of life exists?

It would help to keep the options open since you really don't know what species from another planets are capable of doing. Maybe that's their conclusion but anything is possible.

However, if nothing has arrived here all this time then chances are we probably won't ever see them now.
I see it this way: If they are intelligent enough so that they can travel the distances in space, they are also intelligent enough to stay the hell away from us.

If they saw what this world has to offer, that would be a damn good call. :P Devin Townsend said it himself best, "I've said it before, now I'll say it again; it was all too much for the Alien"

OR: They are so intelligent that they don't even recognize us. Really, when was the last time you tried to communicate with a worm? If for "aliens" we are just worms, they won't bother communicating with us.

Fair point to that. Earth can't be that special planet that some sci-fi shows/films try to make it out to be. A bit silly for me to say that since I love Futurama a lot and they like to centre around Earth a lot and then you have Doctor Who where the majority of Earth-based events as well as the companions are located in Britain.

Maybe if you've been living there all your life.
Nope, even for outsiders. Since all roads lead somewhere (as in, no dead end streets) and you can very easily get from one parallel road to the next, it's very hard to get lost there.

And it's still a place that's easy to get to from point A to point B without so much worry about traffic? I suppose Philip J. Fry had a point when he claimed no-one drove since there was too much traffic. :P

I'd travel all the way to Philadelphia for the NG office if I could. :P
Well, James Rolfe lives in Philadelphia as well, so that's two good reasons. ^^

Also good. It feels like a lot of things are located in Philadelphia. I actually assumed it was a state at one point, haha. My geographical knowledge on America can be patchy. If there was one thing school never tried to teach me in Geography, it was learning all the states of America.

I don't think I'll be renewing my supporter badge in September if this is still going on even then.
Yeah, I was thinking about supporting the site, but for what? We hardly see any changes. And they can't tell me that they work so hard on the backend of the site... sure there have to be SOME resources left to work on the front end? Also, the front end is what people SEE. So, if there's something broken, you'd fix it ASAP, so people know that this site is still maintained... but when I see how long broken flashes stay on the portal (where you only get the "A submission with the ID blabla never existed"-error) I don't have much hope left.

I've been defending them for so long about being busy with a lot of things but there's only so much patience I can handle before it becomes a joke. The unicode symbol issue is something that should be a higher priority by now because some like myself want to use the pound sterling symbol without it making my post look like a mess. Again, this doesn't happen on any other website. I'm starting to think I should send a message to Tom and be completely honest about how I feel with the way some things have been on here. I tend to feel bad for him since he probably reads a lot of crap already but maybe hearing something from myself could make a change. I don't expect instant changes to the portal but at least get some of the ongoing problems fixed already!

although there's been a few moments where users have gained more EXP than realistically possible whether it be a request to one of the admins or they found an exploitation somewhere.
That "giving back missed Exp" thing is another thing that pisses me off. If you missed the deposit, you missed it. Tough luck. If I see another account gaining missed Exp back, I'm going to ask Tom if he can recover all my Exp I already missed...

The only exception I would ever agree is that the account was compromised. No offence to Coop but it was shit of him to ask Tom to see if he could recover the missed deposit from the redesign launch date when most will have missed a deposit or two from that time alone due to those circumstances. I've had a few deposits missed due to those who were taking care of me had internet troubles or it just slipped out of their mind.

Thankfully I have a phone now so the only times where I'll really need someone to deposit for me is if I ever go outside the UK. Use of internet on phones in foreign countries can be screwy so it's best not taking the risks, unless reliable Wi-Fi can be provided. Granted, Newgrounds isn't the most phone friendly site out there but at least I can still cast my votes for the day. The site could do with a mobile version soon but maybe that's one thing they are looking into right now. Well, hopefully. Less and less people are using the internet on computers and more and more it becomes phone/table-based which neither are adaptable for Newgrounds for the main sections of the site.

If you are giving yourself some time to review submissions, that I feel is far more productive than continuing to gain points.
Eh, I still had no time to do some reviews. :(

Ah well. To be honest, I much prefer your communication here than you doing some reviews.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-02 16:26:20

It's always a good idea to try and get points from the portal when you're depositing.
Yeah, maybe I will just vote 0 on five UJ entries, to at least gain some blams from time to time...

That's something you can try out and see how it goes.

I don't want to feel like I'm treating her like a possession and I much prefer an equal relationship so neither of us is more dominant than the other.
Yeah, that's one of the challenges of a relationship. You have to treat your partner with respect and have to listen to her wishes, but at the same time, you cannot let her take control over the whole relationship. Of course, this also holds true for your significant other. She can't let YOU take control over the whole relationship.

The whole dominance/submissive aspect of the relationship was something she didn't handle that well in the end. At first she liked having a clean start with me and being on equal ground but for a few days she enjoyed having a slightly more dominant status over me, although throughout she was more stepping over boundaries as to what I thought was/wasn't fine with her doing to me. It seemed all and good and I had my fun but since the night she mentioned how she'd much rather be submissive in the relationship, she didn't return to that self that I once knew. That was pretty much the turning point.

Simply put, I'd much rather be in a relationship where we enjoy our equal standing. While I can adapt to the other stepping over the line a bit, at the end of the day I'd rather we have our balanced half of the relationship. If a girl wants to be treated like a possession, they're asking out the wrong guy. Some men actually want to be nice to the one they love.

Another thing to avoid is to become "one person", when you are really two persons. I know, me and my wife, we always arrive together at parties, and we leave together. But at the party itself, we don't hang out too much together. There's one other couple I see from time to time, and they ALWAYS hang out together, constantly holding hands or having the arms around each other... and they really get on my nerves, heh. I mean, it's nice that they love each other. But this "being together 24/7" is just annoying.

The timing of when to arrive and leave a party is only natural. It's understandable why you two would be together in those cases. That said, I'm more than willing to allow my partner be able to talk to other people at the party. It helps to have company of others when you're out and about. Although, being together a lot at the start should be understandable since both will be excited to see each other and it'll be all they'll be thinking about.

At 4/1/13 01:43 PM, Coop wrote:
At 3/31/13 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: I have been giving a search this week but with the Easter weekend in the way, I'm gonna wait it out until after the holiday is over. Perhaps then I'll have a clearer mind on finding someone out there. Gotta try a few different methods and see what works out better than others. I personally don't think searching around Easter or Christmas is a good time since everyone will be too occupied with celebrating the holidays. That was why I didn't have relationships in my mind last November and December, although I did have someone in mind that I probably would have tried asking out but she was already taken.
The problem that you get with that is that what works with one girl doesn't necessarily work with another. Trial and error helps a lot, but I'm sure you'll sort something out some way.

All I can do is see how I approach some of them and if one fails, I'll just have to try someone else. I might be able to go by how they are as a person. Hopefully some that I've tried talking to will at least get back to me. For now all I want to do is have a general conversation and go from there.

I'm sure a relationship can happen at any time of the year but there are times when I feel I gotta look for someone until afterwards but hey, if things worked out better than expected then I really can't complain. Let's see what having bigger determination will do for me. I guess if I didn't fall in love with her at the end of January, I would have been at the same stage now doing the exact same things.
Post-Valentines day was a great opportunity, as people seem to be more open to it, especially if they have friends who are in a relationship, thus having a decent idea of the romantic gestures that they want.

You'd think people would try and get something arranged prior to Valentine's Day. The timing with my last relationship was more than convenient for it since when we got together it was only two weeks until it was Valentine's Day so we just gave each other a little something but nothing over the top as it was too soon. Just being together for that day was the most I was going to ask for, although Thursdays were the best days to see each other due to her college timetable. It was a very brief period but it was good while it lasted. Some good times are better than none.

Well, you know what they say - you can't make an omelette, without breaking a few eggs.
I like sayings like that.

There's some reasonably strong statements to them and it's something to follow. I just gotta do things if I want something to happen. Now if only I could have better luck with getting a job.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-02 22:33:18

With that vote, you now have 18,000 experience points.

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-03 14:17:13

At 4/2/13 04:26 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 4/1/13 01:33 PM, Haggard wrote: But really... Queensryche... that's just a fucking joke...
Depends which Queensryche we're talking about. There's the one with Geoff Tate and one without. If it was the one with Geoff Tate, I certainly agree. If the other... I still agree. Tateless Queensryche needs to provide a few good albums on their own since the new direction.

I guess it's the Queensryche with the current line up.

At 4/1/13 12:22 PM, Bahamut wrote: I don't think I've ever made this mistake once.
I think I was about to post something with my alt account once, but realized my mistake just before I hit the post button.
I could have deleted your post if you had requested it via IM/PM. :P

Naah, too much trouble.

Since space is infinite (or at least, the universe is still expanding) there also are an infinite number of planets out there.
I have a hard time thinking space is infinite.

I guess this is because we just can't imagine something that is "infinite". ;)

Surely there's gotta be a point where it can no longer expand.

Scientists are sure that it will start to collapse at some point in the furute. But AFAIK, it's still expanding right now.

OR: They are so intelligent that they don't even recognize us. Really, when was the last time you tried to communicate with a worm? If for "aliens" we are just worms, they won't bother communicating with us.
Fair point to that. Earth can't be that special planet that some sci-fi shows/films try to make it out to be. A bit silly for me to say that since I love Futurama a lot and they like to centre around Earth a lot and then you have Doctor Who where the majority of Earth-based events as well as the companions are located in Britain.

Well, I think the viewers want to see at least something they can recognize. Or maybe it was just because they wanted to save some money when they first started the show. So they used locations based in Britain.

The one thing that always annoyed me in Star Treck was, that extraterestials ALWAYS looked the same and had the same character traits. Klingons are always agressvie, Ferengies are always sneaky, etc. Just humans might have had some different character traits within the same race...

Also, those other races always had just ONE government for the whole planet (or that's what it seemed like). And there don't seem to be different continents on other planets, where the inhabitants might look and behave differently. I mean, just look at the earth. An Inuit hardly looks like an Aborigine.

And it's still a place that's easy to get to from point A to point B without so much worry about traffic? I suppose Philip J. Fry had a point when he claimed no-one drove since there was too much traffic. :P

Well, if there's really much traffic and you are stuck in a traffic jam, then you have all the time in the world to figure out where you have to turn to reach your goal. :P

If there was one thing school never tried to teach me in Geography, it was learning all the states of America.

I don't think it's really that important to know the states of the USA when you are not living there in the first place. I know the federal states of Germany, and that's good enough for me. But I do know more US states than I know federal states of England, haha.

I don't expect instant changes to the portal but at least get some of the ongoing problems fixed already!

Exactly. Hell, just fix one thing per month (or, try fixing it at the very least). Then we could see some changes...

That "giving back missed Exp" thing is another thing that pisses me off. If you missed the deposit, you missed it. Tough luck. If I see another account gaining missed Exp back, I'm going to ask Tom if he can recover all my Exp I already missed...
The only exception I would ever agree is that the account was compromised.

I don't mind Coop asking (hey, you can always try), but I think it was the wrong decision from Tom to grant that wish.

Thankfully I have a phone now so the only times where I'll really need someone to deposit for me is if I ever go outside the UK. Use of internet on phones in foreign countries can be screwy so it's best not taking the risks, unless reliable Wi-Fi can be provided.

If you have an Android phone, you could always use the Tethering mode so the phone acts as an Wi-Fi spot. I did that with my wife's phone when we where on Amrum and the Wi-Fi at our home didn't work. But again, I would only do that in my home country and not in foreign countries, since your provider might charge you extra for that...

Well, hopefully. Less and less people are using the internet on computers and more and more it becomes phone/table-based which neither are adaptable for Newgrounds for the main sections of the site.

While I can see the advantage of a Smartphone with internet access when you are out, I still can't see myself only using a device with such a small screen and limited storage space. Hell, where would I store all the football matches I downloaded? I have 217GB of various football matches on my external drive. ^^

If you are giving yourself some time to review submissions, that I feel is far more productive than continuing to gain points.
Eh, I still had no time to do some reviews. :(
Ah well. To be honest, I much prefer your communication here than you doing some reviews.

Yeah, the replies in the LUL are my top priority. I try to do them each day. ;)

Yeah, maybe I will just vote 0 on five UJ entries, to at least gain some blams from time to time...
That's something you can try out and see how it goes.

I might start next week. For now, I'm happy with the small break.

If a girl wants to be treated like a possession, they're asking out the wrong guy. Some men actually want to be nice to the one they love.

I never believed in that "you have to be an asshole to get a girl" theory anyway. Or that stuff that some self claimed "Pick up artists" write about, is just a hughe pile of crap, imo. How about this one: Just be yourself. If the girl doesn't like you for who and what you are, then she's just not the right girl for you...

The timing of when to arrive and leave a party is only natural. It's understandable why you two would be together in those cases.

Also, there's not much we can do about anyway. We live together, so it would be silly, if one stayed behing while the other already went to the party, heh.

That said, I'm more than willing to allow my partner be able to talk to other people at the party. It helps to have company of others when you're out and about. Although, being together a lot at the start should be understandable since both will be excited to see each other and it'll be all they'll be thinking about.

Yes, we did hang out together at parties when we still where a "new couple". But after a while, it's only natural that you have different topics to talk about with different people.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-03 18:28:03

Lieutenant General get.

"Censorship is telling a man that he cannot have a steak just because a baby cannot chew it." - Mark Twain

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-03 23:51:15

18000 posts!

A truly prophetic sig...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-04 08:35:41

I'm a dragon with a gun.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-04 09:46:47

Level 36

Also, not really worth congratulating, but my B/P rank is double digits now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-04 10:07:57

A pleasant surprise this morning - I just broke 100K B/P Total . Yay!

Proud member of the EGB since 2006 |-EGB Forum-|-EGB Website-| Game and Movie Mod 2017

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-04 11:20:50

I passed 31,000 saves and didn't even realize it.

this guy has been flooding the portal with submissions (12, so far). I haven't submitted much myself, but I thought there was a two upload per day limit..?


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-04 16:20:05

Coop puts a few more touches to his characters, before congratulating:
Martin: 64,000 B/P; 55,000 Saves
Hacsev: 18,000 Experience
Winrar1337: Lieutenant General
Painbringer: 18,000 Posts
Cootie: Top 700 Experienced
Bahamut: Level 54
Jolly: Level 36
byteslinger: 100,000 B/P
Metal-Therapy: 31,000 B/P

At 4/2/13 04:26 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 4/1/13 01:43 PM, Coop wrote:
At 3/31/13 10:30 AM, Bahamut wrote: I have been giving a search this week but with the Easter weekend in the way, I'm gonna wait it out until after the holiday is over. Perhaps then I'll have a clearer mind on finding someone out there. Gotta try a few different methods and see what works out better than others. I personally don't think searching around Easter or Christmas is a good time since everyone will be too occupied with celebrating the holidays. That was why I didn't have relationships in my mind last November and December, although I did have someone in mind that I probably would have tried asking out but she was already taken.
The problem that you get with that is that what works with one girl doesn't necessarily work with another. Trial and error helps a lot, but I'm sure you'll sort something out some way.
All I can do is see how I approach some of them and if one fails, I'll just have to try someone else. I might be able to go by how they are as a person. Hopefully some that I've tried talking to will at least get back to me. For now all I want to do is have a general conversation and go from there.

It always sounds so simple, saying something like this. I've been there, done that and I know from my friends' experiences that no doesn't always mean no - sometimes you have to come back and ask again later.

I'm sure a relationship can happen at any time of the year but there are times when I feel I gotta look for someone until afterwards but hey, if things worked out better than expected then I really can't complain. Let's see what having bigger determination will do for me. I guess if I didn't fall in love with her at the end of January, I would have been at the same stage now doing the exact same things.
Post-Valentines day was a great opportunity, as people seem to be more open to it, especially if they have friends who are in a relationship, thus having a decent idea of the romantic gestures that they want.
You'd think people would try and get something arranged prior to Valentine's Day. The timing with my last relationship was more than convenient for it since when we got together it was only two weeks until it was Valentine's Day so we just gave each other a little something but nothing over the top as it was too soon. Just being together for that day was the most I was going to ask for, although Thursdays were the best days to see each other due to her college timetable. It was a very brief period but it was good while it lasted. Some good times are better than none.

Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved, nes pas?

Well, you know what they say - you can't make an omelette, without breaking a few eggs.
I like sayings like that.
There's some reasonably strong statements to them and it's something to follow. I just gotta do things if I want something to happen. Now if only I could have better luck with getting a job.

Basically, you need to go out there and make it happen. Smile more (without looking like a lunatic) and try to have a positive outlook on life. It works.

At 4/3/13 02:17 PM, Haggard wrote:
That "giving back missed Exp" thing is another thing that pisses me off. If you missed the deposit, you missed it. Tough luck. If I see another account gaining missed Exp back, I'm going to ask Tom if he can recover all my Exp I already missed...
The only exception I would ever agree is that the account was compromised.
I don't mind Coop asking (hey, you can always try), but I think it was the wrong decision from Tom to grant that wish.

The one mitigating circumstance with that was that I was beta testing the site for him and when it launched, it fell over almost 5 seconds in. I could have given Bahamut the password to access my account and deposit, but as I have Review Mod tools and he does not, that is a "what goes on tour, stays on tour" rule violation. I didn't want to compromise two mods by asking that. I am thankful to Tom for his leniency, considering that it has pissed me off royally over the years, it's about time I got something to go my way from it :P

At 4/4/13 11:20 AM, Metal-Therapy wrote: I passed 31,000 saves and didn't even realize it.

this guy has been flooding the portal with submissions (12, so far). I haven't submitted much myself, but I thought there was a two upload per day limit..?

Must be broken, or suspended for such a submitter? I don't mind that much, they are original, witty and free save points, basically.

So long as they're his own work...

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-04 21:08:11

At 4/4/13 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm a dragon with a gun.

So you're a dragun.

Thank you thank you. I'm here all week!

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-05 00:08:48

39,000 Saves.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-05 03:01:13

37,000 saves. Far too frequent for my liking.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-05 18:16:24

Listening to:

System of a Down - Toxicity. Always good!

Thanks to:


At 4/3/13 02:17 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 4/2/13 04:26 PM, Bahamut wrote: Depends which Queensryche we're talking about. There's the one with Geoff Tate and one without. If it was the one with Geoff Tate, I certainly agree. If the other... I still agree. Tateless Queensryche needs to provide a few good albums on their own since the new direction.
I guess it's the Queensryche with the current line up.
I could have deleted your post if you had requested it via IM/PM. :P
Naah, too much trouble.

I suppose but you know that I have too much spare time. :P

Surely there's gotta be a point where it can no longer expand.
Scientists are sure that it will start to collapse at some point in the furute. But AFAIK, it's still expanding right now.

Yeah, it'll reach its limit but that's not anywhere near close. There'll be that grim part of the future of the universe but that's nothing for us to worry about. Still, I'm curious as to how things will look like by that point.

Fair point to that. Earth can't be that special planet that some sci-fi shows/films try to make it out to be. A bit silly for me to say that since I love Futurama a lot and they like to centre around Earth a lot and then you have Doctor Who where the majority of Earth-based events as well as the companions are located in Britain.
Well, I think the viewers want to see at least something they can recognize. Or maybe it was just because they wanted to save some money when they first started the show. So they used locations based in Britain.

Doctor Who is notable for low budgeting but in the modern era, the BBC can just fund the show as much as desired.

The one thing that always annoyed me in Star Treck was, that extraterestials ALWAYS looked the same and had the same character traits. Klingons are always agressvie, Ferengies are always sneaky, etc. Just humans might have had some different character traits within the same race...

Keep in mind that I never watched Star Trek, although it's probably something I'll go through somewhere down the line. Maybe when I'm 30 or so.

And it's still a place that's easy to get to from point A to point B without so much worry about traffic? I suppose Philip J. Fry had a point when he claimed no-one drove since there was too much traffic. :P
Well, if there's really much traffic and you are stuck in a traffic jam, then you have all the time in the world to figure out where you have to turn to reach your goal. :P

I'd rather avoid traffic. Although, work will make that difficult to do whenever I am doing something again.

If there was one thing school never tried to teach me in Geography, it was learning all the states of America.
I don't think it's really that important to know the states of the USA when you are not living there in the first place. I know the federal states of Germany, and that's good enough for me. But I do know more US states than I know federal states of England, haha.

Well, they could have taught me the counties of England better then. Most of my life, the only counties that I recognised were Merseyside, Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Greater London and Cornwall. I'll have to teach myself all the counties in England. Fuck being educated in bad schools.

I don't expect instant changes to the portal but at least get some of the ongoing problems fixed already!
Exactly. Hell, just fix one thing per month (or, try fixing it at the very least). Then we could see some changes...

Now that would get things rolling a bit. They work how many hours a week? There has to be enough time...

The only exception I would ever agree is that the account was compromised.
I don't mind Coop asking (hey, you can always try), but I think it was the wrong decision from Tom to grant that wish.

I suppose I should give Coop credit for just giving it a shot. Some of the times I find myself bounded by barriers so I don't approach to certain things. I really need to just go ahead with it whatever I may get in return.

Thankfully I have a phone now so the only times where I'll really need someone to deposit for me is if I ever go outside the UK. Use of internet on phones in foreign countries can be screwy so it's best not taking the risks, unless reliable Wi-Fi can be provided.
If you have an Android phone, you could always use the Tethering mode so the phone acts as an Wi-Fi spot. I did that with my wife's phone when we where on Amrum and the Wi-Fi at our home didn't work. But again, I would only do that in my home country and not in foreign countries, since your provider might charge you extra for that...

Yeah, I try to be careful with that. I had one warning from my provider saying that I was close to the limit before it started charging me. I try to connect to free Wi-Fi whenever I can.

Well, hopefully. Less and less people are using the internet on computers and more and more it becomes phone/table-based which neither are adaptable for Newgrounds for the main sections of the site.
While I can see the advantage of a Smartphone with internet access when you are out, I still can't see myself only using a device with such a small screen and limited storage space. Hell, where would I store all the football matches I downloaded? I have 217GB of various football matches on my external drive. ^^

Even my phone is horribly limited on storage space. It's to the point where I struggle with just updating the Twitter or Facebook apps. Really annoying when it does that. The main ones like them and YouTube are on the internal memory and are some of the most used apps so the least I ask for is to manage with more than enough storage space for them.

Ah well. To be honest, I much prefer your communication here than you doing some reviews.
Yeah, the replies in the LUL are my top priority. I try to do them each day. ;)

I'm slipping here and there. Most of yesterday I wasted my time on Tumblr. At least I'm finding new people over there. I came across a female dragon lover from Britain on there today so I'm happy to be finding good things on Tumblr.

If a girl wants to be treated like a possession, they're asking out the wrong guy. Some men actually want to be nice to the one they love.
I never believed in that "you have to be an asshole to get a girl" theory anyway. Or that stuff that some self claimed "Pick up artists" write about, is just a hughe pile of crap, imo. How about this one: Just be yourself. If the girl doesn't like you for who and what you are, then she's just not the right girl for you...

I hate to be an asshole so it's a theory I don't buy into either. I'm not all that fond of pick up lines myself. You might say a funny joke or get a woman's attention but what about your personality and interests? When it comes to finding someone, I'm always going to look at personality and interests before their looks. I'll admit that their appearance does have some factor into whether I want the woman or not but that's really a small percentage. I'd be all fine if they were above average in weight but there does have to be a line drawn somewhere with one's looks.

The timing of when to arrive and leave a party is only natural. It's understandable why you two would be together in those cases.
Also, there's not much we can do about anyway. We live together, so it would be silly, if one stayed behing while the other already went to the party, heh.

Unless you really wanted to stay behind for something or either of you felt a bit under the weather during the night.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-05 18:16:32

At 4/4/13 10:07 AM, byteslinger wrote: A pleasant surprise this morning - I just broke 100K B/P Total . Yay!

The B/P update will end on a good note!

At 4/4/13 04:20 PM, Coop wrote:
At 4/2/13 04:26 PM, Bahamut wrote: All I can do is see how I approach some of them and if one fails, I'll just have to try someone else. I might be able to go by how they are as a person. Hopefully some that I've tried talking to will at least get back to me. For now all I want to do is have a general conversation and go from there.
It always sounds so simple, saying something like this. I've been there, done that and I know from my friends' experiences that no doesn't always mean no - sometimes you have to come back and ask again later.

If they said they weren't up for a relationship at the time, that's fair enough. Originally the one who I was with said she was going to stay single for a while after experiences with her break up at the time. Despite what she had said, one thing simply lead to another between us. We were just talking a lot at the time and I said that it would be cool to hang out with her to make her feel better with her friends. The Saturday that it all happened was the start of each other showing our affections and then the following Wednesday it was the faithful day where she asked me out.

You'd think people would try and get something arranged prior to Valentine's Day. The timing with my last relationship was more than convenient for it since when we got together it was only two weeks until it was Valentine's Day so we just gave each other a little something but nothing over the top as it was too soon. Just being together for that day was the most I was going to ask for, although Thursdays were the best days to see each other due to her college timetable. It was a very brief period but it was good while it lasted. Some good times are better than none.
Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved, nes pas?

Yeah, I keep telling myself that. Granted, I just hope I'm not going to be alone for the rest of my life but at least I had a few good weeks dedicating my time to someone out there.

There's some reasonably strong statements to them and it's something to follow. I just gotta do things if I want something to happen. Now if only I could have better luck with getting a job.
Basically, you need to go out there and make it happen. Smile more (without looking like a lunatic) and try to have a positive outlook on life. It works.
The one mitigating circumstance with that was that I was beta testing the site for him and when it launched, it fell over almost 5 seconds in. I could have given Bahamut the password to access my account and deposit, but as I have Review Mod tools and he does not, that is a "what goes on tour, stays on tour" rule violation.

True, it's fine for you to deposit for me since the mod tools I have are considered lesser than review modding but the other way round it doesn't work. This is why Auz is a more ideal depositer for me since our modding duties are similar.

At 4/4/13 09:08 PM, Gagsy wrote:
At 4/4/13 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm a dragon with a gun.
So you're a dragun.

Now that you say it, yes I am a dragun.

Thank you thank you. I'm here all week!

Come chat with us here?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-06 00:24:41

My overall B/P rank is now 150

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-06 12:23:38

At 4/6/13 12:24 AM, DiMono wrote: My overall B/P rank is now 150

And overnight I passed #2,222 in experience. So that's pretty cool.

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-06 15:04:36

Level 15

Do Not Press -"No Seriously"-

Support NG -"If only I can.."-

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-06 17:13:09

At 4/5/13 06:16 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 4/3/13 02:17 PM, Haggard wrote: Naah, too much trouble.
I suppose but you know that I have too much spare time. :P

Too much trouble for me anyway. :P

Scientists are sure that it will start to collapse at some point in the furute. But AFAIK, it's still expanding right now.
Yeah, it'll reach its limit but that's not anywhere near close. There'll be that grim part of the future of the universe but that's nothing for us to worry about. Still, I'm curious as to how things will look like by that point.

We won't live long enough to find out. :(

Well, I think the viewers want to see at least something they can recognize. Or maybe it was just because they wanted to save some money when they first started the show. So they used locations based in Britain.
Doctor Who is notable for low budgeting but in the modern era, the BBC can just fund the show as much as desired.

But that would mean changes to a successful series. Not always a good idea.

Keep in mind that I never watched Star Trek,

Ok, then take Star Wars instead. "Many Bothans died...". So, are the Bothans a "race of master spies"? How should that work out? Who would hire a bothan chef, for example? It's clear that he's a spy...

although it's probably something I'll go through somewhere down the line. Maybe when I'm 30 or so.

Just stay away from Deep Space 9. :P

Well, if there's really much traffic and you are stuck in a traffic jam, then you have all the time in the world to figure out where you have to turn to reach your goal. :P
I'd rather avoid traffic. Although, work will make that difficult to do whenever I am doing something again.

Maybe I will get to work by bike once it gets a bit warmer. It's about 15km, so it's possible to cycle that distance in one hour.

If there was one thing school never tried to teach me in Geography, it was learning all the states of America.
I don't think it's really that important to know the states of the USA when you are not living there in the first place. I know the federal states of Germany, and that's good enough for me. But I do know more US states than I know federal states of England, haha.
Well, they could have taught me the counties of England better then. Most of my life, the only counties that I recognised were Merseyside, Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Greater London and Cornwall. I'll have to teach myself all the counties in England. Fuck being educated in bad schools.

Never herd of Merseyside before. And I only know Cheshire because of a certain cat (and I think there's a Square by that name in Los Angeles).

Even my phone is horribly limited on storage space. It's to the point where I struggle with just updating the Twitter or Facebook apps. Really annoying when it does that. The main ones like them and YouTube are on the internal memory and are some of the most used apps so the least I ask for is to manage with more than enough storage space for them.

There are even people that say that the end of the PC is near. Because of Tablets and Smartphones, blabla. I doubt these people ever really WORKED with a PC. Can you imagine typing a letter on a tablet touch screen? Or what about Software Developers? I work as a Software Developer right now and I NEED a second screen! With only one screen, you'd go crazy switching between programs...

Yeah, the replies in the LUL are my top priority. I try to do them each day. ;)
I'm slipping here and there. Most of yesterday I wasted my time on Tumblr. At least I'm finding new people over there. I came across a female dragon lover from Britain on there today so I'm happy to be finding good things on Tumblr.

Never used Tumblr... :/

I hate to be an asshole so it's a theory I don't buy into either. I'm not all that fond of pick up lines myself. You might say a funny joke or get a woman's attention but what about your personality and interests? When it comes to finding someone, I'm always going to look at personality and interests before their looks. I'll admit that their appearance does have some factor into whether I want the woman or not but that's really a small percentage. I'd be all fine if they were above average in weight but there does have to be a line drawn somewhere with one's looks.

Exactly. "Good looks" are of course important. At least when you first get to know a person. But I made the experience that character is far more important. I think I've told this before, but I had it happen to me that I met a girl who I thought looked good. But when I got to know her a bit better I realized that she's just a dumb-ass... and after a while I simply didn't find her attractive anymore. And I've had the opposite happen to me as well.

The timing of when to arrive and leave a party is only natural. It's understandable why you two would be together in those cases.
Also, there's not much we can do about anyway. We live together, so it would be silly, if one stayed behing while the other already went to the party, heh.
Unless you really wanted to stay behind for something or either of you felt a bit under the weather during the night.

Most of the time we both stay at home if one does feel sick.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-06 17:21:24

In one of his last posts before hitting 30, Coop congratulates:
Jolly: 39,000 Saves
Martin: 9,000 Blams
gamejunkie: 37,000 Saves
DiMono: Top 150 B/Per
iGranadoz: Level 15

Fox Sports Baseball - NYY @ DET

At 4/4/13 09:08 PM, Gagsy wrote:
At 4/4/13 08:35 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm a dragon with a gun.
So you're a dragun.

Thank you thank you. I'm here all week!

Now that is comedy gold.

At 4/5/13 06:16 PM, Bahamut wrote: System of a Down - Toxicity. Always good!

I love that album. Some of the tunes in there are great for helping me down the motorway to work and back.

At 4/3/13 02:17 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 4/2/13 04:26 PM, Bahamut wrote: The only exception I would ever agree is that the account was compromised.
I don't mind Coop asking (hey, you can always try), but I think it was the wrong decision from Tom to grant that wish.
I suppose I should give Coop credit for just giving it a shot. Some of the times I find myself bounded by barriers so I don't approach to certain things. I really need to just go ahead with it whatever I may get in return.

Like I said, I was fed up of people getting what I wouldn't have said that I deserved, so I just tried the same.

At 4/5/13 06:16 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 4/4/13 04:20 PM, Coop wrote:
At 4/2/13 04:26 PM, Bahamut wrote: All I can do is see how I approach some of them and if one fails, I'll just have to try someone else. I might be able to go by how they are as a person. Hopefully some that I've tried talking to will at least get back to me. For now all I want to do is have a general conversation and go from there.
It always sounds so simple, saying something like this. I've been there, done that and I know from my friends' experiences that no doesn't always mean no - sometimes you have to come back and ask again later.
If they said they weren't up for a relationship at the time, that's fair enough. Originally the one who I was with said she was going to stay single for a while after experiences with her break up at the time. Despite what she had said, one thing simply lead to another between us. We were just talking a lot at the time and I said that it would be cool to hang out with her to make her feel better with her friends. The Saturday that it all happened was the start of each other showing our affections and then the following Wednesday it was the faithful day where she asked me out.

Ah, the first few snowflakes drifting down the mountainside that precedes an avalanche. Mind that you don't get overwhelmed ;)

You'd think people would try and get something arranged prior to Valentine's Day. The timing with my last relationship was more than convenient for it since when we got together it was only two weeks until it was Valentine's Day so we just gave each other a little something but nothing over the top as it was too soon. Just being together for that day was the most I was going to ask for, although Thursdays were the best days to see each other due to her college timetable. It was a very brief period but it was good while it lasted. Some good times are better than none.
Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved, nes pas?
Yeah, I keep telling myself that. Granted, I just hope I'm not going to be alone for the rest of my life but at least I had a few good weeks dedicating my time to someone out there.

Yep, it feels nice to show affection for someone and to receive it back. No matter how much I tell Kelly Brook how much I love her, she just doesn't reply...

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-06 17:41:54

Congratulations To

Winrar1337: 9.00 total vp, lieutenant general
gamejunkie: 4,444 posts, 110,000 medal points, 37,000 saves
Gagsy: level 48
LittleWashu: 8,888 posts
FBIpolux: 22,222 posts
Coop: 116,000 b/p, exp rank #84
ViceFullbuster: 63,000 blams
Decky: 9,000 exp -WHAT?! OVER 9000!?!?
Jolly: ranked #100 in b/p
Spretznaz: level 21
VJF: 170,000 medal points
Faggard: level 41
Martin: 64,000 b/p, 55,000 saves, 9,000 blams
Hacsev: 18,000 exp
Painbringer: 18,000 posts
Cootie: exp rank #700
Bahamut: level 54
Jolly: level 36, 39,000 saves
byteslinger: 100,000 b/p -Congrats!
DiMono: b/p rank #150, exp rank #2,222
iGranadoz: level 15

Also congrats to the LUL again for 90,000 replies!

At 3/26/13 08:20 PM, Bahamut wrote: For now, best maintaining our friendship since we both still speak to each other a lot and we're aren't blanking each other out.

Maybe you guys will get back together at some point down the road if you stay in touch, who knows?

Happy 3,000 pages to the Level Up Lounge! I only wish happier topics could be talked about around here but that's how things go.

At least something's still being talked about here... :\

I'll be going to the rock bar with my sister on Friday,

Any more karaoke? I want video evidence of you doing Gangnam Style. (Preferably while intoxicated.) 0:D

Last week I was trying to see if I could buy one of the latest games. I suppose with the saved money now I could potentially get one of them, particularly Tomb Raider. However, if my parents do go ahead with the trip to Spain then I'll need to save up a bit.

New video games are cool, though a trip to Spain sounds better. Hell, I haven't traveled anywhere long-distance in years... I think the last time was the trip to the Bahamas I took with my mom, back in the late 90's. I always wanted to see New Zealand, ever since seeing the Lord of the Rings movies. Damn, now THAT would be a hike! :P

I'm sure I've said my opinion on having kids already but I'll go ahead and explain my views in better detail. I generally don't have a definite yes or a definite no for having kids. While I can see that my cousin can be obnoxious, I was certainly no better when I was his age and raising a kid is certainly one of the biggest challenges in life. Somewhere down the road I could have a kid of my own and I'd have to raise him/her if me and my love partner made the commitment to reproduce.

I almost feel like at some point I'll want to have a kid. (Do guys have an biological clock? lol) But it just feels like a long, long way off, and doesn't feel as if it's getting any closer. (Makes no sense, I know.) While I don't enjoy the company of children, the bottom line is I'm sure I'd feel differently, if it was my own child I was looking at, not just some random person's screaming little whelp. ^^ The future holds what it holds, though -just gotta wait and see.

Oh, and there may be that debate about whether it's fine to have sex before marriage or not but after the relationship I had, there's absolutely no way I can be a preachy kind of person on the whole matter.

Never really understood the whole issue with premarital sex, but then again, I'm not a religious person, so... In my experience, we waited for at least 6 months into the relationship before beginning to explore that "area". lol Honestly, I'm glad we did wait until we knew each other well, as it made it so much more meaningful.

It's another thing I was fence sitting about when thinking about relationships but it was never a huge no or a huge yes. I just had to see how things went at first.

Like I said, it's not something that should be rushed into (even though it's a VERY easy thing to rush into.) ;P But if those involved really care about/respect each other and take the proper precautions, I don't see why you need to be married to enjoy that aspect of a relationship. I mean, I know I wouldn't be expecting my future wife to be a virgin in her late 20's/early 30's...

Hell, I could tell myself that I wasn't such a great kisser at first but I did get the hang of it all just before the turning point. Just shows what I was like before 2013. :P

Ha! See, it was a learning experience in more than one way! ;)

Hopefully the idea will be implemented. The hexalist adapts to the inclusion of medals well so I can't see why it can't be added for NG Log's total stat listings.

Yeah, I said as much to her. I've seen no change as of yet, but I assume she's probably busy, and these things take time, I'm sure.

EXP updates show that he can miss them half of the time. He's easily letting more and more users pass him at this rate. I can't say how he'll be in a few years time. Then again, maybe I can't say for myself how my deposit habits will be. I'm still going to keep up with my main account but the alts I'm ready to let them rest.

Well, if I pass him, then you know he's either dead or lost his internet connection. lol

Yeah, the more that are leaving us the deader this place is going to become. It's sad to think of it this way but I think the LUL is on its last legs.

;_; I'd like to think that so long as there are users who give a damn about stats on this website, this thread will continue on to some extent. While it's probably true that the LUL's glory days are behind, I could never see this thread falling off the first page and vanishing into obscurity. NG will truly be in a sorry state when that happens, whether those in charge of this site realize it or not. ;)

I'll still deposit my main and I'll check on my few favourite threads on here.

This of course being one of your favorite threads, right?

And now I've agreed to myself on a new thing to do on a regular basis. It won't be daily as I should probably do but a walk from home all the way into town is one way to get a bit of exercise.

Hey, that is a start, for sure. You don't need to kill yourself to have an effective cardio workout -even just walking at a brisk pace for a significant amount of time can do the trick. I don't know if you have any scenic areas around where you live, but I'd suggest looking for some trails to walk and maybe even get one of those stepometers so you can set goals for yourself. Just a thought! :P

Why not save some pennies while I'm at it!

Saving some money is a nice bonus, for sure.

I could have sworn a small group of friends of mine were going to attempt a weekly trip to the gym. Not sure if it's still going ahead or not, though.

The gym would be your best bet, in terms of versatility, though I honestly prefer to train at home. Sticking to a healthy diet and doing calisthenics (exercises that use body weight for resistance -ie. push-ups (or press-ups), sit-ups and squats are all good.) They're ideal, as you don't need any equipment to get started.

I can't even remember the last time I played any sport activity, especially since leaving school and no longer being forced into PE lessons which were always the worst of school, especially with what kind of teachers they were.

Yeah, PE wasn't my favorite, either. I was thrilled when my school came up with the alternative, "Personal Fitness" which was basically just a bunch of stretching/walking around the gym/track for 45 minutes with a bunch of attractive, young girls. :D Sure, I got ragged on for that one, but hey, I sure was cool with it! :P

I suppose. Her Tumblr is acknowledge by many of her friends and she was the one that actually brought me on there just because she had to make a post about me. Since then I'm stuck on there and while I've wanted to drift away from there, it can be hard to leave when you see funny shit like this.

I don't approve of abusing Metallica albums. >:( Well, if he was taking a hammer to Load and Re-load, then maybe I wouldn't object. But Master and Ride the Lightning? BLASPHEMER! :P


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-06 17:46:31

I've had some nasty shit said to me on this site and I don't want others to be hurt like that as well.

I'm sorry to hear that. I can honestly say that I've never made any true enemies on this site. (There have been several over the years that didn't like, but I managed to keep it to myself.)

Plus, if there's anyone attempting to add me that I know are trolls, I won't even accept their friend add.

I've had a few users try to add me that I had never even so much as seen around on the BBS. I mean, what's up with that? I have to at least recall having one decent conversation or interaction of some kind with a user before I add them to my friends list, you know?

None of my friends are BBS posters. Well, one did make a post or two here but that's it.

Now that I think of it, I actually did get another efriend from a Zelda fan group to make an account here, though he never stuck around for more than a day or two. Too bad. :(

They were more for the flash animations which is actually what you're meant to be fucking doing if you're on Newgrounds. :P A few of them are familiar with the whole incident with Sirtom, though and one even liked Dickneck.

Yeah, my friends at school going on NG for the flash content was what got me into the site originally. Nobody besides myself seemed interested in making an account, though, for some reason. Did the Sirtom incident get much media attention over there? If I wasn't around on NG when that all happened I probably wouldn't even have heard about it. lol

I used to talk shit against bronies but I don't even have that right anymore. First it was because I officially made myself part of the furry fandom and signed up to FurAffinity, then it was myself watching through an entire MLP parody series on YouTube because of my ex constantly spewing jokes from it and lastly, the pony cosplay that I agreed to and went to a fancy dress party as.

Pony cosplay? If you weren't so awesome I would be thinking less of you right now. :P

unless they're the sick fucks who have sexual fantasies over them. Keep in mind internet, a pony is a child form of a horse...

I thought that was an essential part of bronydom for most? Though I am ignorant to the subject, I must confess.

But yeah, the internet made My Little Pony a cool thing to like and it wouldn't have been possible in a million years had it not been otherwise.

True. I don't think something like that would have been able to originate in the physical world.

The name alone should give you a hint.

Yeah, it does. And I don't want to know anything more beyond the image my mind has conjured up. :P

I could talk trash about the anime part of it all day long due to horrendous writing and cliches. Come to think about it, if I was to ever watch either of them, it would only be from the abridged parodies.

The writing was pretty terrible, I wont disagree there. But who watches DBZ for the writing, anyway? That show was 100% about the action; the plot was more like a necessary afterthought that just got recycled every saga. lol I'd say watch everything from the Sayian Saga through the Cell Games -after that it kinda starts losing it, if you ask me. Oh, and the movies are damn terrible, don't even bother with them.

You could be considered the most attractive woman in the whole wide world but if you can't get along with my major interests, then I have no desire to love a person like that.

Certainly not love, but maybe some other things, perhaps. ;)

I used to think I was asking too much from a love partner but a few simple things like that, it can't be that bad and surely there's plenty out there that fit under that criteria.

It's certainly possible. That's why I suggest looking to find social groups that match some of your interests, as your bound to find like minded people there. Just finding a girl in day to day life seems like trying to find a needle in a haystack, but being lucky enough to find one that's like you? Damn, you need the internet for that shit. :P

I actually feared that if I ended the relationship with her, she wouldn't even want to see me again and it would cause problems with seeing those that we both know. Thankfully that hasn't been the case and we're still in speaking terms. As said before, she's handled the break up much better than the last few.

Yeah, the fallout of a relationship (or the creation of one for that matter) can sometimes cause some collateral damage. Looks like you lucked out.

Roommates are never something I've had to worry about but then again, being stuck with parents even at the age of 22 isn't so grand either but what can I do about it?

It's tough out there these days, for sure. Hopefully you'll be able to land a good enough job to support yourself. If not, hey, there's always roommates. ;)

The funny thing is, I actually tried to invite them all to my 18th birthday. It wasn't a problem for the teachers to be there but those old friends, only three managed to show up.

You invited your teachers? Not a chance I would do a thing like that. :P

Some I could possibly chase up on Facebook but it's been over a decade since they last saw me and I'd be amazed if they could recognise me now. Compare me to when I was 9 years old, it's a major difference.

That's really cool that some did show up, though. It must have been a really cool experience to see those people after such a long time.

It's really bad when they have to be immature and make homophobic comments. Even if you two were gay, what's their fucking business? Schools

can be hit and miss with how they handle those that get ridiculed with such comments but in this modern age there better be a zero tolerance policy on homophobia.

I wouldn't even have called it homophobia, as I never felt any sort of hate from those kids. They were just incredibly immature/bored, I guess. I guess they just felt like pestering us because we were really close friends and weren't part of their "cool" clique. (The funny thing is, our friendship eventually came to an end when a girl came between us!) LOL

I have a fair amount of friends who are either gay or bisexual so if anyone has to make nasty comments over those sexual orientations, I'm gonna have a sick taste in my throat. These words are from a straight guy and I will not have any friendship ruined just because one has a different sexual preference to mine. I'll admit that heterosexuality is dominant in my family and it's hard to think of a single person who may have different preference but at the end of the day, we're all human so no-one should be treating one less over a trivial matter.

I feel the same way. I mean, who cares where you stick your prick? It's a personal matter that shouldn't even concern anyone who's not involved, anyway.

Hah, I can do all the burning with my own throat. Amazing, isn't it? Too bad I'm not doing it as often as I'd like. :P

Maybe you can use some of that time you're not updating stat lists and go on a rampage or two? :P

It's probably bad that I still have a grudge against her over that even to this day but if you're meant to be the management for those with disabilities of any kind and that's how you feel was right to treat someone who was under stress, you have no fucking idea what you're doing with your job and you should have been fired. If this ever happens to my child, there'd be a shitstorm for sure.

I'd still hold a grudge, too, if it were me. Hell, that seems like one of those memories that would be tough to forget. :\

If we're still cool with each other despite the events, I can't see why we can't. It might be a while before I see her in person, though but when we do I'm sure we'll enjoy seeing each other again.

Sometimes I think about how much it sucks that I'll most likely never see a lot of the people from my past again. (Exes, old school friends or what have you.) That's why I'm happy it worked out the way it did for you guys. :)


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-04-06 17:51:52

I don't think I know anyone who'd be up for hiking but then again, those that I know aren't generally the going somewhere kind. Most they'll be doing is getting drunk and shit at parties.

lol! Well, that's a constructive hobby, I guess... 0.o

And here I wonder what happened if I took the other path in the fork and got myself addicted to World of Warcraft instead of making flash animations.

Why, you would have met an enchanting night elf and lived happily ever after in Warcraft land, of course! (Probably could have done more with that, if I actually knew anything about Warcraft.) lol

There was a certain point in my life when I could have been addicted to WoW but I managed to get out of it while I was ahead. Could I have met someone on there just like what happened to my sister?

God, I'm kinda glad I never got into WoW. You see, I have an addictive personality when it comes to nerdy stuff like that. (b/p'ing on NG is an excellent example.) It probably would have consumed my life to the point where I was reduced to a basement-dwelling goblin, living off Doritos and Mountain Dew who's only source of light is a computer screen. XD Hell, I don't even want to think how many hours I've spent playing Skyrim, and that's just a one player game! I also probably would have loved D&D; too bad I never knew anybody who was into it.

This kind of alternative reality is possible in a parallel universe somewhere. Yes, I'm the kind of fool that believes in sci-fi mumbo jumbo as that. ;D Anything is possible, you know?

The Multiverse is no joke, my friend. :P There is a Bahamut who played WoW and doesn't even have a Newgrounds account. And there's another who has an vast collection of Easy Listening music and loathes metal! lmao

Speaking of dating sites, I have been looking into them lately. I know I was cynical because it doesn't take much to pretend to be someone but you know what, it doesn't hurt to try. It's kinda like searching for a job on the internet. Chances are most of them are non-existent anyway but either you sit there and do nothing and earn nothing at all as a result OR, you could actually try and approach them and see what happens. The worst that would happen is hearing nothing in return or them simply saying they're not all that interested in you. The latter might be bad to hear but if they know so little about you anyway, it won't be such a huge loss. Just try again and find someone else.

That's the way you need to look at it, I think. I mean, you're odds of finding a relationship online are way better then if you don't make any effort at all. Seems like most dating sites ask for specific turn-ons/turn-offs, so you should be able to find someone you click with, though it'll probably take a bit of trial and error -just stick with it! :P

You know, I've always feared that by attempting to talk to women and see if I could ask them out, I'd only be seen as some stalker or a sex predator but if you're gonna advertise yourself on dating websites and you're looking for a partner of whatever gender, clearly there's no stalking there if all you're gonna do is try and talk to them.

I've often felt the same thing, especially when there's no easy opening to spark up a conversation without sounding awkward or like a total creep. XD

A recent strong statement to myself is if I don't ask, I simply don't get. I just gotta make these attempts and see if they would be willing to see me. Sure, despite finding them on DATING SITES, I'm not expecting to go on a date straight away but we have to get to know each other first.

It's the quickest way to get yourself out there, and hey, at least you know everyone on there is looking for a date and doesn't already have a damn boyfriend. (Or at least you hope they don't.) :P

What I'd like to do first is talk to them a bit and see how things progress. Generally I'd like to see that we can speak to each other on Facebook for general contacts and Skype to have a video chat somewhere down the line. Video chat is easily the best way to prove that they're legit.

Yeah, strangely enough, I always thought talking online (even just using IM, or something) served as a good way to "break the ice" with people, albeit on a pretty superficial level. Though I suppose when you're talking about a potential date, some kind of video chat would be required, as you said.

So yeah, online dating shouldn't be all that bad. I may not have much experience with it right now but it can't be all that bad. If I keep looking out, who knows what an amazing individual I can find!

Good luck, and feel free to let us know how your endeavors turn out. :)

She seems to want to steal them and then go back home. D:

Well, that's just shallow. :P

Well, I may end up making my activity minimal but I'll have to check here every so often.

It's always a good place to chat every once in a while, even if you aren't super active overall.

I keep meaning to retire them at milestones but it's a matter of if I feel like keeping it going now.

How many are you still depositing for these days? You could always just focus on depositing for the couple that are near and dear to you. ;)

Seriously, I don't even know how I've managed to handle all of this. I thought just having to kiss her would have got me nervous but it didn't. I thought going out on a date would have had me anxious but I wasn't and while I had to deal with a downhill slope of the relationship and had me depressed for some of the time, there has yet to be a time where I've had myself crying. I even kept telling myself, "Don't worry a thing, just cry already. You're only human after all." It's not that I don't have any human emotions because if I didn't, why would I be sad over losing her? Maybe things were gradually going downhill as opposed to a sudden stop so perhaps I slowly dealt with my feelings that way, or maybe I just knew some things had to be done and I had to take my own actions. Even my mum is amazed how I've dealt with everything here and she of all people would have seen all the worst of me on the outside.

Like I said before, things seemed to happen quite fast, so maybe it was a case of just being in emotional shock over the whole experience? I would almost say that it didn't last long enough to set you up for a proper, full-blown heart break. (Which is a good thing.) ;)

Five posts... Only got away because I'm a mod. :P

I've just got to keep mine condensed. :P

At 3/27/13 02:22 AM, Haggard wrote: That reminds me of one quote from german-bash.org
"What? You have a girlfriend now? How can a WoW addict like you ever get a gf?... so, what kind of girl is she? :D"
- "A night elf."


Okay, now that is fucking hot.

Wow, that's really disappointing... :( but now that I think about it... how on earth did you happen to know of the term "reach-around" if it wasn't for that movie? :P

Uh, you know, all that about "reaching around the block a few times" and such. :P

Ok, I'm glad we got that covered. ^^


Pretty much. But since we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, there's really nothing special going on in November.

I suppose you could always go to a wedding. :P

What you say? It's like saying Fagamut and Bahamut are the same person!

I think you may be onto something...

At 3/29/13 12:46 PM, Coop wrote: Put the pen back together, or I'll make you work with a pencil until you can act responsibly. *taps foot*

*Puts pen down and shoots a rubber band a the back of Coop's head as soon as he's turned around*

Nah, that was Harry - he was only 16 at the time and now being 18, he should have matured a little. Wait and see.

So, what you're saying is I wont get to see Coop jumping around like a madman and spraying champagne everywhere? This saddens me. :(

At 3/30/13 04:45 PM, jaxxDS wrote: Here's that image of level icons.

Didn't somebody do this like back in December originally? (lol)


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