At 4/2/13 04:26 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 4/1/13 01:33 PM, Haggard wrote:
But really... Queensryche... that's just a fucking joke...
Depends which Queensryche we're talking about. There's the one with Geoff Tate and one without. If it was the one with Geoff Tate, I certainly agree. If the other... I still agree. Tateless Queensryche needs to provide a few good albums on their own since the new direction.
I guess it's the Queensryche with the current line up.
At 4/1/13 12:22 PM, Bahamut wrote:
I don't think I've ever made this mistake once.
I think I was about to post something with my alt account once, but realized my mistake just before I hit the post button.
I could have deleted your post if you had requested it via IM/PM. :P
Naah, too much trouble.
Since space is infinite (or at least, the universe is still expanding) there also are an infinite number of planets out there.
I have a hard time thinking space is infinite.
I guess this is because we just can't imagine something that is "infinite". ;)
Surely there's gotta be a point where it can no longer expand.
Scientists are sure that it will start to collapse at some point in the furute. But AFAIK, it's still expanding right now.
OR: They are so intelligent that they don't even recognize us. Really, when was the last time you tried to communicate with a worm? If for "aliens" we are just worms, they won't bother communicating with us.
Fair point to that. Earth can't be that special planet that some sci-fi shows/films try to make it out to be. A bit silly for me to say that since I love Futurama a lot and they like to centre around Earth a lot and then you have Doctor Who where the majority of Earth-based events as well as the companions are located in Britain.
Well, I think the viewers want to see at least something they can recognize. Or maybe it was just because they wanted to save some money when they first started the show. So they used locations based in Britain.
The one thing that always annoyed me in Star Treck was, that extraterestials ALWAYS looked the same and had the same character traits. Klingons are always agressvie, Ferengies are always sneaky, etc. Just humans might have had some different character traits within the same race...
Also, those other races always had just ONE government for the whole planet (or that's what it seemed like). And there don't seem to be different continents on other planets, where the inhabitants might look and behave differently. I mean, just look at the earth. An Inuit hardly looks like an Aborigine.
And it's still a place that's easy to get to from point A to point B without so much worry about traffic? I suppose Philip J. Fry had a point when he claimed no-one drove since there was too much traffic. :P
Well, if there's really much traffic and you are stuck in a traffic jam, then you have all the time in the world to figure out where you have to turn to reach your goal. :P
If there was one thing school never tried to teach me in Geography, it was learning all the states of America.
I don't think it's really that important to know the states of the USA when you are not living there in the first place. I know the federal states of Germany, and that's good enough for me. But I do know more US states than I know federal states of England, haha.
I don't expect instant changes to the portal but at least get some of the ongoing problems fixed already!
Exactly. Hell, just fix one thing per month (or, try fixing it at the very least). Then we could see some changes...
That "giving back missed Exp" thing is another thing that pisses me off. If you missed the deposit, you missed it. Tough luck. If I see another account gaining missed Exp back, I'm going to ask Tom if he can recover all my Exp I already missed...
The only exception I would ever agree is that the account was compromised.
I don't mind Coop asking (hey, you can always try), but I think it was the wrong decision from Tom to grant that wish.
Thankfully I have a phone now so the only times where I'll really need someone to deposit for me is if I ever go outside the UK. Use of internet on phones in foreign countries can be screwy so it's best not taking the risks, unless reliable Wi-Fi can be provided.
If you have an Android phone, you could always use the Tethering mode so the phone acts as an Wi-Fi spot. I did that with my wife's phone when we where on Amrum and the Wi-Fi at our home didn't work. But again, I would only do that in my home country and not in foreign countries, since your provider might charge you extra for that...
Well, hopefully. Less and less people are using the internet on computers and more and more it becomes phone/table-based which neither are adaptable for Newgrounds for the main sections of the site.
While I can see the advantage of a Smartphone with internet access when you are out, I still can't see myself only using a device with such a small screen and limited storage space. Hell, where would I store all the football matches I downloaded? I have 217GB of various football matches on my external drive. ^^
If you are giving yourself some time to review submissions, that I feel is far more productive than continuing to gain points.
Eh, I still had no time to do some reviews. :(
Ah well. To be honest, I much prefer your communication here than you doing some reviews.
Yeah, the replies in the LUL are my top priority. I try to do them each day. ;)
Yeah, maybe I will just vote 0 on five UJ entries, to at least gain some blams from time to time...
That's something you can try out and see how it goes.
I might start next week. For now, I'm happy with the small break.
If a girl wants to be treated like a possession, they're asking out the wrong guy. Some men actually want to be nice to the one they love.
I never believed in that "you have to be an asshole to get a girl" theory anyway. Or that stuff that some self claimed "Pick up artists" write about, is just a hughe pile of crap, imo. How about this one: Just be yourself. If the girl doesn't like you for who and what you are, then she's just not the right girl for you...
The timing of when to arrive and leave a party is only natural. It's understandable why you two would be together in those cases.
Also, there's not much we can do about anyway. We live together, so it would be silly, if one stayed behing while the other already went to the party, heh.
That said, I'm more than willing to allow my partner be able to talk to other people at the party. It helps to have company of others when you're out and about. Although, being together a lot at the start should be understandable since both will be excited to see each other and it'll be all they'll be thinking about.
Yes, we did hang out together at parties when we still where a "new couple". But after a while, it's only natural that you have different topics to talk about with different people.