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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-26 20:20:37

I finally have the feeling to be able to move forward. While it's a shame I'm not with her anymore, I think it's set in stone that she'll no longer be in a relationship with me. I was wanting our relationship to have a second chance as I felt the ugly events we both had to go through shouldn't have been the final judgment for us but if she feels she can't be with someone for a very long time, that's how it'll have to be. Perhaps she should have tried asking me out at a later date but mistakes have been made. For now, best maintaining our friendship since we both still speak to each other a lot and we're aren't blanking each other out.

Happy 3,000 pages to the Level Up Lounge! I only wish happier topics could be talked about around here but that's how things go.

Listening to:

Diablo Swing Orchestra - Pandora's Pinata
Yes - Close to the Edge
King Diamond - "Them" and Conspiracy

At 3/25/13 01:28 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/24/13 10:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: I think the story with my dad one Christmas was funny. He was so drunk he fell asleep on a bus and by the time he woke up, the bus already went through a whole circuit and asked the driver if the bus had even started.
Nice one.
A friend told me this once:
The funny thing is, his first thought was: "I FINALLY made it to Central Station!" and then a few moments later: "Wait... I already have been here... NOOOOOOOO!" XD

Bahahahahhaa! I have more fun drunk stories to share. At one party a friend got so wasted after one hour he threw up and had to be escorted home. While he was escorted back they were able to find a Somalian community place in the middle of nowhere in Liverpool. Quite possibly the most random shit you could ever find there.

Heh, and if I went it would be because the lineup was damn good enough to travel all the way there.
Well, there are the regular visitors from Sweden and Norway. Sometimes people come all the way from Japan or Australia. So a guy from the UK wouldn't be that rare. ^^

And I don't even have much money to go on holidays on a regular basis. There's actually a possibility that I'll go away somewhere with my parents. When they have the thought of going to Spain for PortAventura and go to Barcelona as well for one week, I suppose it's hard to pass that up, especially when I'm a sucker for theme parks. I know I need to save money but I think I'm fine with using saved money for an abroad trip every now and again. They've not confirmed going just yet and they know now that I actually wouldn't mind tagging along. Next year might feel easier for me since I can keep building up my money for the time being and by then I should have quite a growth in my bank account. I have several things planned this year already and that's even considering the fact that I am once again in single life.

At 3/26/13 01:32 AM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 3/24/13 10:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: As if my week couldn't have been shit enough. We all know my relationship problems but life thought it wasn't enough so the next thing to happen was getting screwed over with the job just because of references not getting back to the agency in time. The last thing to happen, well, I just so happened to have taken the wrong fucking train tickets with me and I missed out on the London trip as a result.
Jeez, as if you need any more BS right now. There's not much I can do through the internet, but just let me say that I'm feeling for ya right now. Well, I suppose all I can do is reply to this post of yours. ;)

I do appreciate it for sure. My family understands how much of a shit week that was for me and respected that I wasn't in my best moods. As long as I can chin up for the rest of the week, at least I'll have felt I got the worst feelings out of me. Tomorrow is seeing friends, my sister gets here Thursday, I'll be going to the rock bar with my sister on Friday, Saturday is new Doctor Who and celebrating my uncle's 60th birthday and Sunday is Easter! I do have quite a week ahead of me!

While I'll have saved a bit of money by not going and will get refunded for the train tickets, I could have done with going to the live show to see Gojira and Ghost on stage just to see something.
I'd take some of that money and buy yourself something you've had your eye on. At least a case of Guiness or something. ;)

Last week I was trying to see if I could buy one of the latest games. I suppose with the saved money now I could potentially get one of them, particularly Tomb Raider. However, if my parents do go ahead with the trip to Spain then I'll need to save up a bit.

Instead, I did see some friends today but in the evening I got a headache from my cousin. He may be very young but my patience has its limits, particularly at this time. The week ahead better treat me well.
Cool you at least got to hang with friends. And you already know my opinion on kids, so I wont go there. ^^

I'm sure I've said my opinion on having kids already but I'll go ahead and explain my views in better detail. I generally don't have a definite yes or a definite no for having kids. While I can see that my cousin can be obnoxious, I was certainly no better when I was his age and raising a kid is certainly one of the biggest challenges in life. Somewhere down the road I could have a kid of my own and I'd have to raise him/her if me and my love partner made the commitment to reproduce.

I'd totally respect whether my love partner would want an offspring or not. There's no good in forcing it down their throat if they're not wanting a child at all. I won't be disappointed if that would be the case but if it's something they'll look into later on in life, that's something we'll deal with at a much later point in our lives. First there's meeting the right love partner, then a few years down the line I shall propose to her and hopefully before marriage we are able to afford a house for ourselves. Only after all of that would I even have any considerations for having a child. I don't want to be one of those pricks who exploit benefits from this country and get their own house the easy way.

Oh, and there may be that debate about whether it's fine to have sex before marriage or not but after the relationship I had, there's absolutely no way I can be a preachy kind of person on the whole matter. It's another thing I was fence sitting about when thinking about relationships but it was never a huge no or a huge yes. I just had to see how things went at first. There were our little moments together when we said we would do it but clearly none of that happened or will be happening now. All of these ideas were from her behalf and not from myself. With very little experience with being in love the most I knew I could have done was hugs and kisses and that's really the most I'd ask for when I have someone again. Hell, I could tell myself that I wasn't such a great kisser at first but I did get the hang of it all just before the turning point. Just shows what I was like before 2013. :P

Sorry for the four-parter guys.
You've been going to some shit lately; if talking about it here helps you vent, then by all means go for it.

It has been helping and like I said, it helps to explore the mind.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-26 20:20:54

Eh, it's nice to have it more accurate.
I sent byteslinger a PM today and she sounded optimistic about it. Now we wait...

Hopefully the idea will be implemented. The hexalist adapts to the inclusion of medals well so I can't see why it can't be added for NG Log's total stat listings.

I'll admit that perhaps I was a little too overconfident with some of the things I've been saying here.
It's an easy trap to fall into, when you're feeling the effects of a new relationship (especially your first one). That's why I was kinda cautioning you against making any drastic decisions before letting things play out for a while, though I'm sure it's nothing you needed telling. Any advice I thought of giving you at the time seemed really obvious, yet people tend not to think with their heads when they really should be sometimes, you know?

Well now I've learned my lesson. Then again, things should have worked out better for the rest of the week. My mum said that bad stuff happens in threes and I hope she is right. Maybe now I've got all the bad shit out of the way for the time being and I can now look forward to a brighter future. Granted, I said I was looking forward to a bright future with her but I gotta find someone else and have a future with them instead.

Yeah, I'm surprised I could even reach him at all that way. I just knew that if you're going to deposit at least half of the time, you WILL notice new PMs in your inbox.
Is he still depositing? I had just assumed he left NG totally. (Though I did see gfoxcook, gfox and gfoxclock on the recent logs on NGlog not too long ago. Needless to say that was a surprise.

EXP updates show that he can miss them half of the time. He's easily letting more and more users pass him at this rate. I can't say how he'll be in a few years time. Then again, maybe I can't say for myself how my deposit habits will be. I'm still going to keep up with my main account but the alts I'm ready to let them rest.

Odyssic leaving was really what made it seem like a ghost town around here to me, even though he didn't partake in discussion much (at least not since I returned.)

Yeah, the more that are leaving us the deader this place is going to become. It's sad to think of it this way but I think the LUL is on its last legs.

*sigh* well, at least there are still users coming here with rank-ups and milestones. This has got to be the greatest thread in NG history; over 12 years old and coming up on it's 3,000th page, no less. Pretty amazing when you think about it.

Oh it's amazing that a thread can live for over a decade but you gotta see how the place is like now. It's certainly nothing like how it was back in 2005. The majority of them have moved on at this point and then there's that thought of myself possibly moving on. I won't entirely give up on this site as there's a few things I like to keep checking back on. Even if I do step down from things, I'll still deposit my main and I'll check on my few favourite threads on here.

Back then and even now I feel swimming is one of the more fun forms of exercise. It's always a blast when you can swim with friends and if you can give your body some exercise in the process, it's a win-win situation!
Definitely, and it works everything, all at once, too. I can honestly say that I've never been so damn hungry as I am after a good long swim. I guess these days I'll just have to settle for hiking, which is something I plan on doing a lot this summer. I've found a site that shows all the major peaks in my area; I'm going to try to climb 2 a month -lets see how that goes. (And no, I don't live in the Rockies or anything; the mountains around my area are pretty tame in comparison.) lol

And now I've agreed to myself on a new thing to do on a regular basis. It won't be daily as I should probably do but a walk from home all the way into town is one way to get a bit of exercise. It's a half hour walk to get to a train station but if this was done regularly at least no one can say that I don't exercise for shit. However, a downside for this would be weather conditions. If it's pouring down and I have a bag to carry with me, I won't want to be walking around in the rain and don't forget which country I live in. Still, if this can be done, not only am I getting exercise but I'm also going to spend a bit less on travel expenses. A return train fare + evening bus fare is cheaper than getting a day ticket from whoever by almost 2 quid. Why not save some pennies while I'm at it!

Whatever people I know do for regular exercises, I should ask on Facebook sometime soon and see what goes on. Maybe one will do just work outs at the gym but anything should be good.
I would highly recommend weight training -it just makes you feel good, especially when you first start, as you gain strength quickly at first. I'll tell ya, there's nothing quite like reaching a goal and knowing that you're stronger than you were just a couple weeks ago. If you've got a place to go, give it a try and stick with it.

I could have sworn a small group of friends of mine were going to attempt a weekly trip to the gym. Not sure if it's still going ahead or not, though.

Well, perhaps not everything as I won't jump into one sport for an activity due to potential risks with some of them. I suppose if there was one sport to do it would be tennis... *remembers his own name* Goddammit Andy!
I was actually talking to an old NG friend today about (playing) tennis. It's one of those sports that I've always wanted to try, but never did (mainly due to not having proper equipment.) Racquetball is another similar sport that looks really fun. Anyway, the only sport that I've played as an adult is badminton, which I am actually pretty damn good at. (I'm not ashamed to admit it, dammit!) lol

I can't even remember the last time I played any sport activity, especially since leaving school and no longer being forced into PE lessons which were always the worst of school, especially with what kind of teachers they were.

I suppose I'm not much better when I use Newgrounds to talk about what's been going on between me and her but at least I'm not using this place to vent out on my own mental issues which some have done in the past and got themselves in an ugly situation as a result. I won't name and shame but some may remember an incident or two.
Yeah, but the social media is different, though. When you're venting in a place like that, people you know are going to see it and it really makes public things that should be kept between you two. I think that's a little different than chatting with some guy who has never met any of the people involved and lives on another continent entirely. :P

I suppose. Her Tumblr is acknowledge by many of her friends and she was the one that actually brought me on there just because she had to make a post about me. Since then I'm stuck on there and while I've wanted to drift away from there, it can be hard to leave when you see funny shit like this.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-26 20:21:09

At least I never showed her this site. I felt from the very start when I knew she was a sensitive individual and bringing her to the BBS would only lead to misery.
Understandable. Sometimes I think I wouldn't wish the General forum on anybody.

That and considering the fact that I'm a mod and have been targets for some trolls on the site in the past, it's just not a good mix at all. I've had some nasty shit said to me on this site and I don't want others to be hurt like that as well. There was a good reason why I kept people I knew in the real world separate from those I knew on Newgrounds for Facebook accounts. However, now I have them all in one place and have better management with who can see what from my profile. Plus, if there's anyone attempting to add me that I know are trolls, I won't even accept their friend add.

You know, despite how much I've spent on here, I've not mentioned Newgrounds to many friends in the outside world. Only my friends going back to secondary high school and the other odd one or two know of my presence here. One could argue that I should try and get more to this site but I feel some things that are on the internet are best kept there.
It's been largely the same for me, really, though I can't tell you how many of my friends I had tried to get into NG, but none ever took to it. I always thought how awesome it would be to see your RL buddy listed on the wall of users browsing the BBS, or to say "dude, did you see that fucked up thread last night?" when meeting at school the next day. Of course this was all years ago, mind you, when I was a young and impressionable noob. Now almost 9 years later I'm just an old, jaded noob. :P

None of my friends are BBS posters. Well, one did make a post or two here but that's it. They were more for the flash animations which is actually what you're meant to be fucking doing if you're on Newgrounds. :P A few of them are familiar with the whole incident with Sirtom, though and one even liked Dickneck.

At 3/26/13 01:36 AM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
Well, I am being very careful with the furries I'm getting acquainted with that are beyond my local friends. While I can understand their fetishes can be seen as odd to many (I have to draw the line somewhere for their porn), I don't see what's so bad about the fursuiting aspect. They can actually look adorable when you see them in person and to me, it's not much different than those dressing up as various Disney characters in the theme parks. That said, there's some red zones from the fandom that I cannot tolerate at all,
I can stomach furries better than bronies. All I can think of is that My Little Pony was a show that was around when I was a kid. It was meant for little girls. I swear, if I, at the age of 8, walked into class wearing a MLP t-shirt, I would have gotten my ass kicked by my classmates for being a fucking pansy. Now it's okay for teenage boys to be obsessed over this shit. I just don't get it. :\ DAMN TEH INTERWEBZ.

I used to talk shit against bronies but I don't even have that right anymore. First it was because I officially made myself part of the furry fandom and signed up to FurAffinity, then it was myself watching through an entire MLP parody series on YouTube because of my ex constantly spewing jokes from it and lastly, the pony cosplay that I agreed to and went to a fancy dress party as. I believe only a minority of bronies would even do any pony cosplaying so I clearly have no more rights to talk against them, unless they're the sick fucks who have sexual fantasies over them. Keep in mind internet, a pony is a child form of a horse...

But yeah, the internet made My Little Pony a cool thing to like and it wouldn't have been possible in a million years had it not been otherwise.

babyfurs being the best example... I just don't understand them at all and it can't be a sign of a sane person. You can certainly quarantine them. :)
Don't even want to know.

The name alone should give you a hint.

Well, I can't judge you over DBZ for anything at all. If I play Yugioh then what right do I have? :P
Come on, man. I was 13, sitting 3 inches away from the screen, watching as Goku turns Super Sayian for the first time. IT WAS GOOSEBUMP-RAISING EPIC! I, as recently as last year watched the whole DBZ series from start to finish; it was cool, but not nearly as epic as it seemed when I was a kid. :(

Not to worry, I was briefly a fan of DBZ. I say briefly because back then it was all cable TV but I only got a chance to see 20 episodes or so of DBZ and that was the start of the Buu saga. Then Cartoon Network moved the show to a digital only channel and I was forced to lose all interest altogether. Thankfully back then I didn't have Yugioh taken away from me but nowadays I could talk trash about the anime part of it all day long due to horrendous writing and cliches. Come to think about it, if I was to ever watch either of them, it would only be from the abridged parodies.

Lame-ass confirmed!
Just nerdy, and there's nothing wrong with that. :D

Yeah, I have a lot of nerdiness inside me and being a metalhead hardly hides that. :P Honestly, I much like this personality of mine and I am by far more comfortable with a girl who has a lot of nerdy interests like I do. You could be considered the most attractive woman in the whole wide world but if you can't get along with my major interests, then I have no desire to love a person like that. I may be desperate at times but even I have to set some standards and at least now I feel what I want from a girl isn't all that demanding.

The main things I seek from someone is to be a heavy metal fan like I am, be within gaming interests and be willing to be with me whenever possible. The last one is only necessary to mention considering the slump I had to go through only for it to be all gone in the end. She did at least apply to the other two, though. I used to think I was asking too much from a love partner but a few simple things like that, it can't be that bad and surely there's plenty out there that fit under that criteria.

I don't know how much heavy metal she knew but she's good to know Burzum, Diablo Swing Orchestra and even Sunn 0))). Only a fan of DSO here but Sunn 0))) aren't the most accessible metal band to get into. Infact, she knew that I liked Helloween a lot and when she drew a picture of my dragon character, she did put a Helloween T-shirt on me and that put a huge smile on my face. :D
She probably knows more metal than I do! Now, if you're talking anything from the rock/metal spectrum from 1970 to 2000, then I might stand more of a chance.

It's hard to say but perhaps I'll still find out more about her musical tastes. Things would be a lot easier if we all had Last.fm accounts, though.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-26 20:21:15

Still, there was still a ton more we could have explored together. Maybe since we're still on best friends status despite the break up, I can still show her a lot from metal.
Definitely, if you guys are still able to maintain a friendship after a falling out, that's awesome. I actually envy that.

Well, if she says that her life has been dull without seeing so much of me and another person that she's fond of, then it's good to hear that she still wants to see us whenever possible. I actually feared that if I ended the relationship with her, she wouldn't even want to see me again and it would cause problems with seeing those that we both know. Thankfully that hasn't been the case and we're still in speaking terms. As said before, she's handled the break up much better than the last few.

there was unfortunately an argument with one of her roommates over it that night.
Roommates always seemed like a prickly subject to me, though I have thankfully been able to avoid any thus far. I could even see good friends getting on each other's nerves when faced with each other day in and day out like that. (Then again, I could also see how parties would get on one's nerves as well, if you're not a part of it.) :P

Roommates are never something I've had to worry about but then again, being stuck with parents even at the age of 22 isn't so grand either but what can I do about it?

It was a really sad time when they all moved onto secondary school while two of us were a year behind. The academic year between myself and those who I knew was always the worst part of school for me. When they all left for the next part of their lives, I was stuck behind. Some of them I've not been able to ever see since they all left so who knows where some of them are now?
Wow, that is kind of a sad story. You were so young then, it would be probably more than a little awkward to try and find some of these people now...

The funny thing is, I actually tried to invite them all to my 18th birthday. It wasn't a problem for the teachers to be there but those old friends, only three managed to show up. Some I could possibly chase up on Facebook but it's been over a decade since they last saw me and I'd be amazed if they could recognise me now. Compare me to when I was 9 years old, it's a major difference.

It was worse in secondary school considering all that hell I had to go through. Every single fucking day there I was always afraid of being bullied and generally it happened. The teachers and support staff never did a single goddamn thing to help me and some of them only made it worse for me. By the last year of school I was just ready to get myself expelled and fight those who would attempt to screw around with me. I did have a few fights as a result but it never got me into huge trouble, surprisingly enough. Again, the most crucial part of my life and I could have thrown it all away but the exam results I got were all passable and within the highest grades I could possibly get.
Ugh, I do know what it's like to get picked on, though my situation in high school wasn't quite as bad as what you described. I remember my best friend and I were always hanging out, you know, attached at the hip, and there were a couple dumbasses who apparently had nothing better to do than ask if we were "gay" all the time and to spread rumors and shit.

It's really bad when they have to be immature and make homophobic comments. Even if you two were gay, what's their fucking business? Schools can be hit and miss with how they handle those that get ridiculed with such comments but in this modern age there better be a zero tolerance policy on homophobia. I have a fair amount of friends who are either gay or bisexual so if anyone has to make nasty comments over those sexual orientations, I'm gonna have a sick taste in my throat. These words are from a straight guy and I will not have any friendship ruined just because one has a different sexual preference to mine. I'll admit that heterosexuality is dominant in my family and it's hard to think of a single person who may have different preference but at the end of the day, we're all human so no-one should be treating one less over a trivial matter.

Even though I did have a hellish time, I can easily agree that at least it didn't turn to catastrophic events like attempting to burn the school down and having myself stuck in an asylum for a few years (*cough*Sirtom*cough*)
Yeah, I think a little more highly of you than that. How does a dragon buy petrol, anyway? Oh wait, dragon doesn't NEED petrol. lol

Hah, I can do all the burning with my own throat. Amazing, isn't it? Too bad I'm not doing it as often as I'd like. :P

However, even if I may have not had the worst time imagineable at school, how the situation was handled was still inexcusable for them. Even to this day I still hate them all and would rather not see them anywhere in sight and if they did try to approach me, I won't mind being openly honest about my own feelings and tell them to FUCK OFF!
I remember you saying you'd never want to work at your old school before. After reading this post I can understand why. :(

I'm happy to hear you understand. My parents on the other hand, they still can't grasp why I show no respect to them at all. I will kick off shit if I have to just to get my point across. Done it several times before and I will do it again.

My dad tried to ask me if I remembered her and I told him that I didn't have fond memories at the school at all and he spoke against me for it. That alone really killed my mood and it didn't help when further on the night my dad decided to poke fun at me for various things so I was damn close to storming out the restaurant and heading back home.
Wow, what a bullshit way for your dad to act, especially at a family occasion like that. At least you were man enough to stick it out -I probably would have told him off and walked out.

Heh, I probably shouldn't have even stayed but I wanted to be there for my nan. I could have been going out with friends today for one's birthday but not only was it short notice, having it on a Tuesday of all days? Instead, I was just at my grandparents' like every other Tuesday. While I've said that I should stop holding myself behind for family and find all the opportunities to go out, I just couldn't do it here.

And even if this shit happened seven years ago, there is still that one that I still despise a lot for what she did to me one day. Due to computer issues, I was under stress one day and wasn't able to do a lot of work so she called me in and told me off and she should have fucking known better that she should have dealt with someone with a mental disability a lot better than that. I tend to not excuse myself with saying "Oh I have Aspergers" but when it comes to a pupil in a school and you treat them badly despite knowing what stresses they have, you're a sick fuck and I hope karma hit you hard somewhere down the road!
'( I can't even fathom talking to somebody like that, and to a kid no less. Maybe she'll get hit by a train, or maybe one of them double decker buses you got over there? :x

It's probably bad that I still have a grudge against her over that even to this day but if you're meant to be the management for those with disabilities of any kind and that's how you feel was right to treat someone who was under stress, you have no fucking idea what you're doing with your job and you should have been fired. If this ever happens to my child, there'd be a shitstorm for sure.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-26 20:21:21

At 3/26/13 01:41 AM, Metal-Therapy wrote: I know I said as much at least once before, but I hope you guys stay friends! That means something, seriously.

If we're still cool with each other despite the events, I can't see why we can't. It might be a while before I see her in person, though but when we do I'm sure we'll enjoy seeing each other again.

That's a good question. I've been thinking about trying to hook up with some people to go hiking with this summer. Ought to be an interesting endeavor. :\

I don't think I know anyone who'd be up for hiking but then again, those that I know aren't generally the going somewhere kind. Most they'll be doing is getting drunk and shit at parties.

I seem to remember that, vaguely. That was quite a few years back, right? (Keep in mind that I think '08 users are noobs still.) lol

Yeah, it was in 2009, I think.

I'd consider finding a girl here on NG and actually hooking up with her IRL nothing short of a miracle. That's why I think it so amazing that that's actually happened here, more than once.

After being here for so long, I can be sure that will never happen to me, haha. Still, the internet is a huge place so it's not the end of the world (or rather cyberspace) if you're not going to find someone here.

Ha, maybe I should start playing World of Warcraft? :P

And here I wonder what happened if I took the other path in the fork and got myself addicted to World of Warcraft instead of making flash animations. There was a certain point in my life when I could have been addicted to WoW but I managed to get out of it while I was ahead. Could I have met someone on there just like what happened to my sister? This kind of alternative reality is possible in a parallel universe somewhere. Yes, I'm the kind of fool that believes in sci-fi mumbo jumbo as that. ;D Anything is possible, you know?

It's just neat to meet somebody by chance in the digital world like that, like not on a dating site. I wish it would happen to me, dammit! (I've met some great people here, one of which I may actually meet someday, as we both live in the same state. Unfortunately, there's a dick between his legs.) SO CLOSE! lmao

Speaking of dating sites, I have been looking into them lately. I know I was cynical because it doesn't take much to pretend to be someone but you know what, it doesn't hurt to try. It's kinda like searching for a job on the internet. Chances are most of them are non-existent anyway but either you sit there and do nothing and earn nothing at all as a result OR, you could actually try and approach them and see what happens. The worst that would happen is hearing nothing in return or them simply saying they're not all that interested in you. The latter might be bad to hear but if they know so little about you anyway, it won't be such a huge loss. Just try again and find someone else.

You know, I've always feared that by attempting to talk to women and see if I could ask them out, I'd only be seen as some stalker or a sex predator but if you're gonna advertise yourself on dating websites and you're looking for a partner of whatever gender, clearly there's no stalking there if all you're gonna do is try and talk to them. A recent strong statement to myself is if I don't ask, I simply don't get. I just gotta make these attempts and see if they would be willing to see me. Sure, despite finding them on DATING SITES, I'm not expecting to go on a date straight away but we have to get to know each other first.

What I'd like to do first is talk to them a bit and see how things progress. Generally I'd like to see that we can speak to each other on Facebook for general contacts and Skype to have a video chat somewhere down the line. Video chat is easily the best way to prove that they're legit. When things look really good and we end up agreeing on a time and place to see each other, hopefully we can find a good public place to meet each other. Somewhere at a cafe or something would be most ideal since there'd be people around us. Neither would want to make a mess when others around you can witness the wrong actions. Depending where I may have to go for it, I would have to see about train travels and possibly stay at a hotel somewhere for one night. Money is required, yes but you gotta take some risks and see that it was worth it or not. If you're not gonna come out of your shell, you're not gonna get anywhere in life.

So yeah, online dating shouldn't be all that bad. I may not have much experience with it right now but it can't be all that bad. If I keep looking out, who knows what an amazing individual I can find!

Nah, it's all about the plushies.
Draw her in with the plushies, maybe she'll come to love the dragon in time. XP

She seems to want to steal them and then go back home. D:

Sorry, I didn't mean that to come of in that way. NG AND THE WI/HT FORUM (especially) WOULD NEVER BE THE SAME WITHOUT BAHAMUT. :O

Well, I may end up making my activity minimal but I'll have to check here every so often.

Hmm, the daily alts thing is something I still need to think whether I want to keep it going or not.
I could never deposit for alts the way you always have. (Hell, I can't even deposit for my main account.) I'd say pick an exp. milestone and retire them there -hell, level icons come and go with the redesigns, so it's not like that's a permanent solution.

I keep meaning to retire them at milestones but it's a matter of if I feel like keeping it going now.

Now if only she could start accepting all the compliments that I gave/give to her. We're still on speaking terms over there and even on text so that's a good thing. I did like how she said she likes that she can share her favourite activity with me (that being listening to a CD that she has). Maybe a relationship won't happen with her now but at least there are ways that I can still make her happy.
From what I've heard, you've handled the whole situation like a real man, when it would have been so easy to just get angry and lash out, or act like a total jerk. Give yourself props for that. :)

Seriously, I don't even know how I've managed to handle all of this. I thought just having to kiss her would have got me nervous but it didn't. I thought going out on a date would have had me anxious but I wasn't and while I had to deal with a downhill slope of the relationship and had me depressed for some of the time, there has yet to be a time where I've had myself crying. I even kept telling myself, "Don't worry a thing, just cry already. You're only human after all." It's not that I don't have any human emotions because if I didn't, why would I be sad over losing her? Maybe things were gradually going downhill as opposed to a sudden stop so perhaps I slowly dealt with my feelings that way, or maybe I just knew some things had to be done and I had to take my own actions. Even my mum is amazed how I've dealt with everything here and she of all people would have seen all the worst of me on the outside.

Five posts... Only got away because I'm a mod. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-27 02:13:40

4,444th BBS post.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-27 02:22:03

At 3/26/13 01:41 AM, Metal-Therapy wrote: Ha, maybe I should start playing World of Warcraft? :P

That reminds me of one quote from german-bash.org
"What? You have a girlfriend now? How can a WoW addict like you ever get a gf?... so, what kind of girl is she? :D"
- "A night elf."


At 3/25/13 01:28 PM, Haggard wrote: "I bet you're the kind of guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around."
I'm not a moviegoer, so you gotta be careful with those quotes, as many of them will soar right over my head. *Had to Google it to find out what movie it was from and wouldn't have been slightly taken aback, if it weren't in quotations* lol

Wow, that's really disappointing... :( but now that I think about it... how on earth did you happen to know of the term "reach-around" if it wasn't for that movie? :P

And yeah, pretty much. :P

Ok, I'm glad we got that covered. ^^

Yeah, that would be very silly indeed. :P
Well, we've got Thanksgiving in November, so you could get married, then spend your wedding night passed out on the couch in front of the tv in a tryptophan-induced coma. Sounds romantic, right?

Pretty much. But since we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, there's really nothing special going on in November.

I will never be as fabulous as this guy.
But Haggard, you ARE that guy! D:

What you say? It's like saying Fagamut and Bahamut are the same person!

At 3/26/13 08:20 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/25/13 01:28 PM, Haggard wrote: Nice one.
A friend told me this once:
The funny thing is, his first thought was: "I FINALLY made it to Central Station!" and then a few moments later: "Wait... I already have been here... NOOOOOOOO!" XD
Bahahahahhaa! I have more fun drunk stories to share. At one party a friend got so wasted after one hour he threw up and had to be escorted home. While he was escorted back they were able to find a Somalian community place in the middle of nowhere in Liverpool. Quite possibly the most random shit you could ever find there.

Hm, reminds me a bit of when me and my wife (very early in our relationship) where at a party and we where just wandering around outside... and suddendly we where standing at the radio telecommunication tower. Until then we had no idea how close to that tower we where before.

Heh, and if I went it would be because the lineup was damn good enough to travel all the way there.
Well, there are the regular visitors from Sweden and Norway. Sometimes people come all the way from Japan or Australia. So a guy from the UK wouldn't be that rare. ^^
And I don't even have much money to go on holidays on a regular basis. There's actually a possibility that I'll go away somewhere with my parents. When they have the thought of going to Spain for PortAventura and go to Barcelona as well for one week, I suppose it's hard to pass that up, especially when I'm a sucker for theme parks.

Barcelona is a nice city. A bit too crowded, maybe. And the traffic is pretty dangerous (nobody looks out for anybody... and don't think they'll slow down for you if you are crossing the street!). But it's definitely worth visiting Barcelona at least once.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-27 02:36:12

Level 48

Also 77,000 saves. So close now guys. Not celebrating the 77k just yeah so close

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-27 08:37:28

At 3/27/13 02:13 AM, gamejunkie wrote: 4,444th BBS post.

I see your 4444 and I times that by 2.

In other words 8888 BBS posts not really a big deal though.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-27 14:54:21

Happy 3,000 Pages, LULers!

Also, I've made 116,000 B/P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-27 17:11:47

At 3/27/13 02:13 AM, gamejunkie wrote: 4,444th BBS post.
At 3/27/13 08:37 AM, LittleWashu wrote:
I see your 4444 and I times that by 2.

In other words 8888 BBS posts not really a big deal though.
At 3/27/13 02:43 PM, FBIpolux wrote: 22222 posts

Goodness me, I love everything about these three stat milestones, in one day!

And yeah for 3000 pages. I've made like 5 posts altogether in this probably woop woop

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-28 00:03:17

Happy 3,000 Level Up Lounge!

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-28 03:59:38

You can tell there's something REALLY going the wrong way if shit like this passes:

and shit like this is going to pass:

Seriously, I'm sick of this shit. I guess if those two flashes really pass, it's about time to move on and stop B/Ping alltogether.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-28 11:22:11

At 3/28/13 03:59 AM, Haggard wrote: You can tell there's something REALLY going the wrong way if shit like this passes:
and shit like this is going to pass:
Seriously, I'm sick of this shit. I guess if those two flashes really pass, it's about time to move on and stop B/Ping alltogether.

2 out of 3 passed but only because one of them was removed by the author. But yeah I have to agree back in the old days shit like that would have been blammed. How can these flash authors improve their work if shit like that passes? But on another note I have seen worse shit make it through the portal than but it still makes me do this.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-28 12:03:15

Listening to:

Pink Floyd - The Wall

At 3/27/13 02:22 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/26/13 08:20 PM, Bahamut wrote: Bahahahahhaa! I have more fun drunk stories to share. At one party a friend got so wasted after one hour he threw up and had to be escorted home. While he was escorted back they were able to find a Somalian community place in the middle of nowhere in Liverpool. Quite possibly the most random shit you could ever find there.
Hm, reminds me a bit of when me and my wife (very early in our relationship) where at a party and we where just wandering around outside... and suddendly we where standing at the radio telecommunication tower. Until then we had no idea how close to that tower we where before.

Funny what you can explore out there just by going outside for whatever reason.

And I don't even have much money to go on holidays on a regular basis. There's actually a possibility that I'll go away somewhere with my parents. When they have the thought of going to Spain for PortAventura and go to Barcelona as well for one week, I suppose it's hard to pass that up, especially when I'm a sucker for theme parks.
Barcelona is a nice city. A bit too crowded, maybe. And the traffic is pretty dangerous (nobody looks out for anybody... and don't think they'll slow down for you if you are crossing the street!). But it's definitely worth visiting Barcelona at least once.

If I can barely manage London, I imagine I can get through Barcelona. Nothing new has been said since, though but I'll need to speak to them about how much the whole trip will cost me. If this year is the better time to go than the following year, I'll look into it now but if it can be saved for next year, that would help me a lot. This said holiday has been talked about by my parents once or twice in the past so surely there's plenty of chances to go to said places in Spain some other time. I really wouldn't mind an abroad trip sometime over the next year or two providing it won't completely demolish the money that I have. I know I put it off years back but now I feel the odd one can slide somewhere and if they go somewhere and I'm on my own, I don't mind the solitude for a week or two.

Last time I went abroad was 18 months to go to Paris for three nights. The trip worked out well to visit Paris itself as well as go to Disneyland Paris for the other two days. I justified that holiday by saying the money I got for my 21st birthday went towards that. I would like to go to other places like possibly going to America for some events but clearly the interests of going somewhere between mine and my parents aren't alike for the most part.

The last time they went to America was the four of us going to Florida and that was back in 2002. It was the third and most recent time we went there. Originally we were going to New York in December 2001 but after what happened with the World Trade Centre, we cancelled the trip and saved the money to go to Florida the year after. I would have loved to have gone to Philadelphia for one of the NGHQ events but at this time not only am I short on money, I feel it would be too much of a trip to go all the way there when my interests aren't as passionate as they once were. A year or two ago would have been the best time to have attended Pico Day but the most I'll commit to NG events now are the UK meets. I'd love to meet the Fulps in person but the chances of Tom being in the UK again aren't very clear and Wade's likelihood of being here is even less.

Whoops, my mind went rolling again...

At 3/28/13 03:59 AM, Haggard wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/613812
Seriously, I'm sick of this shit. I guess if those two flashes really pass, it's about time to move on and stop B/Ping alltogether.

The movies appear to be down now. Perhaps the author pulled the plug on them themselves. Chances are that shit would have passed and to be honest, I've been thinking to myself lately about the B/P update. I'm not so sure if I should even keep it going. I'm sure a few would agree that the whole blacklisting thing only shows my lack of enjoyment for providing the updates every fortnight. I'm always feeling bogged down by the way the site is going as well as the users who simply don't care about how they vote. Hell, it makes me mad enough that the wrongdoers are not getting punished when they should be.

They say you shouldn't do things that you don't enjoy doing and to be honest, more and more I grow tired of making these updates. I've already stepped down from the hexalist and already I feel like dropping another list update. I still have love for the EXP update, though as that's a system you can hardly abuse. Everyone has their chance to deposit once a day so unless you're overflowing with alts or you've been taking accounts that are clearly not yours, there isn't so much of a problem with the system. I'm not the biggest fan of getting someone to take care of your deposits for 99% of the time but I suppose if I assist someone with their EXP most of the time, I'm not the best person to speak against it.

Despite wanting to continue the EXP updates, I'm still finding it a chore to extract users every so often and pull their stats to add to the corresponding spreadsheets. I might find someone who is possibly up for doing that and they follow my "secret ingredient". I've spoken to one or two about passing on the B/P update to them and maybe the next update of mine will be the last. Or, I could see about keeping it going until the end of May which by then I'll have done the update for five years. It would be a good time to hang it up and move on.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-28 15:41:07

At 3/28/13 11:22 AM, LittleWashu wrote: 2 out of 3 passed but only because one of them was removed by the author. But yeah I have to agree back in the old days shit like that would have been blammed. How can these flash authors improve their work if shit like that passes? But on another note I have seen worse shit make it through the portal than but it still makes me do this.

Well, one is in the obituries now. But I'm not sure if it was really blammed or just deleted by the author. I still am sick of getting one or two blams a day, when I hit the 0 button far more often than that. Really, what's the point in B/Ping if your vote doesn't really matter in the end? 90% of the flashes pass anyway.

At 3/28/13 12:03 PM, Bahamut wrote: Funny what you can explore out there just by going outside for whatever reason.

Yes. It's also amazing how small a "big city" can be.

Barcelona is a nice city. A bit too crowded, maybe. And the traffic is pretty dangerous (nobody looks out for anybody... and don't think they'll slow down for you if you are crossing the street!). But it's definitely worth visiting Barcelona at least once.
If I can barely manage London, I imagine I can get through Barcelona.

I don't know much about the traffic in London. But Barcelona is pretty bad... once I've seen an ambulance with sirens on, but almost everyone just ignored it's priority.

Whoops, my mind went rolling again...

Nice one. ;)
One of my colleagues had his last working day today. He's now going on a "work & travel" trip for 6 to 12 months.

They say you shouldn't do things that you don't enjoy doing and to be honest, more and more I grow tired of making these updates.

Exactly. What's the point if everyone just gets saves and saves and even more saves just to be high in some (not so important) list? Not trying to put your work down. I enjoy stat lists. But if people do everything just to be on it... it becomes questionable if the list should be continued. It's a nice addition to us stat whores, nothing more (and nothing less!), but if you just feel it's a chore to do it... it's best to stop doing it.

I feel the same about B/Ping in general and the feeling gets stronger every time I see that I only got as much as TWO blams for the whole day. So, I stop B/Ping for the rest of the week and we see how it goes from there... maybe I even have some more time to do some reviews? ^^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-28 16:52:33

At 3/28/13 03:41 PM, LadyX wrote:

Yeah, next time make sure you are logged into the right acount you silly Haggard, you!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-29 12:46:13

Coop prepares to head off to a gig for easter, while congratulating:
Toocool100: 150,000 Saves
Haggard: 62,000 B/P; Top 50 B/Per
DiMono: 30,000 Saves
EJR: 5th NG Berfday
Cottie: 13.00 Total Voting Power
Tony-Darkgrave: Level 39
Winrar1337: 9.00 Total Voting Power
gamejunkie: 4,444 Posts
Gagsy: Level 48; 77,000 Saves
LittleWashu: 8,888 Posts
FBIpolux: 22,222 Posts

Listening to:
Thin Lizzy - Killer on the Loose
The Beatles - Nowhere Man
Pink Floyd - Vera
Alice Cooper - Devil's Food
Iron Maiden - Isle of Avalon

At 3/24/13 12:44 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/23/13 04:02 PM, Coop wrote:
At 3/17/13 02:38 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/16/13 10:04 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/10/13 01:40 PM, Haggard wrote: So, you take your bed with you when you go out camping? :P
You sound like my ex - She always wanted to go camping, I wanted to spend the night in a nice hotel.
Hotels are expensive and you miss the whole party.
I did my camping with the scouts, when I was a kid. I see nothing to be gained from it now that I'm half a lifetime removed from that.
Comparing camping as a scout with camping at a festival camping ground... it's like comparing watching porn to having sex with a real person. It's just not the same. ;)

No, it really isn't - the toilet facilities are worse on a campsite than they were with the scouts, as are showers / washing facilities. I like my creature comforts too much. Plus people tend to complain if I start shagging in my tent, as I can be quite noisy.

At 3/17/13 06:56 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/16/13 12:57 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 3/16/13 10:04 AM, Coop wrote: I just hope that I'm elsewhere if and when it does...
Just make sure you're positioned BEHIND him, you know, to avoid any unwanted surprises in the night.
You want to be gay with him so much, you share the bed with him >:(
I hate to rain on your parade, but there's not going to be any gay love going on with either one of you.
Don't knock it until you've tried it :3
Some things you just don't have to try out. :P

Your loss.

At 3/24/13 08:51 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 3/24/13 07:21 AM, Coop wrote: Is that gum you're chewing? In the bin with it!
Aw, come on! Well, at least my mouth is free to prep some spitballs now. >:)

Put the pen back together, or I'll make you work with a pencil until you can act responsibly. *taps foot*

Yeah, I was the one with the camera, hence why the quality was so poor. Perhaps if I can get a girlfriend who is willing to attend a game or two, she will get some action shots of me in the middle, or even some video footage. We shall see.
I'll be honest, I was kinda hoping you'd be the crazy guy spraying the champagne everywhere. (Though I know your likeness well enough to know it wasn't at first glance.)

Nah, that was Harry - he was only 16 at the time and now being 18, he should have matured a little. Wait and see.

At 3/24/13 10:27 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 3/23/13 04:02 PM, Coop wrote:
At 3/18/13 09:58 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well I tried to give her time but nothing was made any easier for us.
Just take your time, the right one is out there.
Yeah, I like to be sure of that. It will be quite a puzzle to figure out who and where, though but I can't just sit there and do nothing.

Correct - procrastination will not help in these circumstances.

At 3/26/13 08:20 PM, Bahamut wrote: While it's a shame I'm not with her anymore, I think it's set in stone that she'll no longer be in a relationship with me.

Well, you know what they say - you can't make an omelette, without breaking a few eggs.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-29 13:09:05

110,000 Medal Points.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-30 02:51:28

At 3/29/13 12:46 PM, Coop wrote:
At 3/24/13 12:44 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/23/13 04:02 PM, Coop wrote: I did my camping with the scouts, when I was a kid. I see nothing to be gained from it now that I'm half a lifetime removed from that.
Comparing camping as a scout with camping at a festival camping ground... it's like comparing watching porn to having sex with a real person. It's just not the same. ;)
No, it really isn't - the toilet facilities are worse on a campsite than they were with the scouts, as are showers / washing facilities. I like my creature comforts too much. Plus people tend to complain if I start shagging in my tent, as I can be quite noisy.

Trust me. Noone will complain if you hear you shagging in your tent. ;) But you might have to deal with people either cheering you on outside the tent... or trying to get into the tent, joining the party. ;)

Also, what are those "shower"-thingies you talk about? :P

At 3/17/13 06:56 AM, Coop wrote:
At 3/16/13 12:57 PM, Metal-Therapy wrote:
At 3/16/13 10:04 AM, Coop wrote: I just hope that I'm elsewhere if and when it does...
Just make sure you're positioned BEHIND him, you know, to avoid any unwanted surprises in the night.
You want to be gay with him so much, you share the bed with him >:(
I hate to rain on your parade, but there's not going to be any gay love going on with either one of you.
Don't knock it until you've tried it :3
Some things you just don't have to try out. :P
Your loss.

I beg to differ. Since I don't find anything attractive about the male body, I just can't imagine having any erotic encounters with a male person.

It's like this: Some people like to get spanked. But I don't have to try that out to know that I don't like it. ;)

Nah, that was Harry - he was only 16 at the time and now being 18, he should have matured a little. Wait and see.

And for a moment there, I thought you where talking about Prince Harry (just skimming over the rest of the post I saw that name "Harry" there). But then you said something about "he has matured a little" and I knew you have to be talking about someone else. XD

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-30 07:53:59

Coop tries to recover his ailing voice, while congratulating:
gamejunkie: 110,000 Medal Points

At 3/30/13 02:51 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/29/13 12:46 PM, Coop wrote:
At 3/24/13 12:44 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 3/23/13 04:02 PM, Coop wrote: I did my camping with the scouts, when I was a kid. I see nothing to be gained from it now that I'm half a lifetime removed from that.
Comparing camping as a scout with camping at a festival camping ground... it's like comparing watching porn to having sex with a real person. It's just not the same. ;)
No, it really isn't - the toilet facilities are worse on a campsite than they were with the scouts, as are showers / washing facilities. I like my creature comforts too much. Plus people tend to complain if I start shagging in my tent, as I can be quite noisy.
Trust me. Noone will complain if you hear you shagging in your tent. ;) But you might have to deal with people either cheering you on outside the tent... or trying to get into the tent, joining the party. ;)

Now more than ever, I understand the meaning of the phrase "fuck off" :P

Also, what are those "shower"-thingies you talk about? :P

Like standing in the rain, but warmer, with the application of herbal blends, which help to keep hippies smelling nice :P

Don't knock it until you've tried it :3
Some things you just don't have to try out. :P
Your loss.
I beg to differ. Since I don't find anything attractive about the male body, I just can't imagine having any erotic encounters with a male person.

I don't find things attractive about the male form, but I can see why certain females are attracted to certain male looks (though why they are attracted to Robbie Williams is beyond me). It's one of the reasons that I work out - to make my own for more attractive.

It's like this: Some people like to get spanked. But I don't have to try that out to know that I don't like it. ;)

Nah, that was Harry - he was only 16 at the time and now being 18, he should have matured a little. Wait and see.
And for a moment there, I thought you where talking about Prince Harry (just skimming over the rest of the post I saw that name "Harry" there). But then you said something about "he has matured a little" and I knew you have to be talking about someone else. XD

Prince Harry is a legend! The Prince Philip of the new generation. Casually racist, sense of humour, war hero, everything the modern Royal Family needs.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-30 08:35:36

Happy 3,000 pages LUL!

Just wanted to sneak this post in before it's too late.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-30 09:15:30

63,000 Blams

i feel evil for helping destroy so much of someone elses hard work. ^_^

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-30 13:14:10

My experience....

I've been waiting to post that and it fell on the 3,000th page too

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

- P R O F E S S I O N A L - G R A P H I C - D E S I G N E R -


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-30 13:47:43

Top 100 B/Pers!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-30 19:27:44

Looks like having someone deposit for you in absentia can pay off sometimes. Level 21.

EGB || Sig by EmmaVolt

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-31 02:07:43

170,000 medal points.

"You're a bit of a ghoul - aren't you?"---ZeroAsALimit.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-31 04:31:01

Thanks for voting, Faggard! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 17,760 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 41.

~ smooches ~

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-31 07:29:59

Coop considers his options for the day, while congratulating:
ViceFullbuster: 63,000 Blams
Decky: 9,000 Experience; 3 day ban for using shitty memes.
Jolly: Top 100 B/Per
LevelUp! Loungers: 90,000 Responses
Spretnaz: Level 21
VJF: 170,000 Medal Points
Faggard: Level 41

At 3/30/13 08:35 AM, Auz wrote: Happy 3,000 pages LUL!

Just wanted to sneak this post in before it's too late.

Expertly brushed under the carpet, sir.

At 3/30/13 04:45 PM, jaxxDS wrote: Here's that image of level icons.

We've known about this for a while...

If you want to see the rank icons and levels as well, check out the link in my sig.

Did anyone ever find out what the F-16 was for?

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2013-03-31 10:30:54

90,000 replies, aw yeah!

...Oh yeah, it's Easter. I could have forgotten that was the case but it's always a holiday excuse.

Listening to:

Orphaned Land - Mabool

At 3/28/13 03:41 PM, LadyX wrote:


At 3/28/13 12:03 PM, Bahamut wrote: Funny what you can explore out there just by going outside for whatever reason.
Yes. It's also amazing how small a "big city" can be.

They say it's a small world. I suppose it's true. Hell, all we've done is explored this planet and only a small fraction of the universe has been discovered by us. Scary to think how massive the whole universe really is but I do wonder what is actually out there. I know it sounds cliche but we can't be alone here. I can have a few thoughts in my mind about outer space that some may find a tad startling. I mean, what we refer this planet as Earth can be a completely different name to whatever species out there have seen our planet. I sometimes wonder how advanced technology is out there in another world.

Yeah, I really need to shut up at times. We're not gonna find out these things in our lifetimes unless we froze ourselves. Also not happening. :P

If I can barely manage London, I imagine I can get through Barcelona.
I don't know much about the traffic in London. But Barcelona is pretty bad... once I've seen an ambulance with sirens on, but almost everyone just ignored it's priority.

London gets hectic at times, particularly in the central area where everything is located. One city I dread to go to due to traffic and being an extremely busy place is New York. It's never made to look quiet at all.

Whoops, my mind went rolling again...
Nice one. ;)
One of my colleagues had his last working day today. He's now going on a "work & travel" trip for 6 to 12 months.

I'd also like to go to a Comic Con or a PAX event. You know, where Tom himself shows up to but I wouldn't be there just for him. I would of course go there for various other things. Other places I'd like to go are various places where they have all the big thrill rides. Being a roller coaster junkie, I do wish I could go to all these places but dammit, so little money to go to them all. That's why it would be cool to go to PortAventura in Spain but again, it's all about budgeting.

They say you shouldn't do things that you don't enjoy doing and to be honest, more and more I grow tired of making these updates.
Exactly. What's the point if everyone just gets saves and saves and even more saves just to be high in some (not so important) list?

It's sad because I tried to keep my faith in the blammers but less and less it actually works. The staff really need to think over the judgment system, otherwise the portal is gonna keep digging its grave. It's no wonder so many have abandoned ship from here...

Not trying to put your work down. I enjoy stat lists. But if people do everything just to be on it... it becomes questionable if the list should be continued. It's a nice addition to us stat whores, nothing more (and nothing less!), but if you just feel it's a chore to do it... it's best to stop doing it.

Well, I'm still thinking things over but the EXP update is still on schedule. I will need to catch up on my user extractions and hopefully I find a bit of time to do that. As for the B/P update, I'll see how I am by next Sunday.

I feel the same about B/Ping in general and the feeling gets stronger every time I see that I only got as much as TWO blams for the whole day. So, I stop B/Ping for the rest of the week and we see how it goes from there... maybe I even have some more time to do some reviews? ^^

I only stopped because I wanted my retirement goal and had nothing to do with savewhoring problems whatsoever. That said, I've not tried to blam with my Toohot100 alt for a long time now. I just don't feel it's worth putting the effort into anymore. While I pretty much have nothing to do for up to five days a week, there's some things I just don't feel like doing anymore. Infact, since my break up I've realised how much I hate being stuck at home all day. It didn't bother me so much beforehand but now I do see how dull life is when I'm stuck sitting in front of my laptop for most of the time.

I only ask for a few things in life and I try to not be more demanding than that. All I want is to have a good job and to enjoy my life with a love partner together and forever. Is that really much to ask for, life?

At 3/29/13 12:46 PM, Coop wrote:
At 3/24/13 10:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: Yeah, I like to be sure of that. It will be quite a puzzle to figure out who and where, though but I can't just sit there and do nothing.
Correct - procrastination will not help in these circumstances.

I have been giving a search this week but with the Easter weekend in the way, I'm gonna wait it out until after the holiday is over. Perhaps then I'll have a clearer mind on finding someone out there. Gotta try a few different methods and see what works out better than others. I personally don't think searching around Easter or Christmas is a good time since everyone will be too occupied with celebrating the holidays. That was why I didn't have relationships in my mind last November and December, although I did have someone in mind that I probably would have tried asking out but she was already taken.

I'm sure a relationship can happen at any time of the year but there are times when I feel I gotta look for someone until afterwards but hey, if things worked out better than expected then I really can't complain. Let's see what having bigger determination will do for me. I guess if I didn't fall in love with her at the end of January, I would have been at the same stage now doing the exact same things.

At 3/26/13 08:20 PM, Bahamut wrote: While it's a shame I'm not with her anymore, I think it's set in stone that she'll no longer be in a relationship with me.
Well, you know what they say - you can't make an omelette, without breaking a few eggs.
