So, I've decided to start congratsing some people. I've been considering it during nearly all of my active streaks on this site, so what the hell:
The following users have the amazing privilege of being part of my first-ever LUL congrats list:
wismty: 10 years on NG
Bahamut: 30,000 exp, level 53
Spretznaz: 20,000 medal points
Winrar1337: Level 19
Pokemonpoeguygcn: level 39
LiquidFire: 24,000 B/P
24901miles: 50 scouts -a unique achievement, for sure. :P
Wegra: 5,000 posts
So, I'm digging the new friends list addition, but I must say that it makes me slightly sad as the vast majority of my friends on here are no longer active. :'(
At 12/6/12 02:25 PM, Haggard wrote:
I guess I'm close to 4 years of inactivity, then. I'm just glad I already got to Supreme Commander while the portal was still more active than it is now.
Yeah, me too. I would hate to be in that last stretch from Commander to SC with the Portal the way it is these days -it took long enough with a 90 to 100 a day pace!
That reminds me of when I first broke into the top 300 b/p'ers. I recall you being horrified that I was going to pass you! No worries now, eh? :P
At 6/30/08 09:44 AM, Haggard wrote:
265) 14839 0735 105.0 Metal-Therapy 16
Oh shit...
At 12/9/12 08:06 AM, Haggard wrote:
20cm of snow here during a single night. FUCK YOU, SNOW!
There's been nothing but fog and rain around here lately, which is slightly unusual for New England this time of year... Not to mention we had next to no snow all last winter.
At 12/9/12 08:42 AM, 24901miles wrote:
If I had continued depositing after I graduated High School in 2006, I would be level 56 with 34,130 XP, or, level 58-59 on my original account.
And we're currently the same level. This makes me feel significantly better about my own situation. :P
At 12/9/12 10:22 AM, Odyssic wrote:
Need present ideas, what should I get my Dad and Mother.
Would they be offended at a gift card? (You know, due to lack of thought/creativity?) That or cash is always the easy way out...
At 12/10/12 05:54 AM, Wegra wrote:
I did it 5k+ posts! How Viewtiful is that shit!
I'm currently "gunning" for 2K. Hell, this last 1000 is only going to take me a minimum of 4 1/2 years to get. :(
At 12/10/12 09:07 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Would any of you be happy to know that I've drawn Pokemon dragon porn for the BBS?
Strangely, yes. 0.o
I'll take the safer route here. ;)
Fine, fine. So, is Guinness your favorite big-name brew or what?
Thank Yous: