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Helloween - 7 Sinners. THESE GUYS and Gamma Ray are coming to London in April. Anyone who tries to stop my tracks is dead. :P
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At 10/12/12 11:24 AM, Bloodthorne wrote: While its slowed down a bit; I think it will return. Just my guess after years of observation;
I can agree that back then the place wasn't so active but the way the BBS activity has been going, there's going to be even less. What happened to the days when the BBS would get over 15,000 posts each day? Now we barely make it to 1.5k on a regular basis. As for the LUL, when was the last time we got a new active member for the forum? It's just the old guys like me, Coop, Haggard and Odyssic around here.
However, if you and gamejunkie for example were to join in conversations more often, it would help the activity of this thread a lot. Anyone should be welcomed here but only as long as you're not a cancerous piece of shit.
At 10/12/12 08:06 PM, Odyssic wrote: How come you don't like Steam anymore? Is it a video games thing in general or just related to Steam?
I don't want to buy games that don't even work on my damn laptop and I'm not talking about games that won't work simply because the graphics are far too powerful. There are games out there that are horribly tested by the developers and most likely Steam themselves. I don't know how their approval system works for new games as well as updates but if broken games can slide, then I wouldn't give it long until someone manages to put a virus on there. I know the last part sounds like I'm really stretching it but the way these games are going, that's where it may as well be.
This new thing with the greenlight system only spells doom for Steam, particularly the indie genre, as well. Shame on that since if I'd still support Steam in any way, it'd be for the indie games just for the sake of supporting smaller and newer people as opposed to big companies who have enough money to roll around with. So for these reasons and the fact that the customer support is less helpful than an overseas call centre, I don't want to even have a Steam account anymore. I honestly could care less if selling/transferring my Steam account goes against their policies. May as well let someone with more enthusiasm have my account but don't think I'll give it away for absolutely nothing.
At 10/13/12 07:07 AM, Coop wrote: Nah, you really don't. See Armissea, for starters :P
For him, it's more time length than quantity of bans.
At 10/13/12 08:21 AM, Coop wrote: Any amendments?
Can I be the one douche that points out that such guidelines exist already? However, that was back in 2008 so things have changed since then, particularly with the implementing of medals. I'd say it's looking good enough. I agree with Odyssic's idea to have it every 10k medal points but I'd still accept 25,000 and 75,000 (and 2.5k/7.5k for EXP, blams, saves, posts, etc). Thankfully problems here are minimal (the only advantage to the quietness of the place) so it's not often we have to smack someone for posting something wrong. It's not like back in 2008 where this place got spammed to oblivion and we had no mods at all to help out with the place. Now this place is regularly watched by at least two mods so you'd be a fool to fuck around here. You'd also be a fool to troll in the Metal Hell as long as I'm still here but that's for another thread.
At 10/13/12 10:41 AM, Haggard wrote:At 10/12/12 07:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: It is, and it's free! However, I don't like Steam that much anymore so I'm staying away from the games as much as I can. I'm even wanting to get rid of my account.That's surprising, considering how much you used to like Steam.
You'd think that but as time has progressed, Steam has declined and it's only gotten worse and worse at this point.
Let's just say once one or two of us are done here, this thread will no longer have its daily activities.We sure need some fresh faces in here.
I'd love to see fresh faces here. Hell, if I didn't then what would have been the point of handling the Wi/Ht? Regulars and Members lists for 2008-2010? I have love for this place and I'd hate to see it die out completely. Of course, we all have to move on from things so this is something I may have to let go if activity continues to drop.