Any amendments?
General Rules for the Wi/Ht Levelup! Lounge
Welcome to the Where is / How to forum's Levelup! Lounge. Feel free to post your statistical achievements here, make lists of your own, congratulating others for their achievements (though try to keep them down to once daily, if at all possible) and joining in the conversation.
Don't be intimidated by the size and scale of the thread, the high moderator presence, or the fact that our conversations are long-winded and probably lost on you by now. That's all ok, we understand.
If you are going to post achievements, please adhere to a few guidelines that we've thrown together in some vague order, which I'll list below:
The Level Up. Change of Experience of B/P Level to X+1. Well done.
Increments of 1,000 B/P; Blams; Saves; Posts; Experience; Medals earned
Increments of 5,000 Medal Points
Increments of 100 Reviews (or every 500 total reviews)
Increments of 100 Review Responses (or every 500 total responses)
Increments of 100 Different games played and you have achieved 1+ medal on.
Change of whistle status (We don't congratulate or ridicule of you drop down, we just don't care.)
Cracking the top (x) Every 100 positions above 1,000 (i.e. 900, 800 etc) for Experience or B/P - there are lists for this.
Cracking the top (y) Every 10 positions gained above 100 (i.e. 90, 80 etc) for the same, plus Blams, Saves, Reviews and so on.
Winning a contest (usually one based on your own talent, not through sheer luck)
IRL Birthday - There may be cake
Account Berfday - There is no cake
Base / Total Voting Power - Every 1.00 that you achieve beyond 5 for Base, every additional 1.00 that you achieve for Total
"Special" numbers - 13.37 Total Voting Power; 1,111 Blams; 12,345 Posts. These are all special to one extent or another. Share it.
We do not accept achievements based on less than these parameters, because you thought it was so long since you last achieved, no matter how tempting.
Coming into the place and saying "I'll be Level 16 in 3 days!" will get you a warning from our resident mods. Come back in 3 days and tell us, when you have. You might stop depositing for some reason, I can't tell the future. If you come along and say "I'll be Level 17 in 3 days!", when the time is right, expect to be banned until you are Level 17, as we mods have a sense of humour :P
If you get an "unachievable number", such as reporting 22,222 Experience, yet your experience figure does not end in a 2, you may get away with a warning, it depends on the mood of the moderator. I post first thing in the morning, so expect me to be a little cranky.
Have fun - this place is over 2,500 Pages long and we've been posting here for years.
Any Questions?