Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I!!!
Can't someone finally make a decent New Years song?
Listening to
Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (parts I-IX)
Pink Floyd - Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
E.L.O. - Mr Blue Sky
At 12/28/11 01:34 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 12/28/11 10:45 AM, Auz wrote:
At 12/25/11 01:51 PM, Haggard wrote:
I just watched it. Lol!
But was it really the case that they didn't understand each other? Seemed more like the linesman thought it was in, while the ref thought it wasn't at first.
"The England players celebrated a goal, but the referee Gottfried Dienst was uncertain if it had been a goal. He consulted his linesman, Tofik Bakhramov from the Soviet Union, after non-verbal communication, as they had no common language, the Swiss referee awarded the goal to the home team."
Yeah okay, but we don't know whether they have communicated it wrongly, do we? Perhaps the linesman just didn't see it right either.
He is! Plus he's way too conservative if you ask me. How many game-determining wrong decisions by refs does he need before he finally agrees to put a guy behind a TV screen for a second opinion? This would spare everyone so much hassle and would make the game much more fair (gives referees less room to be one-sided for instance).
Well, we can't have decisions based on video footage for everything, but just a simple goal camera would help a lot already. I mean, we have so many referees already: The main ref, two linsemen, in international matches the ref behind the goal and the one near the benches. One more guy watching a TV screen and deciding if a goal should be awarded wouldn't hurt.
Yeah and I was thinking for arguable red cards also. Don't they have a system in American sports where coaches can ask for a second opinion like once a match or so? That would help keep it within bounds.
Also: Worst phantom goal ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o5IYQKEl E4
Sorry, commentary is only available in german.
Worst linesman ever!
Ah I see. I believe most German players prefer to stay in Germany anyway, don't they? I don't know that many good German footballers playing outside of their country.
Yes, it's quite surprising. Some years ago, in the 90's, many players of the national team played in Italy. Nowadays almost all players are playing in Germany (except for Özil and Khedira, who play at Real Madrid).
Oh well. I suppose they'd rather stay close to home these days? I can imagine it's tough sometimes if you have to move across Europe like once every other year.
At 12/23/11 07:00 PM, Haggard wrote:
Aaaaahaha I don't think so. I looked it up actually to be sure and I pretty much found that 12 AM is a bullshit way to state the time as it's unclear. Therefore you should say 12:00 midnight or 12:00 noon or something along those lines. Or just say 00:00 and 12:00 in the 24 hours system as it's superior in my opinion...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_am redirects to "Midnight".
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_PM redirects to "Noon".
But but but... nuh-uuuh
While computers and digital clocks display "12:00 a.m." and "12:00 p.m.", those notations provide no clear and unambiguous way to distinguish between midnight and noon. It is actually improper to use "a.m." and "p.m." when referring to 12:00. The abbreviation a.m. stands for ante meridiem or before noon and p.m. stands for post meridiem or after noon. Since noon is neither after noon nor before noon, and midnight can equally be twelve hours before and after noon, neither abbreviation is correct (although the length of the error is determined by the smallest unit of time - 12:00:01 p.m. would be correctly notated).
Anyway, I kind of assumed that you meant 12 noon as you posted somewhere in the afternoon, didn't you?
I posted it at around 0:30 GMT +1. ;)
At 12/29/11 06:49 AM, Coop wrote:
At 12/28/11 10:45 AM, Auz wrote:
Jack Nicholson makes one of the best faces in film history.
Yes, that is true, but I need something to get me by on the film front until next December, when The Hobbit comes out. On the TV Front, that includes Great Expectations and the World's Strongest Man
Oh, well there's the new Muppets film which I heard is very good and hilarious. Also, The Dark Knight Rises will be out somewhere halfway this year. And for the rest... wait, how many films do you need to "get by on the the film front" for one year?
At 12/29/11 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 12/28/11 10:45 AM, Auz wrote:
I can't say I really know much about their music though. I think I might've overheard a conversation about them by you and Coop or Haggard. Otherwise perhaps some of my friends talked about them once.
This is a question we should ask Coop and Haggard. What do THEY think of Mastodon?
Commence Metal flame war in 3, 2, 1, ...
Unless of course they agree.
That's true, but I have to say that I can hardly tell anymore who's F2P and who isn't (just judging from their playing styles). Maybe you should give the game another try someday.
Tried it, game still looks shit, uninstalled.
Well, perhaps it's also the new weapon updates that bother you? I have to say that they do come up with the most silly weapons these days and I can imagine it only getting worse when players are making suggestions and handing in their own designs.
At 1/1/12 12:08 AM, IvanTuroc wrote:
I haven't accomplished much lately but I did survive another year and I managed to get the first deposit of the new year; I haven't done that in awhile :D
Lol congrats!
Typically Bahamut shoots for these kind of things if I remember correctly.