20,000 EXP points.
Damn I still remember quite clearly getting half that number and being dead chuffed. Now I suppose it's time to go for 30,000 :(
Coop prepares to make another audio submission (finally!), while congratulating:
sixflab: 40,000 Total Points; Commander
SCTE3: #222 B/Per; 1,200 Reviews (Flash); 2,400 Reviews (Audio)
Nemo103: 3,000 Saves
Martin: 47,000 B/P
DrHood: Top 250 Experienced
Luke: Level 33
Listening to:
The Sword - How Heavy This Axe
Lauren Harris - Steal Your Fire
At 12/27/11 09:07 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 12/26/11 07:00 AM, Coop wrote:Well that alone made me go insane. It'll be as if I have no future for employment so they throw me at the very bottom.At 12/25/11 12:05 PM, Bahamut wrote: Of course I know that. Far better that than being mislead to voluntary work when they said it was a genuine job.I'd do voluntary work while on the dole, if only to stop me from going insane...
The way to look at it is that it's something to fill your time and you'll look better if you head into an interview having done voluntary, while searching for work.
Of course, that isn't to say I excuse the behaviour at all. If it's bad, it's still bad.Semi legit is better than no legit, I guess. :PIt's still cheating - what's to stop me from having a program that I run while I'm asleep, voting 0 on everything, to hook those last few blams every night?
Exactly. Let's not go there.
Listening to:
Ludicra - Fex Urbis Lex Orbis
At 12/27/11 01:09 PM, Haggard wrote:At 12/27/11 09:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: At least you're halfway through.That's right. And I already know which band I will chose for the next letter, I just have to check out some songs from them first.
I'm glad you do have something in mind. Now that Monday Metal Treasures is all over, we only have your posts to look forward to. :P
Good, I'd hate to see Ozzy Osbourne on the next post.Remember, I try to focus on "lesser known bands". Ok, it is debatable if Nile or Bloodbath are "lesser known", but at least they aren't exactly Mainstream.
Nile are one of the key death metal bands.
You're just getting Christmas over and done with.That's simply not true. 24th isn't a holiday here (but most workers will get half of the day free), while 25th and 26th are full holidays.
Then open your damn presents on the 25th,
At 12/28/11 05:22 AM, Gagsy wrote: 20,000 EXP points.
Damn I still remember quite clearly getting half that number and being dead chuffed. Now I suppose it's time to go for 30,000 :(
I'll be there in 345 days time. So that'll be next December.
At 12/28/11 05:22 AM, Coop wrote:At 12/27/11 09:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well that alone made me go insane. It'll be as if I have no future for employment so they throw me at the very bottom.The way to look at it is that it's something to fill your time and you'll look better if you head into an interview having done voluntary, while searching for work.
To be honest, I've done enough voluntary work in the past. Had it not been for my temporary work, I'd have a stronger hatred towards everyone. The job centre, the government and all those employer cunts.
At 12/25/11 12:05 PM, Bahamut wrote:At 12/24/11 10:42 AM, Auz wrote: Apart from Mastodon I can't say I know any of the other bands.Heh, I'm surprised you'd even know them. I suppose their success has gone far enough to have been a name for non-metal fans.
I can't say I really know much about their music though. I think I might've overheard a conversation about them by you and Coop or Haggard. Otherwise perhaps some of my friends talked about them once.
Ah well, I'm sure they acted silly as well at that age.They may have done so but they like to forget about it and think they're all perfect.
Oh well, what can you do?
Lol. Well there will always be noobs. And by the way, can't you upgrade to a Prenium account by buying something from the store? I heard the cheapest thing was like $0.40 or so, so I'm sure plenty of people will upgrade anyway if Prenium accounts get any good benefits.Yeah, you could do that. Even if that's the case, it still weeds out many players.
That's true, but I have to say that I can hardly tell anymore who's F2P and who isn't (just judging from their playing styles). Maybe you should give the game another try someday.
At 12/25/11 01:51 PM, Haggard wrote:At 12/25/11 08:19 AM, Auz wrote: Yeah, I don't know. I'm a very calm guy usually, but perhaps I would've done the same as Esteban. I can imagine I might panic a bit at first.Exactly. I think he paniced there for a bit, that's why he kicked the guy lying on the floor and that's why he was about to punch the guard that came onto the pitch.
Indeed. But still, he does seem like the kind of guy that gets easily worked up. A lot of football players are like that.
Ha! Funny that the refs didn't always speak the language of the players. That must've lead to more problems than this case."Wembley Goal" comes to my mind there... even though it was the linesman and the referee that didn't share a language, lol.
I just watched it. Lol!
But was it really the case that they didn't understand each other? Seemed more like the linesman thought it was in, while the ref thought it wasn't at first.
Perhaps Platini appreciated it that he kicked a Spaniard in the neck?Platini is one of the biggest assholes in football. >:(
He is! Plus he's way too conservative if you ask me. How many game-determining wrong decisions by refs does he need before he finally agrees to put a guy behind a TV screen for a second opinion? This would spare everyone so much hassle and would make the game much more fair (gives referees less room to be one-sided for instance).
All playing in Germany I guess?Yes. Kroos playing at Bayern, Reus at Mönchengladbach and Götze at Dortmund.
Ah I see. I believe most German players prefer to stay in Germany anyway, don't they? I don't know that many good German footballers playing outside of their country.
Yeah, well if you just look at the past winners of the CL and UC it is pretty easy to see that the Bundesliga must be the better league.But still not as good as the Premier League or the Primera División.
Or the Serie A for that matter. Well... the Serie A has its ups and downs.
12 am is midnight, you fool. :PI know Hitler massively fucked up the time zones in Europe, but I'm pretty sure it's still very light outside in Germany at noon.At 12/23/11 07:00 PM, Haggard wrote:
Aaaaahaha I don't think so. I looked it up actually to be sure and I pretty much found that 12 AM is a bullshit way to state the time as it's unclear. Therefore you should say 12:00 midnight or 12:00 noon or something along those lines. Or just say 00:00 and 12:00 in the 24 hours system as it's superior in my opinion...
Anyway, I kind of assumed that you meant 12 noon as you posted somewhere in the afternoon, didn't you?
Pic below.Nice.
Thank you ^^
At 12/26/11 09:27 AM, Coop wrote: Anger Management (Jack Nicholson's guide to modding General :P)
Jack Nicholson makes one of the best faces in film history.
At 12/28/11 07:25 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 12/27/11 01:09 PM, Haggard wrote:I'm glad you do have something in mind. Now that Monday Metal Treasures is all over, we only have your posts to look forward to. :PAt 12/27/11 09:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: At least you're halfway through.That's right. And I already know which band I will chose for the next letter, I just have to check out some songs from them first.
That's an incentive to post them more regularly.
Nile are one of the key death metal bands.Good, I'd hate to see Ozzy Osbourne on the next post.Remember, I try to focus on "lesser known bands". Ok, it is debatable if Nile or Bloodbath are "lesser known", but at least they aren't exactly Mainstream.
Heh, well I'm not that much into death metal. ^^
But bands/people like Ozzy, Maiden or AC/DC are so well known that even people who don't listen to metal or hard rock know who they are. Can't say that for bands like Nile. ;)
Then open your damn presents on the 25th,You're just getting Christmas over and done with.That's simply not true. 24th isn't a holiday here (but most workers will get half of the day free), while 25th and 26th are full holidays.
But why? Give me one good reason apart from "because the rest of the world does so".
Also, would be kind of hard to break with such an old tradition.
Anyway, I did open some presents on the 25th (because I recieved them on 25th) if that's more the way you like it. ;)
At 12/28/11 10:45 AM, Auz wrote:At 12/25/11 01:51 PM, Haggard wrote:I just watched it. Lol!At 12/25/11 08:19 AM, Auz wrote: Ha! Funny that the refs didn't always speak the language of the players. That must've lead to more problems than this case."Wembley Goal" comes to my mind there... even though it was the linesman and the referee that didn't share a language, lol.
But was it really the case that they didn't understand each other? Seemed more like the linesman thought it was in, while the ref thought it wasn't at first.
"The England players celebrated a goal, but the referee Gottfried Dienst was uncertain if it had been a goal. He consulted his linesman, Tofik Bakhramov from the Soviet Union, after non-verbal communication, as they had no common language, the Swiss referee awarded the goal to the home team."
He is! Plus he's way too conservative if you ask me. How many game-determining wrong decisions by refs does he need before he finally agrees to put a guy behind a TV screen for a second opinion? This would spare everyone so much hassle and would make the game much more fair (gives referees less room to be one-sided for instance).Perhaps Platini appreciated it that he kicked a Spaniard in the neck?Platini is one of the biggest assholes in football. >:(
Well, we can't have decisions based on video footage for everything, but just a simple goal camera would help a lot already. I mean, we have so many referees already: The main ref, two linsemen, in international matches the ref behind the goal and the one near the benches. One more guy watching a TV screen and deciding if a goal should be awarded wouldn't hurt.
Also: Worst phantom goal ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o5IYQKEl E4
Sorry, commentary is only available in german.
Ah I see. I believe most German players prefer to stay in Germany anyway, don't they? I don't know that many good German footballers playing outside of their country.All playing in Germany I guess?Yes. Kroos playing at Bayern, Reus at Mönchengladbach and Götze at Dortmund.
Yes, it's quite surprising. Some years ago, in the 90's, many players of the national team played in Italy. Nowadays almost all players are playing in Germany (except for Özil and Khedira, who play at Real Madrid).
Aaaaahaha I don't think so. I looked it up actually to be sure and I pretty much found that 12 AM is a bullshit way to state the time as it's unclear. Therefore you should say 12:00 midnight or 12:00 noon or something along those lines. Or just say 00:00 and 12:00 in the 24 hours system as it's superior in my opinion...12 am is midnight, you fool. :PI know Hitler massively fucked up the time zones in Europe, but I'm pretty sure it's still very light outside in Germany at noon.At 12/23/11 07:00 PM, Haggard wrote:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_am redirects to "Midnight".
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12_PM redirects to "Noon".
Anyway, I kind of assumed that you meant 12 noon as you posted somewhere in the afternoon, didn't you?
I posted it at around 0:30 GMT +1. ;)
My latest creation - listen and vote on it please. I did get a little narked that the first vote was a blind 0, so I could do with some actual votes to get some decetn weight of how people are taking this one.
Coop gets his writing project steered towards completion, before congratulating:
Gagsy: 20,000 Experience
Alex616: Gold Whistle
Listening to:
Bruce Dickinson - Hell On Wheels
Foo Fighters - Have It All
Thank you to:
At 12/28/11 07:25 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 12/28/11 05:22 AM, Coop wrote:To be honest, I've done enough voluntary work in the past. Had it not been for my temporary work, I'd have a stronger hatred towards everyone. The job centre, the government and all those employer cunts.At 12/27/11 09:07 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well that alone made me go insane. It'll be as if I have no future for employment so they throw me at the very bottom.The way to look at it is that it's something to fill your time and you'll look better if you head into an interview having done voluntary, while searching for work.
Harsh world, isn't it?
At 12/28/11 10:45 AM, Auz wrote:At 12/26/11 09:27 AM, Coop wrote: Anger Management (Jack Nicholson's guide to modding General :P)Jack Nicholson makes one of the best faces in film history.
Yes, that is true, but I need something to get me by on the film front until next December, when The Hobbit comes out. On the TV Front, that includes Great Expectations and the World's Strongest Man
I've reached level 52 now, only 8 more to go! I'm gonna miss my sword though, sword icons are my favorite here. Before i forget...
Happy newyear to all of you my fellow NG users!
Listening to:
Battleroar - To Death and Beyond...
At 12/28/11 10:45 AM, Auz wrote:At 12/25/11 12:05 PM, Bahamut wrote: Heh, I'm surprised you'd even know them. I suppose their success has gone far enough to have been a name for non-metal fans.I can't say I really know much about their music though. I think I might've overheard a conversation about them by you and Coop or Haggard. Otherwise perhaps some of my friends talked about them once.
This is a question we should ask Coop and Haggard. What do THEY think of Mastodon?
They may have done so but they like to forget about it and think they're all perfect.Oh well, what can you do?
Not a whole lot other than stating the fact about these losers.
Yeah, you could do that. Even if that's the case, it still weeds out many players.That's true, but I have to say that I can hardly tell anymore who's F2P and who isn't (just judging from their playing styles). Maybe you should give the game another try someday.
Tried it, game still looks shit, uninstalled.
At 12/28/11 01:34 PM, Haggard wrote:At 12/28/11 07:25 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm glad you do have something in mind. Now that Monday Metal Treasures is all over, we only have your posts to look forward to. :PThat's an incentive to post them more regularly.
I'm glad you have more encouragement now. And no, there is no round 2 for MMT.
Nile are one of the key death metal bands.Heh, well I'm not that much into death metal. ^^
Neither am I but their name sounds almost as big as Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel.
But bands/people like Ozzy, Maiden or AC/DC are so well known that even people who don't listen to metal or hard rock know who they are. Can't say that for bands like Nile. ;)
To be fair, I have had a few big songs on my posts so I am guilty there.
Then open your damn presents on the 25th,But why? Give me one good reason apart from "because the rest of the world does so".
Learn about the origins of Christmas. :P
Anyway, I did open some presents on the 25th (because I recieved them on 25th) if that's more the way you like it. ;)
I opened a present yesterday.
At 12/29/11 06:49 AM, Coop wrote:At 12/28/11 07:25 AM, Bahamut wrote: To be honest, I've done enough voluntary work in the past. Had it not been for my temporary work, I'd have a stronger hatred towards everyone. The job centre, the government and all those employer cunts.Harsh world, isn't it?
It is but I'll say that I deserve to get at least something. I won't take shit from any of these scumbags.
At 12/29/11 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 12/28/11 10:45 AM, Auz wrote:This is a question we should ask Coop and Haggard. What do THEY think of Mastodon?At 12/25/11 12:05 PM, Bahamut wrote: Heh, I'm surprised you'd even know them. I suppose their success has gone far enough to have been a name for non-metal fans.I can't say I really know much about their music though. I think I might've overheard a conversation about them by you and Coop or Haggard. Otherwise perhaps some of my friends talked about them once.
Nothing. I don't listen to them. But not because I don't like them, it's just that I never started listening to them. ^^
At 12/28/11 01:34 PM, Haggard wrote:I'm glad you have more encouragement now. And no, there is no round 2 for MMT.At 12/28/11 07:25 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm glad you do have something in mind. Now that Monday Metal Treasures is all over, we only have your posts to look forward to. :PThat's an incentive to post them more regularly.
That's too bad. But I'm sure you will come up with something else instead. ;)
Neither am I but their name sounds almost as big as Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel.Nile are one of the key death metal bands.Heh, well I'm not that much into death metal. ^^
Well, I can't really argue about that. I wouldn't say they are as big as CC or MA, but on the other hand, Nile have been around since 1993, so they must have had at least SOME influence on today's Death Metal.
But bands/people like Ozzy, Maiden or AC/DC are so well known that even people who don't listen to metal or hard rock know who they are. Can't say that for bands like Nile. ;)To be fair, I have had a few big songs on my posts so I am guilty there.
Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.
Learn about the origins of Christmas. :PThen open your damn presents on the 25th,But why? Give me one good reason apart from "because the rest of the world does so".
Yeah, but the origins of Christmas can't compete against tradition, man.
Also, I found out that in Poland and in some scandinavian countries the kids open their presents on 24th as well. So the "rest of the world" argument is rendered invalid. :P
BUT: I found an article which stated "the kids just couldn't wait until next day", so there comes the "impatient" argument into play again. XD
Anyway, I did open some presents on the 25th (because I recieved them on 25th) if that's more the way you like it. ;)I opened a present yesterday.
You should've waited until January 6th, as a tribute to the spanish kids.
Congratulations to
Martin - 47,000 B/P
Coop - 2,222 Total review responses
DrHood - Top 250 Exp
SCTE3 - 1,200 Reviews, 1,400 Audio reviews
Luke - Level 33
Gagsy - 20,000 Exp
Alex616 - Golden whistle
Dent0n - Level 52 (don't worry, there's still the level 55 sword to get)
Please forgive the double post - I just got back into the top 500 B/Pers. Last time I was there, I was only ranked corporal - things have moved on a bit since then...
I've just earned my 120000 medal point. The new game by matt-likes-swords is awesome.
Just one hundred days from my first 10k stat... (exp)
The Review Request club, the Blammers List (update every 15th), and the Protectors List (Update every 1st). My sig has it all.
Sig by Emperor-Bubba
At 12/29/11 02:28 PM, ZeldaFan64DS wrote: I just got to level 6.
That is nice, but they don't count for much here until you get to level 10 since levels one through nine you can get real easy
Also I find it funny that back in the old days it would have been the same thing with the difference being that level 10 was what seperated the dedicated from the posers.
Coop gets ready to meet a horde of screaming kids, who cliam to be his family, while congratulating:
Dent0n: Level 52
philonous: Top 500 B/Per
Knuckstrike: 120,000 Medal Points; 9,000 Experience
Listening to:
Lauren Harris - Get Over It
Thank you to:
At 12/29/11 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 12/28/11 10:45 AM, Auz wrote:This is a question we should ask Coop and Haggard. What do THEY think of Mastodon?At 12/25/11 12:05 PM, Bahamut wrote: Heh, I'm surprised you'd even know them. I suppose their success has gone far enough to have been a name for non-metal fans.I can't say I really know much about their music though. I think I might've overheard a conversation about them by you and Coop or Haggard. Otherwise perhaps some of my friends talked about them once.
They're not bad - I don't own any of their stuff, but they're better than some of the stuff that I've got on my iPod :P
I really should update my Christmas news post. I'll get some Steam winter achievements out of the way.
Listening to:
Cruachan - Blood on the Black Robe
At 12/29/11 01:45 PM, Haggard wrote:At 12/29/11 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote: This is a question we should ask Coop and Haggard. What do THEY think of Mastodon?Nothing. I don't listen to them. But not because I don't like them, it's just that I never started listening to them. ^^
Got any plans to listen to them in the new year?
I'm glad you have more encouragement now. And no, there is no round 2 for MMT.That's too bad. But I'm sure you will come up with something else instead. ;)
Well, I'm only doing stuff on my site now.
Neither am I but their name sounds almost as big as Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel.Well, I can't really argue about that. I wouldn't say they are as big as CC or MA, but on the other hand, Nile have been around since 1993, so they must have had at least SOME influence on today's Death Metal.
I'm sure they have and I'm sure they are just below CC and MA. One thing for sure, nothing can beat Death.
To be fair, I have had a few big songs on my posts so I am guilty there.Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.
Maybe we can mix our posts together for better results?
BUT: I found an article which stated "the kids just couldn't wait until next day", so there comes the "impatient" argument into play again. XD
Such kids you are.
I opened a present yesterday.You should've waited until January 6th, as a tribute to the spanish kids.
Now that would have been funny.
At 12/30/11 07:29 AM, Coop wrote: They're not bad - I don't own any of their stuff, but they're better than some of the stuff that I've got on my iPod :P
And Mastodon are indeed worth a shot. I should probably provide some examples.
Congratulations to
Knuckstrike - 120,000 medal points
Odyssic - 7,000 Blams
Martin - 40,000 Saves
IzzyDude - Sergeant Major
FurryFox - Level 25
Thanks to
And to avoid double posting again, I have now hit 13,000 B/P points
Listening to:
Kraftwerk - Autobahn
Holy shit, I never knew the original version is over 22 minutes long.
At 12/30/11 08:54 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 12/29/11 01:45 PM, Haggard wrote:Got any plans to listen to them in the new year?At 12/29/11 08:28 AM, Bahamut wrote: This is a question we should ask Coop and Haggard. What do THEY think of Mastodon?Nothing. I don't listen to them. But not because I don't like them, it's just that I never started listening to them. ^^
None that I know of, lol.
Well, I'm only doing stuff on my site now.I'm glad you have more encouragement now. And no, there is no round 2 for MMT.That's too bad. But I'm sure you will come up with something else instead. ;)
But I guess you will still provide us with links here.
I'm sure they have and I'm sure they are just below CC and MA. One thing for sure, nothing can beat Death.Neither am I but their name sounds almost as big as Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel.Well, I can't really argue about that. I wouldn't say they are as big as CC or MA, but on the other hand, Nile have been around since 1993, so they must have had at least SOME influence on today's Death Metal.
True that.
Maybe we can mix our posts together for better results?To be fair, I have had a few big songs on my posts so I am guilty there.Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.
Now that should turn out interesting.
BUT: I found an article which stated "the kids just couldn't wait until next day", so there comes the "impatient" argument into play again. XDSuch kids you are.
Aren't we all?
Thanks for voting, Jolly! Your experience has been automatically deposited!
With that vote, you now have 9,000 experience points. You need 340 more to get to Level 30. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 23 hours, 51 minutes, and 24 seconds.
The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!
9,000 Experience.
Oh, and 27,000 B/P Points.
Damn, it seems like I just got 26,000 a few days ago.
Level 48 on New Year's Eve.
Happy new year everyone, hope for a brighter future.
10 years on newgrounds, a whole decade. That is a fairly long time.
Listening to:
Warlock - Triumph & Agony
At 12/30/11 06:52 PM, Haggard wrote: Listening to:
Kraftwerk - Autobahn
Holy shit, I never knew the original version is over 22 minutes long.
Hah, even I knew that a while back when I was listening to them for a bit. From their stuff, I've listened to Autobahn and The Man-Machine. I might even pick up the latter.
At 12/30/11 08:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: Got any plans to listen to them in the new year?None that I know of, lol.
Oh well, you're missing out on a good band.
Well, I'm only doing stuff on my site now.But I guess you will still provide us with links here.
Why wouldn't I?
Maybe we can mix our posts together for better results?Now that should turn out interesting.
Well, one thing that would definitely show up is Falkenbach, I think that's the only one who's showed up for both of our projects.
Such kids you are.Aren't we all?
I want to know why we didn't argue about this years back.
28,000 Experience
I suspect this will be my last achievement of 2011. Onward to 2012!
Coop prepares to welcome in 2012 and a positive change of fortune. Congratulations to:
Odyssic: 7,000 Blams
Martin: 40,000 Saves
IzzyDude: Sergeant Major; 5,000 Experience
FurryFox: Level 25
philonous: 13,000 B/P
Jolly: 9,000 Experience; 27,000 B/P
RalphieUJ: Level 48
Shaun: 10th NG Berfday
Listening to:
The Sword - Fire Lances of the Ancient Hyperzephyrians
AC/DC - For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)
At 12/30/11 08:54 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 12/30/11 07:29 AM, Coop wrote: They're not bad - I don't own any of their stuff, but they're better than some of the stuff that I've got on my iPod :PAnd Mastodon are indeed worth a shot. I should probably provide some examples.
Well, my metal repertoire has indeed increased over the past 12 months. Why not increase it next year as well?
At 12/30/11 06:52 PM, Haggard wrote: Listening to:
Kraftwerk - Autobahn
Holy shit, I never knew the original version is over 22 minutes long.
Some cars don't last that long on the Autobahn, from what I've heard :P
Can't really be arsed to write some replies right now since I have to leave in about 10 minutes anyway.
Since this'll be my last post of the year, I just want to say have a good night all. Watch out with fireworks, go easy on the drinking (or you'll hate yourself tomorrow), yada yada yada.
I'll be spending New Years Eve at a friends place. Looking forward to it.
At 12/31/11 06:29 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 12/30/11 06:52 PM, Haggard wrote: Listening to:Hah, even I knew that a while back when I was listening to them for a bit. From their stuff, I've listened to Autobahn and The Man-Machine. I might even pick up the latter.
Kraftwerk - Autobahn
Holy shit, I never knew the original version is over 22 minutes long.
I only knew about the 9 minute "radio edit" (which offers some things that can't be heard in the original version).
Also, I would buy Kraftwerk with german lyrics only. First of all, there aren't that many lyrics to begin with, second, I think they just don't sound the same when they sing in english. And no, I don't mean just the language, but the whole feeling of the songs is different.
Oh well, you're missing out on a good band.At 12/30/11 08:54 AM, Bahamut wrote: Got any plans to listen to them in the new year?None that I know of, lol.
I'll add them to the list of "good bands I'm missing out on". Geesh, that list is LONG!
Well, one thing that would definitely show up is Falkenbach, I think that's the only one who's showed up for both of our projects.Maybe we can mix our posts together for better results?Now that should turn out interesting.
And as far as I can see it will remain the only band that will show up on both projects.
I want to know why we didn't argue about this years back.Such kids you are.Aren't we all?
I don't know.
At 12/31/11 07:14 AM, Coop wrote:At 12/30/11 06:52 PM, Haggard wrote: Listening to:Some cars don't last that long on the Autobahn, from what I've heard :P
Kraftwerk - Autobahn
Holy shit, I never knew the original version is over 22 minutes long.
Some cars shouldn't be allowed to even be used on an Autobahn!