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Falconer - Armod
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At 9/15/11 10:09 AM, SCTE3 wrote:At 9/15/11 07:42 AM, Bahamut wrote: They even had an album called Spreading the Disease, haha.Got to love the irony there except they were spreading a good disease called their music. Probably one of the bands where I can see a good mix of Rap and Metal. Kind of lenient with Limp Bizkit though as he only as a couple of songs that can blend both genres anyways.
Yeah, Anthrax released an EP where they experimented with hiphop. I haven't picked that up, though.
I'm afraid I have no plans for any Monday Metal Treasures for 2012. If more people commented on my posts, I'd go ahead with it but I don't think it's been successful enough for a second round. For this reason, I'm going with new plans once I've finished writing up the last remaining posts.Sounds good to me. Will be looking forward to some new stuff next year then, sounds very promising to me.
If I work hard enough, I might be able to launch it in December.
It sure does. The only ones that have had that are myself, gfox and ramagi. Maybe Denvish as well but I can't quite recall now.Not too sure but I think a long while back I remember Denvish having 70,000 blam points and less than 100 save points, could have been another user but I think I remember seeing him with those stats.
No, he didn't have that little saves. :P
At 9/15/11 05:12 PM, Auz wrote:At 9/15/11 07:42 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'm happy I'm this high up. A second alternative for retirement would have been 50,000 blams and 50,000 saves but I'm good with where I am. Maybe this time next year I'll be close to falling off the top 30.Yeah, but I wonder if you'll still be in the top 50 saviours by then. Guess we'll see.
Hah, I'll be going downhill so fast. I wonder if it's time for the next update...
That joke was so bad the only place to find less funny jokes is on the internet. The internet thinks over 9000 and rick rolls are still funny.Well te internet is constantly supplied with 13 year olds so I guess those will stick around for a looong time. As well as Chuck Norris jokes -.-'
Expect the retards to still be obsessed with ponies by 2015 unless something more retarded comes along. It took long enough for them to stop making shitty YouTube Poop videos... Oh wait, some of them still do that.
Damn, I still need to do that.Well a pretty good strategy for Omega is having a Mystic Knight with the Rapid Fire ability use Thundaga Sword (preferably with a powerful weapon like the Chicken Knife) and then have someone with the Mix ability use Dragon Power on him. Then Rapid Fire away. You should deal great damage in one turn, like well over 9,999. Use your other characters to stay alive and cast spells like Hastega. You can take him down in 2-3 rounds if you're lucky.
Oh yes, anything Thunder-related is enough for Omega but he does have strong attacks.
Gotta love exploitations.Yeah. I actually find it kinda lame that some great bosses in Final Fantasy games can be crippled so easily. Like when you can hit them with Stop or Sleep or a boss that mostly uses magic with Silence or Berserk... =/
That's actually quite clever of Square. They assumed only the very bored ones would go as far as experimenting with inflicting abnormal status on big bosses. It's like casting zombie on Yu Yevon but less retarded.
At 9/16/11 03:53 AM, Haggard wrote:At 9/14/11 06:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: Among the Living, for sure. After that, go for Persistence of Time.Ok, let's hope I remember this when I am about to buy an Anthrax album.
Among the Living should be the easiest to find. They did have a reissue but I got mine back in 2006 so that was well before they added the bonus tracks.
Then make threads about games you like.I'm sure the threads about games I like already have been made and died some years ago. I rarely play current games, as I always wait a few months before I buy games. They are a lot cheaper if you wait long enough. Also, if I get a new game it can take years before I actually play it, lol.
Just make the threads anyway or use the search bar if you feel they've been made already. :P