At 8/7/11 01:37 PM, Auz wrote:At 8/7/11 10:53 AM, Haggard wrote:Well Spongebob is quite a good dub here. In fact, I find it better than the original, English dub. I don't know about Phineas & Ferb, but the Dutch dub is fine for that show.At 8/4/11 05:30 PM, Auz wrote: Lol.Sometimes. Because translations can be quite bad. But on other occasions the translation (and the work by the dubbing actors) is quite good. Knight Rider for example. It's a pretty good dub.
Aren't you annoyed sometimes with how everything is dubbed in Germany?
I don't watch Spongebob, so I don't know how good or bad the dub is. But it seemed all right whenever I happened to zap through the show.
There aren't many decent dutch voice-actors around so you will often recognize the voices from other dubbed films and cartoon shows which is silly.Personally I hate Dutch dubs and avoid them like the plague, because the voices are usually awful and the lines sound dumb.Well, that may be the case because dutch is a dumb sounding language. :P
Seriously though. I think it's pretty hard to dub dutch with good lip synching. And maybe the quality of the people dubbing it isn't so good like in germany, but I've never witnessed the work of the dutch dubbing scene. ^^
Of course there are a few voices you can hear on different actors. The worst thing that can happen is, if a voice actor that usually does the voices for one person isn't available and some other voice actor has to do the dubbing. Bruce Willis for example is usually dubbed by Manfred Lehmann (he has a GREAT voice! Fits perfectly to Willis). But in "Die Hard with a Vengeance" Lehmann wasn't available.
OK, the guy who dubbed him is the voice actor for Schwarzenegger, so he too knows how to dub 'very manly characters', but it still kind of sucks to hear a different voice.
But on the other hand I think it's funny if you recognize a voice from somewhere else and you keep thinking "Hm, where did I hear that voice before..." :)
Personally I prefer dubbing over subtitleing. Just imagine watching a very intense moment in a movie and reading the text all the time to follow the conversation...That's probably the most common complaint against subtitleing, but trust me, you will get used to it. And you CAN ignore it if you want. You don't have to look at it.
I have never been able to ignore subtitles, no matter how hard I tried. :(
Also dubbing sure helps to understand a movie. I was watching "No country for old men" a few weeks ago in english. The heavy texan accent Tommy Lee and some of the other actors had was very hard to understand at times.You will get used to that too :p
But only if I can watch more movies with that accent.
Besides, if it's subtitled then their accents don't really matter.
"Good job, Herman. You got a 1 for watching films" ^^I would've gotten the highest mark in this subject.Sure. Along with The Shining and Jaws :pAt 7/20/11 11:28 AM, Haggard wrote: At 7/19/11 04:42 PM, Auz wrote:
I do not need a cause for my rageMy hate has grown as strong as my confusionViolent Revolution, Violent Revolution
My only hope my only solution
is a Violent Revolution
Reason for the people to destroy
I just despise the nature of the human race
When all I see is repulsion and hate
Violence becomes my only friend, my saving grace
At 8/8/11 04:44 PM, Bahamut wrote:At 8/4/11 03:04 PM, Haggard wrote:Have you tried Infected?At 8/2/11 07:39 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'll just consider Masterpieces here. I'll probably pick it up at some point but I'll get Threshold before I even get that. However, I'll get Masterpieces before I get Infected. I heard their new album on Spotify and it sucks.I never even heard of Masterpieces before, heh.
No, not yet.
Those two should cover medieval metal already. Subgenres like these are why metal gets criticised for being ridiculous with specifics of metal. :PRhapsody? Falconer? :PBut singing about dragons and knights doesn't have anything to do with medieval metal. :(
But the lyrical themes of the medieval metal genre revolve more around burning witches, gleemen, kings getting murdered, etc. Nothing about dragons.
Ramagi should learn to fucking spell! >:(What about that YoinK guy with the really long neck? LOL!And Toocool100 should learn how to blam!
bomb should finally blow up!
Sorry man, you'll win for other things, though.Which you always fail.(
Name one.
At 8/9/11 05:08 AM, Soapbubble wrote: And on top of that, you guys are a pretty tight-knit group, and I've had bad experiences trying to fit in with groups like that on other message boards.
We only seem like a tight-knit group. In fact we are happy about every new user that joins in our conversations. Gives us more to talk about. :P