At 8/13/11 01:05 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/11/11 05:48 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/11/11 03:59 PM, Auz wrote:
I suppose I wouldn't know about the German dub either. But I'd probably find the German dub hilarious anyway :p
Same for the dutch dub. :P
I guess I should give the danish dub a try as well. XD
Lol! I always imagine Scandinavian languages sounding even more silly to foreigners than Dutch does :p
Swedish seems to be pretty close to german. At least I heard from different sources that learning swedish isn't too hard for a guy who already speaks german.
Still though, I'd rather see the original than a dub in most cases. I got a feeling that more of the original work gets lost by dubbing than by subbing.
True. Sometimes the translations are shit.
Yeah. I know sometimes the subbing is also shit, but at least I can hear it then and laugh at the terrible job someone did translating it.
But sometimes it's more like *face palm*
Furthermore, phrases like "What an asshole!" have lead to plenty of creative and hilarious translations in the subtitles :p
Original: "He's a dirty motherfucker!"
Translation: "He isn't a very nice person."
I've seen a few films where they even changed the original soundtrack in the dub, and it turned out awful. It didn't suit the film at all.
Heh. I've never seen that. But sometimes the original sound (ie the voices, etc) are too quiet in the original - or the sounds from the environment are too loud. Especially some of the older Columbo films have that problem. A dub (or subtitles) really helps here, because all the voices are cristal clear.
Seen it happen in several cartoons. I believe it was/is kinda hip to change the soundtrack from Japanese cartoons to something more... American if it's ever broadcasted on TV for children. This can sometimes just set an entirely different mood for a scene.
Well, if they replace shitty J-Pop with something else I have nothing against it.
Probably. Watching English films and playing English video games did really help me improve my English early on in life. I think it's the reason why I ended up with one of the top grades in English class in high school ^^
Yes. Video games can teach you important things! :D
Yeah! They taught me how to double jump :D
They also taught me that doors are unbreakable, no matter how big your weapons are!
Oh well, I guess that's just one problem case, but for most films it works fine.
Depends on the kind of movies you like to watch, I guess. :P
As long as it's not romantic comedies I'm open for anything.
How about Mulholland Drive? I cannot imagine watching this while reading subtitles. It's hard enough to follow the movie without reading subs. Let alone understanding the movie (I gave that up a long time ago ^^)
They sometimes do that here too, but only for the news when they interview someone who talks in a horrible accent :p
Oh yeah, sometimes on those horrobile TV shows they show during the day some people are subtitled as well. But I only ever see that on RTL, which we call "Unterschichtenfernsehen" (underclass television) anyway. XD
We call our SBS6 the "camping channel", I suppose it's a similar set-up as your RTL.
"SBS 6 is de familiezender van Nederland met veel amusement, topseries, films, sport en (show) nieuws uit binnen-en buitenland."
"family station", sounds like "shitties station ever broadcasting" to me. ^^
Also, you do have your own RTL in Holland, right?
He sure is :p
Yes. I like how he can express all those different feelings with only minor changes in his mimic.
It looks like they haven't included his horrible pain pace yet.
Amazing how he never even twitches a single muscle in his face while turning around the machete.
I could make out some lines and words, but it's difficult. Then again, I don't know if I would understand a normal German sitcom any better.
How about some Married with children, then?
Oh, and don't mind the artificial laughter, everybody here thinks it sucks as well.
Oh but the artificial laughter is in the original show as well, and plenty of sitcom shows use it so I'm kinda used to it by now (even though I don't like it much either).
I always thought it was real laughter in the original series. After all you can sometimes see the characters standing around doing nothing, while they wait for the laughter to die down.
Anyway I think Peg needs to sound more whiney, like she does in the original ("but AAAAHAAAAAAAAL") :p
Oh, she does sound pretty whiney from time to time. ^^
Again I can make out a couple of words and lines, but I can't understand it entirely.
All right, so no difference for you here. ^^
Ah I see. I thought that film would be pretty odd if they all talked German. Considering they need someone to speak Italian at some point and Hans Landa's big thing is that he speaks four languages fluently.
I remember "Saving Privat Ryan", where they met that german guy. That scene made no sense in the german dub.
Lol, I can imagine. I thought one thing was that he kept talking to them but they couldn't really understand him.
Yeah, it's kinda dumb to get that young soldier (forgot his name, the guy who wants to carry around his typewriter at the beginning of the movie) to translate for them if they all speak german in the first place.
Or Heinz? :p
No no, that's the ketchup brand. :P
Heinrich then?
Heinrich is good. After all there where a few Kaisers named Heinrich.
Beauty is no more it's all gone
And utopia will not come
Trust I can not feel, only pain
And my burning mind has gone insane
Ok, I guess that covers it. No need to repeat the first and second verse here. ^^
Also, kinda odd to sing "Violent Revolution" while there are riots in England. Maybe they started rioting because of that song? :/
At 8/14/11 09:15 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/13/11 06:58 AM, Haggard wrote:
Real life level up! Reached level 30 now!
I hope it was good.
Of course!
At 8/13/11 06:09 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/12/11 05:03 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/12/11 10:02 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Good and good. Well, not that HammerFall are bad or anything but Infected is one album that sucks.
I just ordered Death's "Symbolic"
Good stuff! Individual Thought Patterns is another Death album to get.
Yes, but I already own that. :P
And that paperbag wearing douche Shrapnel is gone as well.
Now if only Rage could fuck off...
He should ragequit!
And this stupid blue dragon... oh, wait!
His name derives from the word "grisù", which means Firedamp.
Well, at least we're remembering this adorable dragon.
I can't decide if Grisu is more adorable or the Bubble Bobble dragons.