Coop thinks it's time for a little Europe. Congratulations to:
Bahamut: Level 48
EmoDragon: Level 40
Addict: Level 22
Soapbubble: 600 Reviews (Flash)
Jolly: 35,000 Medal Points
Muffin: 20,000 Experience
Listening to:
Europe - The Final Countdown
At 6/9/11 07:06 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Seriously Coop and Odyssic, why did you not mention myself getting level 48 on your congrats lists?
I don't know. I must have been tired.
At 6/7/11 06:14 AM, Coop wrote:
At 6/6/11 08:20 AM, Bahamut wrote:
You asked for it.
Um... yes, I think I did. I can see your point.
Now you can listen to their death metal songs just fine.
Well, I wouldn't go that far - we'll see what sort of music my new lady friend enjoys (Rock, Metal and Punk, apparently) and we'll go from there.
Now I know it's early days, but I might try to drag her down to London - that would be awesome!
At 6/9/11 05:44 PM, Auz wrote:
At 6/9/11 03:47 AM, Coop wrote:
At 6/8/11 03:23 PM, Auz wrote:
Happens to me more and more often. I guess it just get less and less of a big deal to you. But congrats!
Usually I build myself up to these things, but the idea of a date with a lovely girl had taken my mind off it. I never get distracted by stats.
Ah women. Nothing more distracting. I presume she is your gf?
Woah, woah. Let's just cool the jets there a second or two. I've been single for 13 weeks. I'm trying not to give the impression that I'm on the rebound. If she wants a relationship, she can have me. If not, I'm cool with having a friend like her. It feels like I've known her for years already and we were only drinking / hanging out for about five and a half hours.
Sure, I've earned a second "date", but I'm playing it cool, as if there's anything I'm unsure about, regarding her, it's how she wants to play this. Are we just friends (Personally, I hope not, though if it's all that's going, she could be an awesome friend), or is there something more?
At 6/8/11 03:54 AM, Coop wrote:
At 6/7/11 03:35 PM, Auz wrote:
Alright. Is it carefully hidden or is it impossible to miss?
It's a couple of chapters, so you'd be hard pushed to miss it.
Ooooh wait a minute. Is that the tales of the ... freigther story or something? I saw that on a DVD somewhere in the special interest box at my local DVD store.
It's the pirate ship story.
Yeah the one scene where he ties up that guys arms (or fingers) to the prison cell door during the riot. Then they had to saw them off.
Ah, when he scores against Big Figure.
Is that an ironic name for the little guy?
Yeah - small guy, big figure. Small world.
At 6/9/11 07:13 PM, reverend wrote:
At 6/8/11 03:54 AM, Coop wrote:
Oh yes you are! I'm hereby inviting you and your oddball co-workers to a special reception to display the national silk surplus. I believe you know the heroic space stallion who captured it. Show them my medal Kif.
"He rented it with his tax refund."
"Oh Kif, it was so romantic of you to rent this peddle plane with your tax rebate. We're like two dandelion seeds wafting on the breeze."
Yeah, custard is quite resilient.
On date number two, you have to remember to bring some. Ha!
I always knew that custard could be kinky, I just never realised the depths one could plumb with it.