Well, this is my 2000th post on Newgrounds, I guess I learned alot in the process.
Well, this is my 2000th post on Newgrounds, I guess I learned alot in the process.
Level 29! I don't like this level, looks like it should be much lower. Oh well, I'll move on soon enough.
Good morning!
Listening to:
Warning - Watching from a Distance
At 5/19/11 07:15 AM, Haggard wrote:At 5/17/11 07:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: I don't listen to live albums very often but when I listen to it again, I'll see what you were trying to say.I often like live versions of songs better than the studio versions.
I often think the opposite.
And because they live long?And because they are turtles.
Also, wouldn't it be great to get a young turtle today and then pass it on to your kids when you are too old and your kids can pass it on to your grandchildren...
I see your point. However, I'm more used to taking care of budgies and rabbits, even though I lost my last one a while back as stated on my news post.
Very happy! I needed to defeat you and I knew the funniest joke in the world would be the key.So, the only way to defeat me is to kill me.... I have to build up a resistance to funny jokes. :/
If that's even possible.
Also, counter joke!
"There were zwei peanuts, walking down the straße, und one was a salted... peanut!"
Very good! *shoots Haggard*
At 5/19/11 01:06 PM, Gagsy wrote: Level 41!
Congrats! You look extra sexy with that hammer.
At 5/19/11 03:26 PM, Auz wrote:At 5/18/11 03:25 AM, Bahamut wrote: I remember a time when there was only 13 Supreme Commanders.When I signed up I think there were around... 15 and people like gfox, ramagi and fixit were holding the top spots.
Yep, I remember those days very well. Now fixit is all the way down to #70. Wow, that's quite a drop. Eventually I'll be down there but it'll take years at the rate everyone is going. The next five to pass me are you, Gagsy, byteslinger, iscrulz and Pokemonpoeguygcn (wow, I actually got his name right without even looking). It's all good, though as I wanted the pressure of checking the portal all the time off me. However, I might need Portal Guard to speed up my blamming for Toohot100.
We'll soon get 200 Supreme Commanders and at that point I should start consider expanding the list. :PI think 300 users is enough already, but building it up to 400 or 500 is fine with me as well. I'm sure most people within those regions will love it.
I might just have a fifth post as a bonus someday. The only problem is the fifth post wouldn't be possible if I step down from BBS modding or I pass it onto someone else so I have to be careful with that.
Heh, that would put me in the top 20 VP. Crazy shit that is. That reminds me, we could do with another VP update soon.I guess I will somewhere around there as well.
Didn't Wylo tell us to contact him if we wanted an update?
Hey, that's a guy Dream-of-Duke can pester. :P Nah, I can just drop Wylo a message on Steam requesting for a new update every four weeks.
You think we're afraid of them?Nah, you might need to be more afraid of some lame-ass who happens to get a lucky shot and hits your weak spot.
What is my weak spot anyway?
At 5/19/11 08:57 PM, Alfraydo wrote: i don't believe i have mentioned, 3,000 BBS Posts
I'm trying to figure out how you even got 3,000 posts from your 1,300 post count. :P
At 5/19/11 03:19 AM, Bahamut wrote: Only 100 EXP gained from the last update. It'll be reasonably easy to catch up on him. As for me, it's getting awfully slow here but at least there's a few dead accounts who are level 48.
Only 100? I thought he had more. Well then I'm catching up at a pretty good clip.
At 5/19/11 04:10 AM, Coop wrote: "Going through the Bot Wash!
"Z is just as good. In fact, is better. Is two more than X."
Here's a picture of some early Worcester pressure, bearing down on the Cornish Pirates (Yellow) We scored a try about 2 minutes later, but cheering, waving and generally having a good time meant no time for the cameras :P
So you can say that Worcester had the sauce to win. :P
At 5/19/11 03:26 PM, Auz wrote: Apparently elephants don't work too well for war purposes. The riders of elephants always carried a mace with spikes with them so they could kill the elephant in case it charged at their own people.
I think one problem elephants have is that they don't realise how big they are :p Also, they're pretty compassionate animals, so I suppose it's hard to train them in hurting people.
Yeah that is true. There isn't really an animal this is willing able to charge in to a storm of swords and phalanxes no matter how big they are.
I don't know, I think pepper spray has a longer lasting effect. But tasers do have some potential to kill you if you're unlucky, so perhaps pepper spray is better.
Well the bad thing about pepper spray is that it can be affected by the wind and be blown away from the target or back at you.
Maybe they have, but as you might know the EU is still a bit of mess.
A few months ago we had a problem with bad eggs coming in from Germany.
I know there can't be much farmland in the Netherlands but I would think that you would be able to raise your own chickens and eggs instead of importing them.
Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.
Coop tries to keep up with the plot in Shogun, while congratulating:
Asandir: 2,000 Posts
Martin: 35,000 B/P
Ship: Level 29
Egarewop: 11,000 Experience
Listening to:
Reel Big Fish - Down In Flames
Alice Cooper - Adaptable (Anything For You)
At 5/19/11 07:15 AM, Haggard wrote: Also, counter joke!
"There were zwei peanuts, walking down the straße, und one was a salted... peanut!"
"Your name vill alzo go on ze lizt. Vat is it?"
"Don't tell him, Pike!"
"Pike, sank you."
At 5/19/11 03:26 PM, Auz wrote:At 5/18/11 09:32 AM, Coop wrote:Well at least he didn't turn out to be one of those actors who can really only play one role, or are casted for only one kind of role, right?At 5/17/11 05:12 PM, Auz wrote: Oh, now I see. Lol :pThe best irony is that's how Joey was in Friends as well :P
Funny to see how famous actors started their careers, often playing in silly commercials.
Yeah, but he made a pretty good getaway, even if he did botch the first attempt (Lost in Space). His character (Matt Le Blanc) on Episodes was really well played, because it's Joey, as Joey saw himself. A successful actor, but slightly less exaggerated.
At 5/20/11 01:11 AM, Bahamut wrote: Good morning!
Surprisingly, yes. I thought that the promotion hangover would last longer than this. Also, I did suffer a nasty bruise on my right calf yesterday, so that makes up for it, I suppose :P
At 5/20/11 01:29 AM, reverend wrote:At 5/19/11 04:10 AM, Coop wrote: "Going through the Bot Wash!"Z is just as good. In fact, is better. Is two more than X."
"Now that you mention it, I do have trouble breathing underwater. I'll take the gills."
"So if you have gills, you won't need lungs?"
"I guess not."
"I take lungs now, gills come next Tuesday."
Here's a picture of some early Worcester pressure, bearing down on the Cornish Pirates (Yellow) We scored a try about 2 minutes later, but cheering, waving and generally having a good time meant no time for the cameras :PSo you can say that Worcester had the sauce to win. :P
Call back gag FTW!
Well, since the guy who kicks for us is called Andy Goode, we can say that it's all Goode.
At 5/19/11 03:26 PM, Auz wrote:At 5/19/11 07:15 AM, Haggard wrote:If they have a decently sized grass field, then yes they are. Preferably with two goals and no water around.At 5/16/11 04:25 PM, Auz wrote: Actually, I don't know one single football field. I know there are some parks on the north side of town, but I've never been there yet.Parks are fine to play some football.
Two goals? You don't need real goals to play football. Two trees, or just some parts of your clothing (like your coat or your sweater) will do to mark two posts.
Well there are certain songs that are just fun to sing along with. Like:Me neither, but I guess it could be fun once everybody had a few drinks.I never have been so drunk that I could see the fun in singing karaoke. ^^
Hm.... let me put it this way: NEIN!
The cake was the only thing that was not a lie that night 0.oWell that's what I thought too at first and at second, but then I got a little too enthusiastic one night with a certain kind of cake 0.oAnd here am I, always thinking the cake was a lie. :/
Sounds like you had one hell of a trip.
Probably. There are some companies like Eurolines who have busses going from major city to major city. They'll drop you off in the early morning and can pick you up that evening (or the next morning, or a week later etc.). I think that's the kinda bus you have to go with.Must be one of those special trips. With regular public transport I don't think 70 euros will be enough.I guess those bus lines can be compared to Greyhound busses in the USA.
Yeah. In 12th grade we had a school trip to Spain and we went there by bus. It took us 32 hours to get there...
Strangely enough the trip back only took about 24 hours.
Oh yes I've heard of the standing places. Sounds pretty ridiculous but I guess it might work for very short trips. They shouldn't let people stand for any longer than an hour though.Oh yeah, Ryan Air is one of the cheapest airlines if I remember correctly.And they try to become even cheaper by charing you a small fee when you have to use the toilet. They are even thinking about introducing stances to planes... o_O
I think it's a pretty bad idea. What do people in stances do if the "fasten your seatbelt" sign lits up? ^^
At 5/20/11 01:11 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 5/19/11 07:15 AM, Haggard wrote:I often think the opposite.At 5/17/11 07:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: I don't listen to live albums very often but when I listen to it again, I'll see what you were trying to say.I often like live versions of songs better than the studio versions.
Oh, yet another thing we DON'T agree on. :/
I see your point. However, I'm more used to taking care of budgies and rabbits, even though I lost my last one a while back as stated on my news post.And because they live long?And because they are turtles.
Also, wouldn't it be great to get a young turtle today and then pass it on to your kids when you are too old and your kids can pass it on to your grandchildren...
Since I never had a pet I don't know what it's like if one passes away, but I'm sure it's a very sad incident.
That's another advantage of turtles. When they pass away, you are propably not around anymore to witness it. ^^
If that's even possible.Very happy! I needed to defeat you and I knew the funniest joke in the world would be the key.So, the only way to defeat me is to kill me.... I have to build up a resistance to funny jokes. :/
It's going to be hard, but it HAS to be possible somehow.
Also, counter joke!Very good! *shoots Haggard*
"There were zwei peanuts, walking down the straße, und one was a salted... peanut!"
Hey! I am already dead!
At 5/19/11 01:06 PM, Gagsy wrote: Level 41!Congrats! You look extra sexy with that hammer.
Admit it, there's no level icon where you would think she doesn't look sexy. Not even the level 26 icon.
At 5/20/11 03:54 AM, Coop wrote:At 5/19/11 07:15 AM, Haggard wrote: Also, counter joke!...
"There were zwei peanuts, walking down the straße, und one was a salted... peanut!"
"Your name vill alzo go on ze lizt. Vat is it?"
"Don't tell him, Pike!"
"Pike, sank you."
Google/Wikiquote tells me this is a quote from a show called "Dad's Army". I'm sorry, it never aired in Germany, so I'll just respond with one of my favorite quotes of all time:
"Ford? There's an infinite number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for 'Hamlet' they've worked out."
I've noticed my post count continuously drop during my time inactive on the forums.
So I'm wondering, is the site constantly recalculating deleted posts from long ago, or is there likely some trigger happy mod that's deleting old posts and bumped topics rather than locking them?
Finally, 1,000 posts!! I feel like I'm a proper member now.
At 5/20/11 01:11 AM, Bahamut wrote: Good morning!
Listening to:
Warning - Watching from a Distance
like wise; good morning to you;
I am still listening to SRV; so many years since his death and I cannot get the man's music out of my head.
A very late congrats on your becoming a mod. I rarely visit the forums now and usually only this one so I am behind on whats going on here. I happened to be needing a mod one day to report a hacker and saw your name listed among the mods hence my finding out. :P
And what is this that your taking driving lessons? As in a car? My god your town is doomed! I will warn my 2 aunts that live in your town. They will want to stay clear {j/k}
good luck with that; you know the mayor of London recently said if the people of London have the money to buy all these fancy cars clogging the streets then they can afford to pay more taxes. A good hanging is in order for him I think :P
Many thanks to :
Coop & Odyssic for the congrats; you guys rock and you always have.
At 5/20/11 01:25 PM, Bloodthorne wrote: like wise; good morning to you;
I am still listening to SRV; so many years since his death and I cannot get the man's music out of my head.
Fancy seeing Recon_Rebel here, top of the morning to you old timer! :)
onna site keikan/alt
«¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥»
ladies and gents of NG...
am half way through... at level 30....
huggs, kisses and bitches all around.
Coop prepares for a day in the sun, while congratulating:
sandwich-eater: Top 400 B/Per
TheColourAwesome: 1,000 Posts
SCTE3: 17,000 Saves
Dream-of-Duke: 52,000 B/P
Illegal-Product: Level 30
At 5/20/11 04:35 AM, Haggard wrote:At 5/20/11 03:54 AM, Coop wrote:Google/Wikiquote tells me this is a quote from a show called "Dad's Army". I'm sorry, it never aired in Germany, so I'll just respond with one of my favorite quotes of all time:At 5/19/11 07:15 AM, Haggard wrote: Also, counter joke!...
"There were zwei peanuts, walking down the straße, und one was a salted... peanut!"
"Your name vill alzo go on ze lizt. Vat is it?"
"Don't tell him, Pike!"
"Pike, sank you."
I can supply you with video then.
"Ford? There's an infinite number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for 'Hamlet' they've worked out."
Ah, the Simpsons.
At 5/20/11 11:18 AM, BaronVonBadGuy wrote: I've noticed my post count continuously drop during my time inactive on the forums.
So I'm wondering, is the site constantly recalculating deleted posts from long ago, or is there likely some trigger happy mod that's deleting old posts and bumped topics rather than locking them?
It might be users getting deleted and if they had created threads that you had posted in, these might disappear as well.
At 5/20/11 01:25 PM, Bloodthorne wrote: Many thanks to :
Coop & Odyssic for the congrats; you guys rock and you always have.
*obligatory headbang*
Slint approves of me! | "This is Newgrounds.com, not Disney.com" - WadeFulp
"Sit look rub panda" - Alan Davies
Listening to:
Porcupine Tree - In Absentia
At 5/20/11 04:35 AM, Haggard wrote:At 5/20/11 01:11 AM, Bahamut wrote: I often think the opposite.Oh, yet another thing we DON'T agree on. :/
You'll have to agree with me the moment I say DragonForce!
I see your point. However, I'm more used to taking care of budgies and rabbits, even though I lost my last one a while back as stated on my news post.Since I never had a pet I don't know what it's like if one passes away, but I'm sure it's a very sad incident.
It is. Without the rabbits the garden feels so empty.
That's another advantage of turtles. When they pass away, you are propably not around anymore to witness it. ^^
That's true. It's hard to imagine what turtles feel like to live for 200 years.
If that's even possible.It's going to be hard, but it HAS to be possible somehow.
I can say the same joke again.
Very good! *shoots Haggard*Hey! I am already dead!
Then why are you still posting?
Admit it, there's no level icon where you would think she doesn't look sexy. Not even the level 26 icon.At 5/19/11 01:06 PM, Gagsy wrote: Level 41!Congrats! You look extra sexy with that hammer.
Shit... You've got me there. She'll even make the cupid sexy.
At 5/20/11 01:25 PM, Bloodthorne wrote: A very late congrats on your becoming a mod. I rarely visit the forums now and usually only this one so I am behind on whats going on here. I happened to be needing a mod one day to report a hacker and saw your name listed among the mods hence my finding out. :P
Thanks for that. I became a mod back in August and it's still doing good. By the way, what about that hacker? :P
And what is this that your taking driving lessons? As in a car? My god your town is doomed! I will warn my 2 aunts that live in your town. They will want to stay clear {j/k}
They live around here?
At 5/20/11 05:27 PM, AllReligiousDrunk wrote:At 5/20/11 01:25 PM, Bloodthorne wrote: like wise; good morning to you;Fancy seeing Recon_Rebel here, top of the morning to you old timer! :)
I am still listening to SRV; so many years since his death and I cannot get the man's music out of my head.
Wait, HE is Recon?
Now that everything is updated I can confirm that I have passed illuminate for 9th all time on the Top Protectors list.
At 5/21/11 04:58 AM, Coop wrote:At 5/20/11 04:35 AM, Haggard wrote:I can supply you with video then.At 5/20/11 03:54 AM, Coop wrote:Google/Wikiquote tells me this is a quote from a show called "Dad's Army". I'm sorry, it never aired in Germany, so I'll just respond with one of my favorite quotes of all time:At 5/19/11 07:15 AM, Haggard wrote: Also, counter joke!...
"There were zwei peanuts, walking down the straße, und one was a salted... peanut!"
"Your name vill alzo go on ze lizt. Vat is it?"
"Don't tell him, Pike!"
"Pike, sank you."
"Ford? There's an infinite number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for 'Hamlet' they've worked out."Ah, the Simpsons.
Yes, the episode where Bender and Randy Marsh had an illegitimate baby, which later got adopted by Flanders.
At 5/21/11 06:51 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 5/20/11 04:35 AM, Haggard wrote:You'll have to agree with me the moment I say DragonForce!At 5/20/11 01:11 AM, Bahamut wrote: I often think the opposite.Oh, yet another thing we DON'T agree on. :/
By the time when I saw them live they still where cool.
That's another advantage of turtles. When they pass away, you are propably not around anymore to witness it. ^^That's true. It's hard to imagine what turtles feel like to live for 200 years.
But you as a dragon should outlive most of us, right?
I can say the same joke again.If that's even possible.It's going to be hard, but it HAS to be possible somehow.
Which would possibly kill me again. Maybe try citing only half of the joke.
Then why are you still posting?Very good! *shoots Haggard*Hey! I am already dead!
Because my body still hasn't noticed that the mind died a few days ago.
Tom should frontpage College University 7 in tribute to Macho Man
Thanks for voting, Hacsev! Your experience has been automatically deposited!
With that vote, you now have 11,370 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 33. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 10 hours, 21 minutes, and 52 seconds.
I will not like these next icons.
At 5/20/11 01:11 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 5/19/11 03:26 PM, Auz wrote: When I signed up I think there were around... 15 and people like gfox, ramagi and fixit were holding the top spots.Yep, I remember those days very well. Now fixit is all the way down to #70. Wow, that's quite a drop. Eventually I'll be down there but it'll take years at the rate everyone is going.
Yeah, fixit quit at around 50k IIRC which isn't a huge step from 30,000. Especially not for those who obtain 60-80 BP / day.
The next five to pass me are you, Gagsy, byteslinger, iscrulz and Pokemonpoeguygcn (wow, I actually got his name right without even looking).
*Flash backs to the time when lots of people here obtained the praporsch... praporschic... praporschik rank*
It's all good, though as I wanted the pressure of checking the portal all the time off me. However, I might need Portal Guard to speed up my blamming for Toohot100.
I don't find it much of sore yet, but eventually I will probably want to spend my time elsewhere as well.
I am starting to come to a point when ranking up on the BP lists isn't doable anymore (10k gaps, users like Gagsy and byteslinger bumping me down every time I finally rank up etc.). And if I can't really rank up and can't level up anymore either, I don't see what I still have to (actively) BP for.
I think 300 users is enough already, but building it up to 400 or 500 is fine with me as well. I'm sure most people within those regions will love it.I might just have a fifth post as a bonus someday. The only problem is the fifth post wouldn't be possible if I step down from BBS modding or I pass it onto someone else so I have to be careful with that.
Well you could use an alt to get around the limit? I know that's technically against the rules, but I'm sure the mods then will understand. Also, as an ex-mod you could probably get away with little things like that ;)
I guess I will somewhere around there as well.Hey, that's a guy Dream-of-Duke can pester. :P Nah, I can just drop Wylo a message on Steam requesting for a new update every four weeks.
Didn't Wylo tell us to contact him if we wanted an update?
Sounds like a better idea. I think DoD only wants to pester Coop anyway.
Nah, you might need to be more afraid of some lame-ass who happens to get a lucky shot and hits your weak spot.What is my weak spot anyway?
Well according to the Hobbit, there's a weak spot in your armour somewhere on your chest. But that might only apply for the dragon Smaug though... =/
If I were to shoot you somewhere, I'd aim for your balls. That'd be my weakspot so it might also be a dragons :p
At 5/20/11 01:29 AM, reverend wrote:At 5/19/11 03:26 PM, Auz wrote: Apparently elephants don't work too well for war purposes. The riders of elephants always carried a mace with spikes with them so they could kill the elephant in case it charged at their own people.Yeah that is true. There isn't really an animal this is willing able to charge in to a storm of swords and phalanxes no matter how big they are.
I think one problem elephants have is that they don't realise how big they are :p Also, they're pretty compassionate animals, so I suppose it's hard to train them in hurting people.
It is of course totally against their nature to do so. Normally they'd run away from danger. It's odd how horses are so obedient in battles though.
I don't know, I think pepper spray has a longer lasting effect. But tasers do have some potential to kill you if you're unlucky, so perhaps pepper spray is better.Well the bad thing about pepper spray is that it can be affected by the wind and be blown away from the target or back at you.
I'd laugh pretty hard if that happened. Then I'd take your wallet and walk off :p
Maybe they have, but as you might know the EU is still a bit of mess.I know there can't be much farmland in the Netherlands but I would think that you would be able to raise your own chickens and eggs instead of importing them.
A few months ago we had a problem with bad eggs coming in from Germany.
There is plenty of farmland actually. Holland might not be that big, but the major cities aren't that big either so most of the space is utulized for farming.
I'm sure there are plenty of eggs produced in the Netherlands, but perhaps we're just importing and exporting them for the sake of trading and keeping each others economies going.
At 5/20/11 03:54 AM, Coop wrote:At 5/19/11 03:26 PM, Auz wrote: Well at least he didn't turn out to be one of those actors who can really only play one role, or are casted for only one kind of role, right?Yeah, but he made a pretty good getaway, even if he did botch the first attempt (Lost in Space). His character (Matt Le Blanc) on Episodes was really well played, because it's Joey, as Joey saw himself. A successful actor, but slightly less exaggerated.
Played well enough to get his own spin-off series after Friends. Having watched a few episodes of Friends, I never thought that character would be so popular. All the three main male characters from that series kinda act alike as far as I could see.
At 5/20/11 04:35 AM, Haggard wrote:At 5/19/11 03:26 PM, Auz wrote: If they have a decently sized grass field, then yes they are. Preferably with two goals and no water around.Two goals? You don't need real goals to play football. Two trees, or just some parts of your clothing (like your coat or your sweater) will do to mark two posts.
That will work, but I always find that a bit lame and you have to fetch the ball every time someone takes a shot at the goal.
Well that might not be a good example. But how about songs like Bohemian Rhapsody?
The cake was the only thing that was not a lie that night 0.oSounds like you had one hell of a trip.
Well maybe the stuff we bought wasn't that good. We were with a whole group and some people became ill after a while. Then others started to panic and basically it all sucked.
Probably. There are some companies like Eurolines who have busses going from major city to major city. They'll drop you off in the early morning and can pick you up that evening (or the next morning, or a week later etc.). I think that's the kinda bus you have to go with.Yeah. In 12th grade we had a school trip to Spain and we went there by bus. It took us 32 hours to get there...
Strangely enough the trip back only took about 24 hours.
Lol. Had a Spanish busdriver on the way back maybe? Those guys can be pretty reckless.
Oh yes I've heard of the standing places. Sounds pretty ridiculous but I guess it might work for very short trips. They shouldn't let people stand for any longer than an hour though.I think it's a pretty bad idea. What do people in stances do if the "fasten your seatbelt" sign lits up? ^^
I guess turbulance could become a pretty big problem for those who have to stand and can't fasten their seatbelts. I don't know, I guess solutions for that can be found as well, but I think I'd rather pay for a seat. Even if they are more expensive.
Your Statistical Variations Today:
It's your NG birthday today!
Thanks for bringing that to my attention NG Logs. :( Feels like it's been longer than 5 years.
Heres to another 5? ;_;
Rank up to the one that's after colonel, whatever that's called now
Coop tries to recover voice and hearing from last night's Metal (and horrendous feedback) gig. Congratulations to:
Sanjeev98: Level 14
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 42,000 Saves
VinnyXY: Private
Hacsev: Level 33
Gagsy: 5th NG Berfday
Cootie: 3,000 Blams
jonthomson: Brigadier General
Dream-of-Duke: 32,000 Saves
Listening to:
The Who - Who Are You
Foo Fighters - Never Talking To You Again
Foo Fighters - This is a Call
At 5/21/11 06:51 AM, Bahamut wrote:At 5/20/11 05:27 PM, AllReligiousDrunk wrote:Wait, HE is Recon?At 5/20/11 01:25 PM, Bloodthorne wrote: like wise; good morning to you;Fancy seeing Recon_Rebel here, top of the morning to you old timer! :)
I am still listening to SRV; so many years since his death and I cannot get the man's music out of my head.
If he is Recon, why is ReconRebel inactive?
At 5/21/11 12:24 PM, Haggard wrote:Yes, the episode where Bender and Randy Marsh had an illegitimate baby, which later got adopted by Flanders."Ford? There's an infinite number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for 'Hamlet' they've worked out."Ah, the Simpsons.
"Family Simpsons Futurama Dad"? A stellar series :P
At 5/21/11 01:40 PM, Auz wrote:At 5/20/11 01:11 AM, Bahamut wrote: Hey, that's a guy Dream-of-Duke can pester. :P Nah, I can just drop Wylo a message on Steam requesting for a new update every four weeks.Sounds like a better idea. I think DoD only wants to pester Coop anyway.
He's trying to see how much it will take to get me to track him down and castrate him with a shotgun. I'm getting there.
Well according to the Hobbit, there's a weak spot in your armour somewhere on your chest. But that might only apply for the dragon Smaug though... =/Nah, you might need to be more afraid of some lame-ass who happens to get a lucky shot and hits your weak spot.What is my weak spot anyway?
Only if the bowman is Bard and he is firing his black arrow, that he talks to. Besides, Stephen Fry is going to be the master of Laketown.
At 5/20/11 03:54 AM, Coop wrote:Played well enough to get his own spin-off series after Friends. Having watched a few episodes of Friends, I never thought that character would be so popular. All the three main male characters from that series kinda act alike as far as I could see.At 5/19/11 03:26 PM, Auz wrote: Well at least he didn't turn out to be one of those actors who can really only play one role, or are casted for only one kind of role, right?Yeah, but he made a pretty good getaway, even if he did botch the first attempt (Lost in Space). His character (Matt Le Blanc) on Episodes was really well played, because it's Joey, as Joey saw himself. A successful actor, but slightly less exaggerated.
Yeah, but there's always been something about Joey's child-like innocence, or naivety.
English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan
The 10k updates are now up! And now I hate making updates for the 10k lists. :P
Listening to:
Event Horizon - Positive Rage
At 5/21/11 12:24 PM, Haggard wrote: Metal-ABC: Dragonhammer
Now this sounds more lively than Event Horizon which I was listening to just now. Event Horizon sound very generic for power metal but Dragonhammer are more passionate. Next will be E and the most obvious ones for that letter are Edguy, Ensiferum, Electric Wizard and Exodus. Let's see what you can do.
At 5/21/11 06:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: You'll have to agree with me the moment I say DragonForce!By the time when I saw them live they still where cool.
I find that hard to believe. :P
That's true. It's hard to imagine what turtles feel like to live for 200 years.But you as a dragon should outlive most of us, right?
That's if some angry humans don't kill us.
I can say the same joke again.Which would possibly kill me again. Maybe try citing only half of the joke.
Actually, why not say it all TWICE?!
Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput
Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput
Then why are you still posting?Because my body still hasn't noticed that the mind died a few days ago.
Dammit, that isn't right.
At 5/21/11 01:40 PM, Auz wrote:At 5/20/11 01:11 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yep, I remember those days very well. Now fixit is all the way down to #70. Wow, that's quite a drop. Eventually I'll be down there but it'll take years at the rate everyone is going.Yeah, fixit quit at around 50k IIRC which isn't a huge step from 30,000. Especially not for those who obtain 60-80 BP / day.
Yeah, his count seemed very high back then but not now.
The next five to pass me are you, Gagsy, byteslinger, iscrulz and Pokemonpoeguygcn (wow, I actually got his name right without even looking).*Flash backs to the time when lots of people here obtained the praporsch... praporschic... praporschik rank*
Heh, those ranks are rather forgotten to me. Then again, I did get Supreme Commander around five years ago.
It's all good, though as I wanted the pressure of checking the portal all the time off me. However, I might need Portal Guard to speed up my blamming for Toohot100.I don't find it much of sore yet, but eventually I will probably want to spend my time elsewhere as well.
If you feel you can't keep it up, do yourself a favour and call it day. There's tons of other things to do.
I am starting to come to a point when ranking up on the BP lists isn't doable anymore (10k gaps, users like Gagsy and byteslinger bumping me down every time I finally rank up etc.). And if I can't really rank up and can't level up anymore either, I don't see what I still have to (actively) BP for.
Yeah, you're at a very tough position right now. At least after those two the most you'll have to worry about is Pokemonpoeguygcn. After that we'll see who else is climbing up the ranks.
I might just have a fifth post as a bonus someday. The only problem is the fifth post wouldn't be possible if I step down from BBS modding or I pass it onto someone else so I have to be careful with that.Well you could use an alt to get around the limit? I know that's technically against the rules, but I'm sure the mods then will understand. Also, as an ex-mod you could probably get away with little things like that ;)
I could but I'd rather not push around if I'm not doing my mod duties anymore. Seeing next week will mark three years of making the B/P updates, I could extend the list just once.
Hey, that's a guy Dream-of-Duke can pester. :P Nah, I can just drop Wylo a message on Steam requesting for a new update every four weeks.Sounds like a better idea. I think DoD only wants to pester Coop anyway.
If that's the case I'll just give Wylo a buzz at the start of every month.
What is my weak spot anyway?Well according to the Hobbit, there's a weak spot in your armour somewhere on your chest. But that might only apply for the dragon Smaug though... =/
I can always put some extra armour on. ;)
If I were to shoot you somewhere, I'd aim for your balls. That'd be my weakspot so it might also be a dragons :p
Not if I've got balls of steel!
At 5/21/11 04:53 PM, Gagsy wrote: Heres to another 5? ;_;
Unless we're together by then. :o
At 5/22/11 04:28 AM, jonthomson wrote: Rank up to the one that's after colonel, whatever that's called now
That's Brig. General, the rank that used to be the start of the leaf badges. You might be slow and steady but you're a potential quadlister someday. The only other person I know who's on his way to getting his fourth 10k stat is Auz.
At 5/22/11 06:08 AM, Coop wrote:At 5/21/11 06:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: Wait, HE is Recon?If he is Recon, why is ReconRebel inactive?
That's what I'm thinking. This bloodthorne is alive and well with his deposits.