At 1/23/11 06:06 AM, Coop wrote:
At 1/22/11 06:58 AM, Haggard wrote:
You propably already explained it, but what's Spirit?
Spirits are the harder drinks,
I see. Well, Vodka mixed with Sprite is a good drink, but I'm not that much into hard alc stuff.
I'm a Southern Comfort man,
You should listen to Janis Joplin more often, then. ;)
I never heard anything from Fall Out Boy. But it's some shit like "screamo metal" right? It's bad, but not as bad as Manowar.
They're nothing like Screamo metal, IIRC
Again, no time to click this link. :(
I did now. Ok, no screamo metal. Not good music either. But still not as bad as Manowar.
At 1/22/11 07:39 PM, reverend wrote:
At 1/22/11 06:14 AM, Coop wrote:
Ever tried getting a GPS signal even remotely out of civilisation? Thought not :P
You would think that you'll get a better signal since you're away from interference like buildings since it's a satellite signal. Well, you can always just follow the trail of frozen corpses like they do on Everest.
*glares at Haggard* I prefer someone that talks to me, rather than telling me I've gone the wrong way all the time.
I was just trying to be helpful. :(
At 1/23/11 07:47 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/22/11 06:14 AM, Coop wrote:
At 1/21/11 04:20 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Well, having nine pints or something at Manchester SHOULD have made me throw up but it didn't. Yeah, I'm having a better resistance now but that makes it harder to get drunk.
I've thrown up from drinking twice. The first time was my 18th birthday and I was drinking all sorts of shit, but I still swear that it was a bad scotch egg. The second was the 2007 Xmas party, where I had somewhere in the region of 14 Southern Comfort and Cokes, but I have it on good authority that most of them were doubles.
Then clearly you know when to not drink too much.
I've thrown up twice as well. First time was my.. um... some birthday (it's so long ago, I don't remember which one, lol). I was up since 6 am, had a very hard day and drank all kinds of stuff. Then I went outside where it was really cold. But I was so tired I fell asleep (remember, I've been up since 6 am and it was really late when I fell asleep, maybe around 2am).
Then I suddendly woke up. I always get dizzy when I suddendly wake up, being drunk doesn't help either. So I threw up, but only a little bit. I guess if had managed to throw up more I would've felt better. But at least I wasn't hung over the next day.
Second time was after a friends birthday. I was drinking beer, nothing unusual here. When it was time to go home we thought: "Ah well, let's take a beer with us", but we didn't see it was a beer called "Astra Rotlicht" ("Red light" in english), which is a lot stronger than the normal beer.
When I got home I threw up once and felt miserable the next day.
Sorry Haggard, we're gonna need Plan B.
Kidnapping is still an option.
At 1/22/11 06:58 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/22/11 05:49 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Construction sites tend to be loud as well, but that doesn't mean that they attract a lot of people. :P
Just true deaf people.
But you DID listen to them.
Yeah, but I already completly forgot about that.
But they are WORSE than Manowar, trust me.
But at least they know how to dress properly!
OK then, how about this?
No time to click this link right now. And I guess I will forget about it later. :P
What about now?
I clicked it. First of all I don't think Spiral Blast is a real band. Second, I still refuse to call "Noise" music, so they don't count.
At 1/23/11 04:29 PM, Auz wrote:
At 1/18/11 04:18 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/16/11 01:01 PM, Auz wrote:
Sorry for slacking a bit with the replies here lately. I have some good excuses.
Sounds really nice.
We are looking for a new apartment as well, hopefully we find something bigger soon. ^^
Good luck with that.
Bigger eh? Ours is not that big, but big enough for the two of us. We got a 17m2 living room, 11m2 bed room, 9m2 study room, 7m2 kitchen and a hall, shower and toilet. In total I think it's about 50m2.
Well, not "bigger" in sense of m^2, but in sense of "more rooms" (which of course also means "more m^2).
Right now we only have two rooms, which just isn't enough anymore. Plus, our shitty neighbours from above are killing my last nerve. :/
It's not too bad considering most students I know live in a 12m2 room, share the rest of the house with like five other students and pay just as much as the two of us do together.
Yes, I never understood why some students think they have to pay so much for one room.
Okay, maybe they are closer to the Uni, but that really isn't worth it.
Yeah, popular LPs can be expensive nowadays. 70 euros is still not bad indeed, but you would have to have an LP player which are also not so easy to get.
Yeah, this was one of the reasons I didn't buy the LP version back then.
As a doctor? Nice!
Yeah, still assistant doctor but at least she gets payed quite good for it (even though the payment could be a bit higher, lol).
Oh okay, so actually she's still studying but is almost finished? I think the medicin studies here takes six years out of which one or two is being an assistant doctor.
No, she's finished, but you have to work 2 (or 3?) years as an assistant doctor, I think.
Propably so you get some practical experience.
Yeah. I'm sure the universities in Amsterdam and Rotterdam have many students as well, but Delft is not even that much of a city.
But it has a "leaning tower" as well.
Leaning tower? I don't know about that, but I know one of the churches' towers was in flames some time ago.
The tower of the Oude Kerk is leaning. ^^
So Hamburg has two universities?
Three. :P n_Hamburg#Universities
Three? I see one is pretty new, founded in 2006...
So Hamburg is also one of those student cities then? Or is it so big that even with three universities you still don't see an awful lot of students out on the street?
Second biggest town in Germany, those few students are only a drop in the ocean. ^^
Of course, around the universities it's crowded with students, but it's not like you walk through the town and see nothing but students.
I think we have so many Universities and technical colleges here, because the city is so big, not the other way round.
I guess in Germany it might also be known as 'Den Haag'.
Yes. Even though most people don't pronpunce it the right way.
If it was written as Den Haach then it might have been easier for you guys to figure out how to pronounce it.
Yep. "Ch" after a, o and u is pronounced like the dutch "g", "ch" after "i" is pronounced a bit softer.
The worst thing is that if you miss one of them by just a few seconds, you'll be 15 minutes late at the very least.
Oh yeah, I know how bad this is.
Nice jacket. ^^
Lol. It looks like he has only been popular in Germany or something :p
Well, "Looking for freedom" is his only somewhat good song. And singing it in front of the Berlin Wall (when it was still up) is quite an event and it expressed the feelings of many people.
Maybe that's why he's relatively famous in germany.
Hey, I have all 4 seasons of Knight Rider on DVD. It's great!
I don't know... it looks more like the funny kind of great to me :p
Yes, it's the funny kind of great, but it's still great!
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