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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-24 05:54:03

Coop prepares to go for a run, while congratulating:
Quinny: 1,000 Blams
Auz: 7,777 Posts
gamejunkie: Top 100 B/Per
1337: General
Jon: 15,000 Experience
LittleWashu: 16,000 Blams
Bahamut: 24,000 Posts
Odyssic: Top 200 B/Per; 17,000 Experience
FBIpolux: Level 44

Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Mother Russia
Dio - We Rock

Thank you to:

At 1/23/11 07:47 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/22/11 06:14 AM, Coop wrote:
At 1/21/11 04:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well, having nine pints or something at Manchester SHOULD have made me throw up but it didn't. Yeah, I'm having a better resistance now but that makes it harder to get drunk.
I've thrown up from drinking twice. The first time was my 18th birthday and I was drinking all sorts of shit, but I still swear that it was a bad scotch egg. The second was the 2007 Xmas party, where I had somewhere in the region of 14 Southern Comfort and Cokes, but I have it on good authority that most of them were doubles.
Then clearly you know when to not drink too much.

Yeah, 14 doubles is definitely my limit :P

Sorry Haggard, we're gonna need Plan B.

Plan B? What, you're going drinking with StrawberryClock?

At 1/23/11 09:09 PM, reverend wrote:
At 1/23/11 06:06 AM, Coop wrote: *glares at Haggard* I prefer someone that talks to me, rather than telling me I've gone the wrong way all the time.
So you aren't listening to the misses when she is giving your directions? I'm sure she's often tells you that you've gone the wrong way as well.

Never - I hardly drive anywhere when she has to navigate these days, as I can't afford to go on holiday any more. The last holiday we had involved us taking the train to London :P

As you see, there is so many ways to get lost on the climb up the B/P mountain, it's just better to find a nice plateau and enjoy the view that you got.

I've found a plateau at 14th, so I'll look up at 13th and then continue the ascent.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-24 06:20:51

Staff Sergeant & 6,000 B/P!


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-24 11:46:53

Congrats to:
gamejunkie: Top 100 in B/P and 6,000 Medal Points
1337: General
Jon: 15,000 Experience
DiMono: Rank 500 in B/P and 6,000 Experience Points
LittleWashu: 16,000 Blams
Coop: 59,000 Saves
Odyssic: Rank 200 in B/P and 17,000 Experience
FBIpolux: Level 44
Quinny: Staff Sergeant

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-24 13:50:32

At 1/23/11 06:06 AM, Coop wrote:
At 1/22/11 06:58 AM, Haggard wrote: You propably already explained it, but what's Spirit?
Spirits are the harder drinks,

I see. Well, Vodka mixed with Sprite is a good drink, but I'm not that much into hard alc stuff.

I'm a Southern Comfort man,

You should listen to Janis Joplin more often, then. ;)

I never heard anything from Fall Out Boy. But it's some shit like "screamo metal" right? It's bad, but not as bad as Manowar.
They're nothing like Screamo metal, IIRC
Again, no time to click this link. :(

I did now. Ok, no screamo metal. Not good music either. But still not as bad as Manowar.

At 1/22/11 07:39 PM, reverend wrote:
At 1/22/11 06:14 AM, Coop wrote: Ever tried getting a GPS signal even remotely out of civilisation? Thought not :P
You would think that you'll get a better signal since you're away from interference like buildings since it's a satellite signal. Well, you can always just follow the trail of frozen corpses like they do on Everest.
*glares at Haggard* I prefer someone that talks to me, rather than telling me I've gone the wrong way all the time.

I was just trying to be helpful. :(

At 1/23/11 07:47 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/22/11 06:14 AM, Coop wrote:
At 1/21/11 04:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: Well, having nine pints or something at Manchester SHOULD have made me throw up but it didn't. Yeah, I'm having a better resistance now but that makes it harder to get drunk.
I've thrown up from drinking twice. The first time was my 18th birthday and I was drinking all sorts of shit, but I still swear that it was a bad scotch egg. The second was the 2007 Xmas party, where I had somewhere in the region of 14 Southern Comfort and Cokes, but I have it on good authority that most of them were doubles.
Then clearly you know when to not drink too much.

I've thrown up twice as well. First time was my.. um... some birthday (it's so long ago, I don't remember which one, lol). I was up since 6 am, had a very hard day and drank all kinds of stuff. Then I went outside where it was really cold. But I was so tired I fell asleep (remember, I've been up since 6 am and it was really late when I fell asleep, maybe around 2am).
Then I suddendly woke up. I always get dizzy when I suddendly wake up, being drunk doesn't help either. So I threw up, but only a little bit. I guess if had managed to throw up more I would've felt better. But at least I wasn't hung over the next day.

Second time was after a friends birthday. I was drinking beer, nothing unusual here. When it was time to go home we thought: "Ah well, let's take a beer with us", but we didn't see it was a beer called "Astra Rotlicht" ("Red light" in english), which is a lot stronger than the normal beer.
When I got home I threw up once and felt miserable the next day.

Sorry Haggard, we're gonna need Plan B.

Kidnapping is still an option.

At 1/22/11 06:58 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/22/11 05:49 AM, Bahamut wrote: WE DON'T ATTRACT WIMPS 'CAUSE WE'RE TOO LOUD!
Construction sites tend to be loud as well, but that doesn't mean that they attract a lot of people. :P

Just true deaf people.

But you DID listen to them.
Yeah, but I already completly forgot about that.
But they are WORSE than Manowar, trust me.

But at least they know how to dress properly!

OK then, how about this?
No time to click this link right now. And I guess I will forget about it later. :P
What about now?

I clicked it. First of all I don't think Spiral Blast is a real band. Second, I still refuse to call "Noise" music, so they don't count.

At 1/23/11 04:29 PM, Auz wrote:
At 1/18/11 04:18 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/16/11 01:01 PM, Auz wrote: Sorry for slacking a bit with the replies here lately. I have some good excuses.
Sounds really nice.
We are looking for a new apartment as well, hopefully we find something bigger soon. ^^
Good luck with that.


Bigger eh? Ours is not that big, but big enough for the two of us. We got a 17m2 living room, 11m2 bed room, 9m2 study room, 7m2 kitchen and a hall, shower and toilet. In total I think it's about 50m2.

Well, not "bigger" in sense of m^2, but in sense of "more rooms" (which of course also means "more m^2).
Right now we only have two rooms, which just isn't enough anymore. Plus, our shitty neighbours from above are killing my last nerve. :/

It's not too bad considering most students I know live in a 12m2 room, share the rest of the house with like five other students and pay just as much as the two of us do together.

Yes, I never understood why some students think they have to pay so much for one room.
Okay, maybe they are closer to the Uni, but that really isn't worth it.

Yeah, popular LPs can be expensive nowadays. 70 euros is still not bad indeed, but you would have to have an LP player which are also not so easy to get.

Yeah, this was one of the reasons I didn't buy the LP version back then.

As a doctor? Nice!
Yeah, still assistant doctor but at least she gets payed quite good for it (even though the payment could be a bit higher, lol).
Oh okay, so actually she's still studying but is almost finished? I think the medicin studies here takes six years out of which one or two is being an assistant doctor.

No, she's finished, but you have to work 2 (or 3?) years as an assistant doctor, I think.
Propably so you get some practical experience.

Yeah. I'm sure the universities in Amsterdam and Rotterdam have many students as well, but Delft is not even that much of a city.
But it has a "leaning tower" as well.
Leaning tower? I don't know about that, but I know one of the churches' towers was in flames some time ago.

The tower of the Oude Kerk is leaning. ^^

So Hamburg has two universities?
Three. :P
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_i n_Hamburg#Universities
Three? I see one is pretty new, founded in 2006...
So Hamburg is also one of those student cities then? Or is it so big that even with three universities you still don't see an awful lot of students out on the street?

Second biggest town in Germany, those few students are only a drop in the ocean. ^^
Of course, around the universities it's crowded with students, but it's not like you walk through the town and see nothing but students.
I think we have so many Universities and technical colleges here, because the city is so big, not the other way round.

I guess in Germany it might also be known as 'Den Haag'.
Yes. Even though most people don't pronpunce it the right way.
If it was written as Den Haach then it might have been easier for you guys to figure out how to pronounce it.

Yep. "Ch" after a, o and u is pronounced like the dutch "g", "ch" after "i" is pronounced a bit softer.

The worst thing is that if you miss one of them by just a few seconds, you'll be 15 minutes late at the very least.

Oh yeah, I know how bad this is.


Nice jacket. ^^
Lol. It looks like he has only been popular in Germany or something :p

Well, "Looking for freedom" is his only somewhat good song. And singing it in front of the Berlin Wall (when it was still up) is quite an event and it expressed the feelings of many people.
Maybe that's why he's relatively famous in germany.

Hey, I have all 4 seasons of Knight Rider on DVD. It's great!
I don't know... it looks more like the funny kind of great to me :p

Yes, it's the funny kind of great, but it's still great!

Characters remaining: 267...

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-24 15:47:58

At 1/24/11 04:20 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/23/11 08:04 AM, Auz wrote: 7,777 Posts!
Seven, fucking seven!

Fuck yeah!

At 1/23/11 04:29 PM, Auz wrote:
At 1/18/11 12:19 PM, Bahamut wrote:
I think most of the evolutions of older Pokemon in the fourth gen were pretty pointless. While some could have done with a stats boost, for most it just meant a shift in stats. As in 'instead of high attack he now has high defense'.
Yeah, some of them weren't necessary but on the other hand, it did help some of the Pokemon to make them more usable.

I don't know, I didn't use any of them in the end. I was considering using one or two of them, but they turned out to be weak as fuck still.

And yes, it would've been better if they left Pokemon like Munchlax out. Evolving them is just busy work.
I was thinking more of baby Mantime, Mr. Mime and such. Munchlax is actually more reasonable than them.

Munchlax is not the worst, mostly because Snorlax kicks ass. But yeah, Mime Jr., Mantike... nobody is ever going to use their evolved forms anyway, so why bother making pre-evolved ones?

Yep, it has 3v3.
Yeah, I wonder how that will work out.
It'll be crazy, that's for sure.

Well I'm guessing it's gonna be a lot more dynamic.

She is? That explains a lot.

No offense to him, but he just doesn't look like the kind of guy that has a girlfriend.
It doesn't surprise me. After all, Irate Gamer managed to get a girlfriend... What a fucked up world we all live in.

From that guy I would expect it even less :p

But as we say here: 'On every jar there fits a lid'.

At 1/24/11 01:50 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/23/11 04:29 PM, Auz wrote: Bigger eh? Ours is not that big, but big enough for the two of us. We got a 17m2 living room, 11m2 bed room, 9m2 study room, 7m2 kitchen and a hall, shower and toilet. In total I think it's about 50m2.
Well, not "bigger" in sense of m^2, but in sense of "more rooms" (which of course also means "more m^2).
Right now we only have two rooms, which just isn't enough anymore. Plus, our shitty neighbours from above are killing my last nerve. :/

Two rooms? Well that should be enough, but yeah... me and my gf were also happy with three rooms. Now we can have a living room, bed room and a comfortable room to study so that we won't get in each others way if we need to do uni work.

I think our neighbours are cool. Walking around our neighbourhood, I noticed that the majority of them are old and retired folks so they probably won't get on our nerves (need to be careful that we won't get on theirs though). Also, we live on the top floor so we won't have any noise coming in from above us ^^

It's not too bad considering most students I know live in a 12m2 room, share the rest of the house with like five other students and pay just as much as the two of us do together.
Yes, I never understood why some students think they have to pay so much for one room.
Okay, maybe they are closer to the Uni, but that really isn't worth it.

I think the majority of them are unaware that the owner is ripping them off and that he's legally not even allowed to ask such high rents. They're called house milkers here and they're considered a pretty big problem.

But to be honest, I can't really feel sorry for all those students who are paying too much. There are better alternatives to a (crappy) student room and if your room turns out to be way overpriced you can actually go to court. I know one group of students won a case and retrieved thousands of euros from the owner. You just need to have the balls, but I guess most students would like to keep their house boss happy and don't realize that he's dependant of you and not the other way around.

Yeah, popular LPs can be expensive nowadays. 70 euros is still not bad indeed, but you would have to have an LP player which are also not so easy to get.
Yeah, this was one of the reasons I didn't buy the LP version back then.

I do find one occasionally at some thrift store, but they always look old and I'm not sure if they're still working.

Oh okay, so actually she's still studying but is almost finished? I think the medicin studies here takes six years out of which one or two is being an assistant doctor.
No, she's finished, but you have to work 2 (or 3?) years as an assistant doctor, I think.
Propably so you get some practical experience.

Oh alright. Could be that it's the same here. I'm not sure, I don't know any medicin students.

But yeah, some practical experience is useful. You won't be a good doctor on theory alone (which goes for pretty much every job).

Leaning tower? I don't know about that, but I know one of the churches' towers was in flames some time ago.
The tower of the Oude Kerk is leaning. ^^

Oh hey, I do recognize that building. You can see it from everywhere in Delft. I never noticed that it was leaning though. I'll see if I can notice it next time I'm there.

Three? I see one is pretty new, founded in 2006...
So Hamburg is also one of those student cities then? Or is it so big that even with three universities you still don't see an awful lot of students out on the street?
Second biggest town in Germany, those few students are only a drop in the ocean. ^^
Of course, around the universities it's crowded with students, but it's not like you walk through the town and see nothing but students.
I think we have so many Universities and technical colleges here, because the city is so big, not the other way round.

I see Hamburg has 1.7 million inhabitants... Heh, that's much bigger than any city in Holland. Amsterdam only has 780,000. So yeah, I guess even if you had 100,000 students in there, you still won't see that many of them.

If it was written as Den Haach then it might have been easier for you guys to figure out how to pronounce it.
Yep. "Ch" after a, o and u is pronounced like the dutch "g", "ch" after "i" is pronounced a bit softer.

I thought so, although I looked it up on some German pronounciation website to be sure :p

Lol. It looks like he has only been popular in Germany or something :p
Well, "Looking for freedom" is his only somewhat good song. And singing it in front of the Berlin Wall (when it was still up) is quite an event and it expressed the feelings of many people.
Maybe that's why he's relatively famous in germany.

Could be, or maybe Germans just like disco pop and the fact that his last name sounds German? :p

I don't know... it looks more like the funny kind of great to me :p
Yes, it's the funny kind of great, but it's still great!

I don't think the same can be said about that Knight Rider movie that came out last year.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-24 16:06:30

25,000 Medal Points

NOW IS WHEN YOU RAM HAPPY WITH LIFE SAUCE. PSN Screenname - Mooglejoke Wii U Network ID - Mooglejoke - Nintendo 3DS Friend Code 4768-8871-1657

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-24 16:38:33

1 down, 4 to go

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-24 20:34:57

900 blams!

The next 100 will probably take forever, as usual.

New to Politics?/ Friend of the Devil/ I review writing! PM me

"Question everything generally thought to be obvious."-Dieter Rams

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-25 03:00:20

*removes piece of paper from tuxedo jacket* Ladies and Gentlemen, members of the Academy, it is with great pleasure, I accept this award for third user to 4 x 20,000 points. It has been a long and interesting route here, the details of which will be discussed in minutae in my forthcoming autobiography, which I will spare you from now, as the bar is open.

Now that I have reached 20,000 Posts, I won't go off on some bollocks about reaching a secret forum (that's what I found when I got a gold aura, not when I reached a special number of spams), but I will continue to try and present myself in a constructive, helpful and stat-laden manner.

Onward towards the next 10,000!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-25 04:22:18

Listening to:

Iron Maiden - Best of the B'Sides

Thanks to:


At 1/24/11 05:54 AM, Coop wrote:
At 1/23/11 07:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: Sorry Haggard, we're gonna need Plan B.
Plan B? What, you're going drinking with StrawberryClock?

Who said StrawberryClock was involved?

At 1/24/11 01:50 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/23/11 07:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: Sorry Haggard, we're gonna need Plan B.
Kidnapping is still an option.

But not if Coop doesn't get drunker than me.

Just true deaf people.


But they are WORSE than Manowar, trust me.
But at least they know how to dress properly!

Nope, BrokenCYDE have worse fashion sense.

What about now?
I clicked it. First of all I don't think Spiral Blast is a real band. Second, I still refuse to call "Noise" music, so they don't count.

lol, the artist's name is actually Merzbow, not Spiral Blast. Too bad this is considered as music to some. :P

At 1/24/11 03:47 PM, Auz wrote:
At 1/24/11 04:20 AM, Bahamut wrote: Yeah, some of them weren't necessary but on the other hand, it did help some of the Pokemon to make them more usable.
I don't know, I didn't use any of them in the end. I was considering using one or two of them, but they turned out to be weak as fuck still.

I had Magnezone in my team and it was pretty cool.

I was thinking more of baby Mantime, Mr. Mime and such. Munchlax is actually more reasonable than them.
Munchlax is not the worst, mostly because Snorlax kicks ass. But yeah, Mime Jr., Mantike... nobody is ever going to use their evolved forms anyway, so why bother making pre-evolved ones?

Infact, they would have done better by making evolved forms for them. Still, I always thought Mr. Mime was a gimmick Pokemon.

It doesn't surprise me. After all, Irate Gamer managed to get a girlfriend... What a fucked up world we all live in.
From that guy I would expect it even less :p

At least he's single again so I feel slightly better.

At 1/25/11 03:00 AM, Coop wrote: 20,000 posts

Huge congrats on this fine milestone Coop! Not only that, it's good to see another 4x20k'er on board, even though that status is losing its specialty now.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-25 04:22:33

Coop wonders if the Avs can find any consitency with their winning, while congratulating:
Quinny: 6,000 B/P; Sergeant
illuminate: 25,000 Medal Points
DiMono: 10,000 Saves

Listening to:
Motorhead - Outlaw

Thank you to:

At 1/24/11 01:50 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/23/11 06:06 AM, Coop wrote:
At 1/22/11 06:58 AM, Haggard wrote: You propably already explained it, but what's Spirit?
Spirits are the harder drinks,
I see. Well, Vodka mixed with Sprite is a good drink, but I'm not that much into hard alc stuff.

I was never much of a vodka drinker. At the risk of offending lost of Russians, I always preferred to drink alcohol with flavour.

I'm a Southern Comfort man,
You should listen to Janis Joplin more often, then. ;)

Sorry, I don't get the reference...

I never heard anything from Fall Out Boy. But it's some shit like "screamo metal" right? It's bad, but not as bad as Manowar.
They're nothing like Screamo metal, IIRC
Again, no time to click this link. :(
I did now. Ok, no screamo metal. Not good music either. But still not as bad as Manowar.

Get me drunk and I think I'd still plump for them over Manowar :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-25 06:10:54

Listening to:
Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees (Acoustic)
Radiohead - Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was (Acoustic)
Radiohead - Street Spirit (Fade Out) (Acoustic)
Radiohead - Maquiladora

At 1/24/11 03:47 PM, Auz wrote:
At 1/24/11 01:50 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/23/11 04:29 PM, Auz wrote: Bigger eh? Ours is not that big, but big enough for the two of us. We got a 17m2 living room, 11m2 bed room, 9m2 study room, 7m2 kitchen and a hall, shower and toilet. In total I think it's about 50m2.
Well, not "bigger" in sense of m^2, but in sense of "more rooms" (which of course also means "more m^2).
Right now we only have two rooms, which just isn't enough anymore. Plus, our shitty neighbours from above are killing my last nerve. :/
Two rooms? Well that should be enough, but yeah...

It was in the beginning. But now that my gf sometimes works night shifts it would be really nice to have some more space.
Also, she wants to have an own room for sewing alone and I want to have an own room for my video games. XD

I think our neighbours are cool. Walking around our neighbourhood, I noticed that the majority of them are old and retired folks so they probably won't get on our nerves (need to be careful that we won't get on theirs though). Also, we live on the top floor so we won't have any noise coming in from above us ^^

Our new appartements is propably going to be top floor as well.
Also, our neighbours are pretty cool as well, it's only since last year (around August) that those from above us began listening to loud music and being simply loud in general. I really don't know what happened there. :/

It's not too bad considering most students I know live in a 12m2 room, share the rest of the house with like five other students and pay just as much as the two of us do together.
Yes, I never understood why some students think they have to pay so much for one room.
Okay, maybe they are closer to the Uni, but that really isn't worth it.
I think the majority of them are unaware that the owner is ripping them off and that he's legally not even allowed to ask such high rents.

What I got from conversations so far is that most students don't want to live too far away from the Uni. Sometimes I get asked why I live "so far off" and if it isn't annoying to have to "travel for so long". But in my opinion the low rent is worth it.

But to be honest, I can't really feel sorry for all those students who are paying too much.

Yeah, if there are students willing to pay so much for a lousy room... each to their own, I guess,

Yeah, popular LPs can be expensive nowadays. 70 euros is still not bad indeed, but you would have to have an LP player which are also not so easy to get.
Yeah, this was one of the reasons I didn't buy the LP version back then.
I do find one occasionally at some thrift store, but they always look old and I'm not sure if they're still working.

Maybe you should look for a new one in a Hi-Fi store? :P

Leaning tower? I don't know about that, but I know one of the churches' towers was in flames some time ago.
The tower of the Oude Kerk is leaning. ^^
Oh hey, I do recognize that building. You can see it from everywhere in Delft.

Heh, I only learned about the leaning tower when I looked up Delft in Wikipedia. ^^
Also, the bulding I live in can be seen from pretty far away as well. There are four similar buildings, the rooftops are in a pyramid shape, so they are very recognizable.

Lol. It looks like he has only been popular in Germany or something :p
Well, "Looking for freedom" is his only somewhat good song. And singing it in front of the Berlin Wall (when it was still up) is quite an event and it expressed the feelings of many people.
Maybe that's why he's relatively famous in germany.
Could be, or maybe Germans just like disco pop and the fact that his last name sounds German? :p

"Hasselhoff"? Hm, doesn't sound that "german" to me.

I don't know... it looks more like the funny kind of great to me :p
Yes, it's the funny kind of great, but it's still great!
I don't think the same can be said about that Knight Rider movie that came out last year.

I didn't see it.
Also the new series is bad as well.

At 1/25/11 04:22 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/24/11 01:50 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/23/11 07:47 AM, Bahamut wrote: Sorry Haggard, we're gonna need Plan B.
Kidnapping is still an option.
But not if Coop doesn't get drunker than me.

A hit on the head can work wonders sometimes.

Just true deaf people.

I'm running out of witty comments here. :(

But they are WORSE than Manowar, trust me.
But at least they know how to dress properly!
Nope, BrokenCYDE have worse fashion sense.

At least they are not wearing fur thongs!

What about now?
I clicked it. First of all I don't think Spiral Blast is a real band. Second, I still refuse to call "Noise" music, so they don't count.
lol, the artist's name is actually Merzbow, not Spiral Blast. Too bad this is considered as music to some. :P

Oh, I got the name mixed up. Oh well.
But I never heard ANYONE saying "Noise is music", not even the ones who listen to noise. XD

At 1/25/11 04:22 AM, Coop wrote:

Congrats on 20,000 Posts!

At 1/24/11 01:50 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/23/11 06:06 AM, Coop wrote:
At 1/22/11 06:58 AM, Haggard wrote: You propably already explained it, but what's Spirit?
Spirits are the harder drinks,
I see. Well, Vodka mixed with Sprite is a good drink, but I'm not that much into hard alc stuff.
I was never much of a vodka drinker. At the risk of offending lost of Russians, I always preferred to drink alcohol with flavour.

Speaking of "Russians": White Russian is a pretty good drink as well!

I'm a Southern Comfort man,
You should listen to Janis Joplin more often, then. ;)
Sorry, I don't get the reference...

On many pictures you can see her with a bottle of Southern Comfort. She even asked the company for money because of the commercial effect. The Company agreed and payed her 6,000$. ^^

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-25 10:00:53

Congrats to:
illuminate: 25,000 Medal Points
DiMono: 10,000 Saves
Coop: 4x20k

At 1/24/11 08:34 PM, BrianEtrius wrote: 900 blams!

The next 100 will probably take forever, as usual.

B/P Points are congratulated by the thousands.

At 1/24/11 04:38 PM, DiMono wrote: 1 down, 4 to go

I'm catching up to you in B/P Points.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-25 12:08:08

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-25 12:17:12

Level 12

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-25 15:10:17

And now I'm at 12,000 total B/P. This should be my last milestone for at least a few days now; they always seem to come in bunches.

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-25 15:49:30

At 1/24/11 05:54 AM, Coop wrote: Never - I hardly drive anywhere when she has to navigate these days, as I can't afford to go on holiday any more. The last holiday we had involved us taking the train to London :P

She didn't suggest a faster way to get to the train station or how to get around London?

I've found a plateau at 14th, so I'll look up at 13th and then continue the ascent.

I'm stuck at 150ish at the moment. How long do you think it'll take for you to reach 10th?

*removes piece of paper from tuxedo jacket* Ladies and Gentlemen, members of the Academy, it is with great pleasure, I accept this award for third user to 4 x 20,000 points.

Sweet! It's going to be a long time before I even reach 10k let along 20k.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-25 16:39:05

At 1/25/11 03:00 AM, Coop wrote: *removes piece of paper from tuxedo jacket* Ladies and Gentlemen, members of the Academy, it is with great pleasure, I accept this award for third user to 4 x 20,000 points. It has been a long and interesting route here, the details of which will be discussed in minutae in my forthcoming autobiography, which I will spare you from now, as the bar is open.

Awesome! Congrats!

It'll still take a long time for me to get my posts to 20,000. 10,000 should be possible within this year though.

At 1/25/11 04:22 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/24/11 03:47 PM, Auz wrote: I don't know, I didn't use any of them in the end. I was considering using one or two of them, but they turned out to be weak as fuck still.
I had Magnezone in my team and it was pretty cool.

Never considered that one. I already had Luxray as an electric type from the very beginning, so I had no need for another electric type.

I was thinking Weaville or Mismagius, but they're both pretty weak and fall easily.

Munchlax is not the worst, mostly because Snorlax kicks ass. But yeah, Mime Jr., Mantike... nobody is ever going to use their evolved forms anyway, so why bother making pre-evolved ones?
Infact, they would have done better by making evolved forms for them. Still, I always thought Mr. Mime was a gimmick Pokemon.

Agreed. All he does is throw around barriers and stuff, but he can't really do anything beside that.

At 1/25/11 03:00 AM, Coop wrote: 20,000 posts
Huge congrats on this fine milestone Coop! Not only that, it's good to see another 4x20k'er on board, even though that status is losing its specialty now.

Not until we got about 10 of these users walking around.

At 1/25/11 06:10 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/24/11 03:47 PM, Auz wrote: Two rooms? Well that should be enough, but yeah...
It was in the beginning. But now that my gf sometimes works night shifts it would be really nice to have some more space.

I suppose she wants to rest during daytime. I can imagine that's a bit difficult if you're sitting in the room next to her making all kinds of noises.

Also, she wants to have an own room for sewing alone and I want to have an own room for my video games. XD

A video game room? That could be pretty cool, but I'm fine with playing them in the living room. Fortunately my gf doesn't like watching TV that much, so she'll probably be okay with it if I go play a game on the TV there.

I think our neighbours are cool. Walking around our neighbourhood, I noticed that the majority of them are old and retired folks so they probably won't get on our nerves (need to be careful that we won't get on theirs though). Also, we live on the top floor so we won't have any noise coming in from above us ^^
Our new appartements is propably going to be top floor as well.
Also, our neighbours are pretty cool as well, it's only since last year (around August) that those from above us began listening to loud music and being simply loud in general. I really don't know what happened there. :/

I don't know what kind of people they are... Perhaps they suddenly decided to throw a party at their place every week?

I think the majority of them are unaware that the owner is ripping them off and that he's legally not even allowed to ask such high rents.
What I got from conversations so far is that most students don't want to live too far away from the Uni. Sometimes I get asked why I live "so far off" and if it isn't annoying to have to "travel for so long". But in my opinion the low rent is worth it.

Yeah, people are sometimes a bit amazed as well at how long I have to travel. I think within 90 minutes is perfectly doable though. I don't have to wake up that early and I won't be home that late. No need to go spend hundreds of euros per month on some room just so I can sleep for an extra hour.

It's a different story for my gf though. She has to travel for 2 hours and 30 minutest to get to her uni, which means that she often won't be home before 20:00. Or even midnight if she has lectures in the evening (which she usually has one day of the week). In her case, I can imagine you're looking for something a little bit closer by.

But to be honest, I can't really feel sorry for all those students who are paying too much.
Yeah, if there are students willing to pay so much for a lousy room... each to their own, I guess,

Indeed. Most of them seem happy or proud even that they 'live on their own' now. Though some of them can hardly take care of themself yet. I know of some guys who only eat microwaved pizzas everyday and their house is one big mess cause they never clean up anything =/

I do find one occasionally at some thrift store, but they always look old and I'm not sure if they're still working.
Maybe you should look for a new one in a Hi-Fi store? :P

I don't know if they still sell them there.

Oh hey, I do recognize that building. You can see it from everywhere in Delft.
Heh, I only learned about the leaning tower when I looked up Delft in Wikipedia. ^^
Also, the bulding I live in can be seen from pretty far away as well. There are four similar buildings, the rooftops are in a pyramid shape, so they are very recognizable.

Always handy if you're lost on your way home ;)

Could be, or maybe Germans just like disco pop and the fact that his last name sounds German? :p
"Hasselhoff"? Hm, doesn't sound that "german" to me.

It certainly doesn't sound English to me, and don't you guys have places like Hoffenheim? Hassel also looks like a German word to me.

I don't think the same can be said about that Knight Rider movie that came out last year.
I didn't see it.
Also the new series is bad as well.

Well I haven't seen it either, but the reviews I heard were not too positive. One of the major complaints from the fans was the new car they used :p

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-25 18:46:51

5,000 & 6,000 medal points. Was at just over 4,300 this morning.


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-25 23:01:48

I recently got into the top 10,000 exp ranks and will soon be at 3,000 B/P rank in the next couple of days.

Yay for not so impressive stats.

- P R O F E S S I O N A L - G R A P H I C - D E S I G N E R -


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-26 03:39:44

33,333 total stats... however i should have leveled up today but forgot to deposit yesterday...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-26 03:54:38

Still feeling the after-effects of Monday's run, Coop returns to the office to congratulate:
Helloween: Level 38
NerdLiife: Level 12
DiMono: 12,000 B/P
Quinny: 5,000 Medal Points
WeirdAlthe3rd: 10.00 Total Voting Power
LegolaSS: 33,333 Total Points

Listening to:
Chris de Burgh - Don't Pay The Ferryman
Iron Maiden - Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Thank you to:
Bahamut (x2)
Auz (x2)

At 1/25/11 04:22 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/25/11 03:00 AM, Coop wrote: 20,000 posts
Huge congrats on this fine milestone Coop! Not only that, it's good to see another 4x20k'er on board, even though that status is losing its specialty now.

Everything seems to lose its shine when I get there :(

At 1/25/11 06:10 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/24/11 01:50 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/23/11 06:06 AM, Coop wrote:
At 1/22/11 06:58 AM, Haggard wrote: You propably already explained it, but what's Spirit?
Spirits are the harder drinks,
I see. Well, Vodka mixed with Sprite is a good drink, but I'm not that much into hard alc stuff.
I was never much of a vodka drinker. At the risk of offending lost of Russians, I always preferred to drink alcohol with flavour.
Speaking of "Russians": White Russian is a pretty good drink as well!

So I've heard. The problem with my friends is that they don't drive, so I never get a chance to experiment at cocktail bars, when we go out.

I'm a Southern Comfort man,
You should listen to Janis Joplin more often, then. ;)
Sorry, I don't get the reference...
On many pictures you can see her with a bottle of Southern Comfort. She even asked the company for money because of the commercial effect. The Company agreed and payed her 6,000$. ^^

Ah, I did not know that. If I make a Southern Comfort themed signature for the BBS, would they do the same?

At 1/25/11 03:49 PM, reverend wrote:
At 1/24/11 05:54 AM, Coop wrote: Never - I hardly drive anywhere when she has to navigate these days, as I can't afford to go on holiday any more. The last holiday we had involved us taking the train to London :P
She didn't suggest a faster way to get to the train station or how to get around London?

She told me where she wanted to go and I navigated from there. She had the chance.

I've found a plateau at 14th, so I'll look up at 13th and then continue the ascent.
I'm stuck at 150ish at the moment. How long do you think it'll take for you to reach 10th?

That's over 10k away, so we're looking about a year...

*removes piece of paper from tuxedo jacket* Ladies and Gentlemen, members of the Academy, it is with great pleasure, I accept this award for third user to 4 x 20,000 points.
Sweet! It's going to be a long time before I even reach 10k let along 20k.

It's nice to finally get here, but I was actually pleasantly surprised by the fact that no-one made a thread about it in General. They've learned not to post stat threads!

At 1/26/11 03:39 AM, LegolaSS wrote: 33,333 total stats... however i should have leveled up today but forgot to deposit yesterday...

That's a rookie mistake. You've been doing this too long to simply forget >:(

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-26 04:21:28

Listening to:

Hammers of Misfortune - The Locust Years

Thanks to:


At 1/25/11 06:10 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/25/11 04:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: But not if Coop doesn't get drunker than me.
A hit on the head can work wonders sometimes.

But only if I don't drink at all at the meet. Not gonna happen.

I'm running out of witty comments here. :(

I smell victory. You will remember Manowar for all eternity.


Nope, BrokenCYDE have worse fashion sense.
At least they are not wearing fur thongs!

Have you even seen what they look like?

But I never heard ANYONE saying "Noise is music", not even the ones who listen to noise. XD

Then clearly you haven't seen the Noise elitists.

At 1/25/11 04:39 PM, Auz wrote:
At 1/25/11 04:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: I had Magnezone in my team and it was pretty cool.
Never considered that one. I already had Luxray as an electric type from the very beginning, so I had no need for another electric type.

Magnezone has very good special attack so that's why it was really good to me.

I was thinking Weaville or Mismagius, but they're both pretty weak and fall easily.

They should be better than that. The other high tier Pokemon of those kind are Electivire and Magmortar.

Huge congrats on this fine milestone Coop! Not only that, it's good to see another 4x20k'er on board, even though that status is losing its specialty now.
Not until we got about 10 of these users walking around.

It doesn't feel that special to me now. :P

At 1/26/11 03:54 AM, Coop wrote:
At 1/25/11 04:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: Huge congrats on this fine milestone Coop! Not only that, it's good to see another 4x20k'er on board, even though that status is losing its specialty now.
Everything seems to lose its shine when I get there :(

I think the exact same thing when it comes to levelling up. Level 46 may be impressive to those below me but where I am it's just meh when looking at those who are above me.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-26 06:11:43

6.66 base VP!


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-26 09:07:08

At 1/26/11 04:21 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/25/11 04:39 PM, Auz wrote: Never considered that one. I already had Luxray as an electric type from the very beginning, so I had no need for another electric type.
Magnezone has very good special attack so that's why it was really good to me.

I see. Luxray was more of a physical attacker which is actually not that good cause there are no good physical electric moves =/

Later on I went over to Zapdos. I know using legendaries is lame, but he brings back good memories from the Red/Blue era where I pretty much always used Zapdos or Articuno as soon as I could get them.

I was thinking Weaville or Mismagius, but they're both pretty weak and fall easily.
They should be better than that. The other high tier Pokemon of those kind are Electivire and Magmortar.

Those two looked pretty good to me, but you had to go through some stuff to evolve them. If you could evolve them more easily I would've probably used them.

Not until we got about 10 of these users walking around.
It doesn't feel that special to me now. :P

I don't think many people pay attention to any other statistics beyond having 10k of something. But only three 4x20k'ers still makes it special to me.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-26 09:28:29

Congrats to:
Helloween: Level 38
NerdLiife: Level 12
DiMono: 12,000 B/P
Quinny: 5k/6k Medal Points/6.66 Voting Power
Decky: Top 10,000 in Experience
WeirdAlthe3rd: 10 Voting Power
LegolaSS: 33,333 Total Stats

At 1/26/11 03:39 AM, LegolaSS wrote: 33,333 total stats... however i should have leveled up today but forgot to deposit yesterday...

Start B/Ping. If you B/P everyday, all day, it's impossible to miss a deposit.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-26 11:16:52

You passed 23000 Saves. Way to go!

In other news I'm laying in bed sick when I should be at school teaching my first graders. Perhaps in a little I'll get ahead in some lesson plans, but for now laying down and doing little to no mental or physical exercise sounds pretty good.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-26 13:13:39

Today we viewed two more appartements which are only two streets away from where we live right now. 4 rooms, maisonette, with a great roof terrace... would be great if we could get one of these apartements.

Listening to:
Radiohead - The Bends (Collectors Edition)

The collectors edition also features the singles B-Sides. Pretty nice.
At 1/25/11 06:10 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/24/11 03:47 PM, Auz wrote: Two rooms? Well that should be enough, but yeah...
It was in the beginning. But now that my gf sometimes works night shifts it would be really nice to have some more space.
I suppose she wants to rest during daytime. I can imagine that's a bit difficult if you're sitting in the room next to her making all kinds of noises.

The big advantage is that she only has to work one night and can rest the other one (ie she works the night from Monday to Tuesday. Next time she has to work is the night from Wednesday to Thursday), but yeah, when she gets home she needs some rest. So I have to leave the Bedroom where my PC is and can only surf the web with my Netbook. ^^

Also, she wants to have an own room for sewing alone and I want to have an own room for my video games. XD
A video game room? That could be pretty cool, but I'm fine with playing them in the living room. Fortunately my gf doesn't like watching TV that much, so she'll probably be okay with it if I go play a game on the TV there.

Well, I'm a collector and I have to keep my stuff somewhere... :P
I'm not that extreme like some other people, but I currently own 4 consoles and over 100 games. I think once I earn my own money the collection might grow to over 1,000 games. XD

Also, our neighbours are pretty cool as well, it's only since last year (around August) that those from above us began listening to loud music and being simply loud in general. I really don't know what happened there. :/
I don't know what kind of people they are... Perhaps they suddenly decided to throw a party at their place every week?

At first I thought they have some visitors, but it looks like all of them are going to stay.

What I got from conversations so far is that most students don't want to live too far away from the Uni. Sometimes I get asked why I live "so far off" and if it isn't annoying to have to "travel for so long". But in my opinion the low rent is worth it.
Yeah, people are sometimes a bit amazed as well at how long I have to travel. I think within 90 minutes is perfectly doable though. I don't have to wake up that early and I won't be home that late. No need to go spend hundreds of euros per month on some room just so I can sleep for an extra hour.

Plus, you can have a nap or do some homework for Uni while you travel.
It's pretty cool, usually I wake up exactly at the station I have to get off. So I can sleep a bit longer and when I arrive at the Uni I am pretty well rested. XD

It's a different story for my gf though. She has to travel for 2 hours and 30 minutest to get to her uni, which means that she often won't be home before 20:00. Or even midnight if she has lectures in the evening (which she usually has one day of the week). In her case, I can imagine you're looking for something a little bit closer by.

Yeah, 2:30 is extreme. I don't know how long my gf had to travel when she still lived with her parents, but I think it was around 2 hours as well. And she even had to go by car to the next train station, because there where no busses!

Yeah, if there are students willing to pay so much for a lousy room... each to their own, I guess,
Indeed. Most of them seem happy or proud even that they 'live on their own' now. Though some of them can hardly take care of themself yet. I know of some guys who only eat microwaved pizzas everyday and their house is one big mess cause they never clean up anything =/

If I hadn't moved in with my gf, I would be the same. ^^

I do find one occasionally at some thrift store, but they always look old and I'm not sure if they're still working.
Maybe you should look for a new one in a Hi-Fi store? :P
I don't know if they still sell them there.

They do. Some companies learned that LPs are still selling well, so that's why you usually see an LP section in bigger music stores.
One of my friends only buys his music on LPs (remember the discussion about the "loudness war"? I guess that's the reason why some people are back to buy LPs).

Also, the bulding I live in can be seen from pretty far away as well. There are four similar buildings, the rooftops are in a pyramid shape, so they are very recognizable.
Always handy if you're lost on your way home ;)

Yeah, it at least gives you the general direction. ^^

Could be, or maybe Germans just like disco pop and the fact that his last name sounds German? :p
"Hasselhoff"? Hm, doesn't sound that "german" to me.
It certainly doesn't sound English to me, and don't you guys have places like Hoffenheim? Hassel also looks like a German word to me.

Yes, Hoffenheim is a small town in germany, but "Hassel"? Hm, I don't know. It is similar to "hassen" ("to hate") and to "Hasel" ("Hazel").
But it's pronounced different, obviously. Maybe I can make his name look dutch if I add a "van" to it? "Van Hasselhoff". ^^

I don't think the same can be said about that Knight Rider movie that came out last year.
I didn't see it.
Also the new series is bad as well.
Well I haven't seen it either, but the reviews I heard were not too positive. One of the major complaints from the fans was the new car they used :p

Yes, the new car sucks major ass!
The series is so... "stylish" and everything seems to be so perfect. The old series had some kind of trashy charme. This is completly lost in the new series.

At 1/26/11 03:54 AM, Coop wrote:
I was never much of a vodka drinker. At the risk of offending lost of Russians, I always preferred to drink alcohol with flavour.
Speaking of "Russians": White Russian is a pretty good drink as well!
So I've heard. The problem with my friends is that they don't drive, so I never get a chance to experiment at cocktail bars, when we go out.

Too bad. But you can easily mix it yourself, the ingredients are very cheap (Milk, Kahlua and Vodka of course).
If you use a whiskey glass for your cocktail and put a toothpick in it, then you have White Russian "Dude" style. ^^

I'm a Southern Comfort man,
You should listen to Janis Joplin more often, then. ;)
Sorry, I don't get the reference...
On many pictures you can see her with a bottle of Southern Comfort. She even asked the company for money because of the commercial effect. The Company agreed and payed her 6,000$. ^^
Ah, I did not know that. If I make a Southern Comfort themed signature for the BBS, would they do the same?

I'm afraid you aren't quite as famous as Janis.

WTF? I need a second post so I can reply to Bahamut. I tried cutting down this post, but it didn't work out...

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-26 13:15:26

It almost feels like the old times, when some of us needed three posts to reply to all the conversational stuff!

At 1/26/11 04:21 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/25/11 06:10 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/25/11 04:22 AM, Bahamut wrote: But not if Coop doesn't get drunker than me.
A hit on the head can work wonders sometimes.
But only if I don't drink at all at the meet. Not gonna happen.

You don't have to be sober to hit someone. Even though it does help a bit with your accuracy.

I'm running out of witty comments here. :(
I smell victory. You will remember Manowar for all eternity.

Yes, for bad music and complete lack of fashion sense.


Oooh, Manowar are mad at me. I'm so scared! Ooooh, Manowar!
*hides behind Smithers*
Uh oh, Manowar are going to get me!

Nope, BrokenCYDE have worse fashion sense.
At least they are not wearing fur thongs!
Have you even seen what they look like?

I'm sure they can't look as ugly as Manowar in fur thongs.

But I never heard ANYONE saying "Noise is music", not even the ones who listen to noise. XD
Then clearly you haven't seen the Noise elitists.

I have. He explained to me that Noise isn't music, but Noise.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2011-01-26 18:36:05

86,000 B/P

Time to head home and then to bed.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature