At 1/17/11 08:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 1/1/11 04:27 PM, Auz wrote:
Pfft. Courage would be silly in the case of a 0% chance of winning bet. A fool or a moron would take such a wager!
I should've come up with something more clever to still let you take that bet.
Shame you've missed it. It was an interesting tour, the stage design was pretty cool as you probably already know. Oh well... you can always get the live Blu-ray at the Rosebowl. At least you'll experience it a little bit, if you have some decent speakers that is.
I saw the concert they performed live on YouTube, which was quite good. Not the same as being there, but got to experience the set list and all and see some of the visuals, so it was nice.
I think that was their Rosebowl show. It didn't have the best performances of this tour in my opinion, but yeah at least you've got the idea.
I was actually thinking that we should nip it in the bud and just delete your accounts.
That's even worse. ;_; Blasphemer!
Yeah well, that's what you get for choosing your wife and your games over the Wi/Ht?.
At 1/18/11 04:18 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/16/11 01:01 PM, Auz wrote:
Sorry for slacking a bit with the replies here lately. I have some good excuses.
Sounds really nice.
We are looking for a new apartment as well, hopefully we find something bigger soon. ^^
Good luck with that.
Bigger eh? Ours is not that big, but big enough for the two of us. We got a 17m2 living room, 11m2 bed room, 9m2 study room, 7m2 kitchen and a hall, shower and toilet. In total I think it's about 50m2.
It's not too bad considering most students I know live in a 12m2 room, share the rest of the house with like five other students and pay just as much as the two of us do together.
At 1/14/11 12:21 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 1/13/11 04:46 PM, Auz wrote:
That sounds like a good deal for seven CCR albums.
Yes. I've seen the box with LPs a few years ago and I think it cost about 70 Euros... but that would still be a reasonable price for 7 albums.
Yeah, popular LPs can be expensive nowadays. 70 euros is still not bad indeed, but you would have to have an LP player which are also not so easy to get.
As a doctor? Nice!
Yeah, still assistant doctor but at least she gets payed quite good for it (even though the payment could be a bit higher, lol).
Oh okay, so actually she's still studying but is almost finished? I think the medicin studies here takes six years out of which one or two is being an assistant doctor.
And yeah, I think medicin is one of the few studies that pretty much guarantees a great salary after some years. Especially if you choose to be a dentist.
Yeah. I'm sure the universities in Amsterdam and Rotterdam have many students as well, but Delft is not even that much of a city.
But it has a "leaning tower" as well.
Leaning tower? I don't know about that, but I know one of the churches' towers was in flames some time ago.
So Hamburg has two universities?
Three. :P n_Hamburg#Universities
Three? I see one is pretty new, founded in 2006...
So Hamburg is also one of those student cities then? Or is it so big that even with three universities you still don't see an awful lot of students out on the street?
I guess in Germany it might also be known as 'Den Haag'.
Yes. Even though most people don't pronpunce it the right way.
If it was written as Den Haach then it might have been easier for you guys to figure out how to pronounce it.
It's not only the train. It's about 30 minutes bus, 15 minutes subway, 15 minutes train and 30 minutes walking and waiting in between.
Yeah, this is quite annoying.
The worst thing is that if you miss one of them by just a few seconds, you'll be 15 minutes late at the very least.
I only have to change once from the bus to the train. Most of the time I don't have to wait that long. But there's a train every ten minutes anyway.
That's much better. In that case you'll never be much too late if you miss anything.
Lol. I didn't know David could actually sing. I do know he tried a singing career once, but... it didn't work out :p F8
Lol, I wonder how high the budget for the video was.
I'm betting not much more than $10, but it looks like a complete joke anyway :p eU
But that's a pretty new song, right?
No idea, but I don't remember it being high up in the hitlists at any point.
Nice jacket. ^^
Lol. It looks like he has only been popular in Germany or something :p
All I know about the Hoff is that he is a washed up B-grade actor who used to play in series like Baywatch and Knight Rider. I used to watch Knight Rider as a kid, but I have no idea if it was such a good series or not. Probably not.
Hey, I have all 4 seasons of Knight Rider on DVD. It's great!
I don't know... it looks more like the funny kind of great to me :p
At 1/18/11 12:19 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/17/11 03:07 PM, Auz wrote:
Maybe not odd, just employers, agencies, everyone, not having any fucking idea what to do.
Heh, yeah that wouldn't be the first time :p
Agreed on that last bit. While I think the fourth gen games were pretty good (Platinum is at least), the pokemon set was pretty crap for the most part.
The designers were so lazy for the fourth generation. I'm just glad the fifth generation has no pre-evolved forms of older Pokemon. Besides the odd move, they're all fucking pointless.
I think most of the evolutions of older Pokemon in the fourth gen were pretty pointless. While some could have done with a stats boost, for most it just meant a shift in stats. As in 'instead of high attack he now has high defense'.
And yes, it would've been better if they left Pokemon like Munchlax out. Evolving them is just busy work.
I heard the new gen had some new battling systems going with 3 vs 3 battles or something, and it's all a lot more dynamic.
Yep, it has 3v3.
Yeah, I wonder how that will work out.
Yeah Spoony keeps mentioning her, but I still don't know who she is. All I know is that he often goes to the movies with her. I'm not assuming girlfriend, but it does sound like Spooney has a thing for her.
Sadly, that's Spoony's girlfriend...
She is? That explains a lot.
No offense to him, but he just doesn't look like the kind of guy that has a girlfriend.