At 9/29/10 04:07 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 9/28/10 01:59 PM, Auz wrote: I disagree there. I prefer Wings' version.If you can put up with Axl Rose's vocals. I think I've heard a version by Eric Clapton that is the better of that tune.
I do think GnR's Knockin' On Heavens Door beats Bob Dylan's original.
As long as he's not singing live it's fine with me.
That Eric Clapton version sounds more reggae-ish. I think I prefer Guns N Roses version, with more guitar.
At 9/29/10 05:48 PM, SeeD419 wrote:At 9/28/10 01:59 PM, Auz wrote: Yeah :plol i assume that was a joke, but i'll answer it anyway :D I live in Omaha, Nebraska. I'm currently unemployed due to a lay off at my previous job, thus, I have time for NG all the sudden XD However, in the midst of losing my valuable job for basically no reason, I have been inspired to go to college instead, and I am enrolling next semester. I plan on going for Intermedia and Digital Art :D
So uh... where are you from and what do you do for a living?
I see. Like ThePidgeonMaster said, going to college would be a good idea. It's a great way to work on your future and sitting at home waiting for another lame job is just gonna suck eventually.
How about you?
I'm from Holland and I'm currently a full time Aerospace Engineering student (in my third year right now) :)
At 9/30/10 06:45 AM, Haggard wrote: Also, I have a test tomorrow and absolutely NO chance of passing it. >_>
In such cases I usually just don't go. I'd rather spent the time learning for other tests.
At 9/20/10 09:58 AM, Auz wrote:But bicycles don't have windows I could smash in.At 9/17/10 05:11 PM, Haggard wrote:Still impressive enough if you do it like this :p
Oh well... you could smash it until there's nothing left of it but a pile of scrap metal. Hard to do that with a car.
Hahaha XDFor me, swearing is part of the game. :P
I don't think they announce players like that here. They just say the full name and then the crowd goes like: "HAAAAAI". The Dutch football association tends to make a big deal out of such things and the clubs are always held responsible for their fans' behavior.
But it can get out of hand. I was watching an SFL match when I was in Glasgow and some guy behind me was swearing the whole time. It was pretty annoying to have to listen to that constant rambling all the time.
Well of course people often swear in stadiums towards referees, players and coaches here as well, but singing insulting chants and such is generally considered not okay and the club can possibly get penalized for such behavior of their fans.
At 9/30/10 12:40 PM, Bahamut wrote:At 9/28/10 01:59 PM, Auz wrote: I'm wondering, is there a lot of platforming involved in this game or is mostly walking from room to room killing all the enemies you can find?There isn't so much platforming involved. There's more platforming in Fusion and Zero Mission than in Other M.
Too bad. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to bring platforming back into the series.
So basically it was just clearing room after room of enemies for most of the game?
So there are more people living around you that always turn up their music too loud? Damn... I hope your dad has good taste.My dad does know better music but that doesn't make him a better person when it comes to issues with the both of them.
Yeah that's true, but I could forgive him if his music was awesome :p