Pigeon ate too many slices of pizza a while ago and he feels quite sick. Congrats to:
Coop83: Top 50 Blams & 1st place on Madness Day writing contest. Congrats!
walterwagner- Level 20
FroNickProductions - Level 25
34Deadman - 1,000 Saves
Odyssic - Commander
Blounty - Level 12 & Happy Birthday!
LittleWashu - 28,000 B/P & Level 35
ohbombuh - Level 20 & Lieutenant
Hemlok - 9,000 Exp
At 10/2/10 02:19 AM, Jolly wrote:
Level 26 negatives - Weird Reflection.
It also looks like if it was made of plastic or rubber.
Level 21 negatives - Rusty, boring, ugly.
I hated it too, but still, I think the worst is level 26. At least the rustiness makes lvl 21 look pretty badass.
At 10/2/10 06:16 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Do you really think this is how Rayquaza was created? That would be a weird mix. Now what if I did it with a female Charizard...?
Wow, dragons seem to be like sex machines. I think even more than pigeons.
At 10/2/10 06:49 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 10/1/10 07:52 PM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
I can die peacefully if they bring back the great Cornholio again, at least in just 1 episode.
That wasss coool...
At 10/2/10 07:48 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
I remember hearing that too, I absolutely cannot wait!
I think everybody who watched the show back in the 90s, can't wait for the return of Beavis and Butthead.
Long live the 90s.
At 10/2/10 02:54 PM, SeeD419 wrote:
Why is that? Where do you live? I think in the U.S. here we had some bills passed recently to make going to school a lot easier to get funding for...
I'm from Mexico (pretty unexpected, I know). Here, studying a career in a public college/university is extremely cheaper than in the US. Seems pretty awesome, but unfortunately, since it's cheap because the government pays everything, there aren't many places and classrooms for everybody.
Pages ago in this thread, I explained that I applied the test for the career of medicine but unfortunately, more than 2,000 people applied for that career in my uni, and the school only accepts 180 each year. Not each semester... Each Year. That, plus all the corruption in that school left me out unfairly.
Few days later after I found out that, I talked to a woman that works there and told me that many students dropped out so I can still get a place, but in the next semester. For now, I'm just enjoying life :P
So, if you have the chance of studying in college and being accepted in there, go ahead and get yourself a degree. I know it's expensive there, but at least there's more space for more students.