Man, from catching a cold to a stomach bug that's been going around at the school I'm working at. I'm recovering from the stomach bug, though but it sucks how I only had an hour of working today as a result.
Listening to:
Fates Warning - The Spectre Within
Thanks to:
At 9/23/10 04:22 AM, SeeD419 wrote:
At 9/22/10 01:04 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Amazingly enough, the LUL shall survive Armageddon!
It might as well have lol
It shows how strong our revolution will be.
Oh yeah, while you were away, we had a revolution in the General forum and we're winning.
That's better than nothing. Some Wi/Ht?'ers haven't been here in years!
I know...I'm seeing a lot of new fac- err...usernames ;)
Time changes. :)
Nope, there was never a preview post in the first place and I'm not sure if they ever will make one. The best you can do is make a news post for your testing post and see if it looks right.
So I am crazy...damnit :D I kinda wish they had that...maybe I'll e-mail wade...I'm a bit of a perfectionist and that seems like a really basic feature the bbs should have...
Wade's not the person to talk to about this. It's been brought up to liljim before and he said no.
At 9/23/10 05:02 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 9/22/10 01:04 PM, Bahamut wrote:
There is so little activity for the regulars list now. :(
I gotta admit I find that somewhat depressing. I remember the good old days when I had to wait several months to get into that list, because the wi/ht had many users that used to post with a lot of frequency.
Yeah, I too miss the activity of the forum. I had so much fun finding new potentials for Wi/Ht? and I'd say I did an excellent job up until the decline.
Just like Jonas and RageVI!
Heh, I always wanted to say that each time I see the username Jonas, the song My name is Jonas starts playing in my mind :P
Haha, that's a good reference. I may not be a big fan of Weezer but I knew the song... from Guitar Hero.
As for RageVI, I always think of a dragon each time I see his username, lol. But I'm talking about the stereotypical dragon, the common one. The main difference between him and you, is that Rage is a dragon. But you're my favorite dragon Bahamut ;)
As far as I'm concerned, RageVI is just a dragon fan. ;)
lol, sig reference.
I could make that sig fit with my other accounts.
At 9/23/10 02:42 PM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
Also I joined the Genre Mod team yesterday :P
At 9/23/10 04:12 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Sure thing, we'll see if he can do it instead of myself.
Or improve on it hopefully.
Either is good to me with ThePigeonMaster and making TF2 pictures.
I'm afraid I'm not able to kill any of them.
Kill, abduct, assimilate, bribe, whatever, they need only to be out of the way.
But they're too kind. Don't tell me we've got to take down Luis.
I actually prefer Exoddus but that's just slightly over it. Exoddus was more difficult, more enemies, more to chant, etc. Oddysee had a better atmosphere, though.
Never played Exoddus to be honest, Oddysee is the only Oddworld game I've played.
Damn, you're missing out on a game. Maybe you can pick up both games on Steam sometime?
At 9/23/10 03:15 PM, Auz wrote:
At 9/22/10 01:04 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Hopefully they go back to basics in the next game for Samus' characteristics. I wouldn't mind if they gave the gameplay elements from Metroid Other M another shot. The gameplay is still great and more can be done with it.
Yeah the gameplay looked alright. I heard you could do all these cool moves and everything seemed fast paced with lots of action. Aiming seemed difficult though. I heard you had to switch towards first person mode to aim, but you couldn't move if you did so. I guess that can be annoying in a battle.
Well, aiming in third-person perspective isn't a problem. Samus automatically aims at the enemies. I'm sure Nintendo knew if the aim wasn't autolock, it would have been a pain to attack enemies. As for the first person part, it's fine.
If I ever have a huge problem with my neighbour, I'll make sure it's dealt with by the police. If not, shit will get worse.
Well I guess you don't want a neighbour war. I heard about some neighbour fights here that escalated and turned the whole city district into a war zone.
Unfortunately, there already is a neighbour war here. He and my dad play their music too loud and it only adds fuel to the fire.
At 9/24/10 05:11 AM, Odyssic wrote:
Just got the new GH game. Yes, I'm winner.
I'm still tempted to get it just because of 2112. Then again, I could let this game slide and completely forget about it.