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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-08 14:07:29

At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/7/10 06:02 PM, LittleWashu wrote: I would have posted a lot more before, but when I went away to school, their computers blocked Newgrounds and since NG blocked Proxies I was Out of luck.
Shame they did that. It's good to see you back here. As you should know, a lot has changed over the last 2 years.

I know a lot of good people I knew have been promoted and visa versa as well as my favorite thread getting locked :( Oh well I will just have to do things the hard way then.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-08 15:48:52

45,000 Saves!


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-08 16:24:17

At 9/8/10 05:00 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: The consonants are other story but nothing hard at all. What makes Spanish hard to learn are the amount of grammar and orthography rules.

I think grammar is the hardest part in all languages and german grammar isn't that easy as well (but compared to french... well, it's about as hard, I guess). The biggest problem german learners seem to have is that we have three definite articles "der, die, das" as opposed to english ("the") or french ("la, le"). Plus, we also distinguish between male and female (I think in spanish it's the same). In english "the driver" can be both a man or a woman. In german it's either "der Fahrer" if it is a man or "die Fahrerin" if it is a woman.

This leads also to some very strange uses of english leanwords, like for example "manager". The word is just the same in german, it's also "Manager" but some people feel the need to add the female ending "-in" if they talk about a female manager. Sounds and looks ridiculous. :/

I remember that a classmate from High School told me German wasn't hard at all. It's just learning some grammar rules and pronunciations.

Yeah, if you can remember the basics of grammar I guess learning german isn't that hard.

At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/7/10 02:33 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/7/10 09:44 AM, Bahamut wrote: But you deserve it.
I don't think so.
That's because you're trying to defend yourself.

Nope. I just don't deserve it.

THAT is manly. As for the gayness, well, Newgrounds is cool with it.
So, it's manly to look gay?
I don't see why not.

So, being manly means being gay?

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-08 22:24:52

10K medal points...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 02:16:08

level up

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 03:07:20

Congrats to:

simon - 14,000 Exp
Odyssic - 25,000 B/P
Auz - 45,000 Saves (I guess Auzsome is even more awesome than awesome :P)
WeirdAlthe3rd - Lt. General.
cantstophammertime - 10,000 Medal Points

Special congrats to:

TheNumberOfTheDragon - 7.77 Base Voting Power

Congratulations on that. I'll miss his posts in the LUL.

life - Level 47

Congrats on that! :)

Coop, you're next...


At 9/8/10 04:24 PM, Haggard wrote: I think grammar is the hardest part in all languages and german grammar isn't that easy as well (but compared to french... well, it's about as hard, I guess). The biggest problem german learners seem to have is that we have three definite articles "der, die, das" as opposed to english ("the") or french ("la, le"). Plus, we also distinguish between male and female (I think in spanish it's the same). In english "the driver" can be both a man or a woman. In german it's either "der Fahrer" if it is a man or "die Fahrerin" if it is a woman.

I remembered that my Latin and Greek teacher from High school told me Spanish and German share a lot of similarities. The sentence The Driver, in Spanish may change because the driver may be a man or a woman. If it's a man it would be El conductor but if it's a woman it would be La conductora. Just like in German but with different articles, of course :P
and not to mention the ending -a which stands for a female.

This leads also to some very strange uses of english leanwords, like for example "manager". The word is just the same in german, it's also "Manager" but some people feel the need to add the female ending "-in" if they talk about a female manager. Sounds and looks ridiculous. :/

Ah yes, it's almost the same in every language. Heh, reading that made me come to my mind funny sentences about my native language. I'm going to tell you the funniest ones :P

- Just like in English, and not sure if it's the same in other languages, Hero it's a person that has amazing supernatural abilities to protect people. Heroine is the female for Hero, but it's also the name of a drug :P

- In Geometry and Trigonometry, we have the law of sines. In Spanish it's called Ley de los senos.
The word senos is also a synonym of Boobs :P I remember when I took my first class of trigonometry in Middle school, our teacher told us to not to laugh at the Trigonometric functions. If someone laughed that person would be suspended. When he said the 1st function it was called "Seno", Everybody in my class started to laugh, including me :P I was 13 years old at that time, heh. My teacher couldn't suspend everybody so he had to laugh, too.

Yeah, if you can remember the basics of grammar I guess learning german isn't that hard.

From what you've said, I think learning German would be very interesting. Not to mention that I plan to visit Germany at least 1 time in all my life and I'm really interested in knowing other languages.
Heh, I'm going to search for some grammar rules and vocabulary in Internet :P

At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote: Not sure about Daft Punk for the rest of the members, they're more into obscure stuff. As for me, I might get into Daft Punk.

Daft Punk has written the word WIN on their helmets. If you ever want to start getting into Daft Punk, start with something fresh and nice like the Discovery album.

Someone will do it eventually but it can't be me. :D Not even Fagamut will go that far.

I'm not so sure if Faggard will do it, too :P
I plan... erm, I mean, TheFagotMaster wishes to stop depositing at level 41. I know it will take years, but it would be quite epic if he does it :P

Yay, Bahamut and Coop in 3D.

I've got better at making 3D images today, I tested this one with my glasses and it looks very realistic :P This will be the last picture in 3D that I will post in a while.

It was that picture or the one where you hugged Gagsy... This picture was more 3D worthy ;P

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 03:38:53

3333 posts

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 04:05:56

Trying to get the office WiFi to work (again), Coop congratulates:7
simon: 14,000 Experience
TheNumberOfTheDragon: 7.77 Base Voting Power
Odyssic: 25,000 B/P
Auz: 45,000 Saves
WeirdAlthe3rd: Lieutenant General
cantstophammertime: 10,000 Medal Points
life: Level 47
sixflab: 3,333 Posts

Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Alexander The Great
Fleetwood Mac - Albatross
Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak

At 9/8/10 04:05 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: If you own Callipygian 3D full red/blue glasses you will enjoy this picture.
I'm still learning how to make 3D pictures, this one has still some flaws.

Well, that's a very interesting picture. Perhaps you need some work with the models there, but we can come to terms, I'm sure.

At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/8/10 03:57 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/7/10 09:44 AM, Bahamut wrote: I still need to pick up Duke Nukem 3D. Hopefully it works on Vista. Otherwise, I'll have to get it on the PS1.
I still need to play the flash version of Doom on NG - I always seem to compate early Duke Nukem to Doom at some primal level.
Doom on NG is good for a taster but if you want the full version, your best bet is Steam.

Yeah, but the reason for doing that would be the medals, which I don't have yet.

At 9/8/10 04:05 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 9/7/10 09:44 AM, Bahamut wrote: And it only gets better for him and the other mods who are due to reach level 47 sometime soon (i.e. life, Coop and DHT). I will follow them in February.
All the levels from 47 are just epic. Specially if that user got a golden aura.

Well, the Orichalcum Smashfist does look pretty epic and I will be there soon, as life has just joined Evark alongside those ranks.

At 9/8/10 10:05 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/8/10 03:57 AM, Coop83 wrote: Different Os - Buck Showalter has given them confidence and they are making noise because of it. A shame for them - they lost the top draft pick to the Bucs :P
So you're saying they should have thrown their games to get the top pick?

Charity not needed, but always greatfully recieved :P

No win, CC's streak blew and no homers from A-Rod. Better start a new streak. I guess that CC will need another shot at 20 this time around. Time on his side, he can still do it.
Oh I'm not worried about CC. He'll get 20.

We'll see - Texas in next on the schedule and that should mean that he's good to go for the matchup with David Price of the Rays. Playoff matchup? Alternatively, he could go on Sunday against Texas, giving AJ another day off.

Hence the miracle - they were and are expected to lose.
No miracle, the Cubbies just are cursed to lose for eternity. Now the Sox on the other hand, it's just not their year.

So long as the Yanks and Rays have depth, it's not a Sox year :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 06:08:13

Level 29...
Silver armored fist get

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 07:21:47

24,000 B/P!

At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/8/10 04:50 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 9/7/10 09:44 AM, Bahamut wrote: Update on the job: Induction is next Monday at 9:30. That's right, I've got to wait until next week to actually start my job.
Annoying but hey, it could be worse.
You're right about that but it's still bad how unorganised they were.

When it comes to things like this nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to being utterly disorganised.

I'm still weary about Duke Nukem Forever, even if Gearbox has made games like Borderlands and the Half-Life 1 expansions.
I am as well, but at worst it'll just be a generic FPS, I don't think there's THAT much they can do wrong to make it downright bad.
If it turns out to be a generic FPS, at least they released the goddamn game. That's why if it comes out, I'll be thankful they put the troubles behind at long last. I know I said it before but that's what I think.

I know what you mean, though I will sort of miss the DNF running joke of it never coming out, but I suppose it's about time.

Now, if only Battlefront 3 could follow suit...
Misunderstanding, didn't understand.
Doesn't matter, now we're back together again!
A-la la la la la.

Couldn't split up Kato and Nash.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 08:34:26

Mike Portnoy left Dream Theater? Damn, that band is no more to me.

Listening to:

Equilibrium - Sagas

Thanks to:


At 9/8/10 10:05 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote: I've haven't banned anyone for saying that.
It would be a tough one to enforce. If you stop users from saying that then how far should the Forum Mods have to go to stop other annoying phrases.

Well, we do have to deal with those who post overused phrases.

Only if it's popular enough. The latest one isn't doing well so far.
It need some more PR.

I'll promote it again on my Twitter next week and if I'm still getting poor results, I'm pulling it out.

At 9/8/10 02:07 PM, LittleWashu wrote: I know a lot of good people I knew have been promoted and visa versa as well as my favorite thread getting locked :( Oh well I will just have to do things the hard way then.

Yeah, the mods had no other choice, sadly.

At 9/8/10 04:24 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote: That's because you're trying to defend yourself.
Nope. I just don't deserve it.


I don't see why not.
So, being manly means being gay?

Not exactly. Being gay does make you manly but there are other ways to be manly such as listening to Manowar.

At 9/9/10 03:07 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote: Not sure about Daft Punk for the rest of the members, they're more into obscure stuff. As for me, I might get into Daft Punk.
Daft Punk has written the word WIN on their helmets. If you ever want to start getting into Daft Punk, start with something fresh and nice like the Discovery album.

Funny enough, I had the Discovery album in mind. I suppose it helps when I keep seeing it as part of the 2 for £10 deal in HMV.

Someone will do it eventually but it can't be me. :D Not even Fagamut will go that far.
I'm not so sure if Faggard will do it, too :P

Faggard should.

I plan... erm, I mean, TheFagotMaster wishes to stop depositing at level 41. I know it will take years, but it would be quite epic if he does it :P

Level 41 is a good level to stop at.

Yay, Bahamut and Coop in 3D.
I've got better at making 3D images today, I tested this one with my glasses and it looks very realistic :P This will be the last picture in 3D that I will post in a while.

I'M 3D!

Dammit, I really need some 3D glasses.

At 9/9/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote: Doom on NG is good for a taster but if you want the full version, your best bet is Steam.
Yeah, but the reason for doing that would be the medals, which I don't have yet.

Sure, go right ahead and get the medals. I mean, why the heck not?

At 9/9/10 07:21 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote: You're right about that but it's still bad how unorganised they were.
When it comes to things like this nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to being utterly disorganised.

I had high expectations for them...

If it turns out to be a generic FPS, at least they released the goddamn game. That's why if it comes out, I'll be thankful they put the troubles behind at long last. I know I said it before but that's what I think.
I know what you mean, though I will sort of miss the DNF running joke of it never coming out, but I suppose it's about time.

FUCK! I just realised something! I told iscrulz he'd return to the Regulars List once Duke Nukem Forever comes out.

A-la la la la la.
Couldn't split up Kato and Nash.

That's true.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 09:47:36

At 9/7/10 02:33 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/7/10 10:22 AM, Auz wrote: Yes that's incredibly silly. I'm sure it'd annoy the hell out of me, so I'm glad they keep almost every movie in English here and just add subtitles. I know other people find it annoying, but you'll get used to them.
I'm always distracted by subtitles. And even more so when I notice they translated something in a different way then I would've translated it. Even worse: When they leave out some parts of a sentence.

That's a good point, sometimes lines really are poorly translated. It mostly annoys me when they come up with a different translation while the literal or direct translation would have been way better. Why not keep it simple?

I'm not so bothered with sentences that aren't translated because usually I can translate myself.

If I had to go into the army I'd probably be the most unmotivated, lazy soldier they've ever had.
Lol, same here. And that's why I did civilian service instead. ^^

Civilian service? :p

I don't know, but I think they'd better let me finish my study cause I'm sure they could use engineers during wartime. Especially ones that have knowledge of rockets and aircrafts :p

Not sure if I'd want to develop weaponry though, but it probably beats being a soldier in the army.

Exactly. That last line is very impressive.

And I'm sure they've altered the story a little to spice it up. If it wasn't in any record they must've relied on the guys memories and those must've become foggy over the years. But I suppose most of it would be true.
You know, I linked to the article on wikipedia without even reading it and now I noticed it says: "Based on real events". Lol, all these years I was under the impression "Die Brücke" was a fictional story.

Lol. Yep it said based on real events, which makes the fact that it was never in any war records even more amazing. Since about a dozen people died there due to a silly little mistake and nobody cared.

Hmm so I guess it might be a pretty big movie in Germany then?
Yeah, I think everyone in my age (and older of course) knows the movie. Don't know about younger generations, I think it's been some years since the last broadcast.

It looks like a movie that isn't broadcasted often.

Heh true. Although a lot of girls here seem to fall for the charms of Italians, no matter how they look.
Lol, that's the "southern charme" for you.

Yeah, I'm always wondering if Italian girls would like Scandinavians then and if it's just an "other cultures are soooo much more interesting" kind of thing.

At 9/6/10 03:37 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 9/5/10 03:46 PM, Auz wrote:
I don't know if Germany would be harder. I didn't have as much trouble with it as with French, but that might be because German is closer to Dutch than French.
Allow me to join this conversation. :)
As a native speaker I can of course not say how hard it is to learn german. But I think it's much easier than learning french because in german it's like that: The way you speak words is the way you write them. A little example in english:
father, false, about, blame, man, any
The 'a' is pronounced in 6 different ways here. In german, 'a' usually is pronounced in only one way (of course there are exceptions here and there). So, in german nearly every word is pronounced the way it is written.
In french, nearly no word is pronounced the way it is written. You have a lot of "silent characters" there (like "etablissment", the "ent" at the end is only pronounced with a nasal "o"), which makes it in my opinion a language that is much harder to learn than german.

I guess that would make the listening and speaking easier, but the grammar might still be way more difficult. I was under the impression that the German grammar was more complicated than the French one, but I've only had to bother with them for 2-3 years or so.

At 9/8/10 04:05 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 9/7/10 10:22 AM, Auz wrote: And well, I guess we like to learn other languages because hardly anyone speaks Dutch outside of Holland and we often go to France, Italy and Spain when we're going on a vacation. We're pretty much forced to learn other languages.
I guess it's 100% useful learning a 2nd language because the place where Holland is located. I have to agree with you on that.

Yeah and the fact that we're like... 99% dependent on our export, it's pretty handy if we all speak English and perhaps some German as well.

Here we have to learn English because we're next to the US. In my city, most companies require people that can speak English or maybe another one such as German. If you ever travel to the north of Mexico (specially cities that are next to the border) or to the country's capital, you'll find a lot of people that speak English as their second language.

People around the borders tend to speak both languages of the countries they're living in/near. I know in the very eastern parts of Holland people can speak German as well.

I think a lot of people have family across the border there so they'll probably have learned both languages early on in their lives.

But it's pretty rare finding someone that speaks another one besides Spanish and English.

I know my gf is taking Spanish courses next to her English studies. She can also speak some French, German and knows some Greek and Latin I believe. Although since she hasn't had to use those languages in years, she's probably not that good with them anymore.

In my field of engineering I'll probably be dealing with a lot of people from outside of Holland, so English is a must for me as well.
Ah, so you're studying engineering. Indeed you will need to speak English, and we both already know that if you knew more languages then you'll get a better position or/and salary wherever you start working on :)

Well I study Aerospace Engineering and most of those companies happen to be giant, international corporations so I don't think I can really get a job there if I don't speak English.

If I were a Civil Engineer for example it might have been less necessary, but indeed I think the better jobs can be obtained at the bigger companies who also work abroad.

At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/7/10 10:22 AM, Auz wrote: Just go to a town called Hilversum and find a good spot to drop the studio.
If I can carry a TV station all the way there.

Shouldn't be a problem for a dragon. Otherwise just bring it in parts.

Lol. Yes, it had to be done. A statement had to be made.
And the statement was a success. Hopefully the same thing happens again this year since we've got The X Factor back once again.

It would be sweet if they could do something like that again, with a different song. I wouldn't know a good one though.

I see. So Daft Punk I guess and... I'm not familiar with the ambient genre.
Not sure about Daft Punk for the rest of the members, they're more into obscure stuff. As for me, I might get into Daft Punk.

I'm not really a big fan of Daft Punk. They got some alright songs, but also some very annoying songs (Around the World...).

Damn :(

Well you could step up to him and complain about it...
He'll never listen. At this point, the only option is to call the police if he's playing it at inappropriate times. Well, there might be some service that deals with bad neighbours so I should come in contact with them.


That'd be fun and I'm sure he won't expect that. Better not let him find out it was you though, because I'm sure he would get pretty fucking pissed about it.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 10:56:12

Rev is ready for the weekend; congrats to:
TheNumberOfTheDragon - 7.77 VP
Odyssic - 25k B/P
Auz - 45k Saves! - Auzsome!
WeirdAlthe3rd - Lieutenant General
cantstophammertime - 10,000 Medal Points - One of the more interesting username I've seen in awhile
life - Level 47!
HeavyTank - Level 29
RohantheBarbarian - 24k B/P


At 9/9/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: We'll see - Texas in next on the schedule and that should mean that he's good to go for the matchup with David Price of the Rays. Playoff matchup? Alternatively, he could go on Sunday against Texas, giving AJ another day off.

He's most likely wants to go on Monday against the Rays. The Rays are only 2.5 GB and he wants to make a statement after his last lackluster start.

So long as the Yanks and Rays have depth, it's not a Sox year :P

Yeah basically.

At 9/9/10 08:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'll promote it again on my Twitter next week and if I'm still getting poor results, I'm pulling it out.

Hopefully more people will pitch in. I think most people just want to vote rather than nominate.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 11:10:11

At 9/9/10 09:47 AM, Auz wrote: I'm not so bothered with sentences that aren't translated because usually I can translate myself.

Yeah, but it distracts me anyway.

If I had to go into the army I'd probably be the most unmotivated, lazy soldier they've ever had.
Lol, same here. And that's why I did civilian service instead. ^^
Civilian service? :p

Yes, Zivildienst or "Civilian Service" or "compulsory paid community service". We still have compulsory military service in Germany, the only way I could avoid the military was the Zivildienst.

I don't know, but I think they'd better let me finish my study cause I'm sure they could use engineers during wartime. Especially ones that have knowledge of rockets and aircrafts :p

Not sure if I'd want to develop weaponry though, but it probably beats being a soldier in the army.

You could develope weapons that don't work. But they only won't work if they are bought by some military forces. ^^

Hmm so I guess it might be a pretty big movie in Germany then?
Yeah, I think everyone in my age (and older of course) knows the movie. Don't know about younger generations, I think it's been some years since the last broadcast.
It looks like a movie that isn't broadcasted often.

Yeah, too bad, but movies like those don't seem to be of any interest right now. I'm still waiting for a rerun of "All Quiet on the Western Front". I know I recorded it on VHS a few years ago, but I can't find it anymore...

Heh true. Although a lot of girls here seem to fall for the charms of Italians, no matter how they look.
Lol, that's the "southern charme" for you.
Yeah, I'm always wondering if Italian girls would like Scandinavians then and if it's just an "other cultures are soooo much more interesting" kind of thing.

Or maybe italian girls are attraced to africans. But who should southern african girls be attracted to? There aren't that many people living in antarctica, I guess. XD

So, in german nearly every word is pronounced the way it is written.
In french, nearly no word is pronounced the way it is written. You have a lot of "silent characters" there (like "etablissment", the "ent" at the end is only pronounced with a nasal "o"), which makes it in my opinion a language that is much harder to learn than german.
I guess that would make the listening and speaking easier, but the grammar might still be way more difficult. I was under the impression that the German grammar was more complicated than the French one, but I've only had to bother with them for 2-3 years or so.

I'm not really an expert when it comes to grammar. I suck at grammar in every language (I think I mentioned it before), but yeah, since german is my native language I don't have to bother learning the grammar rules. I just know them. ^^

At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/7/10 10:22 AM, Auz wrote: Well you could step up to him and complain about it...
He'll never listen. At this point, the only option is to call the police if he's playing it at inappropriate times. Well, there might be some service that deals with bad neighbours so I should come in contact with them.

Oh, annoying neighbours that play loud music? Oh yeah, we have our share of those in this house. Luckily the most annoying ones are silent now, but a year ago it was really bad. Being waken up at 4 am by loud music isn't really enjoyable. Or lying awake until 3 am because of loud music...
We complained three or four times (other people who live here complained as well), the last time he got really agressive and told my I should quit "bothering him" (hey wait, who's bothering who here?). We then wrote down the times at which he had the music at full volume and complained to the landlord, that worked.
Now it's the family directly above us. They sing and clap to their crappy music and sometimes the bass is really loud. I complained once and they turned the volume down. I could still hear the music, but it wasn't as bad as before.
Luckily they aren't half as bad as those fuckers from the 8th floor I mentioned above and most of the time they turn off the music at around 9 pm.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 16:49:41

45,000 B/P!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 17:33:45

You passed 34000 B/P! Congrats!

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 19:17:46


Total VP of 12.00

Fro never wants to miss more days from the LUL because of this list down below while saying Congrats To:

Ptero: Bronze Whistle, 3,000 Posts
gamejunkie: 1,111 Posts
Lizzardis: 2 Years on NG, Top 300 in B/P, 6,000 Posts, 3,000 Blams, 18,000 B/P
vader316: 29,000 B/P
GUTHRIE: 21,000 Experience Points
FurryDemon: Level 21
illuminate: 16,000 Medal Points, 600 Audio Review Responses, 57,000 Saves
sixflab: Top 500 in B/P
Aci6: 17,000 B/P
36Holla: 13,000 Experience
amanda: Level 15:
RohantheBarbarian: General, 24,000 B/P
ramagi: Level 55
Zwe: Level 32
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 30,000 B/P, Supreme Commander, 37,000 Medal Points
steph2568: Level 22
Kevin: 9,000 B/P
aldlv: 37,000 B/P
Domo: Top 3,000 in B/P, Private, 27,000 Medal Points, 2,222 Saves, Level 17, 1000 Posts
DiMono: 54,000 Medal Points, 1,111 Posts, 55,000 Medal Points
reverend: 7.77 Base VP, Review Mod, 17,000 Saves
FBIpolux: 17,000 Posts
Bahamut: 22,222 Posts, BBS Mod
Neoncouch: Level 14, Police Lieutenant, 1,337 Posts, Bronze Whistle, 35,000 Medal Points, 2,000 Posts
Coop83: 24,000 Medal Points, 1,000 Medals, 53,000 Saves, Top 125 in Experience, 79,000 B/P
Dean: Level 28
iscrulz: 9.00 Base VP
Ronald-McDonald-LoL: 9,000 Experience, 4,000 Posts
Hacsev: Level 29, 34,000 B/P
Odyssic: 20,000 Saves, 25,000 B/P
gamejunkie: 32,000 B/P, 15,000 Saves
WeirdAlthe3rd: 4,000 Blams
Pokemonpoeguygcn: 40,000 B/P, 10,000 Blams, 36,000 Medal Points
dawg25043: Gold Whistle
sushi13: 8,000 Saves, Deity Whistle
sixflab: Level 16, 400 Audio Reviews, 3,333 Posts
Aci6: 4,000 Blams
Haggard: 15,000 Blams, 45,000 B/P
VinnyXY: Police Captain
Valjylmyr: Police Sergeant, 7,000 Posts
Cootie: 11,000 Posts
Danavers: 4,000 Experience, Level 20
Obvious-M: Level 20
HeavyTank: 14,000 Saves, 30,000 Total Stats, Base VP of 7, 44,000 Medal Points, Major, Level 29
Fro: Level 34, Lol wait what?
ThePigeonMaster: Ranked 2,222 in B/P
tyler2513: Police Sergeant
aldlv: Level 32, 21 Years Old
DumbassDude: 10,000 Experience, Level 31
vader316: 21,000 Saves, 30 Years Old
EJR: Level 24
jmalouin7: Level 26, 7,000 Experience
Zendra: 13,000 Posts
D3NN1S: 12,000 B/P, 10,000 Saves
Andrew13: Level 21
DarkSoldier: Level 31, 10,000 Experience
Limited: Level 11
tyler2513: 1,400 Flash Reviews
geterkikzkid: Level 10
LittleWashu: 12,500 Experience, Top 900 in Experience
whatty: Level 23
Sir-Nuts: UOTD on NG Logs
WeirdAlthe3rd: Top 6,000 in Experience, 17,000 Saves, Lt. General
reverend: Commander, Level 37
Auz: 65,000 B/P, 20,000 Experience, 6,666 Posts, 45,000 Saves
Haggard: Top 300 in Experience, 500 Flash Review Repsonses
steph2568: Top 4,000 in B/P
Hacsev: 43,000 Medal Points, 25,000 Saves, 2,000 Posts
WilhelmTheVampire: 30,000 Total Stats
Drake: Corporal
C0GMA: 2,000 Saves
Fion: Level 37, 5 Years on NG
InnerChild548: Level 28
Sectus: 666 Posts
steph2568: 2,000 Posts
QuikFox: Level 44
silentkat: Level 15, 15,000 Medal Points
34DeadMan: Police Sergeant
The-Great-One: 4 Years on NG
Rabid-Animals: Level 28
Hacsev: 8,888 Blams, 44,000 Medal Points
wreckages: Level 36
IvanTuroc: Level 45, 21,000 Experience
Hemlok: Level 29
mwmike: Private, 1,000 Blams, 4,000 Experience, Level 20
darksoldier567: Level 14
Bobogoobo: Level 28
Alfraydo: Police Sergeant
XenonMonkey: Level 22
ixfd64: Sgt. Major
EclecticEnnui: 9,000 Posts
Saint-Jesus: 1,000 Saves
RenegadeGirl: Level 39
PimpMasterKDOG: Commander, 14.00 Total VP
RuinedMartyr: 8,000 Saves
Stretchysumo: Level 26
Evark: Level 47
AnalPenguinFarming: 12,000 Experience
rorypearce94: Level 12
Faggard: Level 30
simon: 14,000 Experience
TheNumberOfTheDragon: 7.77 Total VP
cantstophammertime: 10,000 Medal Points
life: Level 47
The LUL: 80,000 Posts

Thanks To:



I know I probably missed some milestones, put names down several times, and made several mistakes, but I was determined to catch up one way or another. :P


Happy birthday thread for SupraAddict:

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1196 975


At 8/29/10 01:58 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
I will never forget the 1st time I talked to you via AIM, hahahaha. It was when Fro created a xat chatroom

Good old memories. :)

At 8/29/10 05:33 AM, Fro wrote:
I hope Fro doesn't mind me posting this. ^^


At 8/29/10 02:46 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
Hmm...I am intrigued by the offer, I'm just not sure if I'd have time to actually do any of it. Hell, why not. If you want to make me a plan, that would be great!

Just tell me your body weight, age, height, build, and current workout.

At 8/28/10 01:37 PM, Auz wrote: Congrats to Bahamut on becoming a forum mod!

Am I allowed to post in this thread without a gold aura? :P

At 8/25/10 09:48 AM, ramagi wrote: Wow too many new names aroudn here...I need to go back to like page 100 where I can reconize some names. miss them .....

I do miss the old days when you, BlueHippo, yoshi77777, Metal-Therapy, and I would sit and chat in an AIM chat room. I think Bahamut joined a couple times as well.

At 8/25/10 01:30 PM, reverend wrote: Rev is never going to play another 'escape' type game on NG ever again; Congrats to:

How about Pyroscape 3 when it comes out? ;)


I have much more to say and tell you guys, but so much that I have forgotten all of it. It's just good to be back.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 19:45:39

Congrats To
gamejunkie - 15,000 saves
jmalouin7 - 7,000 experience
Faggard - Level 30
simon - 14,000 experience
TheNumberOfTheDragon - 7.77 voting pow
Odyssic - 25,000 B/P
Auz - 45,000 Saves
WeirdAlthe3rd - Lt. General
cantstophammertime - 10,000 medal points
life - Level 47
sixflab - 3,333 post
HeavyTank - Level 29
RohantheBarbarian - 24,000 B/P
Haggard - 45,000 B/P
Hacsev - 34,000 B/P
Fro - Total voting pow 12

Thanks To
Fro (x6)

[ Last List ]

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 19:48:48

Okay, I need to stop lapsing in and out of existence. But I come bearing a gift! This is among my absolute favorite recordings of all time (ignore the picture of Miles Davis in the background, Clifford Brown is the trumpeter).

21k Saves

Wilhelm wishes everyone a happy New Year. Congrats to:
Domo - Private, 27k Medal Points, 2,222 Saves, Level 17 and 1k Posts
vader316 - 21k Saves and 30 Years Old! Happy belated birthday!
reverend - Commander, 17k Saves, Level 37 and REVIEW MOD! I've been meaning to say something for a while so...here it is!
Valjylmyr - 7k Posts
EJR - Level 24
jmalouin7 - Level 26 and 7k Experience
Zendra - 13k posts
D3NN1S - 10k Saves and 12k B/P
AndrewGlisson13 - Level 21
DarkSoldier - Level 31 and 10k Experience
Limited - Level 11
tyler2513 - 1400 Reviews
geterkikzkid - level 10
Coop83 - Top 125 in Experience and 79k B/P
whatty - Level 23
WeirdAlthe3rd - Top 6k in Experience, 17k Saves and Lieutenant General
Auz - 65k B/P, 20k Experience, 6,666 Posts and 45k Saves
Haggard - Top 300 in Experience, 500 Flash Review Responses and 45k B/P
steph2568 - Top 4k in Experience and 2k Posts
Hacsev - 43k, 44k Medal Points, 8,888 Blams, 25k Saves, 2k Posts and 34k B/P
Drake - Corporal and 16k Total Stats
C0GMA - 2k Saves
Fion - Level 37 and 5 Years on NG
HeavyTank - 30k Total Stats, 7.00 Base Voting Power, 44k Medal Points, Major and Level 29
InnerChild548 - Level 28
Sectus - 666 Posts
QuikFox - Level 44
silentkat - Level 15 and 15k Medal Points
34Deadman - Police Sergeant
The-Great-One - 4 Years on NG
Rabid-Animals - Level 28 and Top 800 in B/P
illuminate - 57k Saves
wreckages - Level 36; no, you don't like it, alright?
DiMono - 1,111 Posts and 55k Medal Points
IvanTuroc - Level 45 and 21k Experience
Pokemonpoeguygcn - 37k medal Points
Neoncouch - Bronze Whistle, 35k Medal Points and 2k Posts
Hemlok - Level 29
mwmike - 1k Blams, 2,500 B/P, 4k Experience and Level 20
darksoldier567 - Level 14
Bobogoobo - Level 28
Alfraydo - Police Sergeant
XenonMonkey - Level 22
ixfd64 - Sergeant Major
sixflab - 400 Audio Reviews and 3,333 Posts
Saint-Jesus - Level 18 and 1k Saves
RenegadeGirl - Level 39
PimpMasterKDOG - Commander
RuinedMartyr - 8k Saves
Stretchysumo - Level 26
LittleWashu - Top 900 in Experience
Evark - Level 47
AnalPenguinFarming - 12k Experience
rorypearce94 - Level 12; did you just congratulate yourself?
Lizzardis - 18k B/P
Faggard - Level 30
simon - 14k Experience
TheNumberOfTheDragon - 7.77 Base Voting Power
Odyssic - 25k B/P
cantstophammertime - 10k Medal Points
life - Level 47
RohantheBarbarian - 24k B/P
Fro - 12.00 Total Voting Power

Shout out to:
The LuL - 80k Replies

Snapple "Real Fact" #892:
The can opener was invented 48 years after the can.

Catch-ups on Saturday.

Request an audio review. I could use some motivation.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-09 20:26:20

Thanks for voting, Alfraydo! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 1,350 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 12. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 3 hours, 36 minutes, and 29 seconds.

The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!

Level 12 get!


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-10 02:22:09

Ooooooooooooo level 38 and I didn't even realise. :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-10 02:45:32

At 9/10/10 02:22 AM, Simple wrote: Ooooooooooooo level 38 and I didn't even realise. :D

:'( ...I could be in my thirties by now.

don't be late | Collab101 | Australian Users List | Nayhan's actionScript examples > click

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-10 02:51:34

Thanks for voting, LadyX! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 11,370 experience points. You need 0 more to get to Level 33.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-10 03:37:38

Thank You to: -

Fro (x2)

At 9/9/10 08:34 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/9/10 07:21 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote: You're right about that but it's still bad how unorganised they were.
When it comes to things like this nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to being utterly disorganised.
I had high expectations for them...

I can imagine, maybe I'm just more cynical :P

If it turns out to be a generic FPS, at least they released the goddamn game. That's why if it comes out, I'll be thankful they put the troubles behind at long last. I know I said it before but that's what I think.
I know what you mean, though I will sort of miss the DNF running joke of it never coming out, but I suppose it's about time.
FUCK! I just realised something! I told iscrulz he'd return to the Regulars List once Duke Nukem Forever comes out.


A-la la la la la.
Couldn't split up Kato and Nash.
That's true.

Couldn't split up Tango and Cash.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-10 04:00:48

Coop tries to complete his congratulations list, before tackling Alice is Dead 3. Congratulations to:
HeavyTank: Level 29
RohantheBarbarian: 24,000 B/P
Haggard: 45,000 B/P
Hacsev: 34,000 B/P
Fro: 12.00 Total Voting Power
WilhelmTheVampire: 21,000 Saves
Alfraydo: Level 12
Neoncouch: 1,000 Saves
Simple: Level 38
LadyX: Level 33

Thank you to:
Fro (x5)
WilhelmTheVampire (x2)

At 9/9/10 08:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: Mike Portnoy left Dream Theater? Damn, that band is no more to me.

Sucks man - he's going to be really tough to replace.

At 9/9/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote: Doom on NG is good for a taster but if you want the full version, your best bet is Steam.
Yeah, but the reason for doing that would be the medals, which I don't have yet.
Sure, go right ahead and get the medals. I mean, why the heck not?

Because I don't have the skills required to get these medals?

At 9/9/10 10:56 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/9/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: We'll see - Texas in next on the schedule and that should mean that he's good to go for the matchup with David Price of the Rays. Playoff matchup? Alternatively, he could go on Sunday against Texas, giving AJ another day off.
He's most likely wants to go on Monday against the Rays. The Rays are only 2.5 GB and he wants to make a statement after his last lackluster start.

Good point, but we'll see what Joe Girardi says, come game time. Vasquez, Burnett and Moseley will take on the Rangers, thus leaving CC to battle Price, as expected.

So long as the Yanks and Rays have depth, it's not a Sox year :P
Yeah basically.

Well, we can stick a fork in the Red Sox, they're about done.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-10 04:31:19

Pigeon will have a nice sleep after congratulating:

sixflab - 3,333 Posts
HeavyTank - Level 29
RohantheBarbarian - 24,000 B/P
Haggard - 45,000 B/P
Hacsev - 34,000 B/P
Fro - 12.00 Total Voting Power
WilhelmTheVampire - 21,000 Saves
Alfraydo - Level 12
Neoncouch - 1,000 Saves
Simple - Level 38
LadyX - Level 33

Thanks to:


Listening to:

Daft Punk - One more time
Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
Daft Punk - Too Long


At 9/9/10 04:05 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, the Orichalcum Smashfist does look pretty epic and I will be there soon, as life has just joined Evark alongside those ranks.

Just a few days more and you'll get that kickass icon. Can't wait to see it.

At 9/9/10 08:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: Funny enough, I had the Discovery album in mind. I suppose it helps when I keep seeing it as part of the 2 for £10 deal in HMV.

Discovery has some of the most well known songs from Daft Punk. Give a listen to the songs that I'm listening while writing this :)

Although, I guess you've already heard them. They're very popular.

Dammit, I really need some 3D glasses.

I don't have any idea where to get those glasses. I got two pair of them at Wendy's kids' meal last Saturday because my dad wanted to eat a small burger and fries :P Heh, they were for a Where's Waldo? game in 3D as the featured toy of the meal.

At 9/9/10 09:47 AM, Auz wrote: I know my gf is taking Spanish courses next to her English studies. She can also speak some French, German and knows some Greek and Latin I believe. Although since she hasn't had to use those languages in years, she's probably not that good with them anymore.

I took Greek and Latin Etymologies classes in High school and I'm quite familiarized with those languages too. I'm going to need Greek a lot because all the diseases names come from Greek. However I won't need Latin since it's used more for careers like Laws and psychology.

Knowing Greek and Latin is handy since you can determinate the meaning of any word if you know their roots, which in most cases are from those languages. I would mind telling to your gf that she shouldn't stop practicing those languages.

At 9/9/10 07:17 PM, Fro wrote: I do miss the old days when you, BlueHippo, yoshi77777, Metal-Therapy, and I would sit and chat in an AIM chat room. I think Bahamut joined a couple times as well.

Holy shit. I haven't heard those usernames in AGES, except BlueHippo. I remember yoshi77777 got a name change, What happened to yoshi, Fro?
I remember seeing them in the forums all the time. Good old days...

And talking about the good old days, I found this old chatroom I made specially for the wi/ht'ers back in 2008.
I had to smile when I found an old notepad file with a link to that...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-10 06:08:03

ooh, my experience is 27272. how pretty.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-10 06:25:20

Hey guys, I'm level two now. I'm pretty pleased :)

Is there another way to look up my posts on the forum without having to click on a thread that I posted, find my answer, then click posts that is located right to my avatar?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-10 08:05:36

Listening to:

Death - Individual Thought Patterns

Thanks to:


At 9/9/10 09:47 AM, Auz wrote:
At 9/8/10 09:01 AM, Bahamut wrote: If I can carry a TV station all the way there.
Shouldn't be a problem for a dragon. Otherwise just bring it in parts.

But it's carrying a whole TV station for miles and miles.

And the statement was a success. Hopefully the same thing happens again this year since we've got The X Factor back once again.
It would be sweet if they could do something like that again, with a different song. I wouldn't know a good one though.

I nominate this song.

He'll never listen. At this point, the only option is to call the police if he's playing it at inappropriate times. Well, there might be some service that deals with bad neighbours so I should come in contact with them.

That'd be fun and I'm sure he won't expect that. Better not let him find out it was you though, because I'm sure he would get pretty fucking pissed about it.

He can go to jail if that's the case. :) That's where the fucker needs to be right now.

At 9/9/10 10:56 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/9/10 08:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: I'll promote it again on my Twitter next week and if I'm still getting poor results, I'm pulling it out.
Hopefully more people will pitch in. I think most people just want to vote rather than nominate.

I'd rather people nominate to get the characters in. Otherwise, I may as well pick the characters on my own behalf.

At 9/10/10 03:37 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 9/9/10 08:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: FUCK! I just realised something! I told iscrulz he'd return to the Regulars List once Duke Nukem Forever comes out.

Actually, that's if the Regulars List is still around. The results for the last few months are terrible.

That's true.
Couldn't split up Tango and Cash.

That's also true!

At 9/10/10 04:00 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/9/10 08:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: Mike Portnoy left Dream Theater? Damn, that band is no more to me.
Sucks man - he's going to be really tough to replace.

As far as I'm concerned, he's irreplaceable.

Sure, go right ahead and get the medals. I mean, why the heck not?
Because I don't have the skills required to get these medals?

Sure you do.

At 9/10/10 04:31 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 9/9/10 08:34 AM, Bahamut wrote: Funny enough, I had the Discovery album in mind. I suppose it helps when I keep seeing it as part of the 2 for £10 deal in HMV.
Discovery has some of the most well known songs from Daft Punk. Give a listen to the songs that I'm listening while writing this :)

That's why I'm thinking of getting that album.

Although, I guess you've already heard them. They're very popular.

Of course, I've heard them many times on the radio, TV and even in flash movies.

Dammit, I really need some 3D glasses.
I don't have any idea where to get those glasses. I got two pair of them at Wendy's kids' meal last Saturday because my dad wanted to eat a small burger and fries :P Heh, they were for a Where's Waldo? game in 3D as the featured toy of the meal.

I just need to know where I can get any around here.

At 9/10/10 06:25 AM, Wyzenhu wrote: Hey guys, I'm level two now. I'm pretty pleased :)

Hello, welcome to the site. It's good that you're interested in levelling up but please keep in mind that due to how easy it is to reach the early levels, we only count from level 10.

Is there another way to look up my posts on the forum without having to click on a thread that I posted, find my answer, then click posts that is located right to my avatar?

You mean this? You can also click on "BBS Posts" link on your userpage. I hope that helps.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-10 08:44:47

ah yes! thanks, i couldn't see it :)