I start my new job tomorrow. :)
Listening to:
Brocas Helm - Into Battle
Candlemass - Death Magic Doom
At 9/4/10 03:43 PM, rorypearce94 wrote:At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: Am I the only one who's still cautious about the fate of Duke Nukem Forever?I am very worried, It will never justify the wait, or live up to the hype, It just cannot be done, especially when we had to wait so goddam long. If Chinese democracy was a game, Duke Nukem forever.
If Duke Nukem Forever does come out, the only thing I can make of is Wintersun's Time. Still, I'm not going to build my hopes up just yet. I've had enough disappointments in the gaming world.
You'll be happy to know that TheNumberOfTheDragon is due to retire at level 36 due to base VP.I am indeeed happy, that Is quite dandy, I would like the option to not automatiacally deposit, Cast posted the same thing in the NG evolution thread, I'm In two minds, I'm tempted to stop deposisitng if I find a level I really like, but I want to continue B/P'ing At snails pace, admittedly) I think I'll continue to deposit. Supreme commander sure is appealing.
I actually like cast's idea to have the option to not automatically deposit. I know many people want to stop at a certain level but if they want to vote on flashes in the portal, they can't do much without depositing.
At 9/4/10 05:08 PM, DireWolf wrote:At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: I've been here since late 2004 and still kicking ass. :)Bahamut! I remember you! I originally started posting in this thread back when it was in the double digits. Looking through some of my old posts, I was such a noob!
I had to look back at your posts to see if I could remember who you are. Your name is vaguely familiar but I do remember some of the posts you made in the LUL back in 2005.
At 9/4/10 05:55 PM, Haggard wrote:At 9/3/10 10:01 AM, Bahamut wrote: *points and laughs*You should laugh about Manowar, not me.
No, I laugh at you!
I think it's self-explanatory.If it was, I wouldn't have to ask.
Then you don't know how to be a real man. :P
Can't you request them to make monitors?I did, but they didn't reply yet.
Here's hoping they make the monitor for you. They might not be experts, though.
At 9/5/10 03:10 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: Hell fucking yes! Well done TPM! :DThanks mr. Bahamut. I can't wait until February but, oh well.
I see that as something to really look forward to in 2011. Next year shall be a great year for you. :)
If real life does take a lot of your time, don't worry about it. Studying is much more important and we're 100% behind you all the way for you to reach your dreams.Indeed it is more important but I also don't want to leave this place at all. I may be gone for 1 day or 2 sometimes, but at least I'm still gonna post in the LUL, deposit my Exp and if Tom gives me the opportunity after the redesign, icon modding :P
We'll see what happens. I do like your determination to still coming here, even if you've got a lot of studying to do.
At 9/5/10 05:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: Am I the only one who's still cautious about the fate of Duke Nukem Forever?Someone is cautiously optimistic?
Of course, you never know what will happen and the release of Duke Nukem Forever hasn't been reliable.
At 9/5/10 07:26 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: Am I the only one who's still cautious about the fate of Duke Nukem Forever?I don't see it ever coming out, or being good if it does. Pity really.
If it does come out, even if it's not good, I'll be glad they finally released the game. As bad as Chinese Democracy was, at least the album came out eventually.
But what if I quit?Then the band hopes of being the best ever are dashed.
And I'm the guitarist/backing vocals of the band, damn. Auz was trying to name the band after me as well.
Before I begin, any dragons? Also, this might be put on the backburner considering my icon mod duties.Well no, but hey, there's fire bombs so you can still get the pleasure of burning stuff.
Yeah, I'll try it some other time. :P