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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-05 08:37:39

I start my new job tomorrow. :)

Listening to:

Brocas Helm - Into Battle
Candlemass - Death Magic Doom

At 9/4/10 03:43 PM, rorypearce94 wrote:
At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: Am I the only one who's still cautious about the fate of Duke Nukem Forever?
I am very worried, It will never justify the wait, or live up to the hype, It just cannot be done, especially when we had to wait so goddam long. If Chinese democracy was a game, Duke Nukem forever.

If Duke Nukem Forever does come out, the only thing I can make of is Wintersun's Time. Still, I'm not going to build my hopes up just yet. I've had enough disappointments in the gaming world.

You'll be happy to know that TheNumberOfTheDragon is due to retire at level 36 due to base VP.
I am indeeed happy, that Is quite dandy, I would like the option to not automatiacally deposit, Cast posted the same thing in the NG evolution thread, I'm In two minds, I'm tempted to stop deposisitng if I find a level I really like, but I want to continue B/P'ing At snails pace, admittedly) I think I'll continue to deposit. Supreme commander sure is appealing.

I actually like cast's idea to have the option to not automatically deposit. I know many people want to stop at a certain level but if they want to vote on flashes in the portal, they can't do much without depositing.

At 9/4/10 05:08 PM, DireWolf wrote:
At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: I've been here since late 2004 and still kicking ass. :)
Bahamut! I remember you! I originally started posting in this thread back when it was in the double digits. Looking through some of my old posts, I was such a noob!

I had to look back at your posts to see if I could remember who you are. Your name is vaguely familiar but I do remember some of the posts you made in the LUL back in 2005.

At 9/4/10 05:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/3/10 10:01 AM, Bahamut wrote: *points and laughs*
You should laugh about Manowar, not me.

No, I laugh at you!

I think it's self-explanatory.
If it was, I wouldn't have to ask.

Then you don't know how to be a real man. :P

Can't you request them to make monitors?
I did, but they didn't reply yet.

Here's hoping they make the monitor for you. They might not be experts, though.

At 9/5/10 03:10 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: Hell fucking yes! Well done TPM! :D
Thanks mr. Bahamut. I can't wait until February but, oh well.

I see that as something to really look forward to in 2011. Next year shall be a great year for you. :)

If real life does take a lot of your time, don't worry about it. Studying is much more important and we're 100% behind you all the way for you to reach your dreams.
Indeed it is more important but I also don't want to leave this place at all. I may be gone for 1 day or 2 sometimes, but at least I'm still gonna post in the LUL, deposit my Exp and if Tom gives me the opportunity after the redesign, icon modding :P

We'll see what happens. I do like your determination to still coming here, even if you've got a lot of studying to do.

At 9/5/10 05:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: Am I the only one who's still cautious about the fate of Duke Nukem Forever?
Someone is cautiously optimistic?

Of course, you never know what will happen and the release of Duke Nukem Forever hasn't been reliable.

At 9/5/10 07:26 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: Am I the only one who's still cautious about the fate of Duke Nukem Forever?
I don't see it ever coming out, or being good if it does. Pity really.

If it does come out, even if it's not good, I'll be glad they finally released the game. As bad as Chinese Democracy was, at least the album came out eventually.

But what if I quit?
Then the band hopes of being the best ever are dashed.

And I'm the guitarist/backing vocals of the band, damn. Auz was trying to name the band after me as well.

Before I begin, any dragons? Also, this might be put on the backburner considering my icon mod duties.
Well no, but hey, there's fire bombs so you can still get the pleasure of burning stuff.

Yeah, I'll try it some other time. :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-05 10:59:14

Rev is easy like Sunday Morning; Congrats to:
Bobogoobo - Level 28
Domo - 27k Medal Points
Alfraydo - 1,000 B/P
XenonMonkey - Level 22


At 9/4/10 12:35 PM, rorypearce94 wrote: Just checked and my suspicions were correct, I did write the first review. It's a review nonetheless, despite its incredibly shoddy quality.

Did someone say incredibly shoddy review? >:)

At 9/4/10 01:58 PM, Bobogoobo wrote: I guess a lot of people just don't care? :P

Yeah basically. Little over 2 years of depositing to reach Level 28, most people don't have that dedication.

At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: It makes me wonder why ScrewAttack didn't give him a mention on their Top 10 Douchebags in video games... Oh wait, I should have remembered. It's because they fucking blow.

ScrewAttack? Never heard of them. Though after my post I'm going to search for them and that list. I'm a little curious of whom they picked.

At 9/4/10 05:08 PM, DireWolf wrote: Man, these forums rocked back in the day. I remember posting here almost everyday. We had a nice tight-knit community.

Back in the day I never really posted in the LUL. I think I did only once on page 379. I really just hung out around the B/P list and answering question whenever I could before I went on hiatus for several years. And yes, there have been plenty of great users that have moved on: D0GMA, ShittyKitty, RedCircle, Newgrundling, and gfoxcook (I guess he moved on now) to name a few that made this place a wonderful hangout.

At 9/5/10 03:10 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: Yeah, pretty dumb. But at least she confirmed me that there's enough space for me. As I already said to Bahamut, I can't wait for February. I'm thinking in getting a temporary job for now until February gets here, because I don't want to feel useless and like a parasite to my parents :P
I just like being productive.

So is your tuition paid for or are you having to take out student loans when you do start classes? A little money saved up from your job couldn't hurt since you will need books and such.

lol, a troller ended being an awesome life saver in real life.
I also felt good reading the thread because I found a post of mine of 2 years ago, saying that I want to study that career in the future. Time flies away so fast, and now that wish came true to me.
I dropped a tear by reading that :')

Nice little bit of foreshadowing. :)

At 9/5/10 05:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, I'd say it was a case that they hit him, enabling him to start stealing. From my point of view, if I were behind in a game,. I'd still play hard, as it only takes one run to spark a rally - you should never give up trying.

Yes, I agree that is a stupid unwritten rule, just like that one where a player can't walk across the pitcher mound that A-Rod got in trouble with back in April.

Let's just focus on 2010 and perhaps 2011, when Cliff Lee will become the Yanks second starter, taking a bit of pressure off Burnett.

So you don't think he is staying in Texas? Interesting

P.S. the Cards suck. :/

At 9/5/10 08:37 AM, Bahamut wrote: I start my new job tomorrow. :)


Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-05 11:18:27

6,666 Posts!

Not such a big deal, but nice nonetheless. I'll post some replies later.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-05 12:17:50

I'm not gonna have an achievement in a while. Life is busy and getting busier so I'm drifting back into one of my "not quite inactive but not doing much other than modding" stages.

I'll still try and check in on you homies as much as possible, but now that you've got so much mod meat in the LUL, I doubt that anybody will be all that bothered with stupid lame old me.

At 9/5/10 11:18 AM, Auz wrote: 6,666 Posts!

Nice number, congrats. Have you found that since you became a forum mod your posting rate has shifted a bit? All the lock messages and that ;P

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-05 15:37:52

I just reached Sgt. Major. :D

Find me on Facebook!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-05 15:46:17

At 9/4/10 04:16 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 9/3/10 10:51 AM, Auz wrote: It is now, but I'm talking 17th-18th century.

Everybody who had money tried to speak French so that they looked cool... or something.
Ah, yes. The French empire. Again, excuse my ignorance :P
Yes, French was the most spoken language at that time. I thought for a moment you meant the past century, lol.

I think it has been English ever since the American civil war ended? I don't know, I'm not that familiar with the 19th century American history.

Heh I hear some Spanish every now and again but it doesn't sound much like French at all indeed.
I remember every single classmate of my French class had the same thought. I respect all the people that speak French perfectly, but if that one isn't the native one.

Heh, I don't think many people speak perfect French here because hardly anyone can be arsed to learn it. I know plenty of people who go and study Dutch, English, Spanish or Italian, but nobody who does French even though France is our #1 holiday destination.

For English speaking people it might be a more attractive language to learn but I don't think it's that popular around here. Could be because the way it is given in high school is very lame.

Anybody who doesn't speak ANY English these days, is like being an illiterate, in my opinion. If you want to graduate from any career in any university in Mexico, you have to speak at least an 80% of English. So, if you plan to study a career here, even if you won't need that language for it, you have to speak English. If you suck at it, say bye bye to your degree. No matter if you're an excellent doctor, teacher, lawyer or whatever.

Well I think I have to agree there. I wouldn't expect a plumber to speak English, but anyone who studies at a university should be able to speak English rather well. At my studies you can't even finish it if you don't speak English because from the second year onwards it's English only.

But yeah, in almost any university studies you'll probably have to deal with a lot of people coming from abroad and you're simply handicapped if you can not communicate with them. I say learning English is a must for university degrees.

At 9/4/10 06:51 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/3/10 10:51 AM, Auz wrote: Dr Cox or John McGinley?

The actor is pretty famous I think. He's been in plenty of well known movies like Platoon, Office Space, Highlander 2, Se7en. Once you've seen him in Scrubs, you can never imagine him as anything else than Dr Cox though :p
He was in Se7en? I'll have to did that out again and watch it. All I remember from that is Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman.

Well those were of course the main characters. I can't remember what John McKinley did. He might have played a very minor role in the movie. I don't think he has ever really played a big role anyway, except for in some smaller movies perhaps.

At 8/21/10 06:45 AM, Coop83 wrote: At 8/20/10 05:13 PM, Auz wrote:
Man... you guys really know the entire Simpsons and Futurama series back to forth don't you? 0.0
Not really, but if people pick episodes that I like, I will remember quotes from it.

Well even from the series I like I can hardly remember any quotes and I often mix them up when I quote them.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-05 15:50:34

At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/3/10 10:01 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Too bad I can't watch BBC3 here.
I'll happily donate BBC3 to your country.

Lol, fine with me. Hilversum is that way :p

Hmm if you mean the direction of aiming for mature audiences while not trying to attract the younger kids then yeah.
Yeah, that's one thing, even though I never brought it up in my gaming rants.

I always thought this was an interesting video. I think the guy has a very good point.

If you mean coming up with tons of expensive, unnecessary gadgets and silly stuff then... yeah.
That as well but I was referring to what I've said on my rants. :)

Didn't you also talk about that once? Something with Wii shovelware games...?

Oh so... the cover is actually being sold as a single? Jeez. Talk about laziness. I guess that's what you get with artists who are only in the business for the money.
It shows how little faith you can put in The X Factor. When I think of the name The X Factor, I only want to think of the Iron Maiden album of the same name,

Lol :p

I assume that album was made long ago and wasn't a parody or critique on X Factor like programs?

And yeah I thought that was funny :p Wasn't it the ... I can't remember what the song is called but it goes like: "FUCK YOU I WON'T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!!!". It was also in GTA San Andreas.
That's the one!

Lol yeah. But it wasn't like that single was rereleased during Christmas right? Wasn't it some kind of joke people on the internet pulled? I did put a smile on my face when I heard that song became #1.

Kids are silly. Especially British kids.

The British thing adds to the silliness kids already have.

Do you think any other country could've come up with The Beatles and Monty Python?

Wasn't that like... two months ago? =/
That was still Summer.

Hmm I think I've said that at the end of June when I slacked from learning exams to go outside and enjoy the sun.

I see. I'll give it another go someday though, or otherwise I'll try to find that second Metroid game. I need to give it a second try after hearing so much good stuff about the series.
Wait, the second Metroid game? That sounds like Metroid II which wasn't that good either. It was very monotonous. The franchise wasn't awesome until Super Metroid.

Oh uh... I don't know all that much about the series before Metroid Prime. I thought it was awesome ever since the first one. Anyway, in that case I'll try Super Metroid sometime.

Yeah, you'll often find a point in a videogame which is tough, but you'll always get through it eventually. Some people tend to give up quickly when they got bored of trying.
And they're the gamers who aren't determined enough. However, I will cut them some slack if the game is ultra hard like Battletoads.

I heard that game was indeed very hard. With other games you can usually beat them if you just keep on trying. And I find that nowadays I have a lot less trouble beating games than back when I was 10-14. I was a much more hardcore gamer back then, but nowadays I'm rarely ever stuck or anything when I try a new game.

I wouldn't expect someone who's very much into metal to also like The Beatles since it's like the opposite within the rock genre.
What's wrong with a huge metal fan trying out other music? Infact, ask the guys at the Metal Hell what genres of music besides metal they like. You'll be surprised at the answers.

Nothing wrong with it. It's just that I would never expect a metal fan to also like pop rock music, even though pop music was still very good in The Beatles era.

From the metal fans I know, the majority of them also likes general, classic and psychedelic rock which is pretty logical I guess cause the genres are basically all on the same branch. I don't know what guys in Metal Hell like, but I WOULD BE surprised if it was rap, dance or modern pop music.

But the drummer did say in 2009 that a Pink Floyd Rock Band might happen someday, because it's difficult to sell records these days and bands have to look for new ways to sell their music.
Yeah, times are changing and you have to adapt to the modern age, although a band like Pink Floyd is timeless and shouldn't need to do anything these days to maintain their popularity.

Indeed. I don't think Pink Floyd really needs to adapt anymore at this point. Their music is still very popular and I'm sure they've got plenty of money for themselves. A RB Pink Floyd would be nice for the fans, but not necessary for themselves.

Lol, glad I'm not living where you live.

I suppose you often turn up your heavy metal as well to annoy him back right? :p
Actually, I don't like adding fuel to the fire.

Not the best idea perhaps, but I'd hate to listen to his crappy music all the time.

At 9/4/10 05:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/3/10 10:51 AM, Auz wrote: I believe Band of Brothers is considered the best miniseries ever made. I did a marathon with some friends once and it was awesome. I can definitely recommend it.
I guess I should watch it in the original version then. Dubbing kinda kills the atmosphere, if any german guys are involved in the original plot. >_>

Well I always try to find original versions of anything, because dubbing always makes things look silly and feel like it's not the way it was intended to be. I can imagine it would seem extra silly if the German people in the movie are dubbed as well.

I can't remember much about Saving Private Ryan anymore. Last time I watched it was last year or so. But I guess you are right, people would probably find it wrong if the German soldiers were portrayed as good people or something.
I watched the beginning of it some weeks ago and I remembered a song (it's in german, so no point in linking to it, I guess) where the singer says something like: "I'm happy because I could live my live without being a soldier and to celebrate this I'm watching the beginning of Saving Privat Ryan."

Heh, the beginning is the very violent scene where the Americans are being slaughtered by German machine guns on the beach right? I'd be glad I never had to go through that as well :p

It would be interesting for a movie though, to look through the perspective of a German soldier for once and see that they are not much different from the American soldiers when it comes down to it. I don't know if that's ever been done before.
There is Die Brücke, I think that comes pretty close. It shows that the german soldiers aren't any different than all the other guys.

Interesting plot. I like how it's a real story that was considered so unimportant that it was never in any war records, while actually many people died in vain there because of a silly mistake.


Come on, you can smell from a mile away that Hans Landa is a mean bastard underneath that charm. Probably the worst one of them all.
Of course he is a mean bastard, but he is a polite mean bastard. :P
Also I'm just referring to the way he speaks (should've made that clear before). There's nothing agressive about the way he talks. The true meaning of his words, well they are a whole different story, but the just from way he speaks you can not say he's agressive.

That is true, but not many German people are that charming and good with having conversations with people.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-05 17:25:40

At 9/5/10 08:37 AM, Bahamut wrote: I start my new job tomorrow. :)

Great! :)

At 9/4/10 05:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/3/10 10:01 AM, Bahamut wrote: *points and laughs*
You should laugh about Manowar, not me.
No, I laugh at you!

You shouldn't, though.

I think it's self-explanatory.
If it was, I wouldn't have to ask.
Then you don't know how to be a real man. :P

I guess that is pretty obvious.
But I take it that you don't know either. Or else you would've just answered my question. :P

Can't you request them to make monitors?
I did, but they didn't reply yet.
Here's hoping they make the monitor for you. They might not be experts, though.

Maybe they can just sell their knowledge of creating exploding proof devices to a company that produces monitors.

At 9/5/10 03:50 PM, Auz wrote:
At 9/4/10 05:55 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/3/10 10:51 AM, Auz wrote: I believe Band of Brothers is considered the best miniseries ever made. I did a marathon with some friends once and it was awesome. I can definitely recommend it.
I guess I should watch it in the original version then. Dubbing kinda kills the atmosphere, if any german guys are involved in the original plot. >_>
Well I always try to find original versions of anything, because dubbing always makes things look silly and feel like it's not the way it was intended to be. I can imagine it would seem extra silly if the German people in the movie are dubbed as well.

If I remember correctly that german soldier in Saving Private Ryan wasn't dubbed because he already spoke german. But it kills the atmosphere, because a guy that translates german into german to other people that where speaking german just a minute ago... it's just silly and one of the major disadvantages of dubbing movies.

I can't remember much about Saving Private Ryan anymore. Last time I watched it was last year or so. But I guess you are right, people would probably find it wrong if the German soldiers were portrayed as good people or something.
I watched the beginning of it some weeks ago and I remembered a song (it's in german, so no point in linking to it, I guess) where the singer says something like: "I'm happy because I could live my live without being a soldier and to celebrate this I'm watching the beginning of Saving Privat Ryan."
Heh, the beginning is the very violent scene where the Americans are being slaughtered by German machine guns on the beach right? I'd be glad I never had to go through that as well :p

Yep, that's the beginning. And yeah, I'm glad I never get to be a soldier as well.

It would be interesting for a movie though, to look through the perspective of a German soldier for once and see that they are not much different from the American soldiers when it comes down to it. I don't know if that's ever been done before.
There is Die Brücke, I think that comes pretty close. It shows that the german soldiers aren't any different than all the other guys.
Interesting plot. I like how it's a real story that was considered so unimportant that it was never in any war records, while actually many people died in vain there because of a silly mistake.

Don't know if the story really happened this way, but the movie is very intense nevertheless especially because of that last line. If you watch this movie it's just like as if you are with those kids there at the bridge and I know many people who had tears in their eyes at the end of the movie. And then? "This whole incident was too unimportant and never got mentioned in any official report" BAM! It's like someone just hit you in the face with a hammer.

If you ever get the chance to watch this movie, you should do so. Sure, it's very outdated now, but still a very good movie.

Also interesting: Everyone who played a major role in this movie had a very succesful acting carreer. Most (if not all, too lazy to check) are still active and still very famous in germany.


Come on, you can smell from a mile away that Hans Landa is a mean bastard underneath that charm. Probably the worst one of them all.
Of course he is a mean bastard, but he is a polite mean bastard. :P
Also I'm just referring to the way he speaks (should've made that clear before). There's nothing agressive about the way he talks. The true meaning of his words, well they are a whole different story, but the just from way he speaks you can not say he's agressive.
That is true, but not many German people are that charming and good with having conversations with people.

I guess not many people are that charming, no matter where they are from. :P

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-05 17:28:04

At 10/6/02 02:56 PM, the-phantom-spancker wrote: IM A LEVEL 11 NOW

mmm level 35 now. congrats?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-05 19:07:44

Pardon my temporary lapse into n00bery, but what is "LUL"?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-05 19:15:40

At 9/5/10 07:07 PM, DireWolf wrote: Pardon my temporary lapse into n00bery, but what is "LUL"?

Stands for Level Up Lounge.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-05 19:36:39

At 9/5/10 07:15 PM, Valjylmyr wrote:
At 9/5/10 07:07 PM, DireWolf wrote: Pardon my temporary lapse into n00bery, but what is "LUL"?
Stands for Level Up Lounge.

Oh, well that would make sense. I feel dumb now. Thanks!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-05 23:28:16

2,222 saves

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 00:06:33

At 9/5/10 11:28 PM, Domo wrote: 2,222 saves

Thanks for voting,Domo! Your experience has been automatically deposited!

With that vote, you now have 2,845 experience points. You need -5 more to get to Level 17. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 8 seconds.

The more experience points you have, combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!
Level 17 get!!!!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 01:52:37

400 audio reviews

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 03:37:35

Congrats to:

ixfd64 - Sergeant Mayor
Domo - 2,222 Saves & Level 17
sixflab - 400 Audio Reviews

Special congrats to:

Auz - 6,666 Posts

Auzsome! :P

Listening to:

Daft Punk - Alive 2007 (Full Album)


At 9/5/10 08:37 AM, Bahamut wrote: I start my new job tomorrow. :)

Sweet! I hope you have a nice first day :)

I see that as something to really look forward to in 2011. Next year shall be a great year for you. :)

I bet 2011 will be a great year. I'll finally start my career and Newgrounds will have another redesign.

We'll see what happens. I do like your determination to still coming here, even if you've got a lot of studying to do.

I'll put my head in the books everytime because I want to be a successful doctor and not another shitty one. There are already a lot of bad doctors in my country. I'm even thinking in leaving this country after I finish my career, but I'm still not so sure about it.

But, again with my determination of still coming here, even if I'm gonna have to spend a lot of my time studying, I just want to get some distractions for a while. It's just the same with my icon modship, I've been taking a break from having a daily rate of 40-60, I made just 5-15 some days in this week, but I haven't stopped at all. I'm going to start doing again my normal rate tomorrow, though :P

At 9/5/10 10:59 AM, reverend wrote: So is your tuition paid for or are you having to take out student loans when you do start classes? A little money saved up from your job couldn't hurt since you will need books and such.

My parents made a bank account dedicated specially for that, years ago. But because of some economical problems they had back at that time, they just took out all of the money and had to close that student account. But fortunately, medium class people can actually afford a career at public universities here. 1 semester of medicine costs around $300 Dollars. My dad earns quite more than that each pay day, and even there would be some change for some books. I start my career in 5 months so it's just about to save up some money :)
I have some bucks in a small bank account that I could use to buy another part of the books.

At 9/5/10 12:59 PM, deckheadtottie wrote: Posting for a mod combo.

I would completely love to see a whole page full with golden auras. I would sacrifice 1 day of congratulating users just to see it :P
But it's just a pretty dumb fantasy, so ignore me XD I just wanted to express it.

At 9/5/10 03:46 PM, Auz wrote: I think it has been English ever since the American civil war ended? I don't know, I'm not that familiar with the 19th century American history.

I think it was because the French empire lost after the defeat of Napoleon. That made England the most powerful kingdom in Europe, and the US becoming the most powerful nation after World War II, was the final step :P

Heh, I don't think many people speak perfect French here because hardly anyone can be arsed to learn it. I know plenty of people who go and study Dutch, English, Spanish or Italian, but nobody who does French even though France is our #1 holiday destination.

English became obligatory in most elementary schools here, specially in cities that are next to the north border. It's nice to see that in your country, a lot of people decide to learn another language because they actually want. Most people here think that just knowing English will solve their lives and/or because they took a class of that when they were in school.

Heh, I thought French could be my 3rd language when I got the notice that I was going to take French classes in High School. But I was wrong. If I have the opportunity, I may learn some Portuguese or perhaps a bit of German. And yeah, I'm already aware that German is kinda difficult and maybe even harder than French.

But yeah, in almost any university studies you'll probably have to deal with a lot of people coming from abroad and you're simply handicapped if you can not communicate with them. I say learning English is a must for university degrees.

I have to agree with that. English is the most spoken language (besides Chinese) in the world, as a native language plus as a 2nd one. Not to mention it is also very helpful and useful in the career that I plan to study. There are some classes that doctors come with a bunch of copies of an article and they tell us to read it and make an essay about it, but it's written in English. For those who already speak it will be a piece of cake. But for those who doesn't, they will have serious problems surviving at the career.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 03:41:10

Back at college now, and it looks like I will be very very busy this year, so I may follow in the footsteps of Haggard, Bahamut and Auz and keep up with the LUL without making congrats lists. Better than me leaving again I should think :P

I also rather enjoyed this :P

Congratulations to: -

Auz - 6,666 Posts
ixfd64 - Sergeant Major
Domo - 2,222 Saves and Level 17
sixflab - 400 Audio Reviews

At 9/5/10 08:37 AM, Bahamut wrote: I start my new job tomorrow. :)

Awesome, let me know how it goes for you.

At 9/5/10 07:26 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote:
At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: Am I the only one who's still cautious about the fate of Duke Nukem Forever?
I don't see it ever coming out, or being good if it does. Pity really.
If it does come out, even if it's not good, I'll be glad they finally released the game. As bad as Chinese Democracy was, at least the album came out eventually.

Even if it did suck :P

But what if I quit?
Then the band hopes of being the best ever are dashed.
And I'm the guitarist/backing vocals of the band, damn. Auz was trying to name the band after me as well.


Before I begin, any dragons? Also, this might be put on the backburner considering my icon mod duties.
Well no, but hey, there's fire bombs so you can still get the pleasure of burning stuff.
Yeah, I'll try it some other time. :P

Fair enough, however I do suggest playing the above game asap :P

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 07:01:03

First day of work and I get sent home. Why? Because the school and council poorly organised my new job. Going there on the same day as school starts isn't good timing. You can read more here.

Listening to:

Brocas Helm - Into Battle

At 9/5/10 10:12 AM, rorypearce94 wrote:
At 9/5/10 08:37 AM, Bahamut wrote: I actually like cast's idea to have the option to not automatically deposit. I know many people want to stop at a certain level but if they want to vote on flashes in the portal, they can't do much without depositing.
Yeah, their pretty much limited ot 4 a day, despite my '10 sign up, I used to have a account many years ago, I actually remember getting 5 xp a day, and not auto-depositing. Was it pre-redesign?

Actually, I think it's just 4 flashes a week.

At 9/5/10 10:59 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: It makes me wonder why ScrewAttack didn't give him a mention on their Top 10 Douchebags in video games... Oh wait, I should have remembered. It's because they fucking blow.
ScrewAttack? Never heard of them. Though after my post I'm going to search for them and that list. I'm a little curious of whom they picked.

I shouldn't have told you about them because now you'll want to know if they're bad or not. The presenter of the show is a complete and utter DOUCHEBAG!

At 9/5/10 08:37 AM, Bahamut wrote: I start my new job tomorrow. :)

It should have been but it wasn't.

At 9/5/10 03:50 PM, Auz wrote:
At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: I'll happily donate BBC3 to your country.
Lol, fine with me. Hilversum is that way :p

Alright then, I only have one more thing to ask. How do I donate BBC3 to your country?

That as well but I was referring to what I've said on my rants. :)
Didn't you also talk about that once? Something with Wii shovelware games...?

Yeah, I've talked about Wii shovelware.

It shows how little faith you can put in The X Factor. When I think of the name The X Factor, I only want to think of the Iron Maiden album of the same name,
Lol :p

I assume that album was made long ago and wasn't a parody or critique on X Factor like programs?

It was made in 1995, well before we even had Pop Idol.

That's the one!
Lol yeah. But it wasn't like that single was rereleased during Christmas right? Wasn't it some kind of joke people on the internet pulled? I did put a smile on my face when I heard that song became #1.

Actually, it got #1 due to people mass buying the song on iTunes, Amazon and such. We may have cheated but it had to be done.

Wait, the second Metroid game? That sounds like Metroid II which wasn't that good either. It was very monotonous. The franchise wasn't awesome until Super Metroid.
Oh uh... I don't know all that much about the series before Metroid Prime. I thought it was awesome ever since the first one. Anyway, in that case I'll try Super Metroid sometime.

Yep, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion and Metroid Zero Mission are all awesome.

From the metal fans I know, the majority of them also likes general, classic and psychedelic rock which is pretty logical I guess cause the genres are basically all on the same branch. I don't know what guys in Metal Hell like, but I WOULD BE surprised if it was rap, dance or modern pop music.

Those are the least favourable genres over there but the main non-metal/rock genres that pops up are electronic and ambient.

Actually, I don't like adding fuel to the fire.
Not the best idea perhaps, but I'd hate to listen to his crappy music all the time.

Luckily it's not all the time but it does happen too often.

At 9/5/10 05:25 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/5/10 08:37 AM, Bahamut wrote: No, I laugh at you!
You shouldn't, though.

But I will.

Then you don't know how to be a real man. :P
I guess that is pretty obvious.
But I take it that you don't know either. Or else you would've just answered my question. :P

Answering your question isn't necessary as it's obvious what I mean by being a real man. You should have realised it by now.

At 9/5/10 11:34 PM, Sectus wrote: I recently smashed through the 5,300 medal points margin. Yay Me! :D *claps*

Although your mileage may vary for medal milestones, 5,300 medal points isn't something any of us see as anything special. I only mention medal points milestones by every 5,000 but maybe go with every 10k later on.

At 9/6/10 03:37 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
At 9/5/10 08:37 AM, Bahamut wrote: I see that as something to really look forward to in 2011. Next year shall be a great year for you. :)
I bet 2011 will be a great year. I'll finally start my career and Newgrounds will have another redesign.

Hey, we MIGHT get the redesign later on this year. However, 2011 seems more likely.

We'll see what happens. I do like your determination to still coming here, even if you've got a lot of studying to do.
I'll put my head in the books everytime because I want to be a successful doctor and not another shitty one. There are already a lot of bad doctors in my country. I'm even thinking in leaving this country after I finish my career, but I'm still not so sure about it.

I feel there's enough terrible doctors around here that don't know what they're doing.

I've been taking a break from having a daily rate of 40-60, I made just 5-15 some days in this week, but I haven't stopped at all. I'm going to start doing again my normal rate tomorrow, though :P

As for me, I'll be going through yet more Star Syndicate flashes. I should have them done by the end of this week but it depends on what happens with my job.

At 9/6/10 03:41 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: I may follow in the footsteps of Haggard, Bahamut and Auz and keep up with the LUL without making congrats lists.

Better that than not posting here entirely.

I also rather enjoyed this :P
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/54 7307

Oh hi flash game.

At 9/5/10 08:37 AM, Bahamut wrote: I start my new job tomorrow. :)
Awesome, let me know how it goes for you.

First of all, it's Auzome, not awesome. Second, *points at news post*

If it does come out, even if it's not good, I'll be glad they finally released the game. As bad as Chinese Democracy was, at least the album came out eventually.
Even if it did suck :P

Yes, even if it did suck. At least it finally came out and put it to an end.

And I'm the guitarist/backing vocals of the band, damn. Auz was trying to name the band after me as well.

Last night, Bahamut quit the band.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 08:20:44

Trophy Cabinet bulging, Coop congratulates:
Auz: 6,666 Posts
ixfd64: Sergeant Major
Domo: 2,222 Saves; Level 17
sixflab: 400 Reviews (Audio)

At 9/5/10 08:37 AM, Bahamut wrote: I start my new job tomorrow. :)

Good luck!

At 9/5/10 05:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/4/10 03:27 PM, Bahamut wrote: Am I the only one who's still cautious about the fate of Duke Nukem Forever?
Someone is cautiously optimistic?
Of course, you never know what will happen and the release of Duke Nukem Forever hasn't been reliable.

And of course, it's going to boggle your mind so much when it does come out, as opposed to being some generic brown FPS :P

At 9/5/10 10:12 AM, rorypearce94 wrote:
At 9/5/10 05:25 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/4/10 12:35 PM, rorypearce94 wrote: Just checked and my suspicions were correct, I did write the first review. It's a review nonetheless, despite its incredibly shoddy quality.
I can remove it if you want :P
Well that is not very nice, I didn;t actually know that you were a review mod, or would you just get a review mod to do your dirty work for you?

I am a Review Mod and have been for a while. I'd do my dirty work myself.

At 9/5/10 10:59 AM, reverend wrote:
At 9/5/10 05:25 AM, Coop83 wrote: Well, I'd say it was a case that they hit him, enabling him to start stealing. From my point of view, if I were behind in a game,. I'd still play hard, as it only takes one run to spark a rally - you should never give up trying.
Yes, I agree that is a stupid unwritten rule, just like that one where a player can't walk across the pitcher mound that A-Rod got in trouble with back in April.

I never gave up yesterday - in the face of incredible adversity, I held up my end (we're talking cricket here, so get your mind out of the gutter), as Byker Groves guided us home to win the league.

Let's just focus on 2010 and perhaps 2011, when Cliff Lee will become the Yanks second starter, taking a bit of pressure off Burnett.
So you don't think he is staying in Texas? Interesting

I don't think he will, not with the money that New York can and will throw at him. Plus pitching with CC is what he wants.

P.S. the Cards suck. :/

Not as much as the Padres.

At 9/5/10 03:46 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/21/10 06:45 AM, Coop83 wrote: At 8/20/10 05:13 PM, Auz wrote:
Man... you guys really know the entire Simpsons and Futurama series back to forth don't you? 0.0
Not really, but if people pick episodes that I like, I will remember quotes from it.
Well even from the series I like I can hardly remember any quotes and I often mix them up when I quote them.

It's a skill - I watch enough of these things to get good at it ;)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 10:11:27

You passed 25000 Saves. Way to go!

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 10:13:01

Sorry for the double post, but I just noticed I reached 2,000 posts!

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 11:00:11

Labor Day; congrats to:
Auz - 6,666 Posts
EclecticEnnui - 9,000 Posts - That meme is over used and pointless.
ixfd64 - Sergent Major
Domo - Level 17
sixflab - 400 Audio Reviews
Hacsev - 2,000 Posts and 25k Saves


At 9/5/10 12:17 PM, NEVR wrote: I'll still try and check in on you homies as much as possible, but now that you've got so much mod meat in the LUL, I doubt that anybody will be all that bothered with stupid lame old me.

Did anybody else get turned on when NEVR said 'mod meat'?
But seriously, drop by from time to time .. at the very least weekly.

At 9/6/10 03:37 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote: My parents made a bank account dedicated specially for that, years ago. But because of some economical problems they had back at that time, they just took out all of the money and had to close that student account. . . . I have some bucks in a small bank account that I could use to buy another part of the books.

I wasn't sure how much tuition cost down there or if it was an issue. A semester at my alma mater was about $4,000. :P

I would completely love to see a whole page full with golden auras. I would sacrifice 1 day of congratulating users just to see it :P
But it's just a pretty dumb fantasy, so ignore me XD I just wanted to express it.

It get's old fast though I think there is a greasemonkey script that does that.

At 9/6/10 03:41 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: I also rather enjoyed this :P

Yeah I loved it. 'You're Tearing Me Apart, Rohan!!'

At 9/6/10 07:01 AM, Bahamut wrote: I shouldn't have told you about them because now you'll want to know if they're bad or not. The presenter of the show is a complete and utter DOUCHEBAG!

I watched that specific list and I have to agree with you. I think there are others that could have gone on their list other than that guy who opposes video games, Superman, and Michael Jackson. :P

At 9/6/10 08:20 AM, Coop83 wrote: I never gave up yesterday - in the face of incredible adversity, I held up my end (we're talking cricket here, so get your mind out of the gutter), as Byker Groves guided us home to win the league.

You're the guy that has bulging and talking about holding up your end in your post. It's not my mind that is dirty. :P
But yes, quitters never win.

I don't think he will, not with the money that New York can and will throw at him. Plus pitching with CC is what he wants.

Bankees will strike again. :P

Not as much as the Padres.

Yeah, as soon as I posted that I thought of the Padres. Biggest implosion since the '07 Mets.

Rev 22:20 || Wi/Ht? # 46 || Why was my review deleted? || Without her, we are lifeless satellites drifting.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 11:51:46

Just hit level 18!!!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 14:41:57

500 blams. It's about damn time.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 15:08:35

A HURRAY FOR ME! i,m level 4!!!! the best 1 of earth!!! xDDDD neh.. i,m just new here on newgrounds like a week of 4 or something like that but i like newgrounds :D

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 15:26:55

Ha, I leveled up

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 15:34:01

At 9/6/10 07:01 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/5/10 05:25 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 9/5/10 08:37 AM, Bahamut wrote: No, I laugh at you!
You shouldn't, though.
But I will.

That's mean.

Then you don't know how to be a real man. :P
I guess that is pretty obvious.
But I take it that you don't know either. Or else you would've just answered my question. :P
Answering your question isn't necessary as it's obvious what I mean by being a real man. You should have realised it by now.

Listening to Manowar and wearing underwear made out of fur doesn't make you manly. Only it only makes you look gay.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 15:37:18

Note to self: Check your stats before posting in the LUL!

Because today I recieved two more responses to my flash reviews, which means I now have:
500 Flash Review Responses!

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 15:56:37

1,000 post

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2010-09-06 18:03:47


Your experience gave you a voting power of 9.43 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 55% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 14.61 votes!