At 8/31/10 08:31 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 8/30/10 04:47 PM, Auz wrote:
Indeed. And that's why I seldom watch TV anymore these days.
I think that applies to all of us.
Indeed. I think not many people of our age still watch TV and if they do they usually go to the internet. At least, the people I know are like that.
Comedy Central is the only thing I turn on sometimes, for shows like Futurama, Family Guy and South Park. I don't always pay attention though.
I do have Comedy Central here but they're so slow to get new Futurama. I don't like Family Guy and I never really paid attention to South Park. I should but I'm so far behind.
Heh, I noticed in London that there was a lot of Family Guy on BBC 3 in the evenings. I thought that was nice.
I know Comedy Central is slow. Recently they started with broadcasting Futurama and right now they might be in season 2... I haven't really followed it.
South Park is... well I thought it was fun for a long time, but recently I haven't been too interested in it anymore. I think it mostly appeals to 15-18 year olds. I still think it's a clever show though.
I don't count on it.
Haha, who would? Just shows how little faith we have in humanity. :D
Well I still have faith in humanity but not so much in the entertainment industry.
What kind of song? :p
DAMN DUDE!!!!!!!!!
Why would anyone want to cover a Miley Cyrus song?
I'm jealous 0.0
LOL, you are jellyous.
Lol :p That sounds like one of those things kids always say.
That reminds me I've only had one real BBQ this summer. I call 2010 the year with the worst summer ever.
Wait what? I thought you had plenty of sunny days.
No way man. Today was the only day I've seen the sun this month and it was only for a few hours. Several streets in cities were flooded due to rain. Late June / early July was the only time we had decent weather. Also I heard this was the second worst summer since 1906.
Yeah I can imagine RTS work better on the PC. FPS games work good as well I guess, but I have no problems with playing them on consoles either.
They can be alright on the consolses but they're more ideal on PC. Well, something like Metroid Prime is better on console, of course.
Yeah I don't see how that would work on a PC.
I guess the mouse just works well as an aiming device and that's why it's more ideal.
I only played one of them for ... 10 minutes maybe. Can't even remember which one it was. I think I actually didn't like the 2D all that much, but I should give them another chance someday.
I wouldn't be surprised if you played the original Metroid. That can be a real turn off.
I played a remake on the GBA of something. Could be that it was the original Metroid. I think I had some difficulties with the aiming in the game and that also turned me off.
I agree. I think they were the best boss battles I've ever experienced. Some of them were a great challenge, like the Boost Guardian, and the final bosses of the temples were totally epic.
Haha, Boost Guardian was the hardest out of the lot. I remember everyone complaining about the difficulty of Boost Guardian but I've managed to beat that mofo on hard mode.
Lol, yeah I beat it on Hard Mode as well, but the Boost Guardian is a total bitch. Mainly for being out in the dark atmosphere with no light crystals. Damn. I think he is the only halfway boss that took me more than five tries.
I was actually a tiny bit disappointed with the boss battles in Metroid Prime 1 (I played 2 first). I thought there would be more and I thought they would be harder. The battle with Meta Ridley was awesome though and the other bosses were still much better than the bosses in most video games I played.
Of course you'll be disappointed with the bosses in Prime 1 if you played Prime 2 first. Still, they were good experiences. I'm surprised you played Prime 2 first.
Yeah I just decided to pick Metroid Prime 2 up someday. I had no idea what to expect, cause I never played Metroid before. I just wanted to try a futuristic FPS game and ended up buying that. One of the best impulse buys I've ever done.
Last year I ordered Metroid Prime 1 because it was only 13 euros. I was very happy with it and I still gotta do a second run through it on hard mode.
Yeah the sequel had some in the beginning. Unlike MP1, MP2 actually had a friendly character in the game and with that came some dialogue although it was nothing much. I wish that Luminoth would've been more present in the game, but he was only there to teach you some things.
There's plenty of dialogue in Metroid Prime 3. However, I feel there should be little to no dialogue in Metroid games.
I agree. I was actually a little turned off when I saw that. The total solitude and silence is simply part of the Metroid series in my opinion.
Lol. Personally I'd go for The Beatles but I might've bought AC/DC as well. Then, if I still had some money left, I might take a look at Maiden (if it existed).
I was thinking of getting The Beatles Rock Band. Not sure why I haven't picked it up besides the fact that I need money and space for the peripherals. The AC/DC thing is only a song pack and not an individual game.
So you like The Beatles as well? Awesome!
And oh, well I'd definitely buy AC/DC along with it then if it's not too expensive.
I'd also be waiting for a Pink Floyd Guitar Hero, but I don't think that game will ever come.
I'll be surprised if they never made a Pink Floyd game.
Yeah but since they're split up they might start bitching about the rights and such. I think that might be the only thing that's stopping a Pink Floyd game, cause surely the makers of GH games must realize that loads of people like this band and they got plenty of interesting songs to play.
Don't know the song, but heh... you don't see many girls like that.
Nope but I do like the fact that my sister likes most of the music I'm into. She was the one who suggested our baby cousin to have corpse paint at his christening.
Way different with my brother. He's more into pop music and the kind of thing you hear at dance clubs. Luckily he doesn't turn his speakers up that often.