Fro is trying to save every penny possible because he only works a few more days before going back to school; Congrats To:
BaronVonBadGuy: 10,000 Saves
Hacsev: 44,444 Total Stats
reverend: 25,000 B/P
WilhelmTheVampire: 15 Years Old
giveupyourwaffles: Level 10
Toohot100: Level 41
At 8/23/10 08:20 PM, WilhelmTheVampire wrote:
That's not bad. At all. If I knew what the numbers meant (something about reps and sets, right?) I'd probably steal some of that.
For example, on the bench press... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 means how many repetitions I'm doing. The numbers 250, 260, 270, 280, 290 is the weight I'm doing. 250 goes with the 5 reptitions, etc.. etc...
In fact, if you would like I can create a workout plan that would benefit you the most for sprinting and long distance events. It would probably only take me an hour to do and I enjoy making them. The only thing about my workouts are you usually can't walk or move during the first two weeks, but after that you get use to them. :P
I hear though that it's good to have a day of complete rest with no exercise so the muscles can grow.
Yes, that's what my ab days are for. It takes me about 20 minutes to do the 3 ab days so I use those as my days of complete rest. I also make sure that there are plenty of days in between the workouts that are the same so I'm not overworking the same muscles.
At 8/24/10 05:17 AM, ThePigeonMaster wrote:
Looks like September will be a great month for me and for you. I'm glad you told me about your birthday now, so I may give you a surprise just like the one I gave to Bahamut ;)
Hm, that'll be sweet. I'll be the big bad double two's. :P
At 8/24/10 08:55 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Awesome line. I must remember that if ever I work in retail again.
You hardly ever get a chance to sound like a badass when you're working retail so you have to take advantage of every situation. :P
At 8/23/10 11:06 AM, reverend wrote:
Interesting. How often is it that people are trying to gyp you on change? Are you usually on par in your drawer at the end of the day?
I personally only count the drawers to 150 dollars and put the rest into the money bags. The corporation takes care of whether the registers are shorted or not. They don't actually tell us if they are.
Yesterday someone tried to put a clearance tag (a May clearance tag by the way) on an item that cost close to fifty dollars. Just because they found two other items that were 2.99 each they were trying to get away with getting the third for cheaper.
Someone also came in with a bag full of clothes. (wasn't our bag) They didn't have a receipt and didn't have the card that they used to pay for them with. So they wanted to exchange for the same exact things... There is a way for us to do it without a receipt so I allowed them to go grab what they wanted from the store and come back. They grabbed the same exact clothes, same exact sizes, same exact prices, etc... I asked what was wrong with the original things, but they got nervous and left. I guess if you're going to try and steal at least grab different sizes...
At 8/23/10 03:59 PM, Haggard wrote:
It's exactly what I did. :P
Alright, if we start the club then you aren't allowed to give advice. :P