This wasn't much but I saw a KISS tribute band on Saturday night. Oddly enough, I hardly knew any of their songs so I gave them a try then and my thoughts? Not too keen on the music overall.
Listening to:
Iron Maiden - Virtual XI
At 8/22/10 12:29 PM, reverend wrote:
At 8/21/10 12:24 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Actually, I found out his icon record on Thursday so that would be 150 per day. ;)
100 per day is a stretch for me and 150 is just insane. After 70, I start to lose focus, but if he can do it consistently without losing his sanity, then more power to him. :)
Hey, I'm going to see if I can finish off Clock Day 2009 tonight. I've got 160 flashes to go through. It won't be easy but I'll do what I can.
Do you know what the scope of the redesign is? I've always assume that it was just more geared to the Portals (Flash, Art, Audio and Lit) and not inclusive to the BBS. Do you know if it's everything?
I know the flash portal will have a few new things but I'm unsure about the other departments. I doubt we'll have the Lit Portal when the redesign is launched.
But the shirt was only part of the human disguise.
So the skin was attached to the shirt? What?
Uhh, this is getting awkward. Still, I shouldn't have been wearing that shirt if you're seeing my dragon persona.
Actually, the hub page is a better place to find pictures
I'll check there too after I finish 123bee. A celebratory pic.
Oh man, I can't believe how quickly you went through his flashes. That was like 320 flashes of crap. At least the Star Syndicate have some quality submissions.
Tell her you want to get some Manowar bed sheets and see what she says.
At 8/22/10 03:37 PM, Auz wrote:
At 8/21/10 12:24 PM, Bahamut wrote:
That's what Victor Meldrew would say about females on Newgrounds.
From the popular show (well, maybe just in the UK) One Foot in the Grave. I'll admit, I never saw all the episodes but everyone in this country should know who Victor Meldrew is. The character is most famous for the line "I DON'T BELIEVE IT!"
She's a bit intimidated by the forum though, cause people post so many sexual/edgy/weird topics in the general forum.
Haha, that will be fun. Just tell her to avoid General forum like the plague. However, there's still the talks about sexual dragon fantasies in this thread...
Just get all the stars again to pass the time.
But I got better things to do! My to-do list is probably longer than my list of tracks in I-tunes at the moment.
You plan to do that if you come back from the dead?
So that's how you were able to play those Wii games you said you played.
Yep! It was only Mariokart, Brawl and Wii Sports though. Oh and Wii Play (which SUUUUUCKS).
I still play a bit of Mario Kart Wii and Brawl but only when I'm playing games with my friends. However, even then I get a bit tired of Brawl. I was hoping they'd have some interest in LittleBigPlanet but they lost interest due to bad levels and just played games on the Wii.
The other Wii games I've played are Metroid Prime 3 (didn't get far), Zelda: Twilight Princess (was enjoying it up until some stupid fishing quest), Guitar Hero III, Tomb Raider Underworld (fucking blows on the Wii), Mega Man 9 and Wii Fit (I'd rather forget I played this).
Last week I also played Guitar Hero for the first time.
I've not played Guitar Hero for over a year now. I might break that but I'm unsure what to do if I ever get back to these games. Not sure if forking out over £150 is worth it. Hell, I could get a fucking 360 with that money!
Yeah, like making icons and helping out for the future of Newgrounds.
Yes, or... doing things you put on your to-do list. Like jumping a burning motorcycle through a hoop made of black mamba's. Stuff like that.
Yeah, stuff like making icons and helping out for the future of Newgrounds.
She did have some interest in Slappy a while ago but I made sure she only had one true love which was me.
You mean SlapHappy? Well just as easy as she turned her back to Slappy, she can turn her back to you.
Not sure if I can trust her if she cheats on me again.
If that's even possible.
Yeah, I don't know if Coop will be as good as a frontman as Freddy Mercury was.
Hey Coop, Auz is questioning your singing talent. :P
Finally we can do something about these "artists".
Yeah it's about time somebody does something. This attention-whoring bullshit has gone on for too long.
I'm glad we're finally sorting out bullshit in the music industry. Infact, Iron Maiden's new album reached #1 on the UK charts and THAT is a huge improvement for music.
Next thing we'll need to worry about is taking down YouTube whores.
At 8/23/10 02:35 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 8/22/10 09:46 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Turns out there was a minor error on their end. My mum told me someone else was having the same problem around the same time I tried to draw money. I drew cash later on with no troubles. Ah well, I'm just glad I was able to get money in the end.
This always sucks. It sucks even more if the only ATM around doesn't work and the bank has already closed.
Yeah, that is always a bugger. When I was buying The Young Ones on DVD today, I feared my bank account was going to go haywire again. :P
Of course not, Sacred Worlds is beyond awesome. However, do you have any thoughts on The Green and Black?
I don't know it, I don't like Overkill too much.
I'm not a big fan of them either but their latest album was really good. Probably better than their classics. Give it a listen and see what you think.
Or the others aren't unlucky like you are. :P
They are unlucky because they don't get to see the awesome things I get to see.
No, they're lucky because they don't get their monitors exploding all the time.